Neko Clans! ;3

Viza immediately stood straight and put the cigarette out. He bowed at a perfect angle, paying respect to the clan leader. "Thank you very much, Boss. You words are too kind." When some of the previous Betas told him about how they didn't support her leadership, he was confused. When he joined, she seemed to be doing a fine job. She was even planning to work with other clans. Other clans that he didn't know. Other clans that might not approve of him. Other clans that will hate this tie!
(XDXD That made me laugh ^^) Greg rolled her eyes and said smoothly, "If you call me Boss one more time, I will choke you with that tie." She winked to let him know she was messing around. "But seriously, call me Greg, everyone does. I'm not much different from anyone here, so you don't have to bow either; though I do like it, makes me feel special." Again, she seemed to be kidding but in reality she was being perfectly honest, at least part way. "Do you recall your objective, Viza?"
Viza stood straight once more, looking like a soldier rather than a clan member. "Yes, Boss. I remember perfectly." Old habits die hard. "Travel to all the clans and arrange a meeting. While the meeting is in place, we will negotiate a partnership." Yes, they needed a partnership. Partners are good for the clan. A clan that he was currently smoking out! Why did he have to develop that nasty habit!?
"Good. And if one of them, while on your individual visits, seems unwilling, offer a private trade of our catnip and something valuable from their clan instead." She smiled at her Beta, looking so determined on the outside. Greg wondered what he was really like on the inside, but instead of asking, she told him kindly while squeezing his shoulder. "Don't get yourself killed, alright? Your important to me and this clan."
"Yes, Boss." He really didn't consider himself as an important person, but he would do the best for this clan. He settled on the clothes he was wearing and went over to his personal weapon cache. He took all of his weapons everywhere. You could call him overprepared, but he didn't see it that way. He saw it as being ready for any threat. He had made the mistake of not being prepared in he past and he did not want to repeat it.
Greg chuckled to herself, seeing his weapons. "Do me a favor, and keep those hidden from the other clans. Oh, and stop calling me boss! If you must, Miss would do fine cause even though I have a guy name, I'm still a girl." She gave him a stern look but was careful to keep her frustration from her face. She hated it when everyone treated her like a guy, was it too much to ask for being treated like a girl sometime?
"Yes, Ms.Monsoon." Viza took his weapons and hid them all over his body. It was a mystery how he managed to hide some of the larger weapons. A longsword shouldn't be able to fit, but it did. Maybe he was a magician in a past life or something.

When the walking armory was finished, he stood straight and awaited orders. "I am ready to head out, Ms.Monsoon." He would be her personal escort and this made him very nervous. He wanted to smoke, but that would be disrespectful.
"Just Miss, please. I dislike my last name." She smiled at him, chuckling a bit and began inspecting him for any signs of weapons. Amazingly, she found none at all. "Goodness, you have skill, Viza. Alright, let's go. Which clan shall be first?" Her clan's standings have been neutral with the other clans as far back as she can remember, and Greg had plans to change that.
Viza nodded and withdrew a map from his coat. "I have taken the liberty of drawing up a graph of the potential clans for the partnerships. After reviewing for quite some time, I have come to the conclusion that Ethryn would be the best place to start. They have the most clan members out of the other candidates and I have found no abnormalities in their track records."

Viza placed the map back in his coat, awaiting orders. "If I run, I can arrive in about two minutes." Viza didn't realize it himself, but he was gifted with incredible speed.
Greg nearly gaped at the man before here, "Two minutes?! Wow. Well, you don't need to run, but I agree with you that it would be best to start with them. Remember, no matter what your Clan will be proud of you and be by your side." She gave him a tight hug and a quick peck on the cheek out of habit. "Now, have fun and feel free to enjoy the journey, my friend."
Lilian pinched the bridge of her nose as Xeon hurt himself. Her tail swished behind her in annoyance, "Xeon I have news of the status of the neighboring clan." She tired to be serious but it looked that she was pouting at Xeon.
Viza was confuse by the hug and kiss. 'What was that for?' He had never experienced any sort of affection, so it was a little hard to comprehend. His ears twitched as he thought. This was truly perplexing. "Well then, let's be on our way, Miss."
Greg started walking in the direction of their chosen clan, shrugging lightly. "I dunno, just something I do to nekos leaving the clan's borders." It was her mother's tradition and she felt it was her duty to carry it on. "Like wishing people good luck." She smiled at him over her shoulder, realizing he was calling her miss.
"Wha?" Cliff didn't complain when the smaller neko, he believed her name was Luna, scurried up onto his back without warning; nobody ever seemed to give warnings anymore, even if they were just little things. "Can I at least have a different nickname?" He questioned as he carefully down off of the tree branch to land steadily on his feet. Walking over to Xeon, he lightly poked his back asking, "Uh...are you alright? That looked painful."
((Bree-chi! Which clan are you going to? :3))

Luna stared down at Xeon, her olive green eyes filled with concern. "Big Kitty? Are you okay?" The little kit jumped off Cliff's back and landed on the other neko, most likely tackling his breath out. "Luna's worried about you, Big Kitty.." Luna nudged Xeon, a little frown playing at her lips. Was Big Kitty going to be alright...? The kit crawled off the neko leader and pulled at his cheeks. "Kiiiiittty!! Luna commands you to be okay!" Pouting ever so slightly, Luna puffed out her cheeks and continued to pull at Xeon's cheeks.
Xeon got up groaning "Alright, Lillian what's the news?, is it Haarthal again?" Xeon may have loved having fun but he still took his position quite seriously he looked at Lillian professionally as soon as she mentioned the neighboring clan 
(Ethryn, and lol Luna...)
Cliff let out a sigh. The leader didn't even reply to him; whatever. While stretching his arms up to the sky he always stood back up on his feet. Despite the lack of sleep from last night, he still intended to hunt, whether he'd rather flirt with some cute guy or simply lie down for a nap. "I'll see you guys later," he stated before plucking a single green leaf out of his own hair then walking off.


The neko's deep violet eyes fluttered open as he felt the bright sun shine on his eyelids. It's afternoon already..? Rai sat up and noticed the bird droppings on his shirt. F*** my life. The neko did his best to wipe off the disgusting scat without smudging it. Groaning in irritation, Rai laid back down in the grass and wiped his hand off on the grass, feeling the warm rays the sun gave off.

((@stormhawk324 wanna interact? Girly Kitty + Girly Kitty? :3))
"Yes and no. I visited a small clan a few miles from our boarders it seems that an illness is plaguing them. I gave them all the medical supplies I had to them and on the way back I heard that Haarthal is looking for clans for alliances." replied Lilian, as she looked at Xeon with her ebony eyes.
Xeon ran after Cliff his eyes bright again "but Cliffy.... after this we can play together!" The leader whined clinging himself to Cliffs leg like an oversized child his ears tilted back in a begging manor "pweeease?" 
Xeon looked back at Lillian smiling still clung to poor Cliffs leg "alright then!, invite them over the Haarthal Clan has great soldiers and they'll make a great ally!, and I'll send some healers to that other clan"

The kit listened attentively to the conversation, her neko ears perked up at every word, it seemed that people from another clan would be coming here. Luna began to unconsciously groom herself, secretly wanting to look presentable for the other clan. Pawing softly at Lillian's shoulder, Luna gestured for the other neko to carry her, opening her arms wide to be lifted up. Luna didn't like being so small compared to others, it made her feel inferior and weak.

"Nyaaa!~" Luna giggled softly as she waited for Lillian to carry her, not knowing she could kill someone with her adorable looks.
((@paipai900: okay :3 girly kitty rampage -- that is...if Cliff can somehow manage to escape the clutches of their leader's cuddly arms))

Cliff was just about to get away when the feeling of a pair of arms wrapped tightly around his leg returned. Looking down to see his leader, Xeon, actually like practically a child. "I don't have time to play," he tried to come up with an excuse, not exactly sure why he was trying to get away; probably was feeling all fuzzy inside from the sudden large amount of attention. "Hunting. I still have caught anything yet."
Greg walked silently until she reached Ethryn. Once in the borders, she put forth her friendliest smile and kept her tail swishing in a non-defense manner to show she meant peace as she searched for the leader of the clan.
Lilian nodded her head to Xeon, "alright will do, Xeon." She smiled at Luna and picked her up so that she was settled comfortably in the crook of her arm. She would have put Luna on her shoulders but she was still carrying her white backpack. "Lets go Luna." Lilian softly said to the kitten.

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