Neko Clans! ;3

"Thank you." Greg smiled genuinely as she stepped into the capital, happy that someone knew her gender. She tried to keep her awe off of her face as she looked around the capital building, it had a beauty all it's on. This was certainly different than the plain building of her Clan. 
(Off to school -.-"""" ^^)

Xeon took a seat and invited Greg and Viza to do the same "please, let us talk over our meal" he beamed his magic smile at them beckoning them to join, there was a wide variety of drinks and foods set up there was fine wines and cheeses as well as fresh cherries and seafoods Xeon took a shrimp and ate it tossing the tail aside
Noticing the girls mark, shiro smiled.. They would be perfect for eachother..

"That's a lovely name" she said.. Blushing.. "A-and.. I was just going to find some nightshade.. For a remedy I was working on dear" she answered timidly, staring into the girls eyes.
"Would you like to come?" She asked, staring into the Neko's eyes.. Oh my she was beautfiul.. She started humming tunefully to herself.. She subconsciously took her by the hand and led her off into the forest, never wanting to let go, her body was full of a warmth that she had never felt before.. She pursed her bottom lip, squeezing her hand.

"Sorry if I'm being.. A little.... Um... Clingy?.." She wavered before letting go..
"N-no it's fine." Danye said taking her hand again and following her through the forest biting her lip along the way. She thought that she was the cutest thing ever.
"Would you like to come?" She asked, staring into the Neko's eyes.. Oh my she was beautfiul.. She started humming tunefully to herself.. She subconsciously took her by the hand and led her off into the forest, never wanting to let go, her body was full of a warmth that she had never felt before.. She pursed her bottom lip, squeezing her hand.

"Sorry if I'm being.. A little.... Um... Clingy?.." She wavered before letting go..
"N-no it's fine." Danye said taking her hand again and following her through the forest biting her lip along the way. She thought that she was the cutest thing ever.
(Crap! Sorry for posting the same thing twice there hun)

The girl got out a book, still not letting go, she couldn't bear to for some reason.. This was the girl who had her heart yet she didn't know it, they were meant for eachother, Shiro was sure of it, the girl had an extra pair of gloves aswell, she came to a spot and gently sat down, flattening her skirt out under her.. She tapped the spot next to her for Danye. Once the girl had sat down, she opened the book on the nightshade page, showing the soldier..

"Here, don't worry about the berries, they're no use.. But the leaves are what I need, I really appericiate this, and we can get the job done quicker with two of us, there are some very sick children in the hospital, I fear we are facing an outbreak of the Cat Flu again, but if we can get it under control now, we will be safe!" She said with a smile, and after giving the other girl a quick hug, she passed her the other pair of gloves.
(It's ok:3)

Danye smiled. "Ok." And hugged her back working along side the girl she was oddly attracted to and started picking leaves off of berries.
Once they had filled the basket, she smiled and wrapped her arms around Danye.. Hugging her tight before letting go.. "Thankyou so much!" She smiled.. "Oh yes!, there one other thing I need to get that's down by the lake!" She said, grabbing the basket and running to the lake.. Now, as you know.. Cats hate water, but not only did the girl hate it, she was terrified of it, she couldn't swim, and her parents had almost drowned her once.. She stretched and arm out to reach the rather beautiful plant.. "Ugh" she hissed, steeping out onto a rock and stretching again. "Gotcha!" She squealed, before she lost her footing and slipped into the water with an agonised scream, her arms started flapping around wildly and tears welled up in her eyes, her hair covered her face and her ears had flopped to the side of her head, she tried her best to climb out on the bank, teeth chattering and body shivering ...

"Well.. At least I got it" she said, a few tears running from cloudly brown orbs. 
Once they had filled the basket, she smiled and wrapped her arms around Danye.. Hugging her tight before letting go.. "Thankyou so much!" She smiled.. "Oh yes!, there one other thing I need to get that's down by the lake!" She said, grabbing the basket and running to the lake.. Now, as you know.. Cats hate water, but not only did the girl hate it, she was terrified of it, she couldn't swim, and her parents had almost drowned her once.. She stretched and arm out to reach the rather beautiful plant.. "Ugh" she hissed, steeping out onto a rock and stretching again. "Gotcha!" She squealed, before she lost her footing and slipped into the water with an agonised scream, her arms started flapping around wildly and tears welled up in her eyes, her hair covered her face and her ears had flopped to the side of her head, she tried her best to climb out on the bank, teeth chattering and body shivering ...

"Well.. At least I got it" she said, a few tears running from cloudly brown orbs.
Danye gasped and since she didn't mind the water climbed in after her and got her out of the water. She wiped away her tears with her sleeve and hugged her tightly. "Shh it's ok." She said rocking back and forth with her in her lap.
Despite the fact that Danye was trying her best, the other Neko couldn't stop herself from crying, not making any unladylike sound, just silent tears running down her pale cheeks, "I'm sorry... I-i.. I wouldn't hate it so much.. I-if.. T-they h-hadnt.." She trailed off, hugging her tight and letting the girl rock her..
Greg nearly purred at the sight of all of the food and took a seat thankfully. "It all looks delicious," She complimented, picking up a cherry and taking a bite. They didn't have cherries in her Clan though her father had brought some home once for her to try. "Where would you like to start?"
Lilian looked down to the kit in her arms and saw that the child was tuckered out. Her ebony eyes softened at the sight and gave a small nuzzle to the child's head. Turning to face Xeon, Lilian politely excused herself from the room so she could put Luna into bed before returning to the meeting.
The other girl clung to Danye.. Shaking violently..

"I-im so sorry.. I-im terrified of water.." She admitted.. "When I was a child, my parents tried to drown me.." She said cuddling Danye close..
(Not much the clans meeting just started and there was some romance between Danye and Shiro)

Xeon smiled back politely at Greg and put his hands to his chin "well, first I would like to discuss an alliance between our clans, then perhaps some trades?" he took a sip of wine and continued, he was only 15 but nobody ever stopped him from enjoying his wine and moon sugars
((Really? :3 sparks shall fly.))

((It's kinda complicated on remembering who is in what clan...confuses my brain.))

Cliff finally returned back to the center of their territory, the home point of their clan, dragging along a couple rabbits and a squirrel. "Good hunting today!" He complimented himself through his thoughts. "Probably would've gotten more if I hadn't been distracted by the others..."
(lol, that's why I listed them all in a roster like that on the first page in the sign ups, so people could check when they had to which even I had to check a couple of times myself...)
Lilian put the tired kit in the guest room of the capital building and gave Luna a stuffed toy before quietly exiting the room. She then walked back to the dining hall to be filled in on the meeting.

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