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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Morgrim locked down to his shoulder as he was reunited with Sibil his new faery companion. Morgrim in all honesty was still digesting the information how he teamed up with a faery in the first place. He had nothing against them, but he would have expected them to have something against him since he was aligned to darkness instead of light or one of the natural elements like earth, wind, water and fire. Still though his curiosity often switched tracks, and as it does often it did again. "Sibil you're old, even if you don't look it. What was the world like before you were Tuso's familiar. Was it as screwed up as it is today?" He asked the faery.

As he asked his question he noticed a cave off in the distance, but the large warning signs surrounding the entrance stating that it was one of the many entrances into the vast subterranean world of the Core. Morgrim had remembered to buy a few things while Sibil was retrieving her wisp friends. A torch, a fire starter, and special crystal call the nocturn sight that bestows night vision upon those that touch the crystal. The crystals effect lasts for 8 hours at a time, so holding the crystal is not necessary. "Best you touch this unless you can see in pitch black." He said holding the crystal to her.

Innocence took Nitiri's lack of a reaction to his hugging as a sign of friendship in a weird kind of way. So the weirdness would now officially commence. He decide that this cat would be his travelling companion, so he pressed further into the hug, and giving his semi-solid semi-liquid state he starting to warp around her, his body stretching to ravel around her as if he was starting to become more like a onesie, and less like a living being. In just seconds he would be completely covering her entire body from the neck down and acted as a sort of comfortable outfit, and as armour. He was not suited to dishing out attacks, but he could certainly take them. "Friends....." He said happily in his bubble sounding voice.


Ether Mesa

"I bet I could I could take you with no arms and with my eyes cut out." Ether spit out with a violent grin. The necromancer knew damn well he couldn't hurt a kitten much less a recently formed angel in his current state. Still, he glances up at her eyes and the previously menacing smile turns into a small, lopsided smirk. The light elf seemed to be in distress because of her new form and abilities. The light she gave off ebbed against the shadows of Ether's darkness. He could vaguely feel it. Where there once was confidence and certainty, a blinding aura, was now a pulsing glow. Still bright, but nowhere near as much as before. Though it seemed with the necromancer's taunts, the light began to glow a little bright if nothing else. "At least you're feeling a little better because of it sparkle." mutters the necromancer under his breath. She probably heard him but that's besides the point. If only a little, it seemed to take her mind off of herself and more on shutting him up. Ether could learn to like the lightborn elf. But Gods did she need to learn to.....well...lighten up ironically enough.
Morgrim said:
(Ahh! I'm so sorry I'm taking so long to respond.) Bane just gave a hearty laugh at the much smaller man and patted his back once more. "You don't know what Landfall is, geez you must've been living under a rock." Oh what an awful pun considering they lived underground. Bane was about to ask him about Yule's home town, but suddenly a small army of dwarf soldiers came rushing through the streets dressed in heavy looking armour, and carrying equally heavy looking weapons that could probably crack a giant's head open just with the blunt end.
"Everyone! Get inside your homes now! This is an emergency, stay there until we retrieve you!" The guards broke apart into different groups spreading the message while all simultaneously heading for the iron gate leading further down into the bowels of the Core. What could cause all this commotion for one of the most powerful and well fortified cities in the entire world.

"Yo, wanna go check it out? Oh and by the way I'm Bane, as in the bane of your existence, a little joke my parents had with me." He chuckled softly and awaited an answer.

With everyone on such high alert and heading into their houses it would be difficult to steal from anyone in particular, and shopkeepers took a few short moments to gather up every thing from their stalls and lock their shops up so no one could steal anything. Needless to say Vance would almost certainly be guaranteed prison time if he stole something at this moment. The guards would also be sure to check his every orifice for a way out, like the magic key or lockpicks.

@Coal @GingerBread
Yule observed the soldiers spilling into the street. He turned to Bane with a confused look. "Whats going on?" Yule questioned, but Bane looked just as confused as he did, so Yule simply stared for a minute. "Maybe we should ask them!" Yule said cheerily, and began making his way towards the soldiers. "Hello! What is happening?" Yule yelled across the courtyard as he approached them. @Morgrim

((sorry its so short and i took so long. Wont happen again))

Raven Qrow

"Looks like it," Darrius replied. The bubbly girl tilted her head at the new acquaintance, confused as to why he sounded so dispeased. To Raven, being in a room as crowded as this was rather exciting! Then again, she was in solitary confinement for most of her teenage years, so this change would be a good one. But still, she didnt grasp the idea that all these bodies packed in a room could be irritating to others. She blinked, eyes changing once again, this time both eyes went silver.

There was so much commotion it was a little distracting. People coming in and out through the door, the strange creature that was Innocence running about, a sparked rivalry between the necromancer and the light elf. It was a lot to take in, and there was a lot she didnt understand. Her attention shifted to a large monk that emerged from the same room the elf was just in. He seemed to be in charge by the way he carried himself. Raven smiled at him, even if he didnt notice it. The monk asked about the groups next move, and the curious kitten that is the psycho, instantly had her interest piqued,"Ooh~ where are we going?" She looked around, asking no one in particular with her plastered grin and big, bright eyes.

But yet again...another distraction (she has a short attention span, okay?) Raven turned to look at the light elf who was returning a snarky remark to the necromancer. Her head moved back and forth, but now it was Ether's turn to reply and when he did so Raven stepped in,"Whoa, hang on there friends, shouldnt we get along?" her light and airy voice chimed with concern. She liked seeing unity and friendship, not the opposite. Still, it wasnt exactly her place to join in, like she did, but the poor girl had no filter to keep her from doing so. She assumed the two have known eachother for sometime if the group has been traveling together, she didnt know they basically just met and that their opposing forces naturally makes them dislike the other. But she would try to help if she could.

@shadowz1995 @CarpeNoctem1213



The banter continued. Eleniel's eyebrows pinched closer together. Her irritation went from being on her new physical additions to the necromancer before her. Ether made a remark about being able to take her on with out any eyes. The thought made her cringe internally. Not because of him, but because she thought of Roxii who, unfortunately, had both eyes taken from her. The insensitivity made her blood boil even further. Eleniel, however, still managed to keep her calm and collected demeanor on the surface. The only sign that would give it away would be her clenched jaw.

The light elf crossed her arms, feeling heat course her body. It was either her worn patience turning into anger, or the new blazing light from within being riled up. She took a deep breath and released it while tilting her chin upward in confidence,'Dont give him any attention, you are much better than that,' she tried to settle herself.

The she-elf's ears picked up a mutter that escaped his lips. She glared at him almost instantly. The audacity! Calling her "sparkle" was the cherry on top of the previous things he said. She scoffed, her fire swelling inside,"If you wont hold your tongue, then i will gladly remove it for you,"she growled, the last part of her sentence just dripping with acid. In the blink of an eye, her hand reached behind her, but before she even wrapped a finger around the handle of her blade, a voice called out. Eleniel froze in place, hand still behind her. The innocent voice snapped her out of her blinding frustration. She wouldnt have done anything to hurt him, not while hes like this anyway, but a little bit of a visual threat crossed her mind. The stranger, Raven, mentioned something about being friends, earning a quick retort from the ice queen herself,"This dark creature," she pointed to the necromancer sitting a little ways across,"is no 'friend' of mine..."

Eleniel was never one to show this much anger. She has always been good at containing it, so why let it now? Although, in self reflection, she has noticed that her anger has become less controlable than it used to. Its become more easily expressed than love or compassion...which is quite sad. She was never like that. And her new condition didnt help at all.


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Bane looked at the Elf with a bemused expression. "Really mate, you want to go asking guards, even considering where we just came from. Maybe you aren't a boy since you got some serious balls." All profanity aside Bane was legitimately impressed with Yule, even if it was borderline stupidity. Thankfully enough the guards that turned to address the Elf did not try and arrest the two of them, but instead greeted them as outlanders.

"Hello Outlanders, I suggest you find some place safe to bunker down until the whole mess clears up, there is a sign of a creature preparing to attack the city. Nothing we can't handle though." The guards cluelessly stating. The being that was approaching the city was actually Plague, the being that the band of heroes from Dunheim were sent to destroy. This is the first city it would be going up against, but it was confident as would be any being strong enough to challenge a god. Plague had sought after the city to infect it's tear of the serpent, the source of boundless amounts of water providing a safe place for every resident in the town until now that is. What let them lived is now making them a target.

Sibil looked up at him before scratching the back of her head. She allowed herself to think for a moment. A small laugh then escaped her tiny mouth as her blonde hair fell forward.

"You're just full of questions today, aren't you Master?" She smiled gently, the teasing tone back in her voice. "I suppose...that things were a lot more...peaceful back when I was first a child. No one was worried about having and obtaining power or the different types of races. Everyone was more worried about what type of person you were."

The small being then looked down. "But I suppose that even the good, beautiful things can't last forever. Eventually, everything succumbs to some sort, some type of evil. It's just the balance. The cycle of things if you will." Sibil then laughed. "But don't take me seriously. That's just my opinion."

The fairy then went quite. She remained that way until they started passing the signs. Sibil looked up to Morgrim as he spoke. Eyeing the necklace, she simply shook her head. "My visions almost a 1000 times sharper then yours. Plus the crystal I use with the wisps will help me out. And of course, my own light. Those three things should allow me to see enough."

She then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Whenever the fey reopened them, they were the blue color that often showed whenever Sibil used her powers. "Keep it handy, however. If I find I should need it, I'll let you know immediately."

(@Morgrim )
Yule turned to Bane excitedly. "I want to see this creature! I never knew something like it existed!" He quickly turned back to the guards.

"Where is this Plague?" Yule asked hurridly.

"Its approaching North, and moving quickly-" Yule had already began marching towards the gate. He felt Nie stirring, and he sighed, readying himself for her scolding. "YOU INSUFFERABLE ELF!" She hissed loudly in his ear while digging her claws in his shoulder. "I'm not doing anything Nie-ouch! Would you stop?" He felt her wrapping her body around his legs-what was she-Yule's legs were bound and he promptly fell in the dirt. "I have been keeping you from getting yourself killed for 900 years boy, and Im not stopping now. You're are about as level-headed as a rock! Now stay inside this city until the creature is vanquished or so help me I will bury you in the ground!" Nie screeched.

"I just wanted to see what it looked like. I've been trapped underground for so long." Yule mumbled as he raised his head from the sun-baked earth.

"Its a creature called the Plague, what are you expecting it to look like?" Nie sighed heavily and released him. "Get to cover before I knock you out and drag you back underground." The dragon said stiffly.

"I just wanted one look." Yule said under his breath as he slowly made his way back to Bane. Nie rolled her eyes and followed him on foot.

"Well I hope so, and if it's really that good I should have you as a look out sometime, tell me if you ever spot anything interesting." He stated with a tinge of excitement. Having eyes that good must be quite a feat to behold, she could probably see and count every single flea on a stray dog's back from a kilometre away along with the damn things skin cells. "Even if you can see that well just remember the caves of the Core are darker then Tuso's soul, it might even challenge your eyes." He said before stepping in.

Morgrim and Sibil would have to find some new companions before they try to find the beast. They would need at least a tracker and a healer, one to find the beast, the other to heal any ailments it inflicts. That or just have a whole bunch of potions to fix any injuries they get. Morgrim then descends into the cave with Sibil following behind, and as soon as they go in they can all ready feel a slight increase in the temperature, the reverse affect it should have. But the very stone retains the heat of the many smaller suns hiding within the planet.

Thankfully there was only one path to follow, and it would lead to the first check point, a place where they can buy supplies and hire a carriage. The checkpoint is a place inside the first clearing of the Core's entrance from outside of the Twilight town. It opens up into several smaller paths each leading to either life or death. There are a few stalls each selling food or water, or speciality equipment. Like water flasks that prevent evaporation even in the heat of the Core. Or clothes or enchanted jewellery that regulates temperature so beings not able to withstand the heat can. Morgrim had about 700 gold coins with him, all of which he was willing to spend on this journey. "Sibil pick out what you need, while I gather my own stuff. Take anything and everything you will need. This is not going to be a short or easy journey."


Ether Mesa

"Oh don't say that sparkle. Of course we are the best of companions." Ether directs the comment to the young girl known as Raven. His gaze returns to the light elf and he raises an eyebrow in a cocky (somewhat infuriating) way and chuckles huskily before deciding to leave Eleniel alone for now. The necromancer enjoyed having someone to bicker with but she was obviously getting truly angered now and Ether knew when to stop pushing someone. He gives a light push against her light with his dark aura to indicate he was done bothering her for now.

The necromancer was exhausted, bashed, and bloodied. He wanted nothing more than to just retire to the a dark area recover but that seemed like it was going to be difficult to accomplish given the current situation. The vulnerability he felt just made him anxious and he covered it up with a cocky, sarcastic attitude.
I just really need to go somewhere dark so I can lick my wounds. Draw on the essence of dark. It wont heal me completely but I will definitely be better than I am now.

"Is there any...way someone can help me go somewhere...a little.....dimmer? The light is... a bit overwhelming right now."
And it was. The necromancer's body and senses cried out to return somewhere to recover its strength. All sources of light felt amplified and it was slowly starting to feel overwhelming. Eleniel's natural aura wasn't helping so much in such close proximity either.


The elf calmed herself (slightly) and kept her self from saying or doing anything rash. Once again she crossed her arms, but tighter this time, all her tension going there. Her attention moved else where, away from the preppy girl and the irritating necromancer. When more words came out of the rival, Eleniel rolled her eyes and narrowed them at him, giving a very sarcastic smile. She could feel his dark aura push against her, like a nudge in the arm, and with her own force, she stood her ground, forming a wall against his nudgy aura.

The necromancer continued, complaining about the intensity of the light in the room. She wanted to laugh, but kept quiet. She looked around the room, the things lighting it in particular and looked back at the uncomfortable Morgûl. "Little light too much for you?" She mumbled and straightened her self a little to relieve some soreness building from leaning on the fireplace mantle for too long. As icy as she was, her good nature was still there. "I suppose i can scout for a room..." she mumbled, trying her best to keep herself from seeming vulnerable. Whether she liked him or not, the group that was doomed to take part in this mission were going to be greater in numbers, so he had to heal regardless. Eleniel sighed and left her spot near the fireplace in search of a dim or dark room. 'Anything is better than staying in a crowded room....Maybe i can put him in a closet', the thought made made her smile, but it quickly vanished.


(Sorry this is kind of a crappy post, a little distracted from a spookity spook movie •-•)


Raven Qrow

The girl shut her mouth quickly when Eleniel protested on the non existent friendship between Ether and herself,"Oh.." she pursed her lips and looked away from the elf before offending her further. Her heterochromic eyes looked up at the necromancer when he requested help to move to a darker place,"Sure friend!" Immediately, the bubbly female jumped to her feet and rushed to Ether's side. Gently, she placed a hand on his shoulder, and the other under his forearm to help him up.

The elf offered to look for a room and Raven smiled wider. Seeing the stand-offish elf offer help was progress toward being friendlier, but Raven could only assume that was the case. "That would be great, thank you~" she chimed as the light creature moved from the mantle. Raven looked to Ether,"We'll just follow her, can you walk okay?" her creepy plastic smile on her face. Her eyes scanned his body for any visible wounds she should be weary of. Her eyes blinked and changed color twice again. Although Ether was weak at this time, Raven liked his dark aura, and felt she could do great things with it. Her eyes went from both silver, to both brown, then one silver and the other brown, making room incase she wanted to mimic his ability. Her eyes went back to his and she giggled cutely, which was also a tad creepy after she inspected him the way she did. Of course she thought nothing of it though. Raven was a sucker for power, she gravitated toward individuals with a strong presence. The sadistic girl loved feeling power in her grasp, the giddiness she gets when she knows she has her enemies at her will, the thrill of having someone beg for mercy, thats what she likes. And anyone who has strong abilities she will mimic so that she could be strong too, and stronger than some others.

Her search for power is one of the reasons she likes being around lots of people. Raven is sensitive toward people and their abilities, being with people is like being in a candy shop. Able to pick and choose what she wants from others. Course she also took a liking to Eleniel's light but she figured she had no chance of getting close enough to mimic what ever skills she has. Other than Darrius, Ether was her best bet. "Nice and easy now..."


(Another crappy post @^@ sorry friends)

Ether Mesa

"Aw, you do care." Ether whispers towards Eleniel. The necromancer's expression was one of genuine surprise when Sparkle volunteered to help him find a darker area than the one they were in. Her being in the same room would be completely counterproductive but the dark mage appreciated it nonetheless.

Now, Eleniel was one thing. It had only been a day or so since Ether had met the light elf but he knew enough about her to know she wasn't the traitorous type. She had a strong sense of honor and justice. If she had decided they were worth traveling with than she wouldn't sell them out or back stab them. Not her style. He could trust in her growing sense of rivalry with him. This younger, excited girl named Raven on the other hand was a different story. Ether literally met her moments ago and everyone already knew Ether didn't like new arrivals. Raven literally showed up out of nowhere and just made herself at home here. When the girl moved to help him, all of the magic he had put out to sense his surroundings came flying back to Ether as he retracted it. He was prepared to fight back even if it wasn't much of a fight.

While there was not much outward change other than his eyes translucency increasing slightly, anyone sensitive to magic could feel the sudden change in the air. It would be obvious to them that the necromancer was now on guard and his narrowed glare towards Raven would also be an obvious indicator. He didn't know this girl. He didn't trust this girl. And she appraised Ether like he was some sort of subject for testing. That just put the summoner on further edge. The honey sweet tone. The plastic, unflinching smile. The unnervingly positive attitude. Everything was setting off warning bells in Ether's head. There was something up with her. "Yes I can walk just fine with some help.....Thank you assisting then. Raven." The way the name came out of Ether's lips almost sounded angry or hateful. "Just...get me somewhere dark and I'll be fine after that."


The elf maiden ignored Ether's comment, payed no attention. By now she learned that the more she gave into his comments and replied, the more hed talk and have something to say. All she wanted was for him to stay quiet right now. 'The offer still stands, Morgûl...' she thought back to the threat she made about removing his tongue.

While Raven helped him up, she took the chance to get a head start, shuffling past the others in the room. Passing the window, she passed Atraxia, and she was right, there was a faint scent of blood coming from him, but no wound. Suddenly the atmosphere changed. It felt warmer. Calmer. Like Eleniel had control over it with her light now. She felt less constricted, like she could breathe again. But the sudden change was alarming. If that dark tinge that surrounded the room quickly disappeared it was because of Ether's doing, but why? She looked to him with out hesitation, watching Raven get him up. All of his dark wisps and tendrils were concentrated around him....was this defense? The longer she watched, the more the elf realized that the necromancer wasnt comfortable with the stranger, and he had every right. He seemed weary, and extra cautious. Something tugged at Eleniel, there was a prickling in her chest when she saw the uncomfort in his face. She wanted to go back and see what was really going on, but she kept herself from doing so. Besides, she figured there are other people in the room, they wont let anything happen to him. And with that mindset she made her way passed the door and stepped out.

Ahh fresh air. Needed after being in a room with other oxygen suckers. It was also very quiet and peaceful, the lapping pool in the center added to the scene. But she wasnt there to relax. Upon arrival, the light elf remembered there were other buildings. What they held, she did not know. She chose a side to inspect first. Left. Quickly jogging down 2 or 3 stairs that were at her feet, she walked swiftly to the building she headed for. The door was a lot like the one she just came out of, and she knocked on it.

No reply.

Well if no one answered theres no one there, right? The petite female pushed the door open. The feeling of this bulding was different. Much more serious than the lounge the group stood in. There was bedding and medical tools and supplies, must be a sorr of medicinal clinic. It was dark and seemed undisturbed. Perfect. Eleniel quickly shut the door behind her after taking a peek. She turned to head back to the lounge but saw Raven with Ether coming out of the lounge room. Eleniel pointed to the door behind her and waited.


Mentioned: @Federoff

(I went based off of Fed's description of the villa on page 28)

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(Everytime Ether and Eleniel push each other around with their darkness/light this is what i picture xD ..)


Bane was completely amused by the elf and his dragon pet, though I imagine the miniature dragon would be insulted, and quite venomous about being called his pet, since it looked more like she was the one in charge. "Heh heh, you two are an interesting pair. Seems like the dragon wants to protect you doesn't she?" He said with a grin. Nie wasn't the first dragon-kin that Bane had encountered, but he'd never see one manifest itself as a ring and with powers of transformation like that. Most dragons were able to switch between their dragon form and another form of a sentient creature ever since the dragon wars in the early first era where dragons attempted to claim Landfall as their own and were fought off by the elves, humans and dwarves along with many sub species. It made it so at the time dragons had to resort to trickery and disguises just to survive in Landfall. Now dragons are a rarity, but thankfully not to relentlessly hunted any more.

Bane was understanding more so of Yule then Nie though as protective instinct was far down on his list, and curiosity and a yearning for adventure was nearly on the top of said list. He picked Yule up with one arm, and carried him. So even if Nie wrapped around his legs lice a laso it would have little effect. "Come on quirt, we are going to go sight seeing. I hope your dragon friend doubles as a night light." He said chuckling while heading to the co-ordinates given to them by the guardsmen.


Raven Qrow

Raven felt it too. Though her eyes were locked on him, she felt the change in the room. She cant physically see Ether's dark extensions the way Eleniel can, but she her body was keen on picking up the presence. I stead of seeing it, she can feel it, and very accurately too. Where its going, and where its coming from. Ether had called his dark magic back to him, ready to defend himself. Raven was amused. Ether came off to be more vulnerable than before, calling to the girls sadistic nature. A sharp giggle crept out of her throat, she struggled to hold it down.

Raven's primal instinct grew as the necromancer glared at her. Her head tilted innocently, causing the cuff and chain around her neck to shift and clink, eyes still looking into his while her hands tightened around his arm,"Why so tense, friend?" she can feel his muscles contracting, was he nervous? ...No. Not nervous. Just ready for anything. The sadist within tried its best to climb to the surface of the girl. His defensive actions were taunting. Like a cornered animal, some what fearful. Just what she liked. 'No no, we play with the bad people, not friends,' she reminded herself, coaxing her desire to assert dominance. The wards, where she was sent to recieve psychological help, had retrained her brain the treat friends like friends. Meaning that enflicting harm was not something you do to a "friend". Poor girl was very confused...

After the supression she listened to Ether speak. The way her name sounded, coming from him sounded so...suspicious. But Raven ignored it and looked at the door,"Lets go then, off to find a dark place~!" she cheered,"Dark places are nice, they keep you hidden~" she didnt elaborate on the meaning of what she said, but if one knew her well enough, they could assume she was referring to the many times darkness played as an ally before taking on her next victim.

Raven gentley led the weakened summoner out the door, and carefully down the steps,"Take your time, go slowly~" she advised with a smile. Her attention moved to Eleniel, who stood infront of a door, and pointed at it,"Guess she found a place then~ That sure was quick, wasnt it? Too bad she isnt very friendly, I would like to be her friend. But you will do too. Are the people back inside your friends? I asked someone else the same question but i think the answer was a no...." The girl rambled, talking about anything until they reached the elf,"What exactly is this place?" her nose scrunched,"Oh thats right a dark place!" she laughed at herself as she remembered. She let go of Ether and went to the door, opening it slowly to peek inside,"Helloooo~?" She called inside, but it was empty, wasnt in use at the time. There were cots and medical knick knacks. She opened to door wider and stepped inside to get a better look. There was a tray on a table with all types of tools and needles,"Looks like the perfect place to torture someone,"she laughed and looked at the two behind her,"Im joking of course," she grinned. "Dark. Just like you wanted~" she called Ether with her hand,"a little too dark..." She mumbled. On the same table with the tools, was a candle. She reached a hand out and blinked, eyes changing. The left one silver, and the right one pink. The tip of her index finger and thumb touched the wick and the candle lit.

The silver and pink combination served as a storage slot. Raven had come across a pyromancer before, liked his ability and mimicked it. Each eye color combination served as like a code for which (stored) ability she was tapping into. Though she was very picky, and only kept one to use. She hoped that being around this many people, like Ether would give her a chance to mimic them as well. "Thats better."


Sibil nodded, a small frown appearing on her pale face. "I won't be able to see as well as I normally could, but I'm sure I can manage seeing in the dark," she sighed and stood back up on his shoulder.

"Are your companions from before not joining?" She questioned. Sibil faintly remembered Morgrim informing her that he had companions he had been traveling with before Tuso. Since she loved to meet new people, the fairy was excited at the prospect of having more people coming along.

The Fey then tilted her head to the side, surveying her Master. It was almost as if to see if he had been lying before. All of a sudden, she smiled. Shrugging, she flew off of his shoulder and started flying around his head. "I'm sure a tracker will be easy to find in a place like this," she stated, "A healer...not so much. However, one of my specialties is healing magic. It might not be actual medicine and the sorts, but it's quite handy."

Sibil then turned towards him. "As you wish. I'll report back to you if anything changed with the Wisps," she smiled before flying off. The small fairy flew throughout the booths. She gathered basic materials: crystals, some food, extra clothing, arrows, and some ingredients for more potions.

( @Morgrim )

Ether Mesa

If the necromancer wasn't on edge before he certainly was now. As Raven helped him up, Ether could sense the change in her. As his cautious, piercing glare met her eyes, Ether could see she not only felt the change but was also not intimidated. No. This excited her. The girl's eyes changed into that of a cougar staring down a cornered and injured deer. Full predatory state. "Why so tense, friend?" she asks.

Rrgh this bitch is giving me some really bad vibes and I can't defend myself properly! I'm at her damn mercy....DAMMIT! Ether turns his gaze away from hers as she leads him down the path that Eleniel had used. The seemingly predator and prey duo came to a stop in front a dark room. Medical in purpose it seemed. The light elf surprisingly had an eye for environment. Ether would have had to project his magic to find this rich area filled with shadows.

Raven's giggle and over all demeanor still had every single one of Ether's senses on overdrive and the sight of Eleniel, a (albeit unfriendly) familiar face made the dark mage relax a minuscule amount. The room felt great. Quiet, dim lighting due to Raven's apparent flame magic, away from prying eyes, and most importantly shadows dominated this room. As Raven and Ether passed by Eleniel, the necromancer gives her a glance and mouths
Thank you to her. In that split moment he couldn't hide his pain and exhaustion from eyes or features with bravado and sarcasm. The sorcerer was truly running on empty here and with slashed tires to boot.

Ether let's himself down in the center of the room with a pained grunt. He takes a moment to prepare before taking a shallow breath and adjusting his sitting position into a crosslegged one.
"Thanks for the help Raven. Now I can take my time recovering my strength. Eleniel, I would suggest you leave now. You're going to feel this pretty bad even from a distance away. I don't know how much you'll like it in such close range. Though if you think you can handle it you are free to stay. Id uh...." The male throws a pointed glare at the psychotic female youth before returning to meet Eleniel's new eye color. "Prefer it if you stuck around. Raven as for you, just don't get near me and you will be just fine. You are free to observe."

Pained deep breath in. Slow exhale. Deep breath in. Slow exhale. Deep breath in. Slow exhale. Here we go.... When the thought reaches completion, the effects are mild at first but immediate. A slow drag envelops the entire villa. As if a God was taking a slow inhale through the nose. A God that breathes darkness, negativity, and malevolence. The forces that make up what is known as darkness slowly converge upon the necromancer, being slowly absorbed into his essence. Mere minutes go by before the pull becomes stronger, more greedy. Ether had only just noticed how empty his reserves were. It felt as if he had taken a sip of cold water after being stranded in a desert for days. He felt dehydrated, starved, and battered. And this felt good really, really ,really Goooooood. The mage had not noticed the sinister grin that had subconsciously appeared on his face. He never did. He only knew that this felt like sheer ecstasy every single time.

What started as a slow drag transformed into what felt more like a singularity of darkness. As if a bottomless pit had opened up in the middle of the oceans and the water was being dragged into its insatiable maw. Ether's appearance now looked like something akin to Innocence, the shadow soul. So deeply coated in darkness and shadow that he almost seemed corporeal. The wounds he once had were now healed and his power felt as if it had increased. If Ether continued to draw darkness from this Villa he could possibly achieve a new level of power. But as the seconds went by, the metaphorical sea of darkness dissipated. The Villa was not a place of darkness or malevolence. It was place of healing, respect, and charity. Every area has a decent amount of darkness but a short cleansing would make it dissipate or in this case, a powerful absorption of all things dark.

Ether's eyes shot open and the only thing that could be seen was the violent glow of his eyes which now shined like miniature stars within his void like appearance. As the last trickles of shadow were absorbed, Ether's regular body became visible as the wisps and tendrils of dark dissipated from his person. The shine from his eyes dies down, back to its normal luminescence and a long, seemingly otherworldly breath leaves Ether's throat. As if the void had been given a voice. No dark related incidents would plague the Villa for several decades due to the absorption and Ether was now back to full strength and then some. Any injuries he had were now healed scars. The necromancer's cocky lopsided grin appeared on his face as he looked up to see who was still around, his violet gaze now full of life and confidence. He had become completely unaware of anything that would have happened or did happen during the dark healing event.
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(That's right I've decided to make another character.) Part of being a paladin is to recognize darkness in all it's forms as it appears. The higher the experience of the paladin the farther away they can being to experiences anomalies in the balance between light and dark, and to an elder paladin like Gallard he could sniff it out from incredible distances. "I sense a disturbance in the force." He announced to himself since his only company was himself. With the death of Tuso and the appearance of Arcanus it has been hit after hit to the paladin order, and all the darkness that was hidden beneath the floor boards began springing up everywhere. Gallard knew of some skeletons in the closest, but the genocide of dozens of villages and towns was not acceptable.

With the surge of darkness he changed his heading to aim true to the Villa where it had originated, but within only a minute all the darkness had dissipated. Even Gallard was not sure of what this was, he dared thought that it may be the return of a chaos knight, a being aligned to both and neither darkness and light. Only few species, and few members of those species may be born with the element of both light and darkness, often warping their minds and appearance in different ways as a badge of honour. He feared that this may be the return of a long forgotten and destructive order. The only bright side to him is that he was close to the area and could get there in less then twenty minutes, whatever could command such darkness would be an eternal enemy of the elder paladin, even with his order revoked, his status removed and his confidence broken he still felt the responsibility of held and would travel the land cleansing what evil he could.

Gallard doesn't even bother with knocking on the door, he just breaches through the sturdy wooden walls and sprinted to the source of the darkness, passing by a shadow soul, some tired and hungry looking souls, and butlers. His armour clangs loudly as it clashes agains itself from the force of his full throttle sprint. He kicks down the door, and conjures his familiar; a will-o-the-wisp. It was a familiar of fire and light, brightly illuminating the room so that they might as well have been out in broad daylight. He targets the Necromancer by his element, attire and malicious looking grin. "You there! What demons have you summoned, what evil do you command beast?!" He spat at the man in disgust raising his sword. a heavy looking bastard sword that he could hold in one hand with zero effort.

(Gonna hold back on replying to this one lol. I'll wait for the fluff to throw in her part. Or anyone for that matter)
Morgrim grabbed what supplies he needed, clean weapons made from silver mostly throwing knifes, and old fashioned grenades. Morgrim knew that while he was essential to taking down the angels from before against a creature of disease he will undoubtedly be the weakest link. Poisons and dark magic would basically bounce of the creature. There was no way around it, Morgrim would need a team to take out this threat, that is to say if it even can be killed. Trying to take out the living embodiment of something is like trying to kill an idea. The only positive for Morgrim is that the beast can not harm him using it's own element either, both entities were immune to poisons and disease. Morgrim would need some tools like the weapons and grenades. He also bought more healing water and travel gear, like the ring to protect against the elements and water flasks, rope and grappling hook.

Morgrim was hoping that his companions would have been hear by now, but if he had known they were in a villa, relaxing while he was the only one setting out on the mission they were given in exchange for their lives he would have tracked them down and given them all food poisoning for the complacency. "Where are those idiots, still away and leaving the work to me as usual? Of course I can't trust any of them." He stated dryly going back to Sibil. "I'm sorry I can not find them anywhere, I know not where the king placed them if anywhere, we are on our own for now."


(Fair enough Burrito.)
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