Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Monica heard someone coming and clenched her hands. She watched as someon came. She smiled and put her hood on. Removing herself from the structure she slowly crept behind the person. She looked at his hand. It seemed to be injured. She had a spell that would patch it up bu not heal it. She smiled and krept along so she was out of sight. She saw him sit down and thought hat maybe now she could go talk to him. Monica pulled out her book and kept her head down. She searched the pages and found the spell. Monica slowly krept forward and walked up to the male with her head down.

"Sir. You look hurt."
Finn gradually moved his hand away from his stinging arm once he sensed someone slowly approaching him from behind. Maybe it was one of the others? They have been in there for an awfully long while now, just talking instead of using their time wisely to rest up. They probably wanted to take a walk or something? But no, the scent was unfamiliar...well...not completely but it didnt seem like the person was making much of an effort to keep hidden. Finn's left ear perked up at the sound of a sweet voice, female of course, and he turned his head a bit with a chuckle. His eyes stayed glued to his arm as he nodded at her observation.

"How could you tell?" He asks with sarcasm.
Cy simply nodded and sighed in agreement to needing water, looking over to where Adrianna was with a forlorn and concerned expression. Eirlys got up and padded away from Adrianna, the big paw hadn't startled her, seeing as she was a snow leopard, but she didn't wish to upset her further. She looked at Rekka and sat next to him, "Well, I think that it would be a good idea, and I am ready whenever you all are..." Eirlys looked around, "Speaking of all, where is Kyrie?"

Nii hugged Wane tight from behind, and rested her head on his shoulder, looking around a little, "She's right... Kyrie is gone... He didn't get attacked at all right?" Nii frowned, a bit concerned for Kyrie.
She smiled a bit and removed her hood. Her ears perked up and she smiled slightly. "Well...I can help." She turned the pages to a spell that could make the wound clean but not heal it. "I have this spell sir. I don't know if you want it taken care of." She looked up at the male. She felt uneasy but she was okay. Her tail swayed under the cloak as she watched him.
Finn looked over at the girl and chuckled a little shaking his head at her offer. As if she needed to ask. What kinda maniac likes to stay in pain? Finn wasn't THAT sadistic. He unwrapped the cloth, revealing a very nasty looking gash as he motioned for her to carry on. "I'd love some help with this. It's terribly nasty, mind no bother." He said with a wince as the wind burned through the fresh muscle. "Hurrying up a bit could help, ya know?" He grinned.
"Well some people are into that stuff." She grabbed his hand and traced it with her nail. She then made a circle around it with her nail. She began to hum the words. Her eyes flashed an irredescent orange before letting go. Now the wound was protected from any further contamination. "I can only do so much sir. I'm Monica by the way sir."
Finn watched as she literally worked her magic on the wound. It did numb the pain a bit but it hadn't completely healed the wound. He supposed time would take care of that part for him. And hopefully time would be kind to him and speed up the process a bit. Finn rolled down his sleeve again, over the gash on his arm and he stretched, testing out the pain. It wasn't unbearable. He let out a small chuckle and gave the girl an appreciative nod.

"Thank you Monica, and please stop calling me sir, I'm not that old. The name's Finn." He held his hand out to her with a friendly smile.
"Oh sorry si- I mean Finn." She shook his hand and held her head up. She now was open. It was how she was. Once she touched a person, she knew if she could let her gaurd down. She scratched her ear. Suddenly her stomach growled and embaressment flooded her face. "whoops." She sighed and put a hand to her stomach. "Sorry. I haven't eaten."
Finn let out another laugh once he had heard heard her stomach growl. Come to think of it, he was getting a little hungry as well. When was the last time he had eaten? Quite a while back. it was terribly disturbing but then again, Finn never really liked the feeling of hunger. He felt incomplete without food. Yeah, he sounds like a pig, but it was true. "Not to fret, mi' about we go snag us some snacks, to fulfill your stomach's needs? Not sure what to do about the redness on your face, though." He smirked as he stood. "What do ya say?"
Kindra looks at the neko and then riased an eyebrow. She jumped and thn walked around him. "Hmm...who this?" She asked and then crossed her arms. Andra looked at him and then walked away. Vince questioned why the neko was here but if he didn't worry Andra....maybe he was alright. He slowly got up and then pointed at gun at him. Suddenly he let the gun slip upside down hanging from his finger around the trigger. He was offering it to this neko.

Kindra looks at Vince. You shouldn't trust him yet! I don't care if Andra turns her back on him!" She said and then glared at Kyrie. She crossed her arms and then flinched as VInce glared at her. She mummbled some harsh words under her breath and then disappeared to get food and new guns.

Vince looked at Kyrie. The gun wasn't loaded he was testing this neko. If he tried to shoot at Vince, he would die. If he took it and didn't shoot at Vince, he would put him up to work with Andra until he gained Vince's trust. Vince rather saw him as a new pet wanting a home. He wanted nothing more then to use they nekos and then kill them once their usless.

Adrianna didn't answer. She turned human and picked up her father. She walked out with no consern at this point and headed back to neko manor to do why she had stollen her father's body in the first place. She kept an eye out for anything she could use to make a hole in the ground. She looked at her father's face which was forever stuck in an angry, attack manor. She was trying to deal with all the emotions coming up. The dead neko's on Vince's walls, her father being a trouphy to him, her twin sister who was working for vince, being sealed in that coffin for even a few seconds was terrifying. Her mind was a battle for emotions yet outside she was silent and cold stoned faced. The fact that it was all her fault or related to her wasn't helping either. She had a place that she felt she belonged but now....had it's danger it seemed.
Monica nodded. "Yes. That sounds good." She smiled and looked around. "Know any good spots? I dumpster dive so I know some but then again not everyone is like me." She smiled triumphently. She was not afraid of being like a guy. She put her hood on and smiled. He was rather interesting to her. She recognized his scent and probably has seen him before. Monica decided to change into her cat form. "Finn, I'm going to become my cat self but I'll still be able to communicate." Soon the female was a medium sized black and orange calico feline.
Finn looked back, wondering whether it would be a good idea to leave the group for a bit. Yeah, they can't keep him from going out for food. It IS one of the basic necessities of life, after all. Finn looked over Monica and gave her a smile once she mentioned something about dumpster diving. 'I like this girl already', Finn thought to himself as he nodded. "Yeah, I'm all up for dumpster diving. It's both a fun and efficient way of getting food!" He replied, rather enthusiastically. She shifted down to her cat form and he nodded as he awaited for her to take the lead. "Alright, Monica...let's get a move on!" Finn added.
Monica purred and trotted forward. There was a dumpster behind a fish market that usually had good fish. Sometimes they dropped it so then it would be no good. She ran across a street and found the alley. She looked at Finn and began to think. 'Finn! Told ya I could communicate.'
Kyrie blinked in confusion as he was handed the weapon. He balanced it on both palms as he tried to think of what Vince was getting at. He looked the hunter dead in the eye and tried to find out his intent. Kyrie figured Vince wasn't afraid of death, this guy was being fearless as well. Kyrie poised the gun to shoot. His eyes looked at the man, who was willing him to shoot. Kyrie could end him here and now, but he had no desire to. Without warning he changed his aim to be directed at Kindra. He pulled the trigger but only a harmless click followed. He glared at the neko girl in disgust, furious that she had not dropped dead and he hissed angrily. He threw the weapon down to the ground and shifted his gaze to Vince, wondering how he would be punished for attempting to murder his neko minion.

Lya jolted up to a standing position "I don't know where he is. I'm scared. He could be hurt!" Lya's panic escalated when after all this time Kyrie had not yet returned. She looked at the others desperately trying to keep worried tears from her eyes.

Wane stood up, "Calm dow, He's a tough guy, I'm sure we'll find him" Wane reaches his hand down for Nii to accept it and helps her to her feet. He doesn't let go of her hand when she's up. "In the meantime lets take care of ourselves". He directs everyone outside to return to neko manor and shifts into cat form, ready to travel back. Lya sniffs "Okay. If it helps, I think I can practice my water power and get water for all of us . Wane nodded, he touches Nii with his nose aignaling for her to follow back.
Adrianna however was already back at the manor. She had found a nice spot to place her father. The old shovel was giving her spliters but she didn't notice as her mind was racing through todays events and stopped right at when Wane was stabbed through. Maybe it was then and there when Adrianna sut herself down, that why anything else after that wasn't reaching her. Hopefully soon she'd be able to pull herself together but right now she was working on the grave sight for her father.

Vince chuckled. "Hmm...well Kindra?" he said and then looked at Kindra who was now serously angry. She hissed loudly and then looked at Vince. "Now, now, you should do's not allowed here remember?" He said and then glared at Kindra who slowly moved to face Kyrie. She shifted her weight. "Fine I guess he's alright....but he's working with Andra not me." She said and Vince nodded.

Vince looked at Kindra and dismissed her. " I right?" He said and then looked back at him. He pulled out a paper with his name on it and picture. "I keep track of many nekos..." He said and then read what it said here. "Hmmm in favor of humans, can't talk....has a non blood related sister am I right?" he asked and then pointed to an empty spot. "Your powers are unknown as it states here." he said.
Wane runs about in his cat form but stops shortly, looking behind him to see if Nii was close beside him, as well as the others. He meows "Listen, we need to give Adrianna space when we get there" he twitched his whiskers in concentration. From what he knew of her, Adrianna was a hardened individual, and seeing her in such a distraught state was horrible. Wane couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a family member killed and made a trophy. He called out to Lya, "Are you sure, you can make you're water power work?" She was lagging behind, and looking really awkward in her wolf form.

Lya stumbled at the back, the wolf transformation was unusual, she'd been ignoring her neko heritage all along, so now it was all sorts of weird actually embracing it. She heard Wane call out to her "Yeah, I'm sure I can make my elemental power work enough". She was rusty at using her powers as well, its been a long time since she'd used them.

Kyrie raised an eyebrow at seeing thepaper with all his information, he nodded in response to it. What didn't this guy know, if Vince knew that he'd destroyed his own tail and ears than that was all that was left for him to know practically everything about his life. That, and his powers. Kyrie walks over to a shelf whose contents had been strewn about and raided earlier and lifts it over his head with ease, even holding it up with one had before returning it to its place with a large thunk and splintering some of the wood. He shrugs and returns to Vince.
(uwaah! Thank you everybody who has roleplayed here! My rp is so active I-I.... this is seriously my first successful roleplay BLARRRRRGH IM GONNA CRY DANGIT! :*) )

Rekka looked at Wane with a slight nod. He was in wildcat form, his entire body entangled and matted. Rekk a lifted his head into the air, sniffing the familiar scent of their home, not too far away. Swishing his tail, he licked his lips. Wherever Kyrie was, he new it wasn't the happiest place. That cat seemed slightly sadistic, which was ironic and reminded Rekka of how he was. Sighing a deep breath, he started padding back. Rekka wasn't willing to run. There wasn't any use running unless you were running from something or you'd have to be in that place at this exact moment. He was getting a bit gloomy. He hoped oh no dearly he wasn't going 'hurt' again. Years earlier, after the death of the oldlady that raised him, Rekka's nightmares of his 'family' haubted him every night. He would often shut himself away in a little room, cluttered in a tight ball. A few times, Rekka had started hurting himself purposely, but that always ended up in mixed emotion. He promised himself never to go back, but was this feeling creeping up again? Rekka sighed. What a day.
Finn quickly caught up with Monica once he had noticed where they were headed. He'd never been to a fish market before, but at the smell of it, he felt like he was in heaven. Trout. Tuna. Salmon. Fish as far as the nose can smell. Finn's tongue instantly rolled out as if he was drooling at the mere smell of the fish. Though most were still fresh and of use, a couple would drop very now and then. Finn could deal with a little dirt so it didn't really bother him much. "Thank yooou Monica." Finn replied in a sing-sing voice as his tail swung happily. "After you, m'lady."
Monica watched as the fish were thrown away. She was about to dive in when a smell hit her nose. It smelled like heaven. A man held a fresh catfish. She trotted over and purred. She wove inbetween his legs. He looked at Monica and kicked her. She hissed and bit his leg before running to the trash can. She jumped in and scurried around. She popped up in normal form with a tuna fish in her mouth. Monica smiled and put a few fish in her bag for later. "Mmm!"
(There there SpiritWolf, let it all out *pat pat* xD . This has been fun though, its the first RP that I really got into using Wane...well...theres been others but this one is the longest standing)

Wane arrives at the house and gives a relieved purr "Home sweet home" the ivory furred cat meows and he jumps on the windowsill, patting the space beside him with his tail for Nii to join him. He looks at Lya, " know what your doing?"

Lya shifts back to human form, feeling more herself and nods "Yeah, give me a minute". She gors in the kitchen and finds a dusty bowl, cleaning it with her shirt and runs outside. Lya sits on the ground cross legged with the bowl in ypfront of her and concentrates. She can sense the moisture deeper in the ground. Slowly, she pulls it forth, its wobbly at first, but slowly she summons the liquid from the earth. Her hands work to guide it into the bowl, its a long and tedious process and she keeps dropping the liquid back into the soil but she finally manages to fill the large bowl with water. She sighs and is satisfied with her work, wagging her tail excitedly. She stands up with the bowl in her hand and makes her way to the kitchen. Why was she so reluctant to use her powers, it was exhilarating. With time, this would be easy. P

Wane tucks his paws under his body as he looks down at Rekka, swishing his tail. "It's been yet another rrough day man. I have to buy another cape, and not to mention a freaking shirt!" He grins mischieviously "I can't walk around flashing my body, its too much awesome for people to handle" he laughs. He glances at Nii "Isn't it?" He flashes a mischievious fanged, cat grin.
Finn shrugged as Monica went over to the man, attempting to snag that delicious catfish he had held in his hands. He could smell that thing from a mile away and it still made his mouth water. When was the last time he had tasted catfish? It could've been years but he'd settle for what he could get, in this case, the dumpster fish. Hey! Fish is fish, good or bad. After she had jumped into the dumpster, Finn decided to shift himself, gradually crouching into his seemingly large panther other half. After that, he raced towards the dumpster and hopped in, diving beneath the pile of waste fish before emerging to the surface with a trout head at mouth.
Nii followed silently in her lynx form and plopped down next to Wane, worry still present in her mind. At Wane's comment though she smirked and nipped playfully at his ear and neck, "I haven't seen it... yet..." she said, whispering into his ear in a teasing voice. She looked back at Rekka, Eirlys sitting down close to him. Eirlys seemed to take a liking to Rekka and she smirked, "Hey, what about you two? You guys interested in each other??" Nii pointed a paw at Rekka and Eirlys, and Eirlys looked with big snow leopard eyes at Rekka. If she was in her human form, her cheeks would be bright red. Cy, in his tiny black kitty form, sat away from the group, peering off into nothingness, wondering if he should try to see the future or anything like that.
Adrianna had finished her work and her dad was safely at rest hopefully. She put the prettiest wild flowers on the grave. She closed her eyes and rested there for a few minutes. She suddenly stood up and looked around. She walked back inside with her normal commanding stance. She crossed her arms and then looked at everyone. "First off....let's see what we got from Vince's house if we got away with anything. Second off I need to know if anyone wants out. I know Vince has gotten serious with us....meaning we are not safe here. I want possible hiding places anywhere in the house and I want to know what resourses may be contained in here got it? I'd hate to say this but now we are at war. It is one thing for Vince to hurt me...but no one....and I mean no one hurts any of my friends or family." She said and then narrowed her eyes. "Vince has done the unspeakable putting up nekos like trouphys and dare keep my father's body in that sick house of his. He's going down...and I will make him pay." She said and then looked at Lya. "If anyone...." She said and then looked at the whole group. "Has a problem with this...I will leave now....otherwise....I'd like training using our powers and seeing the hidden uses for them to start. Those neko's have had training and they very well know how to use their powers and every use for it."

She sighed. " the risk of me ever being saw I had a twin, she can and probably will try to go as me so I will not stop you if you suspect that I may be her at anytime or anytime that I could be alone." She said and then rubbed her left ear as a sign of frustation. "The neko's working for Vince....I know my sis-....Andra's powers...." She didn't ever want to call that neko her sister. "But the other Neko...i'm afraid I missed what she can do." She said. "I am sorry for the show I put on....but I must say this day has probably been the most shocking day of my life. I ask that it never be spoken of again." She said now rubbing her the side of her head. She felt ambarrassed about that but now she would ok at least. She had to stay strong now.
Rekka's ears pricked directly up, and his hair stood on end, fluffed up and obviously surprised," Ah- Uhm.. R-Rekka is-is, Re-Rekka--!" He stammered, biting his lip and his cat form fizzled up. A deep red blush emitted from his face, and his tail basically had a spasm. "Rekka-R-Rekka be back!" He mewed in a high-pitched squeak, running off upstairs and into his room. When he had reached his single room, Rekka shufted into his human form, face almost a crimson, and closed the door and locked it. Stumbling over to his board-level mattress, Rekka slouched over onto his bed, ears down. Why had he freaked out like that? It was so weird. Naybe he just needed time to calm down. Eyes half open, Rekka clutched his pillow and sighed.
Eirlys padded off after Rekka, stopping in front of his door and shifting to her human form. She knocked on the door light as a feather, barely audible, and spoke softly, "Umm... Rekka...? C-can I come in? I didn't mean to upset you..." Eirly's tail was down and so were her ears, the last thing she had wanted to do was upset Rekka.

Nii looked at Adrianna, and listened to all she had to say. Slowly she shifted and stood up, then darted over to Adrianna and squeezed the hell out of her with a hug. "Adrianna," she started, "I don't care how hard it gets or anything. I am gonna always be there for you!" Cy, from the other side of the room, smiled softly at her and chimed in, in her mind, And I as well. I am never going to just up and leave you. I swear it.

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