Neko Clans! ;3

Luna suddenly was brought of her dream as she felt her bed and legs go very wet. Not liking the feeling, the little kit began to cry, sitting up in the bed and not knowing what to do. Looking down through her tears, Luna saw that the bed was very yellow now. It smelled like...urine.
(... xD )

Xeon's ears perked up when he heard crying "uh-oh... that can't be good" he jumped out of the tree sniffing the air and frowning "don't smell good either..."
(I feel like Lilian is a substitute mother for Lulu xD )

Lilian opened her mouth to answer Xeon and ask what happened with Greg when Lulu's cries resonated through the courtyard. Lilian shook her head, "No it doesn't" and quickly went towards the area where she left Lulu.
((If I don't post soon then I fear I may get left behind. Stupid alerts won't work so I never know if anyone's posted here or not.))

Cliff covered his mouth with his hand as he let out a quiet yawn of sleepiness. Today had been a long and rather dull day, just as any other. Nothing really exciting ever seemed to go on at this place. It's not like he wished for a surprise ambush or wave of thunderstorms; just something to pop.
((CUE RAI!!))

"Oof!" Rai's eyes snapped open when he felt someone - or something - step on his stomach. Instinctively grabbed whoever it was leg and pulled them down, quickly flipped them over to be on top. Glaring down at the person, Rai's mouth formed a little O when he realized who it was. "Hi, Cliff."
(Yeah I know. c: )

Lilian reached Luna and saw that the kit wet the bed, from the smell and the coloring in the sheets. She picked up Luna and rubbed her back, wrapping a sheet around the child. "Shh. Shh, its alright." Lilian whispered to Luna.

(Opps xD my bad )
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((Her name's Lulu now? Okay xD ))

Luna's crying calmed down into little sobs, a hiccup now and then. Her legs felt very sticky and gross now, it made the kit feel uncomfortable. Wrapping her arms around Lillian, Luna nuzzled her head into the crook of her neck, taking in Lillian's motherly smell. The kit's breathing began to even out as her eyes went a little drowsy, but she wasn't able to sleep properly from the gross pee on her legs.

"Mama...I need a bath...." Luna mumbled, feeling very sleepy considering it was way past her usual bedtime. The kit didn't know that it wasn't her mother holding her, but I guess waking up like she did does that to you.
((Gets annoying sometimes.))


Cliff's eyes widened for one moment for he had been calmly walking along all come himself, then the next he was on the ground with some male ontop of him. Luckily they both quickly recognized eachother. "S-Sorry Rai! I didn't see you there...on the ground."
Rai chuckled lightly, a light blush on his face as he got off of Cliff, extending a hand to help him up. "It's alright. But, aren't you supposed to be a hunter?" The neko winked at the hunter, teasing him about tripping over him. Brushing himself off, Rai unconsciously groomed himself to look nice in front of the other male neko. "So, what are you doing this fine evening?" Rai flashed Cliff a charming smile, feel very grateful that it was dark so that the other neko wouldn't see the blush dusted over Rai's cheeks.
Viza nodded to his leader. "Before we left, but I mellowed out when we got here. I'm always nervous, so its nothing to worry about." He was about to continue, but he was distracted by the sound of crying. Of course Viza assumed the worst and thought an enemy was attacking. He ran out of the room and went towards the sound of the cries.

When he made it to the room, Viza began scanning the area for signs of enemies. "Is everyone alright? I heard crying."
"Yes you need a bath now its alright though. I got you." murmured Lilian. Lilian always had a protective streak to the ones she cared about being Luna and Xeon as they were the ones who interacted to her the most. She looked up when the door was opened seeing Viza, still rubbing Luna's back to console her. Lilian replied, "Its alright, Luna had an accident." giving Luna a small nuzzle. "I'm sorry she bothered you." Lilian looked at Luna with her caring ebony eyes.
Viza breathed a sigh of relief. He thought they were under attack. "No, I wasn't bothered, just worried." He remembered the kid from earlier, but he remembered her comment even more. The smell of urine invaded his nostrils. "Do you need any help with cleaning up?"
Lilian gave Viza a small smile, "Its alright. I can handle it she not always like before she's pretty sweet. Beside I rather not trouble you, you are our guests after all." she replied. "I'm just going to give Luna a bath." She walked past Viza with Luna, "Have a nice night Viza."
"Hey, I'm just out if it because I'm sleepy." Cliff used his lame excuse as he took the hand of assistance that Rai was offering for helping him return to his feet. As he reached up to pluck a few strands of green grass that had managed to get into the taller male's hair as he answered, "Just kinda bored so I was just wandering. It's quiet tonight so I though I'd take a stroll."
Viza scratched his head as the girl left. 'I screwed up didn't I!? She probably hates me!' Viza was once again overreacting to a situation. 'Ugh, I need to get some air.' Viza left the area and began to make his way outside.
(@stormhawk324 do you want me to link you when something happens?)

Xeon sighed and climbed lazily back up his tree "I don't think Cliffys coming over..." he reverted back to his childish chibi-like self pouting with his neko ears down and his tail hanging below him
As Lilian made it to the bathroom, she couldn't help to feel thankful to Viza's offer. 'He doesn't live here but he still cares about the people here even though he doesn't know them' wondered Lilian. Walking into the bathroom she began to run a warm bubble bath for Luna, as the water ran Lilian started to take off Luna's clothes.
((ooooooh! ;) ))

Rai nodded curtly, still trying to cover up his little blush from what had just happened. "I see," The omega pulled at his shirt, loosening it up a bit so that he could breath better. "That's cool...I guess..." The neko raised an eyebrow at his own choice of words. Cool? Seriously Rai? Rai leaned back and tucked his hands in the back pockets of his pants. "Do you ever wonder if there are really rabbits on the moon...?" The neko thought dreamily as he gazed off at the glowing orb in the night sky. It was just a random question that Rai had pulled out.
Viza looked out at the town, sitting on the edge of the roof. He had only meant to take a walk, but he ended up scaling the tall building. It wasn't exactly out of character for him. He preferred high places over the ground.

He laid his back down on the tiles, removing the red ribbon from his pocket. The thing brought back pleasant memories, along with plenty of bad ones, but it always calmed him down. He had already gone through his carton of cigarettes, so the ribbon was a substitue. The ribbon worked better for him than smoking, but he didn't like taking it out.
(lol, I love giving him multiple personalities, I think he's bi-polar kitty)

Xeon whined a little before hugging the tree branch he was on and falling asleep upside down like a bat clung onto the branch smiling "no... Cliffy that tickles stop it..."
Luna let Lillian slip off her clothes with no problem, the kit's green eyes would flutter closed for a moment, only to be forced open again from the water. The neko didn't really mind the water, cats didn't like water because it removed the saliva that they had already cleansed themselves with. Stifling a yawn, Luna stayed still as Lillian washed her off, trying her best to stay awake. Grown up kitties could stay up longer than this, Luna was determined to not go to sleep until all of this was over.
"Rabbits on the moon?" Cliff repeated, tilting his head slightly to the side in confusion. He placed a hand on his hip as he shifted his weight over onto that leg. "No...not really." At least he wasn't lying about it. "Do you believe that or are you just talking gibberish?"

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