Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Rekka's ears pricked over toward his door, and dragged his body over. Opening the door shyly, he cracjed it open only slightly, peeking his eyes through," Eirlys....yes?" He asked, his face still red and recovering from his freakout. Opening the door wider, Rekka asked," Need?" He said, referring to 'Do you need anything?' Or something of that matter. Rekka's ears and tail drooped down, mimicing Eirlys's posture," Nit...upset," Rekka reassured her," Surprised... at Nii-chan.." He sighed, saying simply he was just surprised Nirae that said that so suddenly.
Adrianna was a bit surprised but smiled. "Good..." She said and then pulled out of the Nii's grasp. "Great." She looked at Cy and smiled softly. Thanks. She thought and then smiled. She looked as Rekka and Eirlys weren't in the room anymore. She shrugged. "We better start finding hidden secrets in this is quite big after all. If Vince finds us we need excape points too and a meeting place outside of the forest." She said and then crossed her arms.
"Ooo! Fun!!!" Nii exclaimed loudly, "Let's make it a game of hide and seek. Find all the hiding places in the house and stay there until you are found! If you are found first... man your hiding place must suck..." she blushed a little and quieted down, "Or we can just go find hiding spots quietly... Come on Wane!" Nirae pulled on Wane's arm, getting him up and dragging him off to find a hiding place.

Cy looked at Nii and laughed at her enthusiasm. He turned to Adrianna and walked up to her in human form. He smiled and gave her a soft hug, then clasped her shoulders, "Let's go find some nice dark hiding spots, shall we?" Cy said with a wink and a sly smile.

Eirlys somehow mustered up some courage and hugged Rekka tightly, speaking louder than usual and fast, "Well, Nii is kinda right. I do really really like you. I don't know you well enough, but I like you and I think we should talk.... Yes?" She looked up at his face above her, not letting go of his waist in her hug.
(oooh! Cy and Adrianna! I'm getting fangirl goosebumps SQUEE!)

"Talk... Okay," Rekka smiled, giving Eirlys a smile back. In a much better mood, Rekka then walked over to his mattress and sat on it," Talk what?" He asked, wavering his tail.
Wane shifted to human form, still sitting on the windowsill and clapped "Glad to have you back Adrianna" as soon as Adrianna came in the house in a ruthless and commanding passion he'd known she'd pulled herself together after her respite of grieving "I agree, there's a lot we have to go over regarding our safety if we want you here, and that's an obvious 'yes'". He lands on his feet and walks over to face her. He lifts up a finger as a dramatic gesture for his point "First off, the thought of Andra imitiating you is disturbing, and the more disturbing thought is us believing she is you for a second" he crossed his arms "Clearly this is an issue we don't want to run into, so I think it would be a good idea to have a password, and we must keep it confidential, only you and us would know it. It's dire for us to not have it leak" he nodded.

"Secondly, I did grab a few items." Wane reaches into his pants pocket and to the floor tumbles a sheathed knife, some cash, and some more bags of chips. "It's all I got, the knife might be worth something. Going to need to buy clothes for myself obviously" He then decided to reply to the last thing she said "We'll need more places to hide than here, just like the shed. We'll need a few reserve areas to be safe and Cy can communicate where these are silently. We'll build up a weapons reserve, food reserve, and we'll need to investigate this house more" Wane's mind was running rapidly, there was so much to plan, it was hard being a leader. Or a semi-leader, seeing as he was sharing the role equally with everyone.

Wane sighed "Anyways, Vince's sick neko morgue was pretty haunting. I'm glad we got to get your dad out of there. You'll have to tell me where he is so I can pay my respects to him later" Wane nodded, he didn't know him obviously. But he was important to Adrianna and likewise important to him, so he had a few words to say.

Lya listened intently the whole time as she heated up the water, trying to kill any bacteria. Then she had to let it cool, the whole process was ridiculously tough, she'd have to get better soon. She walked to the group and handed Wane a glass and he took long sips. Seconds later, Nii grabbed his arm without warning and pulled him off into a game of 'hide and seek'. "Nya!" said Wane as he dropped his glass and was rushed off into some unforseen direction.

(Ha! There :3)
(Lol! I know! I would but I'm not much of a fan girl....other then when it comes to edward elric.... fan girl there.)

Adrianna looked at Cy and then rolled her eyes. "Riiiight." She said and then lightly hit him with her tail. She looked at Wane and then smiled "Um...just fine the place in the back where the flower's are." she said and then smiled at Wane. "Thank you." She said to him and then crossed her arms. "Sounds good Wane... We'll check the house first...and then find a safe place to hide weapons and food." She said and then smiled. "Ok for the password. Something only I would know...maybe my father's nickname for me?" She asked and then smiled at them.
(0___0 What?!!? I'm missing the joke, must go back, LOL xD )

(Oh, Dangit >_> Argh! I posted too late!)

(Okay, edited, after his long speech he is dragged off with Nii...

and Fire of Hearts, who ISN'T a fangirl for Edward Elric :3)

Wane called out "We'll talk later Adrriiiaaaaannaaaaa...." His voice drifted as he was pulled away by Nii. Lya wagged her tail excitedly "Okay, great. I think we could start with the basement" she looked at the others faces "Did you know we had a basement? Because I found one" She whimpered and her ears drooped "But I was too scared to look alone in the dark and I can't use my fire too good yet, so I guess you're light powers come in handy"

Wane runs along in tow with Nii "So...we're exactly are we headed pretty kitty?" He gives a fiendish feline grin.
(OMG YES. Edwarddddddddd :3 hehe)

Nii smiled big as she dragged Wane away, "You know... maybe we could fine you a new shirt in some of Cy's things! I'm sure he wouldn't mind, he has a whole bag full of stuff." She stopped dragging him and looked at him, her head cocked a little to the side as she thought. She quickly pecked him on the cheek then went back to talking, "So! What do you say? Scrounge for a shirt?" Nii came up close to him and ran a nail against the hollow of his neck, "Or... you could just go without one...?"

Cy looked at Adrianna, blushing a little, he wasn't as naturally smooth as Wane, but he would sure as hell try. He looked down, then back at her, "That sounds like a good idea... so... I didn't follow entirely... short version what's the plan? Please." He was still close to her, his head cocked to the side, curious as all hell.

Eirlys blushed at Rekka and followed him in, sitting down next to him on his bed. She didn't say a thing, but turned a brighter shade of red and leaned against Rekka, resting her head onto his shoulder.

Adriann looks at Cy and then crossed her arms. She looks at Cy. "Invintory, find exit and safe points in and around the house. Start food and weapons storage. Also train with our powers." She said and then looked at Cy with his head cocked. Heh cute. She blinks and then shakes her head looking away. "Alright let's look in the basement then." She said and then lightly smiled.
Rekka bit his lip and his tail was swooshing lightly. He felt kinda awkward. Rekka had never been in this type of situation before, and he felt like an idiot. "Ah.. Eirlys.. Come from?" He asked. Rekka had basically seen her walking around the city aimlessly, so he was curious. He sighed inside his mind. It would be really hard for him to have a conversation like this. His stupid neck. His stupid shyness. His stupid....whatever! He felt absolutely ridiculous. He can't even talk to a girl right! But Rekka kept forging on. Maybe he could endure the best he could. Maybe he could write on a piece of paper. No. That would take too long. A sudden semi-smile broke across his face when she leaned on him. And his ears pricked up. Maybe. Maybe he would be okay.

(Anime Guys: the reason why so many fangirls are going to die alone. xD )
"Sure! Basement! Lets go see if there are any hidden escape routes or anything," Cy said, hoping to make any awkwardness fade away. He smiled and decided to try practicing his abilities. With that goal in mind, he stepped in front of her, "You want me to train..? Well, I hope this works then..." Cy stepped closer to her and put a hand against her cheek, then pressed his lips to hers softly, focusing at the same time. He felt a tingling feeling over his heart feeling like it was going to explode, and knew it was working. Cy pushed into her mind then and linked her to him. After a moment, he pulled away and looked at her, "F-feel anything...different?"

Eirlys, surprisingly calm against his shoulder, spoke more confidently, "Well... I was born from nekos, but raised by a neko mom and a human dad. They died in a fire... But its ok. I don't hate humans or nekos." She sighed a little and curled up against him more, her tail wrapping around herself. Eirlys didn't understand why she was being so cuddly, she just felt... safe, "You know... I don't mind whether or not you can talk..."
Adrianna's eyes widen as he kisses her. She looked at him and then blinks. She shook her head and then crossed her arms looking away. However she found herself at a lost for words for a moment. She rubbed her head to simulate irratation even though that wasn't how she felt. "Your goal for doing that would be?" She said and then shook her head. "No I don't anything different." She said.

[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] (Sorry I want to see his reaction lol)
Cy nodded, extremely embarrassed "That's ok.. I still know it worked... I um.. linked our minds. Y-you get into a lot of trouble... so I thought it would be a good idea." He sighed, trying to make himself stop shaking. Not only was he terrified that she would hate him, but that expending of energy like that made him tired. "Try reading my mind. Focus on me for a moment." Cy thought, 'Well... crap... if she reads my mind, she will really know how embarrassed I am...'
Adrianna's eyes widen. "Y-you linked us!?" She said and then her ears dropped. "Uh um ok..." She said and then looks at him again. She focussed on him and then she perked her ears forward. She started to blush again trying to focus but she was still a little shaken by kiss thing.
"I'm sorry!" Cy exclaimed, his ears down. "I didn't mean to upset you..." Cy's thoughts were all over the place, 'Oh no... Did I upset her? I didn't wish to do that... wait... can she hear this? Umm... ack.... I don't know what to do.' Cy swished his tail back and forth nervously, he was so much less composed than Adrianna. "Do you... want me to try to take it away?"
Adrianna giggles at his thoughts. She started laughing and then turned around trying to hid the fact he was so freaked out. I not that upset....but his thoughts are just adorable! She giggled and then looks at him. "No I...think it will be useful. It will be helpful if I ever get kidnapped." she said and then crossed her arms. She looks at him. "However you can take it away if you want." She said and then smiled crossing her arms and shifting her weight. "I'm sure you wouldn't like me reading your mind so much." She said keeping her calm look hiding the fact she was still trying not to laugh.
Cy read her mind and calmed down a bit, smiling, "Nah, I will keep it. Like you said, it could be useful. Not at allllll anything more." Cy winked at her and masked his thoughts to her. There was more to this link than just easy communication. He began to walk again to the basement, a sly smile on his face now, the blush fading.
Adrianna looks at him and then rolls her eyes. She looks at him and then looked annoyed. "Wipe that look of your face..." She said and then crossed her arms following him to the basment. She looked around and then wondered if there was any light down here. "Want to help me look for a light switch?" She asked.
Cy smiled regularly now, "Well, it would be easiest. I wouldn't like to fall down those dark stairs..." Cy sighed, looking at Adrianna forlorn, 'Hell... she isn't easy... but man does that make the battle all the more worth it...' He looked at the dark room and then looked back at Adrianna, an idea in his head, "You can practice your abilities now! Try something new."
Adrianna looks at him and then took a deep breath. She created a light ball in her hand and then lit up the whole room. She flinched a little and then looked around. She suddenly lost the control and then the room went dark again. She stummbled back a little bit. It was hard to create light when there wasn't any sources around. She grabs her head and then rubs it. " power doesn't work to well in darkness. It takes to much energy to make i mostly borrow it from my surroundings." She said.
Cy thought for a moment, trying to think of a way that would work, "Well, instead of thinking it as though you are drawing light from dark, try to turn the dark into light. Shift the way it behaves. If it works, it should be much easier on you. Willpower is key for magic to work after all, and a key part of will is thought. So... change your way of thinking about it." Cy looked at her through the dark, 'Thank goodness for cat-eyes.'
Adrianna looks at him and then raised an eyebrow. She sighed and then shook her head. "Fine..." she said and then closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and then started lighting up the room again. She opened her eyes and then smiled a bit although she did still have a tired expression on her face. She was one more trained in hand to hand combat not using her power so it was still tiring. She looks at him. "Alright...let's go." She said and then limited the light so it fit in her hand. She looked around and then started looking for anything useful. She looked at a door and opened it. It was just a closet but she did pull out a small box of photo's and other random things.
Wane grabbed her hand in his "Lets not get carried away just yet, best for last" he laughed "Besides, we have a job to do, other than finding a shirt for me" He walked down the hall, pulling her along with her hand in his. He stops, swiftly, " I don't think anyones been in this room, lets see whats in here".

Wane opened the door and jumped back when tons of random objects fell out from it. "Gah! It must be a closet. Someone must have forgot to clean thing out before they move. He swished his ivory tail as he looked at the clutter of items.

Lya was going to follow Cy and Adrianna, but it seemed there was something going on between them, so she didn't wan't to intrude. Instead she leaned against the wall, what element hadn't she used yet? She decided to use her aire powers. But how? She extended her arm with her fingers flexed, concentrating with all her might, she tried for a burst of wind. After several minutes of intense dedication. Nothing happened. Exhasperated, she began to shake her arms furiosly, a huge gust swirled from her hand andaround the house. A glass oject from somewhere fell and she heard a thunk as a lot of the doors were pounded from the force of it. "Oops" She ran upstairs and called into the hallway "Sorry guys"
"Ah," Rekka said, nodding his head at Eirlys's past story. He breathed. How did she knew. It was like she read his mond about his voice. Looking down, Rekka said softly," Th-thank you.." He smiled. Rekka then stood up, his fur fluffing up. "Go back?" He asked if she wanted to go back downstairs to the others. He had heard they were exploring the house. That seemed fun. Purring, Rekka helped Eirlys up.

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