Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

(Sorry my dear, Bri. I had to take care of a few things but I'm back)

Finn had finished up his rummaging for fish in the dumpster and once he had jumped out, he smelled like crap. Seems like this kitty was gonna need some showering later on. Hopefully the house had some plumbing and running warm water. He wouldn't know since this was technically his first day there. Flicking off the remaining fish, Finn shifted back to his human-like self and looked around for Monica. Where had she gone? He was just about to head back. Following her scent, he found her in about a matter of 7 minutes, lighting some fire.

"What're you doing there, m'friend?" He squatted beside her.
"How was I supposed to know?" Cy asked defensively, "It wasn't even a spell. All it was was some intro. A guideline thing." Cy twitched his tail, getting very annoyed, and shifted into a tiny black fluffy cat. He was very adorable as he leapt onto the bed and curled into a ball, his eyes on Adrianna. His look was an odd mix of worry he upset her, and irritation she was upset at him.
Adrianna looks at cy. She glared at him and then sighed. "Fine whatever." she said and then pushed her hair back. "I's the first time I've felt like I've belonged anywhere. Since my parents died I've been running around stealing anything useful to me and caring nothing of others. It was...lonely." she sighed. "Since I joined this group I thought of nothing but protecting them. I get defensive and yeah I know I can scary when I'm angry and probably the most stubborn here but I...I don't want to lose them. I don't want them on vince's walls and I don't want them indanger. Just...please..." she looks at him with probably the most entree look she's had so far. Her eyes were soft and she was completely relaxed. "Be more careful " she asked softly.
Cy sighed and hopped off the bed, rubbing against her leg, "Adrianna, you wont lose us. And, besides, I should tell you to be careful. You are the one always attacked. I feel useless, I haven't even really been the attacked one." Cy licked Adrianna's leg and looked up at her, trying to get her to cheer up. He backed up, grinning wide on the inside. Cy sat up on his hind legs and put his paws in front of him, putting on a begging face, "Be happy my dear Adrianna."
Adrianna looks at him and then blinks. She smiled at him when he started begging. She kneeled down and then started lightly scratching him behind his ear. "Ok ok....I know...but I can handle it really." she said and then looked at him. She started thinking to herself how cute he was sometimes.
(Ugh... short posts... I am sorry)

Cy smiled and purred at the scratching behind the ear, "You don't have to alone though," Cy shifted into human form, very close to her, "You have me, and I can always be leaned upon. I know I am not much, but at least it is some comfort I hope." Cy smiled, his face mere inches from her own. Adrianna's hand ended up on his shoulder when he shifted, and he purred a little still.
Adrianna blinked and then stared at him. He was so close. She looked at her hand which was on his shoulder now and then back at suddenly feeling relaxed and tense all at the same confusing time. She nodded slowly and smiled lightly at him. "You are a lot of help." she said.
loveslea is a neko with all back hair with strans of purple in the bangs . her height five four an she very pretty . she slouches over ween she walk be cause of the the chains an cuffs she wears on her legs an arms that are all so attached to her collar. ween she was very young her mother was taken from her an a human found her an took her home. ween she came of age the woman found out that the neko girl had extreme strength an speed after finding this out she sold her off to a male human that had a fighting arena. were they tried to force her to fight her own kind she rebelled an was punished for loseing her fights. as time went on her owner grew furious an locked her in a dark room for a year punishing her regularly till her emotions were non her own. he then tried once again to see if she fight her owner camanded her to fight ween the the bell rang in she flue haven no regard for her kin after that seeing her broke her he new he could send her on errains. the next day he sent her to pic up a crate of good an bring them back but she ended up getting lost . loveslea looked around not familler with the area she stood there quite thinking if shed stay there she be found an taken home even if ther was consequences that wold be awateing her.
Cy smiled bigger and closed his eyes in relief, "I am happy. I never want to be useless, especially to one who deserves as much as you." Cy kissed her forehead quickly, hoping she would not kill him for that, and stood up, "Well... Didn't you wish to sleep? And, it is up to you which form I sleep in and where I sleep. I can even sleep in the closet, should you wish it to be so." Smiling and blushing a bit, Cy waited for Adrianna's answer patiently.
( I love your backstory loveslea, but there's a sign-up form on the first page. Copy and paste the form and fill it out with your information and post all that information in the thread. Sorry if I sound like a total butt but plz fill the form first ^^)
Adrianna looks at him and then slightly tilted her head. She shook her head and then lai down on the bed pulling up a blanket she had bought. "Doesn't matter to me...if you are uncomfortable sharin a bed wih me then you can sleep somewhere else. I don't care if you're in human form or cat form." she said scooting to the side of the bed closest to the wall so he had plenty of room.
Character Skelly!



Species:neko girl


Powers?:strength speed

Bio:taken n by a human female sold to a arena fighter owner to settle a debt

Appearance( descrip. Or pic):black hair with purple bangs 5,4 feet tall size six footlong mid puffy tail

(if neko) Cat appearance:
Cy nodded and shifted into cat form. He hopped silently on the bed and laid down curled into a ball on a pillow. "Well then... goodnight Adrianna..." he said and then was out cold, a little purr here and there as he slept. He had a disturbing dream though, he dreamt of Kyrie and Vince together. The two of them working together, and Kyrie didn't seem happy about it, but didn't seem opposed to it either. After a long while of sleeping he woke up, his claws in the pillow, and a tense expression. He muttered quietly to himself, not wanting to wake Adrianna if he hadn't already, "That... can't be possible... Just a nightmare. Had to be. He isn't here, so it is normal to be so paranoid..." After he had calmed down, he stretched and looked at Adrianna, then wondered if she had seen the same thing because of the link.
Adrianna woke and then looked at cy with a frown. She blinked as he muttered a few words. She rubbed her eye and then twitched her ears. "Had a nightmare?" she asked having the same nightmare. She slowly sat up and then yawns. "Heh me too." she said yawning.
Cy shifted and sat on the bed, frowning and trying to make sense of it. "Just a nightmare... right?" he said, half to himself and half to Adrianna, trying to reassure himself. "It felt... odd... Anyways... did you get enough sleep Adrianna? I don't know what time it is anymore, my schedule for sleep is all messed up." Cy stretched, he didn't smell or anything, but he really wanted a nice hot shower.
Adrianna looks at him and then blinks. "I guess." she said and then looked at him. She rubs her head. "I'm no to tired however I'm not sure what time it is either." she said and then pushed her hair back a little. She looks at him and started combing her hair with her fingers a bit.
Cy reached into his bag, which was on the side of the bed, and pulled out a brush, "Here," he said, handing the brush to Adrianna, then stood up. Cy stretched more, thinking still, "So... should we tell the others? Or just keep it between us?" Cy looked at Adrianna for her opinion, he wasn't much of a leader himself, but he figured Adrianna already figured that out.
Loveslea walked around the shopping district lost carrying create ,she been looking all day to the way back to her owner.

fatigue started to take tole on her body she started to claps falling to the ground droping the create on the ground as well.

loveslea fell unconscious hiting her head on the floor causeing a bump to swell on herhead.

Loveslea walked around the shopping district lost carrying createwhile her shackels weghted her down ,she been looking all day to the way back to her owner.

fatigue started to take tole on her body she started to claps falling to the ground droping the create on the ground as well.

loveslea fell unconscious hiting her head on the floor causeing a bump to swell on herhead.
Adrianna looks at Cy. "I don't think we should. His sister is already worried....however if we see him I'd still be careful." She said and then slowly got up using the brush he gave her. She looks at Cy and then smiles. "Thank you." she said setting the brush on the stand beside the bed. She looks at Cy and then crossed her arms.
Cy nodded and then looked at Adrianna, wondering why she was crossing her arms, "Well... umm... do you want to go downstairs? Talk to Julianna again? Or... go outside? Explore more?" Cy shrugged, and moved a bit of hair out of his face, "I don't really know what to do now." Cy laughed a little awkwardly and played with a patch on his shirt.
Adrianna looked at him thinking things over. She wondered what to do. She kept her arms crossed seeing as she always did that, no matter what mood she was in her normal commando stance was leaning on one leg and crossing her arms. She looked at Cy and then sighed. "Really neather do I." she said and then got her jacket back on and her boots. She looked at him. "Probably look for those exits we can take and places to hide incase of emergancy." She said to him.
Cy nodded again and headed to the door, opening it and motioning for Adrianna to go out first, "Well, I think then that we should check the basement again. Go in that crawlspace. See if it leads outside and if anything else in in there. So then... let's." He waited for her to move out of the room then he followed suit, heading back down to the basement. His mind, however, was in a jumble, 'Should I be worried? It felt like a vision... but... if that was a vision... why would he side with him? Furthermore, why would Vince let him in? Ah... maybe I am just being a worrywart... I should have more trust in him. And that Julianna girl... she seems scared... but trust-able. I wonder how powerful she really is... she seems really confident... Oh! Damn... I am probably annoying Adrianna. Sorry Adrianna!' He blushed a little and looked in front of him at Adrianna, now at the basement.
Adrianna hits Cy. Yeah stop it! For now just be on guard. She thought and then looked at Cy. She turned around to face him and then sighed. "I wouldn't rush into anything right now." She said and then found the crawl space again. She turned into her cat form. "I can't use my light power to well in cat form so we'll have to use good old cat eyes." She said and then started walking further into the crawl space.
Cy winced and laughed a little when Adrianna hit him, "Hey! Not nice!" He shifted into his little fluffy cat form and jumped down into the crawlspace. Cy looked around and waited a few minutes for his eyes to adjust before padding around in the crawlspace. He looked at Adrianna and mewed, "I don't see anything or feel anything over here... any luck where you are?"

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