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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]



Tai walked out of the room and in towards the housing for everyone who lived here, there staff was a humble and small count of 3, two of them training under their head butler Volkan to become butlers themselves. "We require your assistance you two, may one of you get some medical supplies and the other prepare something for our friends? They are hurt" he asked in a polite manner, both of the butlers replying with a slight nod before heading to their respective tasks. He smiled a bit, They have good hearts, may that keep indefinitely he thought to himself before returning back to the rest of the group in the main building. He scanned each of them, getting a head count, they were missing one more person, the cloaked figure from earlier. Hopefully he was okay, he would have to search for him later more then likely. But for now, he'd better focus on the task at hand; treating their group. A few minutes after he came in, another butler came in as well with his hands filled with medical salves, wraps, and other equipment that he may need. He was of average height, medium blue hair and had on the same attire as Volkan. "Friends, this is one of Volkans student's, his name is Alex and he is an excellent doctor. If any of you need wounds tended to, talk to him. Another student will be in shortly as well" the monk explained to the group before heading into his studies, raising a eyebrow out of curiosity when he found the small light elf in the study. "Pray tell friend, how are you adapting to the changes?" Tai asked out of curiosity. He had been meaning to ask her since he witnessed the metamorphoses, but simply did not have time since he wanted to hustle them to a safer place to recoup.

@HoneyBear-Kat )



(sorry for shitty reply, writers block right now ._.)
Darrius Vrag

Darrius follows the others into the main building, glancing around the interior of the villa. The place isn't unlike a few of the noble houses he'd smuggled goods into over the years; brightly lit rooms, wood paneled walls, plush furniture. Seen one, seen 'em all, I guess, he thinks to himself as they enter the living room. The monk deposits the unconscious man onto a couch and goes about his business gathering the servants to help with the wounded.

Darrius drops his bag of holding onto the floor with a dull thunk and lowers himself gingerly onto the arm of the empty couch, watching the others as they file in, followed by a young boy who the monk introduces as a student to the butler. He doesn't want to be the first one to ask for help, so he watches with a faint smirk as the boy works and runs his free hand through his black hair a couple of times, making it more of a casual mess than it already was.


@Federoff @shadowz1995 Mood: Mildly Entertained Location: Living Room Music Equipment



The light elf sat on the opposite couch across from where Ether rested. Her arms crossed as well as her legs, while the cold expression she always bore seemed to be fixed on the necromancer. In truth she was just thinking. From afar it may look like she was glaring at him, which would have been normal regardless, but instead, she wondered what was going to happen from here, on. Her once sapphire, now silver, gaze moved to the others in the room. There were too many people for her taste and preference. The ice queen's brows pinched together, slightly annoyed and feeling a tad claustrophobic. Unfolding her arms, she brought herself to her feet and wandered to the study she spotted earlier, boots thumping on the wooden floor as she went.

Secluded at last. It was significantly quieter in the seperate room. Perhaps the hundreds of books propped on the shelves acted as an acoustic mute, or may be it was because no one occupied the room but her. The chitter chatter remained in the main living room. But Ether's voice as he awakened managed to carry itself. Her eyes rolled,'Lovely...The Morgul is awake...' Except for his voice, she felt relieved to leave the noise behind. Just like the vault, there were all types of curios and objects (besides books) in the private library. Picking any wall, she inspected the tomes and their titles on the spines. One in particular caught her eye. Her hand extended to reach for the book, but in the process, she caught a glimpse of one of the many runes on the back of her hand. She withdrew her hand, using the other to pull back the sleeve of her suit just a bit to see the whole rune. A finger ran over the mysterious marking,'When did this appear,' she wondered. Her head shook, and she pulled the sleeve over the back of her hand, thinking she'll have it checked out later. Eleniel's attention was back on the book in front of her. With a single finger she pulled the book from the top, tilting it backwards, then quickly grabbing onto it. She turned it on its back, the covers splitting and falling toward either side, exposing one of the center pages. The text was a compilation of stories, myths, and legends. As a young child, Eleniel took to legends more than myths and mere fictional stories. There was always partial truth to the legends her people passed to one another; thats what always made it so interesting. As she flipped through the pages she came across one. It was about a monk who traveled the world helping those in need. He was dubbed the Monk of the Mountains. Eleniel went wide-eyed for a moment,'Thats who he is..' she concluded. Something about Tai seemed too familiar to miss. At the time of her younger years, the legend was just a rumor, a story before earning the title of legend.

The elf's heightened sense of hearing picked up the sound of footsteps coming her way. She immediately snapped the book shut. Her body tensed as she spun to face the doorway, feeling a tinge of guilt settle in. She hoped the study wasnt offlimits, and if it was she was prepared to apologize. It was Tai who joined his presence with hers in the lonely room. She stood silent, pressing the book into her chest. The monk raised an eyebrow at her, and like a child she looked at the ground shamefully (her height, compared to his, only helped with making her look even more childish) as she was caught snooping. But her surprise, he didnt scold her at all,"How are you adapting to the changes?" he asked her, curiosity ringing in his voice. Her head snapped back up to look at him, she tilted her head like a puzzled puppy,"Changes?" she echoed after him,"Im afraid I dont understand," her seriousness returned in her face.

Since the physical effect of the orb, Eleniel didnt notice the visible toll on her body, except for the rune that appeared on her hand when reaching for the book. It didnt cross her mind that the rune (as well as the other runes scattered along her body) couldve been the changes he was referring to. Other than the soreness and aches she was experiencing all over her body, the rest of the transformation was something she couldnt exactly feel. Her new eye color, and the intangible, tranlucent wings that had sprouted went unfelt and unnoticed....boy was she in for a big surprise...


Mentioned: @shadowz1995


Castellan Serra

  • Tagging: @Morgrim



    Plains, A mile away from Dunheim's Front Gates


The light clouds of soft grays that drizzled over the plains began to churn. Becoming violent, darkening to black and rumbling into a lightning storm. The event focused over a singular position over the plains of Dunheim. The center of the lightning storm gyrated, lightning bolts striking the ground at increasing rate. The clouds opened to a bright ray of starlight and unleashed a thundering crash as it impacted the ground. The light faded as the clouds returned their original state, leaving a figure at the center of the seared earth. A woman knelt there holding a sword buried into the dirt, drizzle of rain overhead. Her shield arm brushed her auburn hair up and over to reveal a light heavenly glow. As the glow subsided, sharp features emerged and hard hazel eyes opened. Serra lifted herself from the ground and abated the grace inward. When she looked out to her surroundings, she grunted. '
Exile, better than fallen.' She thought.

Serra gathers her grace and extends her wings to full span. She casts a concerned gaze on them and inspects them thoroughly. No breaks, tears, or other abnormalities. Snow white feathers as the day she received them. She released them and gauged their strength by fluttering them, hovering slightly over the still smoking ground. Satisfied with the results, Serra ascended into the sky to gain a sense of location. She noticed a gathering of farms to the east, outside large walls that protected a city within. Forestland was found westward and south of her. Serra felt that a city would be the logical place to start.

She landed at the outskirts of the first farm to avoid any trouble. She had some knowledge of man and their skepticism. Serra brought in her wings and they melded into the back of the Castellan armor she wore with a shimmer. She would have to hide her true identity from the masses, though her skin and eyes would interfere with her deception. She immediately thought of an excuse, Magic. Perfect. And no one would be the wiser to her Seraphim ties.

Serra wasn't approached as she walked on her way towards the gates of the city. Farmers regarded her as a soldier in some factions army. Her knowledge of current affairs was so little compared to the long forgotten age. So she kept her composure and silence as she continued. Some humans looked at her with awe and others with some distrust and disdain. She kept stoic and carried on to the large gates.
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Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @shadowz1995

    Location: Villa

    Character Mood: Neutral

    Animus's Mood: vegetable

Finally deciding to somewhat relax, Jass lazily take off the beaten-up guard armor, letting it fall to the carpet with the bag of items. He flinches at every wrong movement he makes with his broken arm. The former knight was close to finishing until movement and a low voice from behind makes him freeze. The mercenary glances over his shoulder to discover Ether's awakened. Jass shakes his head when the necromancer makes a joke. He returns to the last part of the guard armor.

Jass answers Ether's question, "You haven't missed much. Luckily, we didn't run into new people on the road since we have some weird magnet that attracts strangers to the group." He chuckles, "I'd say you'd approve on that bit." Jass finally gets all the broken armor off and rakes his fingers through his short hair. "The monk carried you here. We're at a villa with the whole group, well except Morgrim but I'm sure he's fine. Roxii is being treated somewhere else but I don't know how she fares." His gaze fell to the now elven-angel then nods to her direction. She seemed absorbed in a book. "And... she's the source of light you are feeling. Okay, maybe you did miss a bit."He looks over his shoulder again, frowning at Ether's pained state. Whatever he did with Roxii back at the vault must have been strenuous to his body. It was the necromancer's choice though. The blood-shot eye reminded him of someone else who's eyes turned red at one point.

The monk comes back with another person. The older man introduces him as Alex, a doctor who's going to treat the party. Jass agreed to himself that he didn't need any medical help; he only needed something to keep his broken arm straight while slowly healed it himself.

(Not much but whatever. I got a research paper glaring daggers at me.)

(I will be posting soon, so idk o-o I just have a buttload of hw to do today Dx)
Innocence had liked the Villa they are in, there was much light, and while how it is even spaced out that would have completely prevented his movement yesterday, and everyday before that he was no longer intangible and relying on shadows cast before him. He is tangible and composed of ink. Admittedly he would have some getting use to his new body, and he felt rather heavy, fat even, but it required a lot of ink from all those books to evenly distribute enough mass throughout his entire form to actually be able to do anything. He looks back from the hallway to see that each step he has made forward has left an indullable mark on the floor in the shape of a human foot print, enough for over fifty marks on the floor. Innocence laughs at that, a cheery, bubbly sounding laugh that causes his whole body to vibrate with the jubilant delight he feels. He knew the butlers would come in and find out who and what left those stains, and seeing their faces red with suppressed fury would only do more to draw out another laugh, until then though he would go to the kitchen and ponder of the idea of trying to digest something.

Everything he's ever met mortal or not seems to have had a mandatory obligation to eat and consume something, he knew why, but has also always wondered what such an act would feel like. There was only one problem though, the chef. He was standing right there preparing meals for the dozens of people that stay there at the Villa, and including the new arrivals himself included. It was unlikely that the chef would be handing out meals to those that didn't need it, because while Innocence desired food, he did not require it. He hides behind the corner watching observing, but the surprisingly thin chef did move away from the kitchen. Innocence was not one to be deterred easily though, and he started to change form into that of a cat. A large one at that, but still a cat. Now more nimble and agile he quickly dashes through the room hiding underneath chairs and behind tables, making his way closer and closer to what would soon be his prize, a fully cooked turkey.

The Turkey's smell may have eluded Innocence, but the way it's golden brown skin glistened as the light reflected off of it, the permeable steam dancing just inches above the perfectly cooked meat, and the texture looking perfectly crispy while still juicy and tender. Innocence would have that dam delicious dead bird, and he wouldn't wait a moment longer. Jumping up from below a series of chairs he bites the Turkey getting a good enough grip and runs away with it, while the chef jumps and screams. "You damn cat! Get back here! That is not for you!" He shouts this while waving a spatula. Alas a chef can not leave his station though, and as soon as Innocence is out the door her returns cursing under his breath about felines and hungry kids. He wouldn't risk the entire Villa burning down though so he remains in the kitchen. When out of sight Innocence changes back to his human form, all while keeping a hold on the entire 20lbs turkey. The next part is really weird though. Much like a snake he distends his mouth, since he has no actually bone or muscles he can open his mouth to be nearly as large as he head and slides the turkey down his gullet. Even through the thick layer of ink it can be seen inside his stomach, and with a little whistle he moves along his marry way to see what next can be done at the Villa before he heads out to find the Core.

@For whoever thinks Innocence is a dork
The angel like being's descent could be seen by all for dozens of kilometres away, and draw the attention of many, but none of them knew what exactly it was. Some theorized that it was a small piece of Skyshard's landscape falling from the heavens, others thought it was a star or comet from space. Most though just thought it was a show of lightning. One such person whom thought it the display was of a comet took a detour from his path, the golden road to track down this sighting. The woman was a travelling smith who sought after the most rare metals on the planet, and had recently come from a two month expedition in the Core where she unearth a precious artefact, though it stayed hidden away in her caravan under a large blanket. Star metal was a highly sought after commodity especially by her.

The woman takes about an hour and a half before she finds the exact location in which the Seraphim had landed, noticing the crater empty she stomped her foot in frustration. "Scavengers!" She cursed, and knew if anyone would have got their grubby hands on treasure she desired they would head to the city. Crime was a lot higher in cities as thus made a logically place for any thief of scavenger. She returns back to her main course, where she was heading anyway; the city of Dunheim. The city had been put on lock down due to the plague the rats have caused, and the infiltrators, so no one was allowed in. Thus Serra, and the woman smith would be likely to cross paths.

After another thirty minutes of walking the girl had made her way to the main gates, and blessed the gods for the blockage of passengers. Most looked lost and confused, but there was one woman who seemed to be causing a little bit of unrest, as well as looking to to keep a steady composure. "You there, I need a word with you. Did you see what happened, with the fallen star? I'm trying to find out who stole it, we can't let some thief get away with valuable treasure, it needs to be in the hands of an experienced and intelligent smith like myself." The woman was not actually human, but a Chorzon. A strikingly brightly colour lizard morph with feathers atop their heads and arms in a decorative fashion. Not capable of flying, but they certainly are a sight to behold in that they look highly odd for reptile species.

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As soon as the contract had been signed between Sibil and Morgrim something else peculiar had begun to happen, a mist rolled into the building, creeping in from the walls and floor boards. The werewolf looked confused by this, as did the other many patrons all looking around at the mist. It was merely a cover though as a hand grabbed both Morgrim and Sibil. As the being touched them they both appeared in Skyshard, a very dark corner of skyshard, a cave to be exact where little light penetrated. Morgrim loooked around alarmed, more so then the patrons that were once just moments ago surrounded both of them. The darkness retreated as a being donning both robes and scythe stood. Maggots and centipedes along with other manners of insects crawled along it's robes and body, it spoke with no voice, but words seemed to appear in both of their minds while the being stood deathly still. Morgrim my unknowing servent you have passed your first trial. Bathed in the blood of the divine angels, and sharing a power with a celestial being you have unlocked the first rune of twelve. I grant you some of my power to help you achieve your goals.

The being standing still had shadows wrap around his being and turning into a mist, something that spreads throughout the entire cave and which is absorbed into Morgrim's lungs. He bends over in pain, and screams as the run on the back of his left hand starts to unwind and unravel, slowly fading into his skin and flesh until it is invisible, but still there hiding beneath the surface. Once the rune and the pain subside he is granted a sort of clarity informing him of his new powers, though there are too many to keep count of in the immediate moment his powers over necromancy is more then doubled, and not only that he gains access to elemental fusion, the ability to combine multiple elements that he has control over with no difficulty. Lastly is access to a forbidden ability, necrotic possession. As all is said and done they both return to the Den, where a bed and drinks are waiting for them as if nothing at all had happened. "That was.... weird." Said Morgrim

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Raven Qrow

The villa was quite peaceful. Birds chirped in the trees, the water in the pool lapped quietly, creating a faint whisper that echoed in the courtyard. It was inviting, relaxing, it added to the zen and meditative atmosphere of the whole villa. Hands pushed through brush and hedges that enveloped the area. Raven had wandered off the path, trying to force her way through the stubborn, prickly shrubs,"Oh, come on! Ouch! That..." one final push and she stumbled forward into the open quad,"hurt!" She looked behind her, glaring at the plants that fought her back.

She grabbed the lapels of her jacket and in one tug, straightened it free of any wrinkles. Raven closed her eyes, turning her nose into the air. She puffed her chest and wore her pride from the victory against the shrubs. Her heterochromic eyes blinked and scanned the villa she intruded,"Wow," she smiled. Her hands wandered along her body, dusting off some dust patches and flicking a leaf off her shoulder. Two small leaves remained stuck in her hair, but she didnt notice. "Hmmm.." She inspected the place with devious eyes. With hands now behind her back, she leisurely waltzed lazily around the pool, the heels of her boots clacking against the tiled floor,"Ooh~" she cooed when she looked at her reflection in the water. Muffled voices came from behind a door in the center section of the building. With out another thought, she skipped over and stopped at the door with her feet together, slightly bent forward toward the door, she moved one hand from behind her to knock,"Hellooo?~" her sweet, airy voice chimed to those inside.



Soon after she had stopped, Nitiri mounted up once more and flicked the reigns, her horse moving forward with a snort. She had mostly stopped to count her coin, making sure not a single coin had fallen through her rough and sudden detour. She had about 1,000 pieces, which was quite heavy and filled her saddlebag to the top. Though this made her horse walk a bit lopsided, the Khajiit felt it was worth a few hip problems of her stallion to have her treasure. Besides, gold was more important anyway, she could just buy another horse, right?

Her mind focused on riches and the possibility of what she could do with even more gold, Nitiri didn't notice that the dark clouds away were starting to disperse and let the sun's rays glimmer through. Flicking her tail, just thinking of treasure put her in a better mood than before.

Pretty soon she reached the other side of the city wall. Turning her horse in the direction back to the road she sighed, glad to be back on level ground. Rolling her shoulders, sighing when they gave a satisfying crack, Nitiri put her horse into a faster trot now that she was in a directional view of any guards at the city gates. When she reached the copse of trees she flicked her whiskers and pulled up her hood in the case she might come across a lone traveler.

((Welp, I suppose it'll be the next post we meet then. I gotta study a bit, I might post again later))

Castellan Serra

  • Tagging: @Morgrim

    Mentioned: Lizard-Birdlike Woman


    Dunheim, Outside the gates

After arriving at the gates, Serra learns of the security status of the city. The guards have sealed any entrance to the city and have no intention of allowing any being passage. A severe annoyance however it was a necessary measure. Serra looked around the crowd and tried to find someone with any information on another nearby town or city or dwelling. Possibly any man or woman in need of aid or protection, posing as a cleric or paladin these mortals praise. The search was proving unfruitful and the crowd was beginning to grow unsavory for her liking. She felt it best to head back down her path and make herself scarce.

As she walked, a scaly sentient creature had picked her out of the crowd.

"You there, I need a word with you. Did you see what happened, with the fallen star? I'm trying to find out who stole it, we can't let some thief get away with valuable treasure, it needs to be in the hands of an experienced and intelligent smith like myself."

"Fallen star?"Serra responded, not sure of what the colorful lizard- a lizard-birdlike creature -was asking. After the words left her mouth, she realizes that her descent must have had a similar appearance. "Ah, no. I'm sorry. I was in the vicinity but I did not see any thieves with a fallen star."

She looked at the lizard-birdlike woman and interjected, "Though, if you are in need of aid, I would appreciate the opportunity to lend my services." She stood at attention, allowing her stature and the grandeur her armor radiated to be demonstrated.



Tai carefully studied how Eleniel reacted to him coming into the private study, she clutched a book to her chest tightly before looking to the ground, as if she was ashamed for coming in here. Then, she replied to his question with one of her own, revealing that she did not know of what he was referring to. This promoted the monk to raise an eyebrow out of curiosity, along with stroking his beard (like the old Asian man stereotype xD ) as he began to ponder how to reveal it all to her. After a few minutes, he finally stopped before taking a step forwards, speaking up, "Well first of all, I do not mind you being in here girl, you need feel no shame. I see you have taken an interest in that book? If you wish, you may read it during you stay; but please return it to Volkan before departure as he take's great pride in his work" he replied with a kind smile, stopping once he got closer to the elf Eleniel.

"Now onto the more pressing matter, yes your body has changed quite a bit" Tai continued onward, passing the elf while slowly making his way to a table with a few maps, books, tomes, candles, and other items on it; organized in an orderly fashion. He reached his hand down and grabbed a square mirror, slightly large then a hand mirror but able to reflect more, and turned back around, the hand with the mirror in it at his side. "Well I do wanna warn you that it will come to you as a shock, but they are simply marvelous dear, you have been gifted with a great power" warned the monk before handing the girl the squared mirror; the reflective side facing upward so she would know what it is.

The third butler passed through the courtyard with plates of food, about to be given to the group to help them replenish themselves, she noticing that a girl she had never seen before was in the court and wandering about, looking lost. "Why hello there, all of your friends are in the main building if you are lost" the female butler greeted her, wearing the same attire and of same height as the Alex; she having pink hair that was braided into two. Her name was Sophie After doing so she simply walked into the main building, "I hope this is enough to help you recoup your energy for now, a full meal will be served later once we treat the injured" she greeted them before putting the plates down onto the table in the middle, on one was a full tea set; cups, sugar, and the kettle with hot tea in it, and on the other plate were simple snacks, vegetables aimed at helping restore energy to those that needed it.

@HoneyBear-Kat )

Themes: Kami

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(Meh. .-. Not such a good post, but here you guys go, I suppose.)

Roxii Sicarius

The wolf listened as the group gathered themselves. Ana's footsteps returned as quickly as they retreated as she collected Roxii's share of treasure. When the bags hit the ground, the hybrid could tell there was quite a bit of gold. Her brow furrowed slightly; would the healer be able to carry not only her own pickings, but the assassin's as well? She'd offer to carry her own new-found wealth, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to handle the weight of the gold with her still-aching and crippled body.

The scufflings of her comrades grabbing their belongings and heading towards the exit prompted the blind hybrid to rise from the ground. One hand was placed behind her as she pushed herself up off the ground. Her body still ached, so every movement was far from comfortable or pleasant. However, the wolf hybrid was standing—somewhat unsteadily—in just a few moment, though it required more effort than she'd like to admit. As her sense of hearing as her guide, Roxii cautiously followed behind the others, silently hoping that someone was watching her to make sure she didn't trip or fall.

The trek to the villa Tai mentioned was one that felt too long. It was only a good half hour or so, but it felt like an eternity to her aching body. And not being able to see made the journey seem much longer. She was relieved when they finally arrived to their destination, but the relief didn't last long. The wolf-elf's ears lowered slightly at the realization that she would never be able to see where they were or what the villa looked like. It upset her somewhat, but she brushed the feeling aside and returned to her reticent composure. Roxii may be blind, but she was strong and far from helpless. She didn't want to be pitied or seen as weak or vulnerable.

Multiple pairs of footsteps approached the group, and she visibly tensed. When the strangers addressed the monk and his accomplice in a friendly manner, the elf relaxed slightly but kept her guard up. The men and Tai conversed for a moment, and it didn't take long for her to notice that he and Xochi were respected here. After a brief explanation, the monk introduced the stranger that had spoken as Volkan and ordered one of the other men to tend to the blind assassin. Her ears laid back in dissatisfaction at the nearing of the male, the enormous amount of pride that she normally possessed returning. However, she said nothing as the unnamed butler led her off to be properly treated.


@Federoff Mood: Slightly pained, prideful Location: Treasury Monk Villa

Sibil was on full alert as the mist rolled in. She paused mid-step, her eyes turning to their shocking electric blue. Turning towards Morgrim, she raised an eyebrow, as if asking him if he knew what was going on.

Suddenly, she felt a shift. Closing her eyes, she gripped her pouch full of throwing knives quietly. Whenever she opened her eyes, they widened in shock. The fairy let out a surprised noise whenever she saw that they were in a different location.

Her eyes surveyed their surroundings, an uneasy feeling coming over her. She was not in her domain. She didn't belong here in the dark. As if almost sensing what she had thought, her body started to radiate a natural light. While it wasn't all that bright, it was still enough to make Sibil feel more...comfortable with the situation.

Sibil was almost certain that herself and Morgrim weren't actually there...wherever there was. It was more of an illusion or spirit summoning. Her suspicion was soon confirmed. It was a spirit summoning. One could summon the soul or spirit of another living being without actually having to have their physical bodies.

The fey eyed the being wearily before glancing at Morgrim. She was unsure as to what was exactly going on. Sibil didn't understand one bit of it if she was completely honest. But obviously it was something important.

Her grip tightened on the side of her skirt. When she saw the mist forming around Morgrim, her eyes widened. The fairy turned towards him quickly whenever a scream rung out across the cave. It was coming from her Master.

Suddenly, a sharp pain hit her in the stomach. Morgrims pain was her pain. While it might've not been vice versa, the familiar could feel whenever her master was hurt or in agony.

A feeling of relief washed over her whenever they were back in the Den. Sibil staggered back a few steps. Her eyes had turned back to normal. She then turned towards Morgrim.

"I'll concur to that... What...what exactly was that or who?" Sibil questioned, her grip on the table tightening. "Is there something you need to tell me?" She asked lowly.

( @Morgrim )
"Hm I suppose I can use some help, whatever the product of that storm I want to know what it is, simple as that. I suppose I can allow you to tag along for that." She stated plainly, not looking too entirely discouraged or thrilled for that matter, but she was a trader, and that does on many occasions require one to be sociable. "My name is Par-tan, good to meet you. Any idea's on what exactly may have fallen from there?" She extended a clawed hand out to the disguised Seraphim in greeting and as a symbol of trust, as little as it may be at the exact moment. SHe was however quite interested in the armour Serra was wearing, it looked like a highly rare metal, one from Skyshard as she recalled. Metals, and anything for that matter from Skyshard was rare on Landfall and unseen in the Core, but Par-tan takes interest in anything the falls from the sky. Usually it would be good for business, and business was always good for the Chorzon.

"I suggest we get out of here, maybe visit one of the small towns outside of the walls and buy some food and other supplies. Then we can meet back up at one of my homes, I need somewhere safe to store my goods, and work out the details in what I've found." She remains vague about the exact details though, not mentioning what it is she found, or where her home was. She was often wary of thieves, and while not getting that kind of impression from Serra she has been wrong before.


Raven Qrow

The snooping female jumped when a voice snuck up behind her. She straightened up and looked at a maid, whom she stood in the way of. She carried a tray with appetizers and steaming tea. The aroma distracted her for a brief moment. Raven blinked then smiled,"Friends?" she tilted her head to the side, giving her cute but creepily perfect smile. Raven wasnt sure what "friends" were being mentioned, but it piqued her interest none of the less, and she was going to follow where ever that tray went.

She stepped aside, gesturing toward the door, allowing the young servant girl to go through. As the made opened the door and walked in, she cleverly used the maid as a cover to slip past the others. When she was in the clear she strolled right in, following the maid and her tray of goodies to a table between two sofas.

"Mmm, looks yummy," she giggled, still wearing her smile. She promptly placed her bum on the corner of the couch across from Ether's. She reached over to the table between them to pick at the snacks the maid had layed out for them, the cuff and chain around her neck dangling over her open chest. The servant girl announced that the main course would be ready shortly,"Oh, sounds great, thank you!" she nodded politely, even though the other girl spoke to everyone and not just her directly.

Two-toned eyes blinked and watched everyone interact with eachother. All kinds of people resided in this villa. How ever this bunch looked as though they had been through a lot. Just looking at their faces Raven could tell they were exhausted. She was especially attracted to the fluffy ears that sat on the head of one of the group members. Raven had a soft spot for things that are cute and fluffy. Makes her want to smother what ever it is to death...and sometimes thats exactly what happened...unfortunately. If the wolf-hybrid knew Raven, the sadistic girl would be all over her reaching for those adorable ears of hers. She looked away from Roxii and gave attention to the tea set in front of her. The wandering girl made her self right at home and poured a cup of tea to drink. She shifted with one leg on the seat, twisted to look at the large group in the room,"What are we talking about?" she smiled immediately engaging in conversation. Raven was certainly not the shy type, especially after being in solitary confinement in a mental ward for 5 years, being around this many people was exciting for her.




Darrius Vrag

Darrius listens to Jass and the now conscious Ether talk for a bit before hearing a ruckus coming from down the hall. At first it's just muffled shouting, but then the shadowy form of a cat streaks by the doorway with a whole turkey in its mouth, drawing a fit of laughter from him as he recognizes the semi-solid nature of the feline being. The brunt of the laughter is cut short by a low grunt of pain, though, when the contractions of his chest jostle his ribs and send pain shooting through his chest, but he still releases a few smaller chuckles that only cause minor twinges in his ribs.

As his laughter subsides fully, a girl in similar dress as the other servants comes in carrying trays of food and drinks, which earns a wide grin from the smuggler, who realizes just how hungry he is after the battle with the angels and the trek out of the city. He snatches a couple of the snacks from the tray as she passes by and, with a quick thanks, shoves some in his mouth. It's been some time since he's had the opportunity to have real food; his smuggling kept him in the city up until now, and bringing anything close to decent food into the Splinter Den is never much of a good idea if one wants to avoid being mugged.

A girl enters behind the servant, one he doesn't recognize as being part of their group, and one who's probably way too curious and social for her own good. His eyes follow her as she walks passed him and perches on the couch he's sitting on before speaking to the room in general, earning herself a raised eyebrow from the chewing tiefling, who opens his mouth and speaks around the food. "Somethin' that's more than a little private. Who're you?"

Tag: @HoneyBear\-Kat Mood: Amused, Curious Location: Villa Living Room

Music Equipment

(Yess, an opportunity for introduction!)

Svenna Zenith

Svenna is in the market of a small village not far outside of Dunheim when she feels the disturbance in the air. As a storm dragon, she has an uncanny sense for the weather around her, so much so as to even predict the weather several days in advance, which is why this sudden shift over the plains of Dunheim catches her attention so easily. What was a simple rain shower becomes, at least in the distance, a powerful lightning storm--and an unnatural one at that. She turns from the stall at which she's examining several wears in time to see a bright light streak from the center of the swirling clouds and strike the earth below it with a brilliant flash.

Being a creature of Skyshard herself, she recognizes the light of a falling angel, or at least an event similar to that of a falling. This does not have the chaotic form of an angel who has lost their grace.
Cast out, but not entirely cut off. Interesting... The dragon warrior thinks to herself. She turns to the woman behind the stall, thanks her, then turns and heads in the direction of Dunheim. As much as she hates the den of corruption, she knows that anyone thrust into an unknown place would head for the nearest largely populated area.

Svenna makes the journey at a quick pace, walking, of course, no need to pull out her wings for this one; news of the city's closure had already reached the village she was in, the being--whoever he or she may be--won't be getting in, so there's no absolute rush. She approaches the locked gates of the city in due time and looks around, her intense draconic eyes scrutinizing the forms around her for any sign of divinity. They land upon a being who is unmistakably angelic-at least to one who knows what to look for. The female is very tall with a golden glow about her skin and eyes, the main signs of a divine being. She is with another female, this one of a reptilian race with feathers on her head and arms.

She watches them talk for a bit before she approaches the pair with a confident but nonthreatening stride. She looks them both directly in the eyes when she reaches them, angling her head in a stiff bow. "Greetings. I am Svenna Zenith," she introduces herself before directing her attention to the angelic being. "I noticed that you seem to be...new to this area. Perhaps I can aid this young woman with her direction?" She inclines her head toward the Chorzon woman.


@TechEwok @Morgrim Mood: Intrigued Location: Outside Dunheim Equipment


Castellan Serra

  • Tagging: @Morgrim , @CarpeNoctem1213


    Par-tan, Svenna.


    Outside Dunheim's Gates

With the approval of the Chozan woman, Serra clasped the woman's forearm to seal the agreement. Serra began to think of a plan to elude discovery by Par-tan. The looks she was receiving from the reptilian woman were discomforting. Serra wasn't sure she could trust anyone with her identity, especially one that lusted for material objects. So she remained alert and kept her grace hidden as best she could manage. Not having to hide for more than a millennium made the practice increasingly difficult.

"I am Serra, Castellan Serra." She said with hurt pride. A title for a rank she no longer held but it was a part of who she is--was. "I'm sure it was something large to create that much force in the impact. Though, I'm not sure how suitable I am in finding the source. I'm no tracker nor am I a ranger. I can provide you with protection from thieves and highwaymen along the way to the town until we part for you to handle... your personal affairs," Serra added.

As they were to depart, an armored woman intercepted them.

"Greetings. I am Svenna Zenith,"

The moment Serra's eyes lock with this woman, Svenna, she senses a familiar aura. Serra uses her holy grace to feel more of this woman's aura and understands the familiarity. Svenna has Skyshard's lingering presence along with the eyes of a dragon. There wouldn't be any way to hide being a divine Seraphim from a resident of Skyshard. She knew she could trust Svenna more than she could trust Par-tan, though that she would keep to herself. The offer for direction was a fine ploy to pull her away from Par-tan. The problem with that was there was an arrangement and Serra was honor bound to carry it out to it's completion.

"I am new to these parts of Landfall, that is correct. Though, I believe I have already agreed to help this smith with an errand." Serra replied, keeping her eyes on Svenna. The iris' of her eyes twinkling grace in recognition. "However, seeing that you're also capable with a blade," Serra points at the exotic weapon, "I believe Par-tan would be in luck finding another swordswoman to 'tag along'. No?"

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