Neko Clans! ;3

Xeon whined "do you promise to visit me?" he let go of Cliffys leg still begging him to visit he looked up at him with the cutest face he could muster "pwetty pwease Cliffy Kun?"
Lilian walked towards the guards station that maintained the perimeter of the clan boundaries. Her pale ears twitched as she heard the guards whispering to each other, debating something. Lilian adjusted her hold on Luna as she walked up to the guards. "Are you men having trouble?" with an eyebrow raised.

"Lilian." The guards looked at each other before saying, "There are two individuals from Haarthal." Lilian nodded "Let them in." The two guards nodded there heads and went to open the gates.
Greg smiled as the gates opened and she walked through, her eyes raking over the city of Ethryn. She felt eyes on her and looked up to smile at the guards and the girl next to them. "We come in peace, if you want to know." Her voice was light and joking, though she was serious about the peace part.
Lilian nodded towards the guards, allowing them to return to their station. She walked up to Greg, holding Luna in her arms. "I was about to send a message to your clan had I known about your arrival I would have sent the leader to greet you to Ethryn." Lilian replied in a respectful tone, as she looked at the two Haarthals with her dark ebony eyes.
"YOU!!" Luna shrieked, pointing at the stranger neko in a very dramatic way. "SHALL NOT!!" The kit's eyes widened as she screamed very loudly, hurting her own ears at the noise. "PASS!!" The kit jumped away from Lillian and tackled the other neko in the chest, kind of like how a flying squirrel would do as it glided from tree to tree, with her arms and legs sprawled out completely. Actually, it was more like the video below.


Viza gave a bow to the girl before them. "I thank you for allowing us to visit your clan." Viza knew that you had to be very polite when dealing with matters like this. Luckily he had practice with things like this. He found himself wondering of his attire was adequate enough. He thought it was fine before they left, but now he was having second thoughts.
Danye looked at Ritsu "T-today was fun." She said looking down at the ground silently. She looked at him with her blue eyes smiling softly.
Greg laughed as the little kit pounced on her and she wrapped her arms around the girl as she hit her chest, steadying herself to keep them from falling. "Well, leader or not, if this little girl says I shall not pass, I guess I have no choice but to obey." She chuckled, scratching the kit's ears before nodding her head in respect to the Beta. "I should have sent a warning but it slipped my mind, my apologies. I'm Greg."
MattieLee said:
Xeon whined "do you promise to visit me?" he let go of Cliffys leg still begging him to visit he looked up at him with the cutest face he could muster "pwetty pwease Cliffy Kun?"
Even though Cliff had looked away to avoid that face that Xeon was making himself look irresistible with, he still couldn't deny that voice, plus...this guy was the leader. Either way he didn't exactly have a choice. Instead of relying yes, he chose to say before he began walking again, "Maybe."
"Its alright. The pleasure is ours." Lilian responded to the boy. She was shocked that Luna jumped out of her arms outright tackling the girl before her. Her eyes widen ,"I'm sorry about that." replied Lilian. Lilian let a small smile cross her face before responding, "Its alright the leader welcomes all guests. My name is Lilian."
(Guys, I need to go to bed, I have school in about six hours xD goodnight everyone~)
Feeling the neko scratch behind her ears, Luna purred, "No~ You can pass~" Rubbing her head against Greg's hand- Wait. Isn't Greg a tom's name...? Luna stared up at "Greg" in confusion. "....Manly Kitty...?" The kit wondered if this neko was actually a tomcat instead of a quean. Luna stopped pawing at Greg's arms and reached out, groping her/his chest. "Where are your boobies, Manly Kitty...?"
[QUOTE="<3desuu;)]Danye looked at Ritsu "T-today was fun." She said looking down at the ground silently. She looked at him with her blue eyes smiling softly.

Ritsu nodded in agreement as he glanced down at the plump rabbit he had caught and was now carrying back by the ears. "Honestly, yeah it was. Usually I just growl at people, literally and figuratively, guess you got to see my good side today."

((@Bree: Are we still doing the pairing of your charrie and my Ristu together? Or would you rather do a last minute change of plans? I don't care either way.))
Viza momentarily lost his composure and coughed when the young Neko talked about his leader's chest area, or lack thereof. Children truly had no boundaries. Mentioning something like that in a situation like this was just odd.
(Ermagerd Luna...)

Xeon sighed hoping Cliff would come "maybe?..." he pouted and dragged himself toward the clans border to greet their guests seeing Luna he panic'd "Luna!, no bad girl!" He grabbed her off Gregs chest blushing "I-Im so sorry about that..."
Lilian covered her mouth, shocked at what Luna was saying. She walked towards Greg and was going to pull Luna away from her. "Luna, that wasn't a very nice thing to say." she gave greg an apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry about that."

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