Neko Clans! ;3

After Lilian finished bathing Luna she wrapped her up in a warm fluffy towel and dried her off. 'There all done." Lilian softly said to the sleepy child. Gathering the kit in her arms, Lilian exited the bathroom and placed Luna in a different room so that she can clean the other room.
MattieLee said:
(lol, I love giving him multiple personalities, I think he's bi-polar kitty)
Xeon whined a little before hugging the tree branch he was on and falling asleep upside down like a bat clung onto the branch smiling "no... Cliffy that tickles stop it..."
((Sure is a different kind of leader than I had excepted. X3))
Rai chuckled softly, brushing a hand through his dark hair. "Just a random question to think about." The neko stretched his long legs and glanced down at Cliff, feeling his chest get tighter for some unknown reason. "May I join your little stroll?" A soft smile glazed over Rai's lips as he tilted his head to the side gently, staring down into Cliff's eyes. Yes, Rai was taller than Cliff, almost a full head taller in fact. Rai had a very tall and slim build, making it easy for him to dash away, if he didn't trip and fall due to his terrible luck.
In Xeons dream--

The Neko was dancing in the moonlight in his dream singing to the beat of his footsteps it was some kind of tribal dance and the forest creatures were there too the deer galloping gracefully while white owls swirled around the dancing Neko it was a crescent moon and Xeons mark was glowing the stars were alligned beautifully and fireworks lit the skies with color Luna was there too smiling at the older Neko she was being held tightly in Lillians motherly arms, Xeon flashed his magical smile and Cliff came out shyly from behind a tree Xeon stopped dancing and blushed at the other tomcat in the shadows, he didn't know what he was so embarassed for he danced in public many times before a crowd... "w-what are you doing here?..." 

stormhawk324 said:
((Sure is a different kind of leader than I had excepted. X3))
(lol, ikr? :3)
Cliff blinked a couple times before answering, "Sure. I suppose." This was added along to a shrug of his shoulders. He didn't have any plans or was expecting to meet anybody, so why not? Truthfully the two hadn't actually communicated with eachother very much so this might be the chance to get acquainted and possibly become friends; Cliff thought he was kinda cute, though...there were things about each male that attracted him in some way. "I was going to go down to the lake."
Again in Xeons dream---continued

Cliff went back into hiding and Xeon ran after him through the forest through the tree tops "Cliff!, why do you always avoid me?! is there something wrong with me?!" The younger Neko cried out to the hunter running after him "why?!" he clenched his teeth and then Cliff got him from behind landing on top of Xeon on the forest floor "why do you pursue me like you do?!, if you have the nerve to ask me a question like that answer mine!" Xeon blushed with the other Neko on top of him "I-I..." Cliff frowned "why don't you just tell me already!?" Cliff was crying for some reason... "Cliffy, what's wrong?..." he was truly worried about the Other Neko... "why didn't you tell me how you felt!" Cliff took him by the collar and kissed Xeon forcefully and the leaders eyes widened he woke up hyper-ventilating and his heart racing falling out of the tree and onto the grass
Xeon curled up in a ball blushing and sobbing "jerk..." his ears curled low on his head and his tail went behind his legs he shook his head "No!, I'm a powerful ruler! this won't stop me! no matter how much it hurts!"
Lilian gathered up the soiled sheets and carried them into the wash room. Putting the necessary item inside the washer she let the machine do its job and walked out the room. Lilian let out a breath, content that Luna is resting peacefully. The child reminded her of herself before the fire that took her parents life, she was a happy go lucky kit. Of course those days are gone and behind her as she had to mature to protect her fellow clan members and prove she was worthy of being a beta. Lilian walked out into the courtyard to gaze at the sky, her bells chiming against the soft breeze.
Rai nodded curtly to Cliff and began walking beside him, having to shorten his strides to not take over the other neko. It was silent. But the silence was a relaxing sound instead of awkward. The midnight smell of the slightly damp grass seemed to calm Rai's nerves, he wouldalways come out to these fields to rest, after all, he was a useless omega, he couldn't do anything properly. A soft smile grew on Rai's lips as he closed his violet eyes and indulged himself into the nature as they walked down to the lake. It was nice. 

MattieLee said:
( xD yeah, coincidential he fell) 
(Sorry Luna... the marriage was canceled xD )
((Awww lol poor Luna xD she's just going to have to find someone closer to her own age. Wait. That's no one. ._.))
(Oh Xeon xD )

The other girl didn't say a word after that, just let herself be comforted.. Her whole body was shaking and her eyes were wide.. This wasn't good at all. Everything. All the memories were coming back...she suddenly grabbed one of the girl's hands, not being able to take it when this happened, she needed something to hold onto, she knew what was coming next but she couldn't help it.. Flashback began to come.. Making her sob audibly, feelings started to bubble and memories started to stab.. Feeling like it was happening all over again..


The girl let out an agonsied scream before passing out in the others arms, her body splayed out and the other girl still holding her, everything had just gone black.
(Luna!, its not you its me! xD )

Xeon stood up wiping his tears with his sleeve and went for a walk... he couldn't have another dream about Cliff he would just get distracted and soft, it was his job to run the clan!, not fall in love!, what was he thinking!.... he had to clear his mind he won't fall for him, no way! he shook his head defensively and ran off in the forest path maybe the cold lake water would keep him awake...
Cliff looked up at Rai's face to see that he had calmly let his eyelids close. This gave him a mischievous little plan as they neared the lake. Simple but still not exactly something he'd ever do, ever. As they came closer and closer to the water Cliff casually bumped into the other male's side; it wouldn't have hurt but it was enough to make him stumble and fall into the warm water. Crouching down beside the rocky shore he giggled innocently as he watched Rai return to the surface. "Oops~" It amused him to see the neko competent drenched. He reached a hand in Rai's direction beckoning him to take it.
Xeon speed walked through the forest muttering something to himself about this shouldn't be happening to him of all people and how much of a jerk Cliff was kissing him like that... even if it was just a dream, he took his head in his hands screaming at himself "Arrgh!, Idiot stop thinking about the guy!"
Rai's eyes snapped open at the sudden contact, he was about to stabilize himself when he slipped on a convinently placed banana peel and fell int the waters. Emerging from the lake, Rai's clothing stuck to his slim build as he pushed away his raven locks to stare up at Cliff, who had his hand stuck out for him to take.

Smirking inwardly, Rai took Cliff's hand and pulled him towards the waters. As Cliff fell, Rai grabbed the other neko and dunked him into the water, a silly grin stuck on his face as he chuckled lightly. "Oops."
Xeon had made it to the lake as he saw the two dunking eachother *gah!, I came here to get my mind off the guy and he's here with another guy!, wait!, ANOTHER GUY!* the neko thought to himself glaring at the two blushing from behind a bush jealous *so he didn't have time to visit me but he could goof off with this guy!, what a jerk!*
Cliff was about help Rai out until he realized that the other neko was actually pulling him as well. He squealed in surprisement when his body hit the water. Quickly he surfaced to see the sly look on his face. "Hey, you did that on purpose! Though...I guess I did too." He smiled then shook his head in attempt to get the water out of his hair. If he would have quickly raced out of the water immediately if had known that their leader was watching them from jealousy behind a nearby bush.
Xeon watched them laugh and have fun sadly his ears dipped down and he started sobbing *we never had fun together like that...* he dried his tears as fast as they came he sniffled and whined *stop crying baby!, be a man!* he told himself still trying to deny his own feelings *WHAT A JERK!!*

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