Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna looked at Cy. "M-my dad....The lion....bring him back." She said and then looked at Cy. She wanted to get her dad out of here. She stood up wipping her eyes. "Don't....don't mind me...just..." She stopped talking and then looked away. She looked around and then pointed to the next room. "In there..." she said still pretty shaken. She looked at the floor her ears pinned back to her head.
Cy rubbed her arms, a concerned look plastered on his face. He looked past the simple illusion he had set up, and looked at the trophies, he was horrified, but hid the expression from Adrianna. He stood and pulled her up with him, Adrianna, look at me. We will get your dad out of here on the way out. It is the least that we can do for him. With a quick glance at the room she had pointed at, Cy grasped onto Adrianna's hand and began pulling her to the room. He dropped the illusion on the trophy of her dad though, as she had asked.
Adrianna looks at her father and then looks at Cy. She looked around the weapons room. She wipped her eyes and then checked out the guns. She took her knife back but the stopped. "What's?" She read the bottom of a gold plated statue holder. "Adrianna...longest hunt. own coffin in the weapons room. Isn't he sweet." She said her words harsh and full of hate. She grabbed one of the guns and shot at the case. The bullet holes reading "Your dead" In reffence to Vince. She put the guns back and then looked at Cy. "I'll start disarming these..." She said breaking the most deadly guns first. "Ak-47 done....Shot gun....done..." She was full of anger and sadness right now.
Cy watched as Adrianna let out her anger on the guns and such, half smiling at her with concern, "I wonder if the others have come in yet. Hmm. Well, I suppose we should get as much done as possible and get out swiftly. I am uncomfortable here... it reeks of that madman." Cy looked around nervously, still letting Adrianna do her thing.
(They're raiding vince's house lol.)

Adrianna looks at Cy and then sighs deeply. "S-sorry..." She said and then touched her ears. He cuts off their ears....and only her fear for Vince has grown. She sighed deeply. Her ears flicker and her tail was down and twitching, she was very neverous and saying she was upset was a big understatment. She looked down and then felt shivers down her back. would she take it. She pushed her hair back and then took a deep breath.
Wane crawled into the window and twitched his ears as he surveyed the abode. Adrianna's piercing cries snapped his attention away and he shifted into human form automatically. He ran to the room she had indicated. His eyes widened as he surveyed the walls plastered with the heads of nekos. His tail drooped.

Adrianna whimpered at the sight of a lionhead "M-my dad....The lion....bring him back." Wane ears drooped as he watched her display of sorrow, he'd never seen Adrianna to tears like this.The revelation that the lion was her father might have shocked him if not for the whole chaos of the moment. He gulped and looked away from the repulsive trophies. It was when she picked up the gun and fired bullet holes spelling 'your dead' through what appeared to be her own coffin. He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder "I'm sorry Adrianna, we'll help you out." he purred sympathetically and was quiet for a long pause before adding "Besides, I think what we're doing here is quite shocking enough." He dropped his hand from her shoulder "One day we'll get proper payment for the death of your father. And many of the other nekos" he meant that maybe one day they could kill Vince, however small that chance was. He sighed and walked out of the room. He slumped against the wall and shut his eyes tightly, trying to block out painful memories of death.

Kyrie had climbed into the tree and opened the door to let Lya enter, since she couldn't climb like the others, one of the weaknesses of being an okami perhaps. Lya nodded at her brother, "Thank you Kyr" Kyrie nodded as they walked in. They walked into the room where the others were. Lya gasped and Kyrie tail stood up on end.

Kyrie let out a hiss. Neko's lined the walls like works of art. Surely they must have deserved it? They must have done some cruel and unusual things to be strung up on a wall like that in such a horrible manner. Kyrie switched his gaze to the floor. Whether these nekos deserved death or not was debatable, but surely none of them deserved this. Vince was a psychopath that deserved to die. He formed a sneer, he had to kill something. Cut something. Everything in the core of himself told him to destroy something. Kyrie caught his breath when his sister started tearing up, his eyes grew soft. She was always the fragile one. Unlike him, he responded by inflicting pain on himself or others. His sister was always more emotionally unstable. He hugged her, and she cried against him as he lashed his tail angrily, his virulent anger momentarily abated.
Adrianna looks out and then her eyes widen. (Her father has his whole body. lol he's not just a head.) She runs out and then shakes her head. She looks back at Wane. "get what we need and get the heck out of this place." She said trying to keep from crying more although her eyes showed the signs that she already had cried. She looks at everyone. "We better hurry...." She said rubbing her eyes.
(Oh, my bad. Holy Jegus! That's even worse D:...maybe, Idk it sound horrible either way xD )

Wane heard Adrianna's command from the other room. He wasn't sure what it was for, but he felt it was no time to question. "Got it" He raided through the house, grabbing a few more weapons. Knifes, rifles, and much more. He tried to carry some destroy others. He decided it would be easier if he looked through drawers quickly then trashed it, spraying whatever its contents held on the floor, to tick Vince off probably.

He ran into the kitchen, he had a well stocked fridge, enough to keep the all the nekos fed for the whole day, and leaving him without a weeks worth of food, that's a plus. He tried to grab as much as he could "Nii, help" He called out as he grabbed the stuff.

Lya gasped at Adrianna's sudden command, nodding. Kyrie let go of her and they ran through the house, looking for stuff to take or destroy.
Adrianna looked at her dad and then hid under him her face in her knees. She stayed there until everyone was finished to upset to get herself to move away from her father. The things Vince was doing...he need to be stopped. She petted her father's fur. She looked around at everyone . She need to get her dad out of here. She slowly got up. She rubbed her eyes trying to pull herself together.
Rekka smiled at Eirlys as he felt little cold driplets on his fur, but quickly darted his attention to the man named Vince's house. He ran forward, following the others, brushing his tail against Eirlys as a sign he wanted her to come along. Rekka had climbed into the same window that cats--except Kyrie-- had taken. Rekka let out a choke as he saw the twisted man's triphy room. It was like a madhouse and a zoo blended hastily together at the same time. He released a small mew, holding back a furious wave of emotions. That man was truly sick in the mind. Rekka then quickly gulped and shook his head, continuing on their mission and leaping towards to what seemed to be the living room. He scratched a long, ragged slice across a nice couch with his claws, still in cat form. Rekka then attacking the couch with an angry fit. In a few moments, the couch was totaled. He decided better to help themselves than to mess up his stuff. Rekka then went into the kitchen, helping rashion any leftver food.

(I was about to post that Rekka 'marked his territory' on the couch, but decided it wasn't like him xD )
Cy had completely dropped the illusion and leaned against a wall, being vigilant in his own mind for any sign of Vince. In the meantime, he did look around at the others, a frown stuck on his face and hate in his eyes. Cy wasn't one for violence, but this man would die. He stared at his hand and made an illusion of a dagger, after staring and furrowing his brow for a long time, he touched his finger to the tip of it and smiled tiredly. With enough focus, he could make his illusions physical. Cy blinked and the illusionary dagger was gone, and Cy huffed a sigh then went back to looking at the others.

Nirae had come in after Wane and was frozen staring at the various sized trophies on the wall. Nii gulped, and looked at Adrianna, cuddled up under her father's legs for a while before she had stood. She looked with a blank expression at Wane, and ignored his call for a moment, walking into the weapons room with the same dead expression. She lifted up some of the heavier guns that they couldn't take with them and snapped them with her mind. She looked at a stray dagger and lifted that, driving it into the wall and dragging it along, spelling out, "Ο χρόνος σας θα έρθει." as a warning to Vince in Greek.

After that she walked into the room with Wane and stared at him for a moment, her eyes showing no emotion. She looked at the fridge and lifted it up, not all the way off the ground, and tore it away from the wall. The fridge made a screeching sound as it scraped against the tile, but Nii still dragged it through the house to the front door. She stopped and waited for Wane.

Eirlys looked in horror at the room once she finally came in. The dead heads and bodies of the nekos looked like the best kept thing in the house. Some still had expressions of horror plastered on their faces as their last moment was probably gruesome. A sound, akin to choking, escaped her throat and she plunged herself into darkness in a corner, not wanting to see any of it. The darkness wrapped around her like a security blanket, though she could not shut out the emotions flooding to her eyes and raining down over her cheeks.

(Did I get too into that? >.>)
Adrianna looks at all of them. "Let's...get out of here." She said and then seperated her father from the stand and then put him over her shoulder. "Let's go..." She said her hair covering her eyes. She felt her father's mane against her face. She quickly got out of there with her father, some hand guns, her knife that she got back, and amo. She wanted to get as far away as possible.
(I'll just say Finn's been following you guys the whole time)

As soon as Adrianna gives the okay, Finn quickly gets back to his feet and heads towards the door ahead of her so he wouldn't block the entrance way as she carries her father on her shoulder. He didn't know a girl like that could carry more than her own weight, at least, he thought he was more than her weight. Aside from that, they needed a quick escape from that psycho's house. If he learned something from their little run-in earlier, it's that there's something seriously wrong with that guy's mentality. Finn rushed out the entrance way and looked back, waiting for the other's to follow after as Adrianna quickly caught up.
(I think Vince should show up at the last minute, but he doesn't do that much and they easily get away :P ... Also, is Nii actually pushing the fridge or using telekinesis?)

Wane was dissapointed when Nii didn't immediately come, but then again it wasn't easy to snap out of the horror that enveloped many of the nekos that walked into this chaotic madness Vince had created. He struggled to grab as much food as he could, when Nii did come he was relieved, followed by shock when she managed to take the whole fridge instead. He ran his way out of the house and followed her out.

Kyrie saw the fridge being pushed out and he raised an eybrow, following them out. He winced at the screeching sound and helped Nii by putting one hand at the bottom of the fridge and lifting it up in one hand as if it was a box, Lya saw her brother run to the aid of the others but quickly looked back at the fearful leopard girl huddled in the corner. She crouched down "Eirlys, we have to go" she whispered helping the girl up to her feet and leading her out the door.

Wane twitched an ear surveying the group to see that they were all accounted for. "Now, lets make a bolt for it, quick!" He wasn't sure if Vince would be here soon, but judging by Adrianna's urgency it was best to leave now. Whether that was from the stress of being in the neko mortuary. The sooner they got out of here the better, he had a heavy feeling in his stomach since he had walked in and seen the dead of their kind.
(Ok :) And telekinesis. She got pretty livid >.>)

Nii got out with the fridge, then Eirlys with an afraid look on her face. Cy came out last, feeling like he didn't help at all. He looked at the others as he stepped out the door, a sigh escaping his lips. As soon as his feet had made it past the property line, Cy fell to his knees and yelped in pain. His hands shot to his head and his eyes shut tight. With a small whimper from the pain, he got an image of Vince and what looked like a small neko. He sent the image into all the group's minds, Cy gasping for breath from the pain.
Name: Kindra

Age: 19

Species: Neko

Gender: Female

Powers?: Teleporting and healing

Bio: She was abandoned by her parents and found by Vince's father. It was odd but the neko hunter decided to keep her. She's worked for Vince since his father died and now helps Vince hunt other nekos thinking they all needed to die. She hardly considers herself a neko.

Appearance( descrip. Or pic):

(if neko) Cat appearance:

Name: Andra

Age: 14

Species: neko

Gender: female

Powers?: Blood coffin, and light

Bio: She was also lost and also found by Vince's dad. Something about her stuck as off. He found her power was greater then ever seen. Was this evil the reason she was abandoned? She was raised by Vince's dad and now works for Vince. She finds Kindra to be a big sister and follows her every command.

Appearance( descrip. Or pic):

(if neko) Cat appearance:
Heheh....Sorry Song but I need to use my new neko's now....

I hope it's no trouble.

Adrianna set her father's body down and rushed to Cy. She looked at him. "Get up....get up now!" She said and then felt a rush of wind behind her. She turned having her knife in hand and slashed at....a...a neko behind her! Her eyes widen as the neko jumped back. Adrianna looked at her and then stood up. The Neko just appeared behin her. The teleporting one. " saved Vince." She gripped her knife. " could you?" She said and then watched as a smaller neko came out frm the shadows.

Kindra looked at Adrianna. "Well Andra....looks like we've found Vince's new target. Vince has been talking all about you. Yes you're not like his other victoms. Ugh it's sickening how he almost adores you. Right Andra?" She asked and then looked down at the other neko.

Andra looks at Adrianna. "She....she looks like me sister." She said and then walked up to an angry Adrianna. "My sister. My twin." Andra said and then her eyes grew cold. Adrianna's eyes were shocked. Andra....looked exackly like her. Adrianna felt a shock of something that made her hair stand on end. What was ths feeling? Adrianna jumped back and then looked at Andra. "T-That's impossible...I...I don't have a sister....let alone a twin." She said looking at Andra.

Andra looks at Adrianna. "I stand I not?" She said and then looked at everyone else. "Father....left me, to die." She said and then looked at her father's body. "Stupid...lion." She said and then put her hand out. She brought up a coffin that was spilling in blood. "All....will die now." She said and then opened the coffin. An evil creature....made of bones. It was chained and it reeked of evil.

Adrianna looked to see Vince smirking as he walked out. Kindra standing nest to him. "" He said and then the creature in the coffin rushed out but Andra kept it at bay not letting it get near anyone yet. Adrianna blasted the thing back into the coffin but Andra blasted Adrianna with light as well. Adrianna hit Vince's house and she looked at Andra in surprise. Adrianna slowly got up and then hissed loudly. "I's time to run." She said.
(oh okay its fine :D )

Rekka was jolted up by the sudden reek of blood. The bittersalty whip slashed at his nose suddenly, causing him to choke a little. He turned, and saw a large bone-created thing. He quickly called everyone with a raspy call, wasting no time agile quickly switching over to his wildcat form, where he was faster. Rekka let out a muffled hiss at the two new nekos, flashing them a glance. Before running too far, Rekka turned around swiftly and screeched out a high-pitched scream, hoping to stun them for at least enough for everyone to find a way out. Licking his lips, Rekka motioned his ears forward, signaling a mental command to escape quickly. Judging by the odds, they outnumbered Vince's team. Yet Rekka wasn't sure if his friends could take the violence that would lead. "Flight or fight?" He asked in a hushed tone, still recovering from his previous attack to every one of the cats-- the ones on their side.
(...0___0 Secret revealed...)

Wane gasped at the sudden turn of events. It escalated quickly, first some nekos appeared, clearly brainwashed into thinking highly of the stupid human. Then it appeared one was related to Adrianna, and finally Vince himself had shown up and the creepy neko girl who was exactly the same image as Adrianna summoned some bone beast from a coffin. His mind was running a mile a minute, their initial plan was to get in get out. Now things had changed, they would have to put up at least somewhat of a fight before they could run.

He shouted to Rekka "I think we're going to have to stand our ground. No use running now." He dropped everything and jumped into action, releasing a crackling purple ball from his right hand to attack Kindra with, sadly, the projectile missed its target when she moved out of range. Wane hissed, this was going to be a hard fight, these nekos would be fast. He repeated the energy ball, aiming at Vince and releasing the energy hoping it would hit its mark.

Lya watched nervously. What was she supposed to do? Was she supposed to fight? She had never done that before, it wasn't her way. But she had joined the neko anarchy league, didn't that mean she was supposed to lend a hand in some sort of way. She stepped away from the chaos so she could have time to think. She looked around, Kyrie where was he?

Kyrie watched from inside the house, he'd retreated as soon as the unlikely visitors had shown up. He crouched low as he watched the battle unfold. His head pounded, he held a hand to the throbbing pain in his forehead. The last few days have been stressful, he didn't know what to think. He despised nekos, they were an evil race of chaos. But what about these nekos? Were they so horrible. And the nekos with Vince, why would they be with him if they were nekos themselves. Maybe there was more to Vince than he'd thought, was he a psychopath? Or a savior of humankind. He'd just wait, and watch. As he watched the nekos attack, he winced at the painful memories of the past, disgusted by the species violent tendencies. The whole reason Vince hunted was because they were a malicious bunch of animals, right? He'd get his revenge. One way or another, he'd have to figure out the jumble of chaotic feelings in his head first. Starting with this unusual human and his hunting party. He wouldn't return to 'neko manor' as those bastards so lovingly called that dump.
Adrianna looked at Kindra and then at Andra. Now she was dealing with an evil creature and her twin which she never new she had. She looked at Vince who picked up her father. Andra had released her creature letting it get hit with the energy Wane had released protecting VInce

"Trying to get this old trouphy back?" He asked and then looked at Adrianna. "You know Adrianna....I will accept any neko with your skills." He said and then loaded his gun. "However I will stop playing around with you and your team. I think I've summed up your powers nicely." He said and then aimed at Adrianna. "This is your chance." He said and then smirked.

Adrianna looked as the creature wasn't effected by Wane's power. It went straight for Lya sensing her weakness at this point. Andra had let go of the creatures chains. Adrianna may have been the daughter of a lion but she had taken on her mother's cat form. She had the coloration of a lion and may be a bit larger then most but her cat form was uesless in battle. She grabbed the hand gun she had preveously stollen from Vince and shot at the creature. It stunned it but hardly slowed it down. Meanwhile Vince started shooting at her. His aim had improved...or rather....he was trying to kill her now. Adrianna found it hard to avoid the bullets.

Kindra sighed. "Let's gt this over with..." She said and then zapped away appearing behind Rekka. "Well this will be fun." She said and then threw a punch at him. Vince jumped forth and then shot at Cy next. Adrianna raced to stop Andra seeing her as the most threat. Andra kept her at bay with her light. How was Andra so much more powerful then her?! Adrianna had the same amount of time to practice...they were the same age.

Andra turned into her lioness form. Adrianna stopped in her tracks. " take after father too..." Adrianna said filled with annoyence and stress. She watched as Andra ran towards her but Adrianna kicked her in the chin and scent her back a few feet. Adrianna jumped covering her hand in light and aiming to punch Andra. She missed ad her fist hit the ground. When she lifted her fist itwas bleeding badly.

Andra looks at Adrianna and then turns back into her human form. She grabbed Adrianna's arm and started spinning throwing Adrianna a few feet having her slidd across the ground. Adrianna slowly got up again. Even outnumbering these nekos.....could they get away in time?! Adrianna looked at the ground and then closed her eyes. The area seemed to be getting dimmer. Adrianna opened her eyes and then blasted light all around. She grabbed Andra in light fighting for control of the light as well and lifted her up. She threw Andra at Vince but he meerly jumpped out of the wane continuing his attack at wane.
Rekka spat out, dodging Kindra's punch only slightly. He hissed, clasping the part of his face where he felt the sudden rush of wind. Rekka leaped back several feet, lashing his tail angrily at the purple-haired cat girl. He wasn't the one to favor such threatening fights, but accepted it when there was no other choice. He ran forward, his ears pinned directly back and tail loosely swinging. Swiping a few claws forward, Rekka let out a mezzo-forte (medium loud) amplitude of a scream, still reluctant to fight. He was hoping the slightly loud attack might have an affect, but Rekka highly doubted it. Kindra didn't look like a sweet girl either. Oh boy..
Wane hissed again when the creature blocked his attack. He looked over at Rekka who was engaged in battle and had just released a piercing screech, he lept over and shot a crackling violet ball of energy, he grinned when this time it hit, badly scalding part of her arm. He stoof beside Rekka "I got your back bro"

Lya gasped when the bone beast came barreling in her direction. She hadn't used her power in ages what was she to do. She flinched as it came feet away from her and unknowinglyshe summoned a sharp stalactite of rock. It pierced through its ribcage and the beast was stuck, struggling to free itself from the dagger of rock. Lya's heart pounded "I...did it?"

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