Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

"Yay!" Cy exclaimed quietly, a smile on his face, "You did it!" He smiled at her, then moved his gaze around the room. He walked to the far side of the room, and looked around, "Nothing..." he stated, unsurprised. As he walked back to her, a floorboard squeaked loudly and very high pitched. Cy jumped about a foot into the air and looked at Adrianna, then back to the floorboard. "Umm...," Cy said, walking back to the floorboard and picking it up. A large crawlspace was underneath, and a large old wooden box. Cy looked at Adrianna, "What do you want to do?"

Nirae squeezed Wane's hand happily as they ran around. The closet door opened and an avalance happened. Nii giggled and lifted a bunch of the junk-like objects out of the way and opened her eyes wide, "Wane, that isn't a closet... its too big. And the trash stops after a while. What is this?" She looked around, trying to peer inside the room, to no avail. The objects still above her head, she looked at Wane in a pleading way that said, "Could you please take a look?"

Eirlys smiled and hopped up, "Sure! Let's go. I want to do what all the others are doing. Looking around and exploring, like treasure hunters!" She blushed a bit, not used to being so enthusiastic about... anything really. Eirlys moved past Rekka and opened the door with a smile, motioning for Rekka to lead the way.
Adrianna looks at Cy and then looks at Cy. "Let's bring it up." She said and then grabbed it starting to pull it up. She looks at Cy. "Want to help out?" She asked. She looks back at the box her tail slowly waving behind her. She waited for Cy to grab the other side for her.
"Oh! Yeah yeah, here," Cy said quickly, lifting the other side of the box, slowly pulling it out of the crawlspace with Adrianna's help. He dropped it on the floor shortly afterwards, once Adrianna did the same. "Now then, let's see what's in this," Cy said happily, moving to open the box when his fingers fell on cold, partly rusted metal. A lock. "Fudge..." he said quietly, frustrated, "I don't even know if Nii could open this... with how rusted it is... Do we have anything to break it open with? I don't want to hurt the box... I mean... just look at the detail work on this." He pointed to some carvings in the box, brushing and blowing off some dirt as he did so. Some swirls adorned the box's top, rough carvings, but well done. At one point there was a stain on the wood, but it had long worn off, only remnants of the stain here and there. Connecting to some of the swirls were intricate, but fairly roughed up flowers, each flower a different species. In the center of the box's top was a large carved pentagram, with the corresponding elements next to the points. For fire, an interesting swirl that looked as though it actually burned. For water, waves that looked like they really crashed. For air, swirls for wind, looking as though it would really blow. For earth, a cliff with a lone flower on it, intricate enough that it looked as though someone could sit upon it. And, lastly, for spirit a ball... a ball that had a white glow to it, so very real, but only carved on the wood. Cy looked at Adrianna and gulped nervously, "We have to open this. Now."
Adrianna looks at him. "Not very controled are you?" She said and then looked at the lock. She smirked some and then grabbed a few things out of her bag. She started picking the lock and unlocked it. She looks at Cy. "Be my guest." She said and then smiled at him crossing her arms. She looked at the box. it was mysterous looking and very well crafted. She might keep it in her room. She perked her ears up wondering what was inside but she probably didn't look as excited as Cy was.
(I have an idea.... but it will be >.> Weird. I have to get this chick accepted first.)

Name: Julianna Verdassi

Age: Looks 17, is really older because she was trapped

Species: neko

Gender: Female

Powers?: Sorceress

Bio: She got... stuck, trapped of sorts, a long time ago. She has been stuck in a limbo sort of plane and does not know anything of the world as it is now. Her life beforehand is unimportant, as everyone she used to know is now dead.



Cat appearance: If not with wings, then without wings is fine :3 Tell me which you prefer please.



Cy glared at Adrianna a little, "What? I am just excited. This thing, its cool! It is like a little adventure. Lighten up." Cy moved to open the box, and, as soon as he opened it, he started coughing like crazy. Dust flew everywhere. As he waved his hand, trying to clear the air, Cy looked into the box, "Some papers, candles, a dish or two, and a lot of books." He couldn't list all the things of course, it was a big, full box. Cy looked back at Adrianna, and picked up the book on top, blowing the dust off. "It reads, Spellbook. Ooo creepy. I wonder if Wane would like this. He has his weird energy magic. Maybe he could learn a thing or two."
Adrianna smacked Cy with her tail again. She glared at him and then looked at the books. She looks at Cy. "I bet." She said and coughed a bit from the dust. She looked at the crawl space again. "Well...nice place to hide stuff." she said and then looked at the chest. "Hmm...shall we bring this to the others?" she asked.
Rekka cheerfully led Eirlys down, sendig his thoughts to Cystennin. 'Hey, Cy, what's going on?' He asked in his head and waited for a response.(approved, Kinadra. With or without wings is your descision. I don't like to retrict mai fellow rpers of their imagination :D gotta sleep, liek, 11 at nite rite nao fer mei. Parents think im sleepin xD )
"Hey! What'd I do to deserve that?? Bah, fine, let's show it to them. We can just bring it to the main room, and prepare for show and tell," Cy said and smiled a little at Adrianna. He put the book back into the chest and closed the lid, then prepared to pick it up on one side, assuming Adrianna would get the other. "I wonder what they will think of this stuff...," Cy said absentmindedly.

(SWEET!!! And mmk :3)

Cy received the thoughts, and wondered for a moment if Adrianna would get them too, because of the link. He replied to Rekka, We found a chest. We are going to bring it up to you guys and put it in the main room. Maybe you can find the others?

Eirlys followed Rekka down, and looked at him confused as he seemed focused on something. She figured it was ok though and smiled on, wondering where the others had gone off to.
Adrianna looks at Cy and then picks up the other end and started to carry it back up stairs with cy's help. She looks at Cy. "Don't know." She said and then looked around. At least she didn't have to keep lighting up the room. However when she did stop she suddenly almost fainted. She fell back.
Cy yelped and dropped the box, catching Adrianna with a huff, Adrianna... are you ok?! He held her to his chest, and carried her swiftly out of the basement, then sat with her still in his arms at the door to the basement. Cy sighed heavily, and tried to make light of the serious situation, "You know Adrianna, you really are a handful. But its ok. Its part of your charm."
Adrianna grabbed her head. "Huh?" She looks up at him. "I'm fine! I just over did it a little." She said and then rubbed her head. "Let me expain my power a little more to you. My power isn't like normal isn't even like people who hold shadow. I can't use my power in darkness for to long...because without light I become weak. It's kind of like my life source if you will." She said and then rubbed her head. "That's why I went outside last time I took watch, to soak in light and hopefully keep myself awake." She said and then lightly smiled at him. She looked up at him and then looked away. "Yeah...I'm fine can put me down."
Cy huffed and squeezed her, "Then say so next time. You worried me half to death." Cy released her and went back down by himself, and slowly dragged the box/chest up the stairs. He was panting by the time he had reached the top. "There..." Cy said, pausing for breath, "Its up... lets.... get the others..." Cy was trying to regain his breath, the chest was filled with books and other heavy things, so he wasn't surprised it was so hard to do on his own.
Adrianna looks at him. "I just're the one who worried." She said and then looked at the chest. "Yeah sure let's get the others." She said crossing her arms and then looked around. She sniffed and then wagged her tail slightly.
(Anddddd now we wait :P apparently we are the late night people. Haha. I have a plan though! And am looking forward to it :3)
(Sorry guys D: I've like...posted only once a day lately, if you guys were to come on a bit earlier then I would be able to reply more. Anyways, whatevs, I'm on)

Wane steps through the room, the room had a lot of shelves and old books in them, a lot of random objects littered the floor, but the thing that stood out most was a doorway, except without a door. In the darkness there were a few stairs that led up to some unknown place "Did...this house have a third floor?" Wane rifled through his mind to figure out if he knew, the house didn't appear to have a third floor, he didn't see any windows. "Come on" he ran up the stairs, trying not to stumble in the darkness. Upon reaching the top, he gasped. He expected it to be completely dark, and he expected there to be nothing of importance there. But there appeared to be a lab. A single luminescent bluish light from a desk seemed to efficiently illuminate the room in glow, allowing them to see enough in the darkness. It appeared to have some magical property, since the sphere had appeared to be lit for who knows how long. "Woah! Nirae!, look at this". Wane's footsteps seemed to echo on the...tile floor. He walked up to one table which had many vials, chemicals, and a lot of other sciency looking gadgets he couldn't describe. There was a table on the far side of the room, he walked over to it. It wasn't just any table, it seemed to have shackles on four sides. There were also several kennels in the room.

Wane blinked confusedly and twitched his ears in shock. His eye caught a leather bound book, he flipped to a bookmarked page and read Day 248: I have successfully fused the DNA of both feline and sapiens. It has been a long and arduous journey. For months my research has led me to nowhere. It was only when I had found a spellbook (Okay? Or should it just be general magic :P ) that I was successfully able to do the impossible. By enhancing the cells with magical qualities, I was able to blend the species and create Cat-Human hybrids. I've sent my research elsewhere as well. There's no end to what we can do here! It's fascinating what my work has become. I am ready to implant the cell into a female uterus, soon I'll be able to see the real essence of my research in full effect. For some reason, there a few splatters of blood on the page, Wane flipped the page, there was nothing else written, whoever wrote this must have not lived to see 'the real essence of his/her research in full effect'. Wane's heart grew cold as he read the words of the tome. He swished his tail agitatedly, this was odd, odd and creepy. What exactly did they stumble upon. The origin of their species? Why would they be created in a secret lab room in an old cabin. He ripped his eyes from the book and looked over at Nii, "Do you know what this is?!" Both telling her as well as asking, since he was not totally sure himself.

Lya sighed, the two lovebirds had retreated into the basement, and she did not want to disturb them so she stayed here and pursued the study of her elemental powers. What hadn't she done yet? She pensively twitched her reddish ears and tail in thought when she decided she'd do some air powers. Lya concentratrated hard, taking a deep breath than extended her hand with the fingers outstretched, but with all her might she could not will any air out. Not even a miserable poof of wind. She grew frustrated, flailing her arm wildly trying to will the power to work. Just then her hand released a torrent of wind, traveling through the house and making a loud 'thunk' against the walls and doors of the creaky wooden house. She yipped in shock, not expecting the uncontrolled effect of the wind. She ran up the stairs and to the room "Sorry guys" she called out, drooping her tail and whimpering, jeez, she'd have to be more in control next time.
Nirae looked around the room after making her way over the pile of stuff. "A...lab?" she said, then looked at the book, picking it up with her mind and flipping through the pages, then looked at Wane and spoke quietly, "Wha... what is this? This is just an old cabin... why is this here...? I mean... this can't be right... nekos have been around for a long time... right? This lab can't be that old... Maybe... maybe he was trying to make nekos better? More abilities? I-I don't know..." She looked at Wane, completely confused and at a loss of words. Nirae didn't want this to be true, to her, it couldn't be true, it couldn't be right.

Cy nodded at Adrianna and sat, leaning against the wall before sending out a mass message to everyone in the house, Hey, you guys, main room. We found a chest in the basement. Wane... I think you might like this. Cy smiled, completely unaware of the existential crisis arising upstairs.
Adrianna looks at Cy and then turns into her cat form stretching herself out and yawning loudly. She shook out her fur and walked over to Cy sitting down waiting for everyone to return. She twitched her ear and then looked at the chest. She looked back upstairs wondering what was taking Wane and Nii.
Rekka flicked his ear to Cy telling him. Rekka ran down to the basement and saw Cystennin and Adrianna. "Ah..." He whispered, nodding at the chest. It looked exquisite. Valuable even. "What... Is?" Rekka said softly.
(They aren't in the basement anymore)

Cy looked up at Rekka and Eirlys with a curious smile, and he explained sarcastically, "A chest. But, on a more serious note, it has some witchy stuff inside I guess. It even has a spellbook." He smiled and patted the chest lightly, then gestured for Rekka to take a look as Eirlys just looked at the chest, mildly interested, "Well, take a look if you like. Pretty neat!" He looked around, and frowned a little, "Where did Wane and Nirae run off to? Did they get lost or something?"
(eh. My bad. Terrible memory.)

Rekka hesitated, but clasped his hands on the chest, and heaved it open. It was a bit heavy, but Rekka lifted it open. Finally, the chest was fully opened, and Rekka saw inside--

(Not sure what's inside, you continue. And SUPER UBER SORRY for extremely short posts! I have limited internet and don't wanna make my oarents pay too much '3.)
Wane heard Cy's voice and wondered if he should tell them "Well lets go...but first". Wane found a white lab coat and threw it on "Well how do I look?" He grinned "I think I'll leave it open though". After that he ran downstairs to meet wit the others.

Lya cocked her head as she got the message, and when the others showed up she asked "Hey, whats going on?"

Lya looked at the chest "Woah, is that..." She turned to see Wane come down the stairs, Wane calls out "Alright, what beats what we found up there, he thought to Cy 'Trust me, we saw crazy stuff'
Adrianna looked at them all. "We found a chest." She said turning human. She looked at Cy and then pushed her hair back a bit. 'Cy thought you might like to see." She said and then opened the chest. She looked at all the books inside and then looked at Wane. "Spell books." She said and then crossed her arms with a smile.
"Yeah!" Cy exclaimed, picking up the one on top, the one titled "Spellbook" and read the first page aloud with a smile, "Ok, this says, The Wiccan Rede. Oh gosh it is long... Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme. Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much. Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again. Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune. Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane. When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two. When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth. When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest. Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows. Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower. Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland. Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye. Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning. White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility. Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine. Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen. Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be. Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark. As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain. When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows. When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn. As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite. Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all. When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules. In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way. When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight. Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall. Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be. Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know. When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed. With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend. Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow. Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you. These Eight words the Rede fulfill: An Ye Harm none, Do What Ye Will...," Cy huffed, sucking in breath quick after reading aloud such a long thing.

Cy set the book down on his lap, and looked at the others, wondering what their opinions would be of that passage. He did not notice that the book in his lap now had slightly glowing, red text.
Adrianna looks at him. She tilts her head to the side. "Hmm...seems like love is very important to that book.'s a spell book what the heck are you reading it for!" She said and then rubs her head. She walks over and then looks at the book. "Is it just me...or is that glowing." She said and then looked at Cy with a glare. "What did you just do." She said putting her hands on her hips.
Cy stared at the writing on the book, moving his hand along the glowing letters, then looked at Adrianna, "I... um... all it was was the Wiccan Rede. It should have been just their law of sorts... Not a spell... but it activated something I guess." Under his touch, the book grew brighter, and even the pages themselves began to glow, Cy quickly tossed the book off his lap. The book landed a few feet away with a thud, sending some dust into the air. The book's pages flipped around as though blown by a wind, though the air was still now.

A flash of light appeared and then disappeared, over the book crouched a white cat with red stripes along its body. The cat's eyes darted back and forth, then she leapt into the air, and its wings unfurled from its back. Flapping the wings, she stayed above everyone's head and hissed at them, then began speaking in Latin, "Ubi sum? Quid fecisti ad Carlita? Quid de illo? Quandiu me capi? Nihil hic levaretur? An turpius quicquam? Non possum ego..." She stopped, seeing their ears, and their tails. She tilted her head to the side, confused, "Omnes vos estis nekos? Sane sciendum ... quo modo evasisse Nemo ex vobis sunt hostiles, immo? Ego magicas quaeritur, si utar, ut noceret mihi." She spoke fast all the while, scared and startled.

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