Neko Clans! ;3

Luna chuckled lightly at Cliff's actions, tilting her chin up in victory. "You silly kitty, you! Luna knows where you are now!" The little kit silently slipped out of Xeon's arms and weaved her way through the tall grass, making sure that she didn't give away her position to the enemy. Giggling softly, Luna began to whisper the shark theme song. "Da-duh...da-duh..da-duh..!" Luna giggled as she latched herself around Cliff's leg, kind of like how a koala would do to its tree.

((Rai's Girly Kitty #2 xD it suits them perfectly, no?))
Danye blushed. "Yeah I'm shy." She said. "Um no I'm just hunting is all." Danye looked at him and smiled warmly before looking back down again.
Cliff froze when he heard the little girl sneaking up with the jaws theme to creep him out. He hated that theme for it gave him the jeepers and distracted from paying attention to his surroundings, which happened to result in Luna easily trapping Cliff's leg in the clutches of her right grip. He had shrieked in surprisement for he just got frightened easily. "D-Don't do that..." He couldn't bring to yell at the girl, she seemed too innocent.

"Can I come with ya? Everyone's being bums and won't wake up." Ritsu suggested and scratched the back of his neck. "I was a sleep too...but that didnt to too well."

Xeon giggled watching the kit plunge at her prey and he quickly climbed up the tree glomping the poor Neko "Cliffy!" he clung onto him refusing to let go
Luna rubbed her cheek against Cliff's leg in a very cat-like manner. "Girly Kitty, do you shave?" The little kit asked innocently, she wondered why Cliff's legs were so smooth compared to the other toms.

Luna lifted up her skirt and felt her own legs. They were smooth, but only because the kit was just starting puberty. "Why are your legs so smooth, Girly Kitty??" The little neko girl looked up at Cliff, expecting a good answer.
Lilian tilted her head as she saw the leader hugging the daylights out of Cliffy. She smiled as she saw that Luna was latched on to Cliffy's leg. "Having fun?"
Cliff's face flushed bright red when he felt anothe pair of arms wrap around him. This was surely unexpected. One moment ago he was quietly lurking alone in the darkened woods, now he was getting attacked by snuggly clan members. "Um...actually it's just Cliff." He raised an eyebrow when the Lillian girl arrived; so many people!! And then -- of course, the little girly had to ask one of those very awkward questions. "You're an odd one. I don't grow leg hair, okay?"

"Question; do happen to have an extra weapon on you? Like maybe a pocket knife!" Ritsu asked. He wouldn't be of much use if he were just going to watch someone else hunt.
((Danye sure is shy. :3))

"Oh, perfect!" Ritsu's face brightened for a moment as he gladly received the dagger, admiring the blade for a moment before slipping it properly into his hand, not wanting to ruin this one too.
((Sure is :3))

"S-so um what do you hunt?" Danye asked while walking beside him. Looking over from time to time.
Luna's mouth formed an amazed 'O' after hearing Cliff's explanation. Staring at the ground intensely, the young kit pondered upon the hairlessness of Cliff's legs. A few seconds later, Luna erupted with laughter. "Haha! You're bald!" The mischievous neko teased the hunter, her face turning a light red from the laughter. "Baaaald!" Luna wiped away a few tears from her eyes, clutching her hurting abdomen tightly. "Girly Kitty's baaaald!" The kit burst into laughter once again, rolling around in the grass from amusement.
"Hmm, I doubt that we'll be needing to haul back a large lump of a deer to camp, considering that we're pretty stocked up already. But indeed when fall comes around..before it gets cold." Ritsu had a little moment of discussing thing with himself briefly. "Oh! I'm......rabbits? Those are really tasty and fun to chase." 
"BALD?!" Cliff was astonished by her reaction. She was laughing. Laughing a lot!! "I'm not bald!!"
"Ohh I agree." Danye said coming out of her shell the more she spent time with him. Smiling and blushing to herself thinking those thoughts she looked down to the ground.
(lol, I only now read all that)

The Neko sighed "but Cliffy..." he pouted drooping his ears low "Nya?..." he nibbled Cliffs ear giggling "Teehee!, Cliffy I wanna play!~" the Ethryn leader chimed he was very childish at times... which was probably the reason Luna liked him so much, he clung onto Cliffy for dear life he only nodded at Lillian all giggly 

[/media] (Watch 4 Ultimate Cuteness)
Cliff eeped a sort of surprised squeal when the leader playfully nibbled on his ear. His ears were sensitive and it was bad enough that this guy had his large arms wrapped tightly around the small neko's body. "Red. My face is red with blush." he thought. "Why does everyone have to be such a...a cat?"
(I think Xeon is girly kitty 3... he doesn't have big arms either, even when compared to cliff...)

Xeon giggled and squeezed the poor Neko tighter "C'mon Cliffy!, let's have some fun!~" he started licking his ear noticing how sensitive it was "I won't stop bugging you until you play with me!~"
Lilian just stood there watching Cliff grow very red in the face. She huffed and walked towards Xeon and Cliff, once she was close to Xeon Lilian began to tickle him to let go of Cliff.
Xeon laughed triumphantly "Haha!, yay! come on Cliffy!, let us venture the forests together!" He smiled at the little kit latched to his leg "alright Luna he's had enough" and that's when Lillian started tickling him, he rolled off the tree and landed face first on the grass "Owww...." he lied there awkwardly with his backside in the air
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Greg rubbed her temples in an attempt to try and soothe the ache that had emerged there after her talk with her Healer. She had so many problems piled on her cat bowl and looking over her Clan form their hill, she realized with extreme tiredness that most of them were oblivious to them. Because they were her personal problems. But, enough with her, Greg started walking in search of a neko that had time to spare.
Viza attempted to hide the silver hairs on his head. They were the same color as the cigarette he was currently smoking. He looked at himself, making sure his clothing was perfect. 'Should I choose a different tie? What if they hate this color and attack me? No, this is fine, I'm sure of it...on the other hand...' "Damn!" Viza ran his hands through his hair furiously. "Why is this so hard!?'

Now, why was this Beta so stressed out you ask? Well for starters, he was Viza. Secondly, he was supposed to visit other clans for partnerships or something. When you're the Beta of a clan, it's quite understandable to freak out like this. "These shoes at gonna get me killed!" Or not...
Greg, not finding anyone else, decided to check in on her diplomatic Beta. She walked up to Viza, removing her hands from her head and placing them behind her back, and gave him a once over. He looked nice and professional, the tie suited his peppered hair. "I approve, Viza, nice style you have." Greg complimented the male neko with a comforting smile, knowing this couldn't be easy for him.
((I have Viza's nickname now! Stylish Kitty! :D ))

Luna giggled softly as she climbed up Cliff's hairless leg and wrapped her arms around his neck, securing her legs around the hunter's torso for extra support. "Let's go Girly Kitty! Run after Big Kitty!" Luna pointed towards the running Xeon in a very Napoleon Bonaparte manner. "Vive la France!!" the kit yelled into Cliff's sensitive neko ears, using the little French she had learned through a book that some humans left behind.

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