Neko Clans! ;3

Greg's eyes went wide and her face as red as a strawberry as the little kit groping her was pulled off of her. "U-um, I'm a queen cat." She tried her best to gain her composure but she was very flustered now. "I-it's alright, she's little." (@stormhawk324 it's your choice, if you would like to go after someone else then go ahead and I can have Greg go after Viza @Lucem Tenebris )
Xeon was just as flustered as she was as he helped pull her up shaking her hand smiling awkwardly "Xeon, I'm the Ethryn clans leader glad to finally meet you"
Greg gave him a nervous smile and shook his hand. "I'm Greg, a girl neko, and it's nice to meet you as well." She glanced over at the little girl before finally getting ahold of her self and straightening her posture and flashing a grin. "I was hoping we could talk some politics for our clans, maybe strike up some trading or an alliance?"
Xeon smiled back at her in agreement "yes, of course your quite welcomed here, lady Greg" he smirked at the last part she was actually a very feminine Neko, despite not having a chest she had a slim figure and feminine features, she was actually a pretty girl despite her name 
Xeon handed over Luna to Lillian still shining his smile, he was blessed by the moon and you could see it in his elegant smile
"Thank you," She bowed her head a bit in respect to the fellow leader before twitching her tail and looking around the town. "You have a very lovely Clan, Xeon. And a lovely smile, if I may say so." She grinned at the tomcat, noticing the smile as bright as the silver orb in the sky at night. It was quite lovely.
Viza walked along with his leader, trying not to meet her gaze. That earlier comment somehow managed to cement itself into his brain. Although he wasn't looking at her, he could hear her just fine. He agreed with her statement, the town was truly beautiful.
Lilian nestled Luna in her arms and walked a bit ahead of them to avoid any more mischief from the rambunctious kit. Lilian nuzzled Luna's head as the group walked down the street.
Greg noticed Viza not looking at her and tried to catch his eye questioningly. She silently begged for him to act natural and keep it together while in another clan's town.
Xeon looked back at the Haarthal leader with beaming bright eyes, he had two basic personalities one was youthful and adorable while this one was elegant and professional he waved his tail and perked his ears happily at their compliments "well I'm glad you think so I'm sure your clan is just as lovely, I hope your hungry because I had a feast of delicacys prepared for your visit"
"You are too kind, " Greg smiled gratefully, indeed hungry. She kept trying to catch Viza's eyes as they walked but made sure not to make it noticeable.
Xeon gave them a tour of the city "and to the left is the hospital where our healers work, Heather should be busy at her work as always" he laughed to himself at the thought of the blonde Neko, he hadn't seen her in awhile...
Lilian hummed a song softly into Luna's ear as the bells gave off a soft jingle with her footsteps. She assumed that Xeon was taking Greg and Viza towards the capital, where they held the clan meetings. Nonetheless Lilian looked ahead.
Eventually they reached the Capital and he led the two inside "ladys first" he smiled as he opened the door for Greg
Shiro set her ribbon down on her desk..

"Not again. I've run out of it again" she said to herself, getting up and pulling off her jumper, to reveal her arms were littlered with scars, not just from the abuse she had suffered as a child either, she'd run out of dealy nightshade again, the plant actually possesed extremerly powerful medicinal qualites that could cure any cat flu, only when the right spell was cast on it, she was working on a remedy where the plant was mixed with a few herbs and spells, to make a small container of bright blue fluid, she considered herself more a witchdoctor than anything, the gloves she then pulled onto her hands to stop her skin getting endangered hid some of the scars, she grabbed her basket that she needed to fill and ran from the hospital and into the forest, typical Shiro never looked where she was going and ended up bumping into a nother female.. Sending her sprawling on the floor, she rubbed the back of her head, pouting slightly..

"I'm s-so.. S-sorry.." She mumbled.. "I-i.. W-was in a rush.. A-and" she trailed off, realizing that this wasn't just any female neko..

It was that one.

Oh god.

The girl was blushing wildly as she got to her feet.. Brushing off her shirt and skirt..

"I'm.. Sorry" she stuttered again.. Looking up at Danye, brown eyes widened..

"It's ok." Danye said looking at the girl with her bright blue eyes. "I should have been watching where I was going." Danye said looking at her. She could've sworn she had seen her from somewhere.
"I'm Danye, I hunt for a living." She smiled with her whole body. "Why are you all the way out here?" She asked, for some reason interested in this girl.

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