Neko Clans! ;3

(Sorry, never got the alert >< ^^) Greg smiled and finished off her cherry before picking up another one and pouring a glass of milk. "I can offer you my clan's full support if we make an alliance. I expect the same as well, though. As for trade, our greatest crop is our quality catnip followed by river fish and cocoa beans."
Xeon smiled brightly at the neko girl "of course you have my support, and we are running low on catnip, would you be willing to trade for some of our cherry crop?" He offered noticing Gregs liking for cherries he licked his paws and took some salmon nibbling at the soft meat
"Gladly, my clan would love to try these. I'll have a shipment of catnip sent out as soon as I return. Viza, will you see to that with me?" She smiled at her Beta before taking another cherry and swishing her tail. "Perhaps we could have a get-together with our Clans sometime as a celebration of the alliance?" @Lucem Tenebris
Viza nodded his head. "I'll draw up a schedule for the trade as soon as possible." Viza didn't feel like eating right now. Come to think of it, he never did. He was always too stressed to worry about food. His right ear raised up when he heard the word "party."

Viza thought a party would be good for both clans, but his version of a party was probably different from theirs. He envisioned a party as a polite social gathering, but they might've been referring to something a bit more rambunctious. "I can assist in organizing a celebration if that's what you want."

(Still not receiving alerts.)
(Want me to tag you from now on @Lucem Tenebris ?) Greg's smile turned into a grin and she nodded. "I would love your help, Viza. For now, relax and enjoy the cherries." She popped another one in her mouth, giving him an encouraging and calming look before turning her attention back to Xeon. "Is there anything else to discuss?"
Xeon smiled waving his tail, his blue fur shining brightly in the moonlight seeping through the windows he shook Gregs hand "I would love that" he made a note to prepare a festival, it would certainly be fun to have the two clans celebrating in the moonlight, it would be a truly beautiful sight to behold, they talked over their meal about politics and general chit-chat they then were sent to guest bedrooms for the night
Greg took a few minutes to get familiar with her temporary room before heading over to Viza's and knocking softly on the door. She had a few things to discuss with her trusted Beta about their next mission. Today's had gone perfectly and that made Greg's smile much brighter than usual. (@Lucem Tenebris perfect ^^)
(I did that before and nothing happened. I wonder why it works now?) 
Viza was currently looking out of his window, smoke escaping from the burning white stick. He blew the smoke into the air, careful not to get the smell in the room. Things hadn't gone as bad as he thought today and his nervousness disappeared. However, it came back when he thought of the possibility of being attacked at the party. He sighed and rested his chin on his palm. "Why do I have such an active imagination?..."

When he heard the knock on the door, he put out the cigarette and tossed it out the window. He walked over to the door and opened it. "Was there something that you needed, Miss?"
"Just wanted to talk about our next destination." She grinned at Viza, dully noting the slightest hint of smoke. "May I come in?" Greg didn't want anyone to overhear their talking at the moment.
He stepped aside and let his leader in. "The Valor clan is the next clan to visit, but I think it's in our best interest to wait here in Ethryn." It was bad to travel to different places in short spans of time and they still had a lot to learn about this clan.
When Lilian returned she saw that the meeting has ended so she walked towards Xeon's room to get the latest news. She always liked to be prepared for everything and the little details.
Greg's grin widened. "It seems we are on the same page once again, Viza. How about you and I take a stroll around the place tomorrow?" Her tail swished back and forth as she took a seat on Viza's guest bed. "I say we leave in no more than four days time to go to Valor."
Xeon yawned after writing down his thoughts in his daily journal he closed the notebook and stretched his tail and arms in the air he walked slowly outside to watch the moon and the stars he smiled and took a nap in his favorite tree, he didn't like sleeping inside, it felt unatural to him
Viza leaned against the wall and stretched his arms. "That sounds like a good idea. We can get a better understanding of our future partners if we take a look around." He looked out the window, his gaze on the sky. "Four days sounds good."
Greg nodded, turning silent for a moment and tilting her head to study Viza, her bangs falling to the right, showing off a thin pink scar down the side of her felt face. "...Were you nervous today, Viza?" She didn't just see him as her Beta, she saw him as her friend and was actually concerned that this might be too much continual stress for him. @Lucem Tenebris
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Lilian walked towards Xeon's favorite as she noticed a few moons ago that Xeon never sleeps indoors. Breathing the warm air, she smiled as the bells chimed rhythmically to her footsteps.
Xeon smiled down hearing the bells chime as Lillian walked outside, his beta was a beautiful person inside and out he sprawled out in the tree his hands framing his face as he rested his head in the palms of his paws he purred "why lovely evening isn't it Lily?" Xeon had nicknames for almost all his favorite people Cliffy, Lily, Lunas was Lulu
"BOW DOWN TO THE GREAT AND POWERFUL LUNA!!" The kit screamed, her voice being heard all over the Inn. This was pretty normal, when Luna was taking naps she would sometimes yell something out all of a sudden. "RAWR!!" Luna rolled around in her sleep, her eyes still closed as she stayed in the peaceful slumber. "WOOF WOOF WOOF!!"

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