Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

"Sure, but you shouldn't go alone Adrianna, take someone with you" he meowed, Lya nodded "If you do decide to go alone, be careful" she said and walked down the stairs.

Kyrie wondered if he should go see what Cy and the white neko were doing.
Adrianna looks at Wane. "Sorry Wane...But if I was going to take someone I wouldn't want to have to worry about them. These guys aren't the best to be talkitive that leaves you out. I'd rather leave Nii here to rest." She said and then walked out. She looked down and then looked around. "Ok...time to go see Nick." She said and then started walking down wondering if she should take someone else.
Nii pet Wane on the head, happy everything was calm now, and watched Adrianna leave. Nii assumed she would be ok, Adrianna wasn't stupid, and she would be more alert now than ever. Nii looked at Wane and smiled, "So, were you worried about us both Wane?" She was happy it was all over for now, but she couldn't help being a little flattered he would worry about her.

Cy looked at the house, then at the girl, then back to the house again, wondering what he should do. "Umm... Hi?" He said nervously, hoping someone else would come along. Eirlys sheepishly took off her hat, her ears springing up. She spoke softly, barely loud enough for Cy to hear, "Hello.... I didn't mean to... intrude... I'm sorry." She looked at the ground as Cy sighed loudly. He was still not sure what to do, but the girl seemed nice enough.
Adrianna walked out and then looked at Cy. "Hey Cy...I got head off need some information." She said and then looked at the neko girl he was talking to. She walked over and then crossed her arms. She looked the neko over but decided she was to short be the the neko she saw eariler with Vince. "Hello...sorry to leave in such a hurry but I got to go meet with some people." She said and then rushed off.
Finn made his way through the streets as his bloodied feet continued to bother him. The stinging was beyond bearable but he decided not to make much of a big deal about it. Besides, he had himself a HONEY BUN! Those were always his favorite. No matter what mood he was in, he was either up for a soda or honey bun. The tightened cloth around his arm was beginning to soak with blood even more after his last attack but it would stop soon. Hopefully. The area he circumnavigated was full of those dreaded humans but the route he decided to take was much more preserved and isolated. Alley cats hiding in corners, the only sound emerging from the streets being those of the small sparrows that flew through the air, and abandoned runned-down buildings on every block. Looking down once again, it seemed like his feet were leaving small blood tracks. He wasn't worried a bit, he always seemed to get away on time anyways.
Adrianna was on her way to meet with an old friend. However, she stopped seeing a trail of....blood? She looked down putting her fingers on it. "Yep...blood." She sniffed it and then caught the scent. She sighed. "This is going to mess up my time big time." She said and then rushed to find the source. She jumped into a tree quickly swinging and jumping gracfully to the top. She looked down to see Finn.

Adrianna looked a bit worried for this neko. She shook it off and then jumped down. "You're going to knock yourself out if you keep losing this much blood." She said and then crossed her arms. She twitched her tail unsure of this neko. (My picture is Adrianna's appearence)
"Well hello there, kitty." Finn called to Adrianna as he took the last bite of his honey bun before tossing over the wrapper. Another neko, he hadn't seen one in a while. He's been so used to seeing humans roaming the outsides that he's never actually imagined other nekos around other than himself. Looking over at the cut on his arm and the small blood tracks on the floor, Finn shrugged. "I'd love to fix and patch up these cuts, but I'm afraid it's pretty hard to go around stealing bandages and first aid kits with a bloody cut without being caught." He replied, crossing his arms just like Adrianna had done, but let out a wince at the burning sensation on his arm. "Besides, I barely feel it." Finn let out a soft chuckle.
Adrianna raises an eyebrow. "May be able to help you..." She said and then reached into the bag around her waist. She pulled out an old bangage. "Better work on your skills there then." She said and then threw them over to him. "Sorry if their old....but I haven't needed them." She said and then rubbed her shoulder a bit. It was still sore since Nii's healing.
"Oh, my skills are's just that they have new security set up around these urbans now a days." Finn replies as he catches the bandage after she's thrown it to him. Old or new, it'll work for now so he wasn't really complaining. Finn took the tip of one of the peeking folds of the cloth around his arm and stretches it out until it unfolds. He lets the cloth drop to the floor before unwrapping the roll of bandaid, using his right arm and armpit to level and position it. Tightly wrapping it around the cut, he nodded a thanks to Adrianna, noticing that she keeps on rubbing her shoulder. Must've been some sort of run-in. "Thanks for the bandage. I guess you should get going? And try not to stretch out your arm for a bit, a rusty shoulder can get a bit irritating." Finn grinned before walking ahead.
Adrianna looks at Finn. "Welcome. Hey I don't normaly I don't do this...but I do have a small group of neko's back in this old house. I'm sure Wane could give you all the information....but let's just say we need some help. We're probably going to plan another raid." She said and then start walking crossing her arms. She looked as a someone hid behind a building. "Not meaning to spoil your day but I do think someone is following us." She said and then hissed hoping it wasn't Vince or one of his allies.
Finn nods at the girl, think she'd be on her way but apparently he was wrong by the sound of her footsteps catching up with him. Geez, I get that you wanna be nice and keep a conversation going, but I'm sorta not in the mood right now. Finn though to himself as he let out a sigh and suddenly perked up at the sound of more nekos cooped up in some house. The part that caught his attention the most was when Adrianna offered to let him stay with them. They needed help and he needed a place to stay; it all sorta fit in together and quite well from the sound of it. "House? Nekos? Raid? I think I like the sound of that." Finn replies just as he senses something rush by. His ear twitches a bit as he comes to a stop, looking back at Adrianna. "Yeah, I sense it too...unfamiliar scent." He says blandly.
Adrianna looks at him and then glares. "Yep...time to go..." She said and then jumped into a tree and swung up. She jumped onto a house and then stood up. "Better get moving." she said to Finn and then pushed her hair back. She looked as Vince walked out. "Darn it all." She said and then looked at Finn. "Better run." She said and then looked at Vince. "Hey Vince....did you bring back my knife?" She asked.

Vince looked up at Adrianna. He loaded his shot gun. "Sorry..." He pointed it at her. "But I don't give things back." He said and then shot at her. Adrianna jumped out of the way. Adrianna glared and then blasted light at him. "I'll take the gun instead..." she said and then jumped down. She kicked Vince down and then hissed. Vince looked at Adrianna and then shot two pistols at her. Adrianna managed to avoid them all.
Wane purred "Yeah, of course I was. I didn't want to lose Adrianna. And certainly not you" he nudged his head into her hand more as she pet him.

As Lya went outside she saw Cy and another neko "Oh. Hey, how's it going? Who are you?" she said, she realized that she forgot to put her coat on and her fluffy tail was swishing back and forth. Now that she was self conscious about it, it curled up out of sight. She blushed a bit, but decided to ignore it. "So...what brings you here?" she said. She really hoped that she wasn't the violent sort of neko. But technically all of these nekos seemed to have some violent backstory of survival so she shook the thought from her mind, she wondered what her brother would think of yet another neko. But something about last night seemed to put him on edge, must have been confusing to see nekos the ones that were hurt and bloodied and not the humans.
Nii scratched Wane behind the ear, then grinned mischievously at him. She quickly picked him up and raised him over her head, a smile on her face. "Aww so cute!" Nii said laughing.

Eirlys blushed shyly and looked down, speaking almost in a whisper, "Well... I... uh..." She wasn't good at being outgoing, rather, she was fairly withdrawn. Cy looked at Lya and breathed a silent sound of relief. "Yeah," Cy said, turning back to the girl, "What brought you here?" Cy smiled a little at the girl, waiting for her to speak. Eirlys stared at her feet and spoke again, little snowflakes falling from the sky onto her, "I just came upon this place... I'm sorry to intrude... I can leave now if you want, try to find another place to stay..." Eirlys looked up finally, blush bright against her pale skin, her almost black eyes in stark contrast.
"Nyaa!" Wane mewled as he was suddenly picked up and placed on Nii's head. But he laughed and purred as he batted at her ears with his paws. He replies to her comment. "Yeah, I know I am, but you're own to talk Miss Kawaii" he laughs and his paws press her ear.against her head as if catching something.

Lya giggles at how much this girl might have reminded her of herself. But since she had to take care of her brother she lefr most of her nervous nature behind and become more in charge. "Well, I haven't been here long but if I learned anything about these neko's they allow new ones to stay. I'm not the leader but I'm sure you're more than welcome to stay. If you want". She can't help but wag her tail excitedly.

(not own, *one)
Rekka awoke with a jolt, flicking an ear to Wane and Nii. Rekka was still in wildcat form, purring a bit. He padded up, looking straight up at Nii with Wane on her head and meowed childishly," Early morning. Flirting already~?" He snickered, leaping up onto a windowsill, grooming a paw neatly, looking up at them slightly.
Wane grinned "Not just flirting, this is the real deal. Nii just figured out how awesome I was" he said playfully and nipped at Nii's ear gently. His paws batted at the locks of her hair and he meowed excitedly. After a whole stressful day it was great to wind diwn and have some fun. Especially since he's with me. Oh, and that cat on the windowsill too, probably.

(Ugh! Not diwn, *down, and *especially when he's with NII)
Nii looked up at Wane and grinned, blushing a little from Rekka's comment, and spoke, "Much more than just idle flirting." She picked Wane up and off of her head, snuggling him close against her chest. "Kitty!" she said in a child-like voice with a smirk.

Cy nodded at the girl, "Yeah, they will probably accept you. Let's go ask them," he said, motioning for the girl to follow as he turned away from her and walked to the house, hands in his pockets. Eirlys looked on with big eyes and nodded, nervous as can be. She followed silently, blush still on her cheeks. Cy spoke in Rekka, Wane, and Nii's mind, Hey, you guys, come down. There is this new girl neko, and I wanna clear her with you.

At hearing this, Nii stood up, Wane still in her arms against her chest tightly, "A new girl?" she questioned, "Let's go meet her!"
Wane nuzzled against her and purred then he heard a voice in his head and flinched yet again. As Nii carried him down he looked up at her "Should I switch into human form when we meet her?" He knew him and Rekka were the leaders, would it be more presentable to be in human form or does all that really matter.

Lya looked as kyrie came down and leaned against the railing, nodding his head at her as a simple hello. Lya whispered to her, "My brother can be cold or even spiteful sometimes. Pay Kyrie no mind if he is like that to you.
Eirlys nodded meekly at Kyrie, then spoke, "Oh, I am sorry... I didn't tell you my name I think. I am Eirlys." She stopped, the snow still falling around her, even though she was inside. She was too nervous to bother to control it. She looked up, and coming down the stairs was Wane and Nii. Nii had just shrugged at Wane's question, and continued carrying him. Cy smiled nervously at everyone coming in at once, Eirlys looked like she was trying to make herself as small as nekoly possible. In her nervousness she shifted into a large snow leopard and curled into a tight ball.
Finn crossed his arms once again as he watched the two brawl it out. He found it funny that she was telling him to run and instead, she continued to fight the guy. In a situation like this, Finn would avoid the fight and instead, piss him off as much as he can before making a run for it. He would stay and fight but he doesn't have any weapons with him at the moment and this Vince guy seems to be well equipped. As Adrianna blasts light at Vince, Finn starts to get more interested in this nekos power. So she blasts light? Is there anything else she can do with that?

"Ahem, excuse me ma'am...but I believe we best be going?" Finn interjected with a smug grin, thumbing behind himself.
Adrianna looks back at Finn and then blasts light to blind Vince for a second. She grabs Finn's arm and bends light around them so that they were invisible. However this power tires her fast. "Hurry now before I can't cloak us anymore." She said dashing for the forest going to run back to the house. She looked back as Vince doesn't follow. As they reach the house she couldn't hold on anylonger and sets the light back to normal. She opens the door and looks as everyone had gathered downstairs. "Hi guys." She said panting still.
Finn followed shortly behind the girl as she made a run for it through the woods. When she said house, did she mean cabin? Finn wondered just what kind of Nekos these were. Had they even seen the outsides? Not that he thought of them to be neanderthals or anything. He just didn't see why they'd be hiding out in the woods. In his mind, it was the most cliche area he's ever heard of, he's surprised that the humans hadn't scouted them out yet. Adrianna runs up through the door and walks into a group full of people gathered downstairs. What was going on? Finn slowly emerged from the background and walked up the few steps to the porch, waiting to be invited in. He might be an animal, but he still has SOME manners. Peeking his head in, he gives them a wave.
Rekka perked up and meowed at the two sudden newcomers. He was still in his fluffy black wildcat form, but he was Rekka nonetheless. Rekka glanced toward Eirlys and then to Finn. It was so strange, having so many nekos come in so quickly. Even the sudden appearance knocked him from his windowsill, but he landed softly on his toes. Rekka pricked an ear forward," Ahh... hello," he said meekly. He wasn't the one to make introductions easily, so he stepped back a few steps, then looked up at Wane on Nirae's head, and sent out a frantic plea of help. He was hoping his leader would be the one to greet them. Besides, Rekka was a doer, not a sayer. Actions speak louder than words, right?

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