Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna looks at Cy and wacks him with her tail. "Never....I repeat...never read out of a spell book. No matter what it is!" She said and then looked at the neko about their heads. "I don't speak latin." She said and then rubs her head. "To bad you didn't say I'm charming when I'm mad because I'm going to freak on you mister!" She said glaring at Cy. Oh yeah...she was scarry when she was mad. Her death glare was clearly pointed at Cy.
Cy avoided eye contact with Adrianna and looked up at the neko, "Umm... miss... as she said, no Latin here. Sorry." Julianna looked at Cy for a moment, confused, then spoke again, "Non fueris locutus Latine? Umm... I mean... I-you don't speak Latin? Quid heram... I mean, what era is this?" She had a thick accent, and dropped, landing gracefully on the floor in front of Adrianna, folding her wings in to her sides, still in cat form. "I do not know... what happened... exactly...," She spoke, thinking between the words, clearly not used to English.

Nirae understood Latin, and decided to step forward a bit, "Ego loquor Latin. Non copiose tamen. I only speak it a little, but if you wish, I can translate if you can't think of the words in English..." She smiled a little at the cat, sort of nervous.
Adrianna crossed her arms. She looked at the Neko and then sighed deeply. She looked at the neko and then walked up. "Apparently....a really really long time from what you're use to." she said and then crossed her arms. Lucked out this time...I think...but sometimes things aren't ment to be released. She thought to herself and then rubs her head.
Julianna shifted into human form, a sweet looking girl with blackish-blue hair, and the same color eyes. She had on a blue/purple robe dress, and a half-smile on her face, " I am Julianna Verdassi. What year is it? I was born... around I do not know... this does not look right... it was 1200 I think, I don't even think this is in the Europe.." She frowned, looking down at her feet then around, trying to take in her surroundings. She rubbed at a large shackle on her neck, a few chain links leading down from it to nowhere.
Rekka stepped out from the shadows," It's... 3013, humans... take.. over.. us," Rekka said, swaying his tail to the side. This girl named Julianna seemed, old-timey. Rekka walked closer, almost touching her face, inspecting her closely. "Hello~"
"Salve," Julianna said, smiling a little awkwardly, "That means greetings... Is... Is it really that year...?" She looked forlorn, realizing that all of the people she once knew would be long dead. Julianna turned and looked at the chest, walking over to it and running her hand on the lid, "Mauris vitae hoc est totum quod reliqui.... This is all that's left of my life..." She reached into the chest, digging around for something specific, and pulled out another old book. "I hope he is in here... my only amicus alive." She opened the book and flipped through, stopping at a page with a picture of a baby dragon and text underneath, then began reading aloud, "What was Sealed is now released what was Bound is now freed The Wheel turns and Time flows the Circle opens and words cease By Fire and Air Water and Earth Spirit and Soul the Spiral rises up and out now go..." After Julianna was done, the book glowed brightly for a moment before a small dragon appeared on her shoulder and nuzzled her face, "Dear Gillian! You live!" Julianna pet the dragon and turned to the others, realizing they would be confused, "He is my familiar, and as I said before, my only amicus, which means my only friend. I am a sorceress."
Adrianna looks at her and then sighed rubbing her head. She never trusted magic...she never really considered her light power magic because she was born with it. She looks at Cy. She looked back at Julianna. "Tell you the truth I never really trusted magic....sorcery and stuff like just a friendly heads up...I will be keeping my eye on you. No affence but personaly popping out of a book normally isn't a good sign." She said and then sighed a bit.
Julianna nodded, "Understandable. Liber quæ ego.. I mean... The book which I came out of, it wasn't my fault." She rubbed her arm and looked around more, staring at the light-bulb that hung above their heads. 'What an odd contraption...' she thought and Cy picked up that thought and replied to her, It is called a light-bulb. It shines and makes the whole room lit up. Julianna looked at Cy is surprise and quickly darted her eyes around to see if anyone else had heard his voice. Satisfied that it was in her head, she turned to Cy and looked at him with big eyes, speaking aloud, "Non imperitus. I don't like my mind being read." Cy shrugged and looked down at the spellbook still on the ground. Julianna followed his gaze to the book and picked it up, a torn expression on her face. Remembering that she wanted to explain to the group, she turned back to Adrianna, clutching the book, "They trapped me in here... the amentes... And I was trapped in that book limbo for so long. It is... how you say... horrible in there. An infernum. Hell. They trapped me because I was causing problems and because I am a neko. Eorum consilium... sorry. Their plan was to use my magics. I was a force to be feared back then, to any who wished to do me harm that is..." Julianna trailed off, knowing she was rambling.
Adrianna looks at her and then nods. "I see." she said and then flickered her ear. She looked out the window and then looked around before looking at the others. "Well...right now...neko's are being hunted merclessly." She said and then sighed pushing her hair back. "Right now almost every human wants neko's out." She said and then rubs her head.

Kindra wipped her forehead and then teleported out of there. She reported back to Vince. "Sir...they have yet another neko." she said and then looked at Kyrie. She looked back at Vince. "Are you sure we can trust him?" She asked and Vince glared at her.
Julianna nodded, a clear look of sorrow on her face, "So... nothing has changed... Bardus homines, stupid humans. Can we repay to them the wrongs they have done us? Though, the humans who did the those things to me... they were part of a larger group. They knew magics. Do humans still know magics..?" She looked at the others and sighed in frustration, "I do not wish to hurt, but I will very gore-filled if you have any enemies. I have more than a thousand years of pent up anger to release." She started muttering to herself in Latin about the wrongdoings of humans. She seemed completely enraptured by her own thoughts.
Adrianna looks at her. "Humans no longer use magic. Instead they have guns." she said and then pulled out her hand gun she stole from Vince. She shot the lightbulb and then while spinning the gun in her hand put it back in her bag. She used her light to light the room. She looked at Cy. "Don't worry I found a package of lightbulbs in a closet in my room." She said and then looked back at the new neko. "That was just a small gun...they have larger more powerful ones." She said crossing her arms. The ball of light still lighting the room. She was up where she could get to the light of the moon so for now she would be ok.
Julianna yelped and shifted back into her cat form, hissing at the noise, "That is an infernal device! So loud, so pointless! Non crediderim ad scelera induxerunt quod diuina homines terrae! Debent omnes ad inferna et in insania cessat!" She crouched and glared at where the gun had been put away to, she didn't trust it, "What if it... does that again in your bag?"
Adrianna looks at her. She sighed and then walked over. "Look..." She pulled it out again. "It will only go off if you pull the trigger." She said pointing it at the trigger. "Watch this." Adrianna said as she turned the safty on. She pointed to gun to her head and pulled the trigger. She smiled. "If you put the safty on it doesn't go off." She said and then put it in her bag. "There's no danger. Human's have made them as safe as possible."
Julianna nodded slowly, shifting back into human form, still shying away from the gun, and grumbled, "Magic is much more useful and less... wrong.... Though I must admit that humans are crafty. They can make just about anything they set their minds to." She came forward to Adrianna and grabbed the gun from her bag, careful not to turn off the safety, and inspected it. As she looked it over, she held it as though it was diseased, arms length away. She huffed and then brought it closer to her, poking at the barrel.
Adrianna looks at her. "Hm yeah. There are some good in humans but right now..." Adrianna shivers as she thinks of what vince did with her father and tons of other nekos. "Humans must be stopped." She said and then rubs her head trying to get it out of her mind. Her twitching tail seemed to show her nervousness and anger.
Monica trotted around in cat form. She pursuaded for food and every now and again she was kicked. She had a good amount of food. She trotted into the trees and went to her shack. She changed and smiled. Monica slipped her food into a box but put a fish in her mouth. She sat on the ground and looked through her book. "Wmhm..." She finished her bite. "" She found the spell. She put her hand to the sticks and murmured a few words. They flickered to life. She smiled.((not sure where dubstep went T^T))
Julianna handed the gun back to Adrianna with a nod, then blushed a little. She realized how parched she was, "Umm... I do not mean to... be a bother, but I would love a glass of water. Do you have one? Being trapped so long really makes your throat dry," her stomach growled loudly at her and she blushed further, "...and apparently it makes one hungry as well..."
(Guh!!! I'm sorry my Wifi sucks >.> Hopefully I'll have a better schedule soon)

Wane was a bit shocked after the whole ordeal but warmed up to the strange neko girl. " lived long ago huh? I'm pretty sure at one point the nekos did die out, it was a long time ago around the years 2000 and a few hundred years before, but I think at one point humans managed to wipe up out. We did somehow come back again. Probably still some of us lurking in the shadows or something. But luckily this time we're here to stay" he thought pensively throughout all this. Lya stepped forward "um...if I may point out...I've lived with humans. They're not all bad. They're just like us, my human parents loved me very much when they found me and my brother abandoned in dumpsters. It's a hard time for both nekos and humans alike." She drooped her head, not liking long speeches or talking to much, and also hoping the nekos wouldn't shun her "I think what's wrong is that we don't know how to understand each other." She shook her head, not sure if her message would sink in or not "Anyways, forget all of this, I just got some water this morning, I've been practicing my power" She wagged her tail from behind her coat happily, since for her this was an accomplishment. She ran to grab a glass of water and handed it to the new neko "it's warm though, I haven't figured how to cool it if anyone has that ability..." she looked at Eirlys.


Kyrie walked forward, looking the neko dead in the eyes and grabbed a gun from somewhere, he pointed toward the door, suggesting they go now. He wasn't going to prove his worth staying here, they'd have to track these nekos down, they'd be going on the hunt soon. Where that was he wouldn't quite know yet. The thing that chilled him the most...he had to face his sister's dissapointment. He swished his half tail irritatedly. She'd have to understand, one way or another, he was doing this for the better. The more nekos gone the better.

(So...that whole long passage in the spellbook and the latin...did you copy/paste that from somewhere, and the latin is real or randomness. xD Honestly I'm clueless)
Rekka said softly," Humans...not...all...bad," he spoke, remembering the old couple that raised him. Yet Rekka soon loomed his ears and tail darkly," Most...evil," he spat. All the ones that have died before him. It was gruesome. Wicked even. He hissed to himself, shifting into a fluffy wildcat form. A long time ago, in Julianna's time, most nekos were only normal cats. It was rare for non-cat nekos,like leopards and lions, to be seen. Even non-feline nekos (kitsunes and okami) had just been evolved in the very last few hundred years. Rekka felt a little bad for this girl, she must've felt...scared?
(Real Latin from translator, copy and pasted spells from an online spellbook I know. The Wiccan Rede is basically the guidelines of the Wiccan beliefs.)

Eirlys looked at the glass of water now in Julianna's hands and came up to her. She touched the glass and a thin layer of ice collected on the liquid, "There, it should be nice and cold now." Julianna smiled and sipped at the cold water, looking around at the group. Her eyes stopped at Rekka in wildcat form and tilted her head slightly, "So... you aren't all just normal cats? I am not, but that was partly due to my magic. The wings I have and my interesting coat, I was born with because of the magic in my veins." She turned and looked at Wane. Julianna walked up to Wane, squinting her eyes a bit, "You, you have magic. I can sense it. What do you do? How strong are you?" Julianna stopped about a foot from Wane and put a finger on his chest, looking up at him curiously.
Adrianna looks at all of them. "Well not that it matters or anything but I think I'll head to bed. I've had a long day..." she said looking down. She looked at the new Neko. "Well I hope you can settle into this time. I will warn you there is a group of Neko hunters. Their leader Vince is an evil human with no mercy. He put my father's body on display like a trophy and he will stop to nothing to distroy us." she said and then sighed. "There is food in the kitchen. Also we might not have enough room for everyone so if someone wants to bunk with me I hope you don't mind but I like sleeping in my humanist form." she looks at everyone and then rubs her head. "get a good rest everyone we'll need all the energy we can get." she said and then headed upstairs to her room.


Vince looks at him and smirks. "Why I admire that wane...I don't want them to know we know where they are yet. Go get some sleep when they come out tomorrow then we strike." he said chuckling.
Cy followed Adrianna upstairs, "I think I will sleep in your room. If you don't mind. I usually sleep in my little cat form." He smiled at her and looked back at Julianna as she spoke, "Well... I thank you for the food and accommodations. These neko hunters, why do we not simply kill them? It should be simple enough with such a large group. And, I can teach Wane if he so wishes." Julianna headed to the kitchen then, completely perplexed by the appliances.
Adrianna looked at cy and then shook her head no. "I don't mind." she said and then looked back downstairs. She sighed and then went to her from. She looked back at cy. She rather him then anyone else. She walked over to the closet in her room and took off the jacket she wore over her tank top. "Cy..." she started and then took off her boots and socks. "Please never do that again. We may have gotten lucky I mean we shall see but normally when someone is locked up there is a reason for it." she said and then twitched her tail irriatatedly. She looked back at him with a stern look.

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