Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna stopped and sniffed around. "Something smell funny down here?" She turned and then sniffed something that looked like a cat toy. She blinked, it must have been lost. She continued to sniff it and then she started to purr. She rubbed her face on the cat toy and continued to do so. She looked at Cy and then walked over purring. She rubbed hersefl against him. (lol incase you were wondering....the toy has catnip in it lol.) She turned around and rubbed against him again. She rolled over on her back continuing to purr. Adrianna had never been in contact with catnip before so she didn't know what was going on. All she knew is she felt very playful. She pawed at Cy ear and then got up and started playing with the toy again getting out her claws. She didn't know to stop playing with it. (lol catnip...)
Cy's cat eyes went wide when Adrianna rubbed against him, he could recognize the smell of catnip, and wanted to be playful too. He pawed at the toy, grabbing it with his mouth out of her paws and running over to the other side of the crawlspace. Cy flipped over onto his back, tossing around the toy. He was affected by the catnip too, but at least he knew what was going on. "Adriannnnaaaaa, I got your toyyyyyyyy!!!"
Adrianna looks at cy and then runs over to him and pounces on him. She looked at him and then jumped messing around with the toy again. She looked at cy and then looked at the toy still playing with it.
Cy purred then mewed loudly, dashing for the toy. He missed and bopped her on the head, luckily with no claws. His eyes went wide, and Cy licked her from her nose up to her ears. He grabbed the toy again with his mouth, and this time sat on top of her, curling up into a little black ball. He had the toy in his mouth still and dangled it in front of her face.
Adrianna started to shake off the effects of the toy. She suddenly hissed loudly and swatted the toy away from her and Cy. "Get off." She said in the scarriest tone she could muster which was pretty frightening. She took out her claws having no idea why she acted She jumped up and watched as he landed on the ground. "What is in that toy." She asked trying to wip off her forehead since it was slightly wet thanks to Cy's tongue. She was really mad now.
Cy grinned big, not afraid of Adrianna in the least right now. He laughed and explained, "Catnip silly. Kind of like pot, except for cats. It was nice. You were so cute and playful." He padded over to her, then shifted into human form, a bit hunched over because of the size of the crawlspace. Cy picked her up and used the corner of his shirt to dry off Adrianna's forehead, "You know, you shouldn't be so mad. You started it after all. And besides, we just played, nothing bad happened."
Adrianna looks at him and then hisses at him. "Never heard of it." she said and then hissed when he picked her up. She looked at him and then waited for him to put her back down. She went silent. "I am not playful or cute."
Cy sighed and shifted back into cat form, causing Adrianna to drop. He seemed cold and uncaring when he spoke, "You know. You will never be happy if you never let a soul in. Even someone just trying to make you happy, and you push them away." Cy moved deeper into the crawlspace, halfheartedly searching for something there. Cy muttered quietly, "Sorry I care..." His expression, if Adrianna could even see it in the darkness, was now somber, like he wanted to just give up.
Adrianna looks at him and then shook herself, having not expected him to drop her so suddenly. She looked at him and then her ears went down. She looked at the ground and then back at him. She got up and then turned around walking out. She stopped herself and then walked back in. She looked at him and then she rubbed her head under his chin. "I lost everything to me and I found they were turned into trouphys. You want me to be happy but right now I just can't."
Cy looked at her rubbing under his chin, and lost all anger and somberness. "I am sorry... I do not mean to take it out on you at all. But, you have to try to be happy. What happened happened, and nothing can change that. You have something to look forward to though," Cy said and paused a moment, "Revenge on the person who stole it all from you. And, you have us all to be happy about. We will always be here for you and always help you and try our hardest to keep you safe and sane. Also, even if you don't want to let anyone else into your heart, you can let me in. I will never hurt it." Cy smiled and nuzzled her back softly.
(Alright, I'm back with stable wifi :D Expect more posts from me but right now Im playing catchup)

(LOL, Adrianna on catnip xD almost as bad as Wane drunk teehee)

Wane nodded when Julianna asked him about his power "Not exactly magic, I mean, I haven't thought of it as magic until now. I just can do it" Wane shrugged showing her his power as they walked out of the room. He opens the fingers of his right hand and makes a claw, the purple humming orb of energy appears "This hand kills or harms people" He pinches his fingers together and extinguishes the power, letting his right hand drop to his side. He repeats the procedure with his left hand. "The blue one paralyzes". He again extinguishes it "I have a lot of uses for it, including a form of light and as a power source for appliances" He chuckles as she stares oddly at the fridge and oven "Yeah those. It's a refrigerator, keeps our food cool" he walks over and opens the door, showing her the shelves with some food he stocked on it and closes it again. He points to another one "That's an oven and stove, it cooks food with fire and heat" he purred "Which is another thing I can do, heat things up. Honestly theres a lot I can do with my power that I haven't even figured out yet. I can use it in cat form too, though not quite as strong".

He looks at Julianna "I can't say that I'm strong, Everyone here is strong. I don't know how I could compare any better to them. Or worse, because, you know. I'm pretty awesome" he yawns "Anyways, you should get some rest, goodnight Julianna. I hope you find a good sleeping spot, you could bunk with us if you like but I already room with one hot girl, and don't be angry if I say I think she's way prettier than you" he chuckles and runs up the stairs before she says anything, "Anyways, goodnight" He calls to Nii, "I'm going to bed, come if you want. He says and hops on the bedsheets, curling up in a snuggly white ball.

-Transition to next morning-

Wane stretches his front legs with a yawn, then shifts into human form doing the same with his arms in the air before letting them drop. "Hey pretty kitty, how'd you sleep?" he touches her gently and couldn't help but purr even though he was in his human form. He realizes he's still wearing the unbuttoned lab coat and then shrugs "I'm thinking we should drop by at the neko store and get a few things. You know, like food. And clothing that is actually my style" He grins happily.

Lya thrashes around in her sleep and awakens with a gasp, realizing it was just a nightmare. A nightmare that she couldn't remember the details of. Except that it involved Kyrie somehow.
Julianna smiled at the power, "Yes. I can probably teach you a thing or two. Should be fun, if you are willing." She poked at the appliances, turning the stove on, then quickly turning it off with big eyes. Julianna hardly noticed when Wane got tackled and left. She looked at a nearby open window and shifted into her cat form, then swiftly flew onto the roof to sleep under the stars.

Nii tackled Wane out of nowhere, and nommed on his ear playfully, "Hey Wane! I'm tired! Let's go sleep!" she said before lifting him up with her mind and making him float away upstairs. "Goodnight Julianna!" she said then ran off, closing the door to their room behind her. She plopped Wane down on the bed, and grinned at him playfully at the door.
Adrianna looks at cy and then smiled lightly. "Alright." she said and then snuggled into him. She looks at him and then slowly pulled away. "Let's keep walking." she said noticing a little light up ahead. She looked at cy and then kept walking. She yawned a bit.
(Oh hey, Kinadra, I edited my last post so it fits with the timeframe, we're all in now. So if you could respond to that :P haha sorry, it was so much to go over)

As Wane got up from his bed awaiting her reply he remembered yesterdays conversation and relayed a thought message to Cy 'Hey, remember the Adrianna password I talked about. We need to do that soon, to be on the safe side, discuss it with Adrianna' He knew those two were probably together sOmewhere as of now.
Cy followed Adrianna as she noticed a light ahead, she yawned and he nudged her, worried she didn't get enough sleep. Then Cy got the mind message from Wane and relayed it to Adrianna, just making sure she got it in case the link didn't send it automatically. "Wane is right, we do need to talk about that. After we see this light thing, what do you say we go up and talk to them?" Cy purred, happy things were going smoothly for a short while.

Nii smirked at him, "Yeah, we really do need to do shopping. Get you some of your awesome clothes to go on your awesome body." She grinned and hugged Wane from behind, nipping on his ear playfully before whispering, "Don't turn around. K?" She let go of him and looked in the closet, happy when she guessed right. A few female clothes. She stripped and flicked her tail, trying to decide what to wear.
Adrianna looked at cy and then nodded. She continued to follow the light and then took notice I led to a door. Adrianna blinked and opened the door. She walked inside and then turned human looking around the room full of stuff. She looked around. A tv...a few more beds, all kinds of stuff they could sell or keep. Adrianna looked at cy and smiled lightly.
"Wow..." Cy said aloud, not trusting his own eyes. "Did I accidently make an illusion or is this really here?" He laughed and smiled big, running in and dive-bombing a bean bag chair. "Dude! They even have game consoles! Why is this stuff here?? It all is so new and pristine looking!" Cy touched the down comforter on the bed nearest to him and breathed out in happiness. "This house is magical."
Wane blushed lightly at her compliment even though he'd said the same exact thing for himself. She nipped his ear and told him to stay turned around. As promised he did, shifting into cat form and staring at the bits of light that filtered throigh the window and onto the bedsheets. He swatted at the dancing lights with a paw. "You know, you say don't turn around but now I'm really tempted to turn around" he chuckled. Swishing his tail deviously as he swatted at the light more, averting his gaze for the time being. "I guess thats the rulebreaker in me"
Adrianna looks around. She blinks and then opens another door to a white room with lab equipment. Adrianna raised an eyebrow confused. Shenlooked at cy. "You sure it's magical?" she asked and then rubs her head.
Nirae picked out a dark blue dress in amongst the clothes and swiftly put it on. "Ok, now you can look," she said with a twirl to show off the dress, "How does it look? Be honest. I think it is a great find!" Nii walked over to Wane, a big smile on her face, waiting for his opinion with suspense. She wanted him to like it. "Seems whoever was here didn't like their clothes or something. This is such a pretty formal dress. I wonder why they would leave it."

Cy frowned and got up, peeking his head into the lab room. "Pristine..." he said, confusion in his voice, "What in the world is a lab so clean doing here... Of all places? And it looks like they left in a hurry." Cy pointed to a moldy doughnut and a cup of what he guessed was once coffee. "This is... odd... What should we do?" To be honest Cy hated the lab room. It gave him a headache, though not like the Vince ones. He winced a little at the pain, but it was tolerable.

The dress:

Adrianna looked around and then looked at Cy. "Get out of here....this is giving me the creeps-" She jerked and then looked at a needle in her leg. She pulled it out before stummbling a bit. It was an old trap. Heat sensors in the wall had detected them. Adrianna felt very tired and she looked at Cy. "Watch.....don't get..." She couldn't even finish her sentence. She just wanted to make sure he wouldn't be shot as well. Adrianna fell to the ground out cold.
Cy yelped when Adrianna fell, seeing her pull out a needle before she fell unconscious. Cy shifted into his small cat form, now under the range of any more needles. He tugged on Adrianna, trying to pull her across the floor to no avail. He huffed and curled up next to her to wait until she woke up, creating an illusion around them, so that no one could see them there, just in case.
Adrianna opened her eyes a few times but it took a long time before she could even move. "C-cy..." She moved her head and then passed out again but only for a few minutes. She opened her eyes again. "Should have....seen this comming." She said and then tried to get up but her head was still foggy.
Cy padded over close to her head and licked her nose, worried as can be for her. "Adrianna...?" he said slowly, "Don't move too much. Just wait for your strength to come back." His tiny black form curled up in a ball under her chin as he spoke to her again, this time in her mind, Don't worry. I will protect you. He strengthened the illusion. As long as someone's mind believed it to be true, they couldn't be touched.
Adrianna looks at him and then blinks. She looks at Cy and then shifted. "Your fur tickles." she said and then petted him a little. "I'm sorry...." She said and then looked around. She rubbed her head. "My head hurts." She said and then tried to get up again. "We have to get out of here."

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