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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(I can leave teh building o-o I feel kinda useless)


Xochi lead the girl, Roxii, into the empty room in hopes of giving her a place to rest; aiming for the bed in particular but before they could reach there the armored girl fell to the ground, yelling out what Xochi could only assume to be cursing in her language. She gasped and knelt down next to her, shifting her so she could at least sit up; trying to think of what she could do. Her mind rushed to grab idea's, one idea was to first get rid of the armor on her and remove the weight that she imagine would be hurting her more then helping. Without much else she could do at the moment, as she didn't know the extent of any of the girls wounds, and so took off the girls gauntlets, wanting to cause as little pain to the girl as possible.

I'm so sorry... She felt so bad, Roxii looked in extremely she wanted to break down and cry for the girl, and almost did, but Xochi had to be strong here...for the both of them. Next she moved to take off her gauntlets and then the vanbrace, both taking little time to take off in relative to the situation, the girl had to be careful as to not harm the girl even more so. With finishing that, hopefully she gave her a small relief during this stressful time, Xochi knew that it must be hard for her, and it would be hard for her to communicate as well. How could a (selective)mute communicate with a, newly, blind person? Her eyes scanned the room to get idea's, a bunch of pots and pans, a book shelf... Aha! paper and inc, perhaps she could use that? But how? The girl thought about it for a few minutes before getting an idea, and so she got up to collect the ink and feather, the paper, and a book to write on.

She returned to the girl's side after retrieving the items, she sat down next to her left side as she remembered that her right arm seemed to be broken. She set the items in front of Roxii before dipping the feather pen in ink. Then she placed one of her small hands over Roxii's left hand and began to manipulate it, placing the pen in her hand and bringing it to the paper; her hand warm to the touch. Hopefully her idea would work, if not..then yeah... She began to write with Roxii's hand, hoping that maybe she could feel what she was writing.
Can you understand what I am writing with your hand? she wrote on the paper and waited for something to happen.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Room of the palace

Mood: Saddened, pitiful

With: Roxxi (@Javax )

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth

The now Arch angel was in no mood to play around as they harmed him, killed his brother, and defied their sworn duty to protect Tuso and everything he did or didn't stand for. These pests were mere cockroaches meant to be squished and exterminated under the power of a higher more divine being, and these creatures of the dark would not stand in his way, or at least so he believed. The battle would range on for minutes in clashes between mortal and divine. Though with the re-addition of Morgrim, and the joining of the monk that he had encountered earlier it was made possible, but not without the scars that all seasoned warriors wear proudly. (Kind of a foreshadowing post before the actually scene. Now we have somebody waiting to get in, so make one big post as to everything you are going to do to ol' four wings, maiming and anything less than that welcomed, so that the new person doesn't have to wait too long. Thanks.)

Morgrim returned rushing to the fight with the bright white light finally subsided, he only getting enough of the blast to know that what ever magic it is was angel magic, and thus designed to harm anything of a dark or demonic nature with surprising effectiveness. Even he was surprised to see how much the fight had escalated, while one angel is missing, to Morgrim, presumed dead the other stood as an Arch Angel with a heaven's spear in hand. Morgrim would have to pulled out one of his trump cards to even stand a chance, one of his summons, a creature known as a hydread, a beast from where he had lived as a child. The hydread is one of the deadliest beasts that can be summoned by anything human, and Morgrim was a bit more or less than human depending on perspective. A pool of ether forms in the ground on the marble floor seeming to being pulled out from the very air itself.

The spell itself takes deep concentration, a considerable amount of life force and time, and with the others acting as cannon fodder he had all of that at his disposal. Sacrificing a small amount of blood he binds the creature once more to his will, and demands it to enter under his beck and call, serving him as a slave, and a hungry one at that. The hydread is an undead hydra complete with five heads and equipped in the traditional armour of the underworld, blacksteel, a material that drains the life of the ones it connects with, wielder and foe, as an undead it is immune to the effect, but the victim sure isn't. Each head has a helmet and the underside of the helmet is designed as a giant blade for slicing and tearing through flesh and most other metals it comes in contact with, and the jawline of the hydra's heads are adorned with a second set of metal teeth double the size of the actual teeth they have giving them a massive overbite and a deadly enhancement to their attacks. The hydread recognizes the angel as being the biggest meal in the room and launched at him with massive speed that could shatter bones for anything not to tough. Three heads set into the flesh of the angel, the other two grabbing wings.

The angel uses it's spear to cut through one of the heads, but in it's place two more grow in the span of seconds and they while not armoured at still formidable and latch onto his wings, the hydread pulls apart in three different directions and with some effort tears off the wings spurting angelic blood everywhere in a shower, the angel screams and fuelled by beserker instinct jabs the spear right through the hydread piercing it's heart because honestly attacking the head of a hydra is just plain stupid, the spear dissolves into the beast but disintegrates it completely leaving nothing more then the broken but still standing body of an arch angel, a pool of blood, and the other heroes all with an opening on the divine hypocrite.

Jassur Batal

Jass waits impatiently for the guy aiding him to hurry up his healing. In about a few minutes, he's got most of his minor cuts and bruises healed. The mercenary could still feel the broken arm though; the healing probably helped speed the recovery. Jass pushes his own magic through a bit of health, regaining some strength back into his tired limbs. Not noticing the suspicious appearance under Lillif's hood. The guy's mention of Ether and Ana gives him ease; they should be here soon - not noticing Ana appeared. He lets out a deep breath; the current situation isn't going well for their team. The angels are at their full strength. The wings expanding, making their form even more intimidating.

The mercenary leaves the aid of the table, limping slightly. Darrius and Fang continue the fight with the guardian. Joining now will only burden them; he'll come in when the fight starts to turn for the worst. One of the angels take off with Roxii on his back. The crazy assassin got a hold of the winged-man with her dagger. Jass supports himself by holding onto the large pillar in the hall. He wasn't much help without a sword; he could do something completely reckless but that wouldn't help much for his situation.

The other assassin, Fang, is thrown back, flying past Jass. The mercenary cringes at the screeching sound from the flooring and the guy crashing into the table. Pieces of the table fly over - he ducks at one coming for his head. Jass mutters, "Shit." Contemplating if he should just aid the others barehanded. If he could push his magic to his strength attribute then maybe he's not so hopeless. Despite his guard armor's terrible state and his broken arm, the former knight agrees with himself that he still could take a beating, now that he's somewhat healed.

Fang's appearance after his collision with the table was unsettling to Jass. Those damn eyes were red, again. Fortunately, he's not at the receiving end for it this time; thank the gods, they didn't have trouble at the lower ends of the city with the assassin.

A pained yell from the angel with Roxii on his back, catches Jass's attention. The ride looked rough; the two bashing into the ceiling and the aerial movements being used by the guardian. The mercenary spots blood dripping from the wings, tainting its pure white color. Jass grits his teeth, not knowing what to do. He knew this wasn't going to result well for Roxii. The a sudden light.

"What the hell?" Jass covers his eyes at the blinding bright light. When it dies down, the mercenary blinks a couple of times, getting his vision back. He glances around wondering what the fuck just happened. Most of him allies were in pain from whatever that light did. He notices the damn guardian he fought not too long ago looking clean and undamaged. Jass growls, "Are you kidding me?!" The angel's appearance looked completely different too, as if he evolved and someone decided to grant him some powerful-ass weapon. Four wings?! As if two wasn't enough. Jass steels himself, pushing his magic to strength. The newly transformed guardian darts right to Roxii, swing the spear and harming the assassin who emits a horrified shriek of pain. Jass curses out loud, clenching his fists.

Before he could make his way to the wounded comrade, a thick mist randomly appears in the room. What is it now? He walks carefully through the mist in the direction where he last saw Roxii. The mercenary hears voices and then echoing footsteps on the marbled floor. The mist lifts revealing the guardian and a tall monk; Jass notices Roxii has disappeared. Jass was about to ask what happened to the assassin until a large beast with multiple heads leaps out suddenly from Jass's peripheral vision. The former knight creates distance between the scene and himself, watching the monster tear into the angel. The four-winged man's struggle with the thing ends with him completely weakened and the monster disappears. Jass notices the opportunity and charges into the angel, smashing him full force into the wall nearby with all of his strength. The blood splatters all over Jass but he isn't sure if he killed the damn hypocrite.

For precaution, the former knight jumps back, creating distance between him and the angel. Jass wasn't sure if the guardian was going to pull any last struggling attempts to fight.

| Tag:

@Morgrim , >:U y'all | Character's Mood: "Wtf" | Animus's Mood: Panic | Music |

Darrius watches as Morgrim arrives and summons a huge beast that attacks the angel, ripping it's wings apart and leaving it weaponless to boot. Darrius grins wildly as he stands, still wobbly on his feet, but his eyes glow brighter as he straightens and a circle of purple runes appears on the floor around his feet. Black flames begin to emanate from the runes and swirl around his legs, rising steadily as they spin faster and faster until he's enveloped inside a small vortex of flame that spins wildly on the spot.

His voice comes from the flames, becoming unnaturally deeper over time until his voice resembles that of a true devil. "I'm sick of you beasts. I'm sick of Tuso and his lapdogs calling the shots around here. I'm sick of seeing others suffer because of his cruelty. And most of all, I'm sick of being subjugated by the likes of you!" At his final word, the flames flare up for a second and die in an instant, swirling away into nothing to reveal Darrius-or what the others could guess is Darrius-standing tall in a new, monstrous form. He is now a good foot or two taller than he once was, powerful bat-like wings are now uncurling from around his from revealing a new set of armor made of an iridescent black armor that has glowing purple runes engraved in it, his humanoid legs are gone, replaced by cloven goat's legs that are covered by the same armor, his tail is now encased in the same plating with spikes protruding from the end in wickedly sharp barbs, his hands now end in black, razor-sharp claws, and his entire visage has twisted into a horrible devilish face with eyes that could terrify even the most experience warrior.

By this time, Jass already slammed the angel into the wall. Darius steps forward, his cloven hooves making loud clacking sounds as they strike the marble floor of the dining hall and his tail whipping back and forth with anticipation. He glares at the angel, who is somehow still looking at him with a look of defiance, refusing to show fear to a devil, which makes Darrius chuckle darkly. His new claws burst into more flame and, upon reaching the angel, he slashes forward with them. The angel, ready for this, throws an arm up to protect himself. It manages to block the claws from slashing into his face, but they still slice deeply into his arm, cutting through bone and nearly severing the arm. The flames cauterize the wound, though, so no blood spills out, but the scent of burning flesh fills the air and the angel lets out a scream. Darrius' tail whip forward then, slamming into the angel's side and sending him stumbling over a few feet to land on one knee, bleeding profusely out of several puncture wounds in his side. Darrius looks at him and grins, his noticeably sharper teeth flashing in the light.
The wolf hybrid was almost like dead weight in the girl's hands, unable to muster up enough strength to sit back up. Judging by the pain, there must be more internal damage than external. All of it combined—the soul tear, the internal bleeding, the broken ribs and fractured forearm bones, the dozens of cuts and bruises littering her skin, the gash stretching across her face and into her eye—all of the pain she had accumulated in such a short amount of time was causing her to grow weary and tired. She was surprised her body hadn't gone into shock and shut down yet. Then again, how was she even still alive?

The assassin could feel Xochi's hands working at her arms, and she realized that she was taking off her armor. On any other occasion, Roxii would react harshly at being touched and undressed, and even more so by a stranger. But now was not the time for hostility; she was weak, and the armor was only making the pain worse.

Although every movement Xochi made to remove the vambraces and gauntlets sent tendrils of pain running up her arms and splaying out through her shoulders and torso, the elf could tell by the girl's gentle movements that she was trying to be careful with her actions. At least she wasn't
trying to hurt her; that surely reduced some of the stress. Once the armor was removed, a small sense of relief filled her body. She was still aching, but at least the weight and pressure of the armor wasn't pushing down on her injuries.

The room was silent for a few, and Roxii wondered why the girl didn't talk. Was she afraid of the assassin? Was she hiding something? Was the hybrid right in being suspicious of the monk and female? Or was the girl simply mute? She wasn't quite sure; it was difficult to tell when she couldn't read the girl's facial expressions or body language.

The blind elf flicked her ears forward at the sound of the girl getting up. Where was she going? Xochi walked away from her and began rummaging through things nearby. What was she looking for? The hybrid involuntarily furrowed her brow in confusion but winced at the stinging pain that followed. Her expression instantly returned to a stoic expression, hoping to minimize the pain as much as possible.

While the girl was searching, the Lythari decided to try to examine the severity of her injuries. With two left fingers, she began pushing lightly onto her rib-cage on each individual rib, retracting quickly when she made contact with a broken or fractured rib. She guessed that she had about seven broken and/or fractured ribs. With the same two fingers, she began trailing them lightly over her right forearm, pushing down slightly to figure out where the pain was originating. She grimaced again. Both the radius and ulnar were fractured.

This process continued a bit longer as she inspected her left arm—which was rather painful to do with her fractured right arm—and her legs. She concluded that, other than some bruises and lacerations, everything else was fine except for a fractured right femur and a broken left fibula. Roxii never noticed that her legs were injured as well when walking; must've been the small amount of adrenaline still coursing through her bloodstream.

The wolf-elf moved her hand up to her face, feeling at the edge of the laceration gently. It was a fairly deep cut; one that went down and cut into the skull a bit and sliced through the cartilage of the bridge of her nose. She wondered how bad it looked...

Xochi returned with what smelled like paper and ink. Roxii tilted her head slightly as she prepared the quill and paper. The girl's hands were lightly wrapped around the assassin's hand, and she realized that Xochi was trying to communicate to her through other means. The wolf almost laughed. How comical: a mute and a blind person trying to speak to each other.

Xochi began to write a sentence, and she struggled to put the jumbled letters together into words to form a sentence.
"Ca_ _ou __de_st_nd w_at I am w_iting wit_ yo__ h_nd?" was how it felt to her. She waited for a few moments, trying to piece them together. Once she figured out what Xochi was saying, she nodded, answering her question.



Xochi smiled when the girl responded with a, albeit weak, nod of her head. Great, her idea had worked and now she had a way to communicate with her, this was fantastic; relatively speaking. She thought about what to write next as she wanted to get enough information out of her to help efficiently without causing to much pain. I'm sorry that this is how I have to talk to you, I'm mute. What's your name? And what can I help you with without causing too much pain? was the next thing that she wrote, explaining the bizarre means of communicating with her and why she had to,along with asking what she could do without causing to much pain. That seemed to be a good idea in her mind. She then waited for a response, not wanting to rush the girl, letting her take as much time as possible to reply. While she waited, Xochi began to scan her environment for anything of use, most of it was useless kitchen supplies, but she did notice that the chief that occupied this room did have a private supply of medical wrap for attending to the wound's he might get when cutting up stuff.

Sorry that this is a shitty post, barely time to write it and couldn't think of too much to write w/o having a bunch of fluff.


Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

Location: Room in the Palace

Mood: Slightly Happy, Proud, Concerned, Worried

With: Roxii (
@Javax )

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth




It all happened so fast. With all its rage, the massive angel launched himself in the air, Roxii clinging for dear life. Eleniel couldnt do anything but watch as the two spiraled back to the ground. Gravity was doing its job, pulling their combined weight at a high speed. All Eleniel could think was that if Roxii made it out alive from this, then she definitely had luck on her side.

The fatal aerobic dance had ended. The ground underneath the elf shook for a brief second for the grand finale. Eleniel stood silent but took a few steps toward them, attempting to rush at Roxii's side checking to see if she was okay. Luckily, Eleniel could feel her life force, it was there, but it was weak. Naturally, the wolf hybrid suffered from fractures and broken bones. She had to get out of there. But before she could get to the fallen comrade, the angel was up, still not finished. Guess this was the encore. She spotted the severed wing, lifeless on the ground, blood surrounding it and tainting the flawless armor of the one who bore the wings. If he wasnt already mad before, he is now. An angel's wings was its identity, a physical announcement of their superior race. Eleniel could see that Roxii was dazed, out of it, maybe even unconscious. "Get up," the elf whispered,"Get up, get up!" the anticipation growing in her voice.

Suddenly, a blinding, flare of light flooded the room. Eleniel squinted and simply raised an arm to cast shadow over her eyes. It didnt effect her much, but all around her she could feel the "dark ones" weaking under its ray. The light was...warm....inviting. A familiar sensation that actually comforted her. Its been a long time since she felt Light that strong in this dark world. It dimmed quickly as it came, only to reveal the angel's promotion to arch-angel. Well thats just great....She blinked, her eyes focusing and adjusting. Then she remembered Roxii. She decided to try again, the elf ran a few steps but she was too late. The angel, sword in hand, struck his blade, onto her face. (My bad its a SPEAR. Ahem...burrito... ) It was horrifying. The scream that erupted from Roxii's throat seemed almost surreal, and shook Eleniel's insides, rang in her ears. The elf scowled. She was rattled now. Furious. In the blink of an eye, in quick reaction, she was armed with her bow, releasing arrows at the evolved creature. Of course she knew they would more than likely do nothing but scratch him. But she was angry.

Focused on her anger toward the angel, Eleniel didnt see the mist that had begun to surround her. When she finally noticed, the whole room was already engulfed in it. Her ears picked up the faint sounds of movement, and they were moving toward Roxii. Eleniel pursued. Waving the mist away, hoping it would help to see better. By the time she reached where Roxii was laying, she was gone. Someone came for her.

Eleniel had to decide, Roxii or the angel. Eleniel's original plan was to slay Tuso and what ever came her way. This was why working with others became a liability. Though she wanted to help, but she couldnt leave the others to fight these angels alone. Roxii would have to wait, if she was able to get away, she could hang on a little longer. There was still another problem at hand.

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Lillif turned towards the Arch Angel, mentally cursing in his head. Why now of all times did the angel have to transform into an arch angel. He could only hope they could bring him down in time. Lillif looked towards the injured former knight, not that he knew that he was one, and his eyes showed worry. Even if they couldn't see it under his hood.

Suddenly when the angel flapped his wings Lillif's hood flew off his head, revealing his demonic features. His red eyes shined brightly now that they were revealed, it was almost as if they were glowing. Lillif's eyebrow twitched as his hood had fallen off. It would be just his luck if there was a demon hater in the group. He knew it too. Though hopefully there wasn't one, then he wouldn't have to deal with that. It's not like he asked to be a demon, in fact he hated it.

More than anything though Lillif was scared of what would happen if there was a demon hater in the group. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his feelings. He couldn't let it distract him now. He calmed his nerves and got ready for battle.

Lillif put his dagger away and pulled out his bow and notched an arrow. He let electricity course through the arrow as the electricity was his element. He let loose the arrow and aimed it for the Arch Angel's wings. He fired several more after that, letting three at a time fly. All the while he kept moving, hoping to dodge anything the angel had to throw at him.


@Morgrim @AnimusLight @Federoff @CarpeNoctem1213 Mood: Worried/Irritated/Scared Location: The dining hall

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Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana had become extremely confused when she left the large room that the rest of her group was in. Her original intentions were to find the rotting man, but the smells of everyone in the room made her nose useless, and the racket everyone was making had hurt her ears. Her hearing isn't normally good, so most of it was shot under these circumstances. The screams, the yells, and the cries of her allies were too much for her, and she quickly became lost. She had reached a point in the palace that was quiet, but she could hear her comrades off slightly. I need to figure out how to help. Ana thought to herself, so she wandered back down a hall nearby, and finally found the room everyone was fighting in, but soon stopped when a bright light flashed.

She couldn't see whatsoever for an entire minute.
Are all of my senses going to just quit on me now? Ana shook her head, regaining her vision slowly. She blinked hard, the dark spots swimming around in her field of view, then stumbled back slightly, leaning on the wall for support. While she had been regaining her vision, she hadn't noticed the two new people on the scene, and was soon overwhelmed by the amount of fog spreading around. It was thick and heavy, meant to prevent anyone from seeing anything. Ana didn't know what to do, so she stayed where she was, leaning against the wall, so that she had something tangible. Ana used the wall to move down the hall, using her hands to guide her. She soon found a room that smelled faintly of Atraxia, Lillif, and Eleniel. Perhaps this is the room they used as entry? Ana thought to herself, grateful that her nose was no longer overwhelmed. The fog hadn't spread to this room, so when Ana's eyes adjusted, she tilted her head to the strange sight.

Roxii was bleeding, almost everywhere. She was covered in wounds, bruises, cuts, and that wasn't the worst of it. She had a large, deep gash across her face, focused around her eyes.
Is Roxii...blind? Ana put a hand over her mouth and her eyebrows furrowed in concern, then she noticed the girl who was right beside her. This female was dressed strangely, but she was obviously not much of a fighter. She was quite beautiful, actually, but that was beside the point. Her actions were far more intriguing. She was holding Roxii's hand with a quill in hand, and was writing on a paper. What the hell? Can she not speak? Ana thought to herself and shook her head, then quickly approached Roxii, crouching faintly as she came up to her wolf-elf hybrid ally.

"Roxii, it's Ana. I'm here. Apparently this girl can't speak to you, but I can. Would you like me to go try and find something for you? Water, food, medicine?" Ana gave her friend a worried look and put a hand on her shoulder gingerly, the shoulder of the arm that wasn't broken. "I could search for plants that could increase your healing process, o-or...maybe plants that give you healing capabilities, or something like that.." Ana trailed off, concerned about Roxii.


@Federoff @Javax Mood: Worried/Concerned Location: One of the servants' rooms

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The Arch angel fell to it's knees. It was full of arrows, bite marks and bruises, in fact more then half of it's body had been noticeably damaged and thus looked like a complete mess. With over a half dozen people fighting it at once it would make sense that it would be the one to fail in battle, but it wasn't actually dead, and the stranger thing though is who would land the killing blow. A ten foot long blade made from crystal and metal was slung across the room at alarming speed and embedded itself right into the head of the Arch angel. It feel to the ground with a thud loud and strong enough to shake the entire building. Morgrim looks to where the blade had been thrown from, and a creature that made the Arch Angel look like a total bitch was standing there. It held it's hand out and with some form of magnetism the ten foot blade returned to it's masters hand like a loyal servant eager to please.

"Well well, what an interesting sight to behold. A group of rag tag heroes fighting a corrupt tyrannical force to save the world, or at least part of it. It is almost story book, but I am not impressed." The King said with a smile looking over each person that was there. "You've all seemed to earn some scars and tales to tell, but what you accomplished here is very small, and any other king who is as powerful as me, and less generous would have you all killed in a heartbeat, but lucky for all of you I am a truly kind and generous king when the time calls for it. I will offer you a choice, take on a mission to save the entire world, or die here in this room by my hand." He wasn't giving any one of them much choice, as he could easily see through his threat and if he desired probably kill each person standing there in under a second each, or he could even kill them all at once... in under a second. He was a sub god, and thus possessed powers that no normal living creature could ever obtain. Though one has to wonder, what kind of monster would they have to go up against that would deter even a god from trying to kill?


Lillif looked at the king with fear in his eyes. Now he knew why he had such a bad feeling about facing him. It was completely obvious he was stronger than him. Way stronger than he could ever be at the moment.

Lillif soon heard his next words and he clenched his fists in anger. It wasn't like he had choice, but he sure wish he did.
Damn it! This wasn't supposed to happen! Those were Lillif's thoughts, he didn't want to take orders from the king. Though it wasn't like he had a choice.

"I hate this" He mumbled to himself.

"Fine I'll comply to your request" Lillif growled, he just hated being a servant to the king, but there was nothing he could do.


@Morgrim Mood: Terrified/Angry/Helpless Location: dining hall


Ryu looked at the king in fear, he had turned on Tuso during the battle. Did that mean he would kill him? Ryu tried his best to make himself seem invisible. He just hoped not to die at the moment. His heart raced as he saw the king look at him and the others. He was giving the others a chance. Though surely he couldn't mean himself as well? Surely he couldn't mean that he wanted him to help as well after he turned on Tuso.


@Morgrim Mood: Terrified Location: Dining hall

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(It's alright, Fed. ^^

Also, I wanna make my posts look nice, too. ._.)

Roxii Sicarius

The girl explained further as to why she couldn't speak to the blind elf, confirming the conclusion she had come up with. Her writing continued after the first sentence, and the wolf almost felt overwhelmed. This method of communication was rather difficult for her. She never spent the time to excel in literacy, so it took a bit longer than it should have to decipher what Xochi was trying to say.

A few moments passed by as she pieced together the letters into distinguishable words and sentences. The assassin realized what she was asking and opened her mouth to answer when she heard footsteps heading closer to their room, accompanied by the scent of a reptilian hybrid. Her ears flicked towards what she assumed to be the doorway and closed her mouth. She recognized them immediately:

Roxii heard her comrade pause in the doorway, taking in the sight. She almost wanted to just stop existing; she must have looked so pitiful and helpless. It was rather embarrassing, to say the least. She was not supposed to be one that was defeated and left vulnerable. If she were to be defeated, she was supposed to either come back five times as strong or accept death on the battlefield. Death was not an appealing concept, but it's the same end for everyone, including the mortal hybrid.

Ana's steps as she approached the now-blind Lythari were quick, revealing her concern and desire to reach Roxii faster. An ear twitched in unease and shame, but she pushed the growing feeling of humiliation and lack of comfort to the side. The other hybrid crouched down beside her, making her presence known and confirming her identity in case the wolf-elf didn't already know. Roxii tilted her head slightly towards Ana and an ear swiveled to let the reptilian know that she could understand her and hear her. Her questions were similar to the ones that Xochi asked her.

She thought over the questions for a moment. There were many things the wolf needed at the moment. Her body ached and stinging agony sent tremors throughout. The hybrid tried to focus on one thing at a time, but she still felt light-headed, and it was beginning to grow worse by the minute. A lone bead of blood escaped the rest of its pool and slid down the bridge of her nose, dripping onto the fractured arm she had curled up to her abdomen to keep it from moving too much. It reminded her that the laceration on her face was still bleeding quite profusely and was causing her to lose too much blood. The light-headedness made sense now; blood loss was something she encountered a bit too often.

The elven hybrid gently removed her hand from underneath Xochi's and carefully felt at the underside of the gash on her face. Her fingers were immediately bloodied in the warm, sticky liquid streaming from the cut. She replied weakly, "
This... This ought to be bandaged."

She had barely finished her sentence when a rumble sounded throughout the palace. The wolf tilted her head and perked up her ears, curious. Was the Arch Angel defeated? It seemed like a rather quick defeat. Almost too quick. Something was wrong. The wolf instinctively breathed in deeply to see if she could capture any new scents, but she instantly regretted it when her bruised lungs expanded against her broken and fractured rib-cage. She winced at the pain. Roxii didn't have the chance to capture any scents, so that wasn't beneficial at all. She hoped that the others would be fine.


@Federoff , @Anaxileah Mood: Pained, embarrassed Location: With Xochi, Ana in separate palace room

Darrius Vrag

Darrius stares, his eyes widened slightly in shock at the massive sword that had come out of nowhere and impaled itself in the angel's head, finishing the beast for good. The sword dislodges itself and his gaze follows the sword as it returns to the hand of none other than the King himself. Darrius' eyes narrow at the sight of the King. In his eyes, this man is not better than Tuso. Everyone with any modicum of power in this city is corrupt. He has to hold himself back from scoffing at the King's mention of his own supposed kindness.

As the King speaks further, offering them their lives for the completion of some job, Darrius feels his form begin to slip as his magic power runs out. Havne, it ran out sooner than i though. Must've overdone it. Flames flare up around his body again, this time weaker and only covering the surface of his skin. As they fade, his normal form emerges, looking battered and torn up. A wave of vertigo hits him like a train and he wavers on his feet for a moment before collapsing to his knees, breathing heavily. It takes almost all of his willpower just to stay conscious. The cost of using his devil form is it's drain not not only his magic, but his physical stamina as well. The main reason why he only uses it when he's in dire straights is because once it fades it puts him out of commission for a while after.

He looks up weakly at the King and speaks between gasps for breath. "Looks like...we don't have...a choice."

Tag: @everone Mood: Exhausted Location: Palace

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  • proxy.php

    Atraxia continued his argument on with the spirit within him for the rest of the fighting sequence, the hydra summoning, the Angel's wing's being torn off, etc.. What caught his attention though was the huge source of energy that appeared from seemingly nowhere, that and the sudden whose of the giant sword going through the air and cutting the Angel's head into two, the blood splattering to the ground as another whose was heard from the sword slicing through the air and back to it's master; the king.

    He lifted his head, still holding onto the right part of it with his clawed arm as he began to speak, telling them to either behave like dogs or die like one. Both decisions displeased Atraxia so, causing a small growl of frustration to emerge from his throat; he had been played like a fiddle. He had played them all for fools, letting them cause destruction and get banged up just so he can get them to do an errand for him. Why did he just not pay Atraxia to do his so-called "quest" for him? Was there something more to it or was he just being greedy and didn't wanna pay? Either way, Atraxia, for now, had to put his tail between his legs in risk of dying. He was not going to die here, not like this, he would survive; like always. He began to struggle to stand up, placing his hand on the wall to offer himself support. Atraxia then sharply inhaled,
    "Contract establish..." he replied to the "Kind King" in a semi pissed off tone, he didn't like doing free jobs but it was either life or death at the moment.

    @HoneyBear-Kat )

    Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth and Kami.



(I hate BB codes so im not even gonna bother, lol)


The blade was huge. Ten feet in length at least. It traveled through the air so fast, it picked up a slight wind, sending stray wisps of hair into the air. The large weapon went straight for the Arch Angel. And just like that it was defeated. The angel fell like a collapsed spire, shaking the room as it met with the ground with all its weight and force. The blade whizzed back from where it came. Eleniel followed its movements, her sapphire eyes landing who was wielding such a large weapon. To her surprise, it was the King himself. There he stood, even larger than the angel he slayed so easily. However, the elf couldnt help but wonder why he decided to "grace them with his presence". Certainly it wasnt to congratulate them on their perseverance and all their hard work. Infact, Eleniel could help but think they ticked him off enough for him to appear infront of them. Still though, she didnt like it. Just seeing his face made her fists tighten and her jaw clench, holding back as much as she could. The King went on, calling himself "generous", obviously he glorified himself greatly. He offered them a proposition. But it wasnt much of a choice. It was live or be obliterated on the spot. It was clear everyone wanted to live another day. What choice did she have? Her eyebrows pinched together and her head raised. She sidnt say anything, but the answer was clear amongst everyone.

A monk, whom she has never met, brushed past her. He managed to break her attention from the King. "Do not worry, your friend is safe at the moment. Right now we need to focus on those who are here." then he continued to the others. He was right. The Eldar people had the ability to heal through their light. By summoning its abilities and properities into a physical manifestation, it uses her body to work itself. However, most of the injured are dark magic orientated. She could possibly cause more damage than harm to them, she wasnt willing to risk it. She ran to the others, hopefully there was some way she could help with out summoning her light.

Mentioned: @Federoff

@everyone basically

Jassur Batal

Darrius follows up an attack on the angel after Jass's, with loud steps echoing in the hall. It startled Jass, seeing the high demon-like behavior the smuggler is showing. The teeth is easily noticeable, putting the mercenary on edge. He did trust Darrius to fight on their side for now because Morgrim accepted him; that didn't mean Jass shouldn't be wary of him.

Arrows pierce the archangel's wings. The mercenary looks over to discover the attack came from - a demon? Wait a minute, he thought, it was the guy who healed him a moment ago. With the hood down, the red eyes stood out A shiver runs down his spine, understanding a demon healed him. Jass couldn't help but feel uncomfortable being surrounded by the new sudden behaviors of his current allies because of their demonic features. It put the mercenary on edge more than it should. The idea of them turning on the team kept running through his mind whether he liked it or not.

A ten-foot sword flies out of nowhere, impaling itself into the weak archangel's head. The whole building shakes when the now-dead guardian collapses to the floor. Jass looks over to the origin of where the blade flew from. The sword returns back to its original owner. Jass mutters, "Oh boy..." It is another winged-asshole but this time with some sort of metal on it. The guy towers 12ft, making the previous opponents nothing compared to this monstrosity. He reveals himself to be the king of this city.

Jass could feel this winged-man was someone to not be messed with. The king offers a choice which Jass couldn't help but curse internally. He had no time for this. The former knight was only one step away from his goal. Narrowing his eyes, Jass tries to cross his arms, but flinches remembering one arm is still broken. He'll listen to the guy's command; what other choice than death do they have? Besides, Jass has no weapon on hand. The others around him seem to come to a similar agreement. The monk from before assures that Roxii is safe, and offers to tend to Darrius.

| Tag: @YAHKNOWWHOYAHR | Character's Mood: "We fucked" | Animus's Mood: @A@ |



Ana nodded at the mute girl known as Xochi and went to grab the bandages. "Please go gather healing herbs while I wrap the wound. I can make them work as long as I have them, so I can still put the bandages on her." Ana told the blind girl then went to a linen closet nearby to grab some rags to wipe the dried blood off of Roxii and then moved to the bathroom to dampen the rags to make the process less painful. When she returned, Roxii seemed to be brimming with pain and Ana desperately wanted to help her. She took the rag in her small hand and gently began rubbing off some of the blood near Roxii's wound. The blood slowed thanks to the pressure Ana was applying, and then slowed to a trickle as Ana wove the small bandage around Roxii's head, covering the region her eyes once were.

Ana couldn't even begin to imagine how Roxii felt - what was it like having no eyesight? Ana didn't have that sharp of eyesight, whereas she knew Roxii was enhanced in all of her senses. "Luckily your nose is still intact, right? Your sense of smell will be better and so will your hearing. I'm sorry that I can't relate, and I'm sorry I couldn't have prevented this." Ana looked down and frowned, then stood from where she was. "I'm going to go get you something to eat and something to drink, alright? When we have the herbs, I'll be able to speed up the healing process for your wounds, and, depending on the herb, I could realign the bone and heal it entirely. For now, just rest, Roxii." Ana stood and swiveled on her heel in the direction of the door and walked swiftly in that direction with determination on her face.

She didn't know what the noise she had heard earlier was, but she decided to disregard it as important for now and hoped that the rest of the group was safe. She cared about all of them, surprisingly, even the rotting corpse that was Morgrim. She hoped all of them would turn out alright, especially when she sensed an intimidating presence from the room they were in.
Good luck, you guys. Ana thought to herself as she used her keen sense of smell to head to a kitchen.


@Javax @Federoff Mood: Panicky/Worried Location: Servant's room -> Kitchen

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I apologize for my absence I recently started on a string of health issues and the medication has kept me.pretty catatonic, starting to improve will respond soon! Again sorry!
Morgrim had no choice but to submit to the mission that this god king will provide to them. He scowled but listened to the glorified being talk about himself as if he really was generous and kind, which was far from the truth. "Good, now that I have all of your attentions there is a being of sickness infecting my followers, and everything in it's path. You will find this diseased creature and end it, when you do you may resume your pitiful lives. Now go." He was about to leave when he remembered something. "Oh how rude of me, your reward for challenging my most devout followers and surviving." He teleports each person both present and not in the same room as him to Tuso's vault. There, there was piles of gold and chests brimming with jewels and fine materials such as silks and leather and scales from dragons and other creatures. The total value of the vault comes to over 60,000 gold, enough to be an entire town and everything in it, including the people. Morgrim though he was given a different reward, a private audience with Tuso who was strapped to an operating table.

"Well, well Tuso. I would love to kill you right now, but that would be too kind, and I'm sure I can find much better uses out of you then the pleasure of a kill." What Morgrim didn't know about Tuso is that he was in fact the master of a familiar, and in a desperate last ditch effort he summons the spirit to fight off Morgrim. (Sorry not much of an introduction for you to make, but I'm rather distracted today. @asuna8138 )
Darrius Vrag

Darrius looks at the hand the monk offers him and hesitates for a second before reaching up and grabbing it. He doesn't like having to take help from others. Being helpless is something that has always bothered him. He thinks that having to get help from others makes himself look weak, but in his current condition he honestly can't turn down help, even from a total stranger. "Thanks," he says simply as he starts to get his feet under him and attempts to stand. It takes him a moment to actually manage to stand, even with Tai's help, and he's still extremely wobbly on his feet which forces him, much to his embarrassment and mild agitation, to have to lean on the monk in order to stay standing.

He takes the time while the others consider the king's decision to examine himself for injuries. The side of his head has a gash in it where the mace caught him which is throbbing and dripping blood steadily, his arms and legs are badly bruised in several places, and now that the adrenaline is fading and the pain is setting in, he's pretty sure the shield the angel flung at him managed to break a rib or two on impact. He groans internally. These injuries will take time to heal, which will put him out of action even longer than he thought.

When the king offers them a reward, with a pretty ironic statement, Darrius starts to retort, but suddenly finds himself and several of the others, some of whom he doesn't recognize, in what could only be Tuso's treasure room before the words could even find their way out of his mouth. He looks around, a weak smirk spreading across his face at the sight of gold and jewels and other finery; things that could set him up for life, if he didn't have to work for the damned king of all people. As it is, he isn't in any state to be shoving gold into his bag, which is what he wants to be doing at the moment, so he continues to lean on the monk to keep from keeling over again.


@Federoff Mood: Pained and Embarrassed Location: Tuso's treasure room Music

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(It's fine :) )

It was dark for Sibil. It usually was. The only source of light in the room was that of the moons, which streamed in from a small crack in the wall. She had lost count of how many days it had been since she had last seen the light of the sun or felt the warmth of the day...since she had last been summoned. All she had felt for what seemed like forever was the coldness of the stone walls and the searing pain around her ankles.

If one could assume what death was like, you could probably concur that Sibil was in fact just that. Dead. The only thing that kept her fully sure that she was alive and breathing was the weight around her ankles. Two iron cuffs sizzled each time they came into contact with her skin. It had seared and burned her skin for so long, she had gotten rather use to it. But the pain was there no matter what. Iron was a fairys ultimate weakness, familiar or not. And that damned bastard had figured it out.

Now her she was, human form and all. Sibil missed the sun and the ground and everything outside of the stone walls terribly. She felt absolutely pathetic and lifeless. And he was the one to blame. 'One day, for sure,' she thought, 'I'll kill him myself.' Leaning back, Sibil waited and waited.

It was small at first, but she noticed. The slight tingling. The small tug at her hand. The thought of her master ringing through her head. And soon enough, the fairy felt a tug on her entire being. With a blink of an eye, she was standing between Tuso (her master) and a hooded figure. The dim light hit her eyes, causing a small wince to escape. It was just a small stream of light but it still hurt.

She could sense that Tuso was in great pain and stress but Sibil couldn't help but feel happiness. It was obvious that Tuso wasn't a very kind master. Bruises, scraps, and cuts littered her skin. She was dressed only in a simple white cloth that hung loosely from her body. Her presence begged for help, her eyes pleading. But she couldn't turn against her master. No matter how much she wanted to. A contract was a contract.

Sibil turned away from the hooded figure, surveying her master and the situation. Joy leaped in the fairy's heart, a tiny bit of hope present too. It was apparent that the figure intended to kill Tuso, but if he ordered her to protect him, she would have no choice.

"You called me, Master?" She questioned, her voice small and pleasing to the ears.

( @Morgrim )
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