Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

Adrianna jumped infront of Lya as the creature's claws sliced through the rock. The creature appeared unharmed which worried Adrianna deeply. She stood prtectively infront of Lya and hissed loudly. She lowered herself slightly the creature running to attack. Adrianna unleashed a powerful burst of light, it turned into a spear of light as she aimed it at the mightly creature. However the strain on Adrianna was showing. It was hard to focus light in such a way. The creature screeched loudly causing Adrianna to cover her ears and yell out in pain for a moment. Adrianna glanced at the creature which was now just inches away. It grabbed her in it's hand and screeched right into her face.

Adrianna suddenly fell unconscious. The creature suddenly appeared in the coffin with Adrianna. As the coffin closed Adrianna screamed and blood seeped from the coffin. Adrianna in a last attempt blasted light everywhere distroying the coffin. Adrianna fell to her knees. She looked as Andra suddenly fell back.

Kindra covered her ears and then backed away from Rekka. She grabbed her arm as Wane hit it. She hissed at both of them. She saw Adrianna had distroyed the coffin and appeared behind Andra catching her. She disappeared and then reapeared behind Adrianna kicking her. Adrianna of course looked pretty onharmed but something about being in the coffin had drained almost everything in her. In a few short seconds it was like Adrianna was being mentaly stabbed and beaten. She laid on the ground but quickly got up. She would still fight. Adrianna gathered strangth from the daylight sun so she would be pretty ok untill the other could excape. Kindra looked back at the boys and pulled out a sword. She appeared behind wane about to stab him threw.
Wane was confused when the girl dissapeared, he looked to see she wassome feet away, drawing a sword and gicing them a cold stare. She suddenly vanished from thin air. Wane was confused a moment when he suddenly realized this girl could teleport. He realized she was behind him and tried to dodge, but not soon enough. A sharp pain ripped in his lower body and he felt hot moisture dripping from the cold blade. He fell to his knees and felt the world spin. Through clenched teeth he cried out "We have to retreat!" He quickly spun a hand to the teleporting girls legs and seeped blue energy into them with his left hand, paralyzing them. He got up, holding a hand to the wound as he cried out an order.

Lya felt the urgency to run away, noe. She grabbed some scattered stuff from the fight scene, but then she looked at the lion. She ran over and grabbed it before anyone cold realize it. She took off in the direction of the cabin with everything she could hold and held the lion over her shoulder. Hopefully they would make it out.

Wane commanded "Everyone lets go!" He projected a thought to Cy "Tell everyone not to

'Tell everyone not to go to the cabin, we're going to the shed' he projected the image of it to Cy 'Its to dangerous to reveal its location if we're followed' Wane gritted his teeth, the pain was killing him, he'd have to make it out soon though.

(noe *now cold *could)
(Oh wow... i'm so sorry I was absent.)

Cy, who had been watching the battle, unsure what to do up until now, put up a thick illusion around all of them, making the group look like they had disappeared. With a just as urgent thought sending, he screamed into the other's minds what Wane had sent to him, including the picture of the shed.

Nii ran to Wane as soon as he was injured, her mind racing as she looked at all the others. Once she heard Cy's thought, she nodded and lifted both Wane and Adrianna gingerly, figuring that making them float would be a faster escape than hobbling off.

Eirlys could see through the illusion that was created, and knew that it was like a one-way mirror. She winced slightly at Cy's powerful thought sending, and looked at the faces of their attackers. Raising a hand she made it like a blizzard around all the attackers, then added darkness to the mix, just in case Cy's illusion wasn't enough.
Lya stopped in her tracks when she got the image of the shed. Of course, how could she be so stupid as to almost reveal the location of the cabin. She concentrated on the thought projected to her and tried to find the destination. The lion was cumbersome to run with, but Adrianna would be dissapointed if they didn't make it out with her father.

Wane was shocked when he was lifted into the air but was too exhausted and agonized to object. The wound was seeping the energy out of im, he had a real hard time staying awake. He took off his shirt and wrapped it tight around the wound staunching the bloodflow for the time being.
Adrianna looks at Nii and and then at Wane. She pinned her ears back and then looked at a confused Vince and then looked at Andra who was staring right at her. Adrianna looks at Cy and then looks back at Andra. Must be a twin thing....very...very freaky twin thing. She thought and then looks at the sheld. "I'm sorry....please put me down..." She said and then looked back at Wane. She felt like a knife had been stabbed through her heart. She did was her fault....her fault.
No. Cy said simply, answering for Nii before beginning to move quickly to the shed, changing into his small cat form. Nii shook her head and shifted into lynx form, moving the two of them in tandem with her. She kept them above her but close as she ran to the shed. Eirlys looked at Adrianna as though she was stupid and shifted into her snow leopard form, bolting fast toward the shed.
Lya made it to the shed that Cy had indicated in her mind. She put the lion down and slouched against the wall. She found that some of the others had already made it here. She looked directly at Adrianna "I snatched him for you when we escaped"

Wane groaned as he was set down on the floor of the shed, his fingers shook as he pressed the soaked bandage against his skin. The black cloth was already seeped in his own blood, he sucked in a breath and tried not to pass out.
Nii, already tired from the mad dash over here hid her exhaustion from the others and immediately went to work on Wane, shifting back into human form. A few tears escaped her eyes and she blinked them away fast. Raising her hands above Wane's wound she stared at her hands and started healing, her hands glowing as she did so.

Eirlys, once she got there, curled up in a corner and looked on at the scene. Cy did similar, sitting, a tiny curled up black ball, on a box. His mind was wavering, but he forced himself to try continuing to confuse their attackers. Eirlys spoke softly, "Why... is he so cruel...?" She looked at Wane and Adrianna with growing concern.
Adrianna looked at Lya and then nodded. "Thank you." She said and then looked at her dad. She slowly picked him up and moved him into a corner with her. She shook her head and then curled up. She couldn't believe it. She stayed n the corner and shook her head. She looked around and then looked out. At least they got away but Wane was now the one in danger. She looked at Nii and then hid her face.
Lya nodded and said nothing as she sat down. She looked around and realized something "Cy, did you get the message to Kyrie, too" She was worried, she hoped he would make it here soon.

Wane's breath grew raspy, he had already lost a lot of blood, luckily Nii's healing had stopped it completely. He clenched his teeth as he could feel the flesh sewinf shut, it burned like fire and his head spun. He gripped her arm with his hand tightly and laid against her for support. When he finally felt the last of the gash sewn shut, he could feel the aftereffect of the healing, his

Skin itched a lot. Wane thought he might have felt better despite that though, but he was exhausted. Leaning against her he said rather weakly "Nii...I..." he felt his eyelids grow heavy and he didn't finish his sentence. All that was left was his raspy breathing.
Rekka ran inside the shed, then slowed to an exhausted trot. He had gained a few injuries, and his entire body ached badly. Yet not as bad as Wane's. Rekka had shifted to his wildcat form, fur ruffled and matted in a few places. He could barely choke the words out, and rested against the dirty ground,"," he said, huffing out large quantities of breath. He sat up and nuzzled Wane's arm lightly, as a silent wuestion if he was alright.
Nii held Wane, her hands shaking a little from how tired she was. She looked around at everyone else, "Anyone else need healing? I can try to stay awake until you are healed." She ran her hands through Wane's hair, as a sigh escaped her throat. Wane was hurt, and now he was healed... she squeezed him lightly in a hug. Nii looked at Rekka with a half-smile as he nuzzled Wane, "He is healed... Do you need any help?"
Lya shook her head "I think uou should save you're energy." Lya sighs as she notices how much of a bad shape everyone was in. she perks up when she realizes she has a few things. She pulls out miscellaneous food items from her coat pockets; a bag of chips, some bred, a can of tuna, a peanut butter jar, and some crackers. She places them in the center "If anyones hungry" she says.

Wanes eyes flicker from under his lids and he could feel Rekka nuzzle his arm. He misters some strength to stroke his fur. Wane purrs as Nii's fingers run through his hair. He can't help but wonder if he could just forget everything and get lost in this moment.
Adrianna looked at everyone and then hid under her dad. She looked at everyone and then started to think of leaving the group. She was only trouble...she brought Vince here, she is the twin of Andra and it was hr idea to go to vince's house. She looked at her dad and then turned into her cat form so no one could see her. She hardly ever turned into her cat form. She looked utterly defeated.
Wane's eyes fluttered open and he studied Adrianna. He stuttered out weakly "Adrianna. Don't feel bad. We're a team. We were going to find trouble no matter what..." He shuddered a little at the effort to draw out the words. "We'll stick together no matter what". Lya nodded and grabbed some of the chips eating them hungrily. She was on edge and nervous, where was Kyrie?
Nii nodded and smiled at Wane's statement, "What he said, if we didn't have each other, who knows what would have happened. You would be dead Adrianna. And Vince would run into us whether or not you were involved." Nirae continued to run her fingers through Wane's hair as she spoke, "As for healing, I think being fit and healthy is more important than just being tired from helping." She didn't move, but floated a few chips her way, grabbing one, while making another in front of Wane in case he wanted any.

Eirlys got up and padded over to her in her snow leopard form. She nuzzled her, wanting to make her feel better, "You don't have to feel so bad. What happened sucks, but it doesn't matter. We lived, that is what matters."
Rekka glanced up, his eyes somber and tired," You Adrianna... Nothing changes. Nothing.... changes because look or feel different. ...Still Adrianna. No change," Rekka got quieter toward the end. That was the must he had said in one sentence. He flicked his tail softly to her, mustering up a sleepy smile. His ears tilted down, and Rekka blinked dreary. Closing his eyes for a moment, he felt Wane's hand trying to pet him. That made him feel better. "Family... us are family...... strange,...." Rekka spoke. He then whispered," Rather die together than continue..... life alone...."
Adrianna hissed loudly at them. She looked at Eirlys and then showed her claws in cat form which were abnormaly big and curved exackly like her father's which were over her. She stuck out but made sure to miss. She didn't want to be bothered and she certainly didn't want anyone near her right now. She looked at them and then continued to hid. She ignored them for now, her state of shock was to great and she was really angry.

Andra was looking at the couch. She looked at Vince who stared at the stand that was to be Adrianna's. He looked at Andra and then at Kindra who put her arm around him. Vince pulled away of course and then looked at his gun. "I want them found....and Andra....don't play around with Adrianna again...I want her dead you hear me?" He said and Andra nodded.

Kindra yawned and then crossed her arms. "Well not to be a downer or anything but it's to large a group." she said and then ducked as Vince threw a broken gun at her. she glared at Vince and then started walking out of the room. "Fine but first I'm going out to get food." she said and then looked at Andra who was sniffing around.
((May I join?))

Name: Monica Skyfall


Species: black calico neko


Powers?: able to cast spells using spell book

Bio: Monica was born to a rather poor family. At the age of ten she was forced to live on the streets with her extended family. The women in her family had to learn to sell their bodies just so their family could eat. Monica was against this and wasn't going to do it. Her family shunned her for this and she had to learn to live alone.

Appearance( descrip. Or pic): Monica has long black hair with streaks of orange. Her ears are black and her tail is black and orange. She is five feet tall and is very skinny. She has a very feminine body and is very feline in nature.

(if neko) Cat appearance: Black and orange calico. Very long tail.
Monica clutched the cloak and made sure that her curves were not visible. She hated being this way but it was in her blood. She turned the corner and kept her head down. Nothing was going to scare her and if it did, they would be in for it. Her stomach growled. She began to think of the last time she ate. She sighed and looked around. Se opened her cloak a bit and pulled out her spell book. She looked to see if there was any spells to make rocks into full meals. To no suprise there were none. She smirked and slipped it back into her pouch. Her tail moved side to side as she walked. What she needed was solitude. She entered a part where there wasn't much noise. She removed her cloak hood and her ears sprung up. They twitched and she perched herself on the side of a vacant structure.

((I wasn't sure what was going on and who is where sorry))
Wane shook his head "Leave her alone guys, we'll knock some sense into her later. He shifted his position so he sat up by himself and accepted the chips from Nii. He ate quietly for a few minutes, saying nothing as he finished his meal. He grimaced when he realized his black shirt was now a blood soaked rag. "Great, first my purple cape and now my shirt. We seriously need to invest in bandges or I'm going to end up naked". He touched the area on his side that was now merely a crescent-shaped scar, it was perfectly fine now, to his relief. "We should stop by a river or something, we need to get hydrated" Especially considering he lost a lot of blood he would need some water in his system. For now though, the others were recovering from physical and emotional trauma. They would have to wait before going on the move again.

Kyrie watched from the shadows and appeared, facing the demented hunter himself and his neko consorts. He raised his hands up showing he wasn't here to attack. He crossed his arms and swished his half tail from side to side. He raised an eyebrow and switched his gaze to the nekos and back to Vince, as to question the nature of his alliance, consisting of the very thing he was trying to kill. He watched Vince, waiting for a reaction. He made sure to look blatantly fearless, as if he didn't actually care that he was a neko in the presence of a neko hunter. The truth was, he didn't care, he didn't care that he was facing possible death. He was tired of being a stupid neko related to all these other nekos. This was his ticket to glory and revenge. He'd question the malicious nature of the trophy room later. For now, he wondered if the hunter would accept him here and now.
Rekka blinked at his leader," Outside.....limits....." he spoke. He meant that the closet river would be outside the city limits, which was about where their old rickety house was. If they were to wash in a river, it would have to be pretty far from their home, in case Vince or his subordinates were on their trail. Half-heartedly, Rekka turned back into a human, slouched gloomily on the side of the shed. He had bags under his eyes and some fur had been ripped from his tail. A couple scratches and wounds here and there, but Rekka was more tired than hurt. Sitting up, he said," Go?"
Wane shrugged "River, pond, sink, whatever. The point is we need water". He looked around "I'm ready as I'll ever be..but what about you guys. He was entirely concerned for Adrianna, who seemed to him to have lost her sanity at this point.
As the group had quietly settled into the house, for the most part, Finn decided to take this time for himself and keep on the outs. What a location for a hide out, eh? It's not exactly the most hidden, which only made him wonder how they got away with hiding themselves for so long. This group's got a lot of luck on their hands from Finn's perspective. He tucked his hands in the pocket of his nealy torn khaki shorts as he began to pace around, many thoughts just buzzing through his head. This little mission hadn't really gone as expected. They were a pretty big group, but that Vince guy sure knows how to use back-up.

Letting out a deep sigh, Finn kicked rocks and dirt as he began to pace around much slower, then finally coming to a stop after hearing a rustling noise out back. What was that? Finn thought to himself as the rustling grew louder. Retracting his hand from his pocket, the curious neko quietly and swiftly circumnavigated the house, keeping his back to the walls as he inched closer and closer to the rustling. Finn peeked his head out a bit and let out a sigh when he found that it was nothing. A couple of thoughts came to mind but finding an empty bush put his mind at ease and settled his heartbeat once again. Slowly making his way back, Finn looked down at his cut he had received a while back before he followed Adrianna to the house. It was still bleeding, but not so heavily at this point. But it did burn quite a lot. He refrained from itching it and sat down at the porch of the cabin as he tightened the wraps.

"What a day..."

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