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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Glad to hear it Ana. Ether sends to Ana. Afterwards, he lapsed into silence. Not really paying attention to what was going on around himself, using his link with Ana to guide him. She knew where she was going after all so it didn't take much effort. The necromancer's thoughts wandered but with reason this time. He started to think about this job. Was this really all a coincidence? Too many people were popping up over the short time span he had met Morgrim, Jassur, and Roxii. Way too many. How could so many people find them at once? He had easily met 9 new faces in the span of 24 hours. And he only trusted four of them. Jassur, Morgrim, Roxii, and Ana. They were the only ones really worth trusting and this was all too damn suspicious. Ether hoped Ana agreed with his suspicions.
"Good, and I don't know anything to mask my appearance besides my robes, and not in any sort of magical way. Lead on then will you, Darrius?" Morgrim nodded to the men as he was getting even one step closer to his goal, to take out Tuso, and finally find peace with himself for everything the man had done to him. Ten years he spent training, learning and living on his own in the remnants of the Eldergloom Sanctuary, with nothing but the burnt and rotting corpses of falling memories to keep him company. He lost his innocence, his freedom and even some of his sanity. He knew how to hide his crazy and trick others into thinking it stupidity, but all they would have to do is go to where he called home and the truth would spill upon the floors in red and flesh. Morgrim had little motive to let the others take away that kill from him, Tuso was his, no matter what.
Ana frowned as she watched the elf woman rush to the wall and get through with seemingly no harm or casualty, and she shook her head as the lunatic began to follow her. What are they doing? Ana thought to herself and watched Morgrim and the others pass through the gates themselves, rather than waiting for her and the others. Well that was rude. Guess I'll see them on the inside. Ana looked at Ether for a moment, feeling the mind link still in her head, and thought to him, "I'll be back, I'm going to go get a better view of the gate so we can have a better chance of getting in." She smiled faintly and began moving through the forest towards where the front of the gate was, so that she'd have a more direct line of sight through the gate.

As Ana walked through the forest, she heard rustling noises and froze, knowing that there were people nearby. She could smell them, and they smelled clean, like armor. The army from before, perhaps? Ana thought to herself and scaled the nearest tree, resting in a branch a couple feet higher than her height. She watched some soldiers go through the brush, making quite a bit of noise. Huh. I'm going to investigate. Ana decided she'd go towards where the soldiers were leaving from, jumping through the trees thanks to her reptilian genes. Soon she reached an area where there were plenty of soldiers, but she couldn't spot their leader.

Where is h-?
Ana began to wonder, but slipped on the branch she was standing on and began to fall, but her landing wasn't as painful as it would've been, since a group of branches and leaves caught her. However, she became stuck in the tangle of brush and couldn't get out. Not only was she stuck, but she was upside down, and had a couple cuts from the branches that swiped past her bare skin as she fell. She was approximately five feet above the ground, and knew she was screwed.

@shadowz1995 @RedZombieWolf
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I was bumped into by a guard, knocking me into the floor as the guards rushed at the man I was. This brought me to my senses, taking one good look at him I gulped, that was the man I was going to get into a fight with? What was thinking? Of course I wasn't thinking. I just wanted revenge and I had no battle experience to back it up so I would have been dead in an instant. I quickly left that area, feeling a little bit frightened and not surprisingly I got lost. Of course it's just like me, I never had a good sense of direction. I walked towards the slums, or at least the way I thought lead me to the slums, yet somehow I winded up at the gate, I back tracked and winded up at the slums this time. I seriously hoped that guy arrived here soon.
His employer ushers them to get their ass moving. The mercenary could tell the man is itching to end Tuso. Jass didn't mind killing any of three opponents they would be facing. He doesn't have much of a grudge against Tuso than the other two. The former knight did believe the corrupted high priest had some kind of hand in his current problem though he knew there were others to also blame. Eliminating Marques Tuso will give him some ease that he was getting close to the truth - the truth of why his two friends had to die. There has to be some kind of documents within that fat pig's office that will give him some clues also a joyful chunk of coin he's definitely taking.

Jass replaces his armor with the guard armor. He adjusts the metal front after getting everything on with the helmet under his arm. He listens in on Morgrim and Darrius's conversation of sneaking the half corpse in. He pondered if Morgrim should have gotten some guard armor too. He quickly turned down the idea, believing the stench from the half corpse would worsen with sweaty guard armor. The smuggler's plan sounded well thorough, wondering where did Morgrim even get in contact with this guy? The Sky District, if Jass remembered correctly, is aesthetically pleasing, better than the lower levels. It is the worse with inner corruption though; most of the people with a say in Dunheim's actions, live there.

This mission will be interesting with the three of them. Then it dawned on him, Ether and Ana were still somewhere around or in Dunheim. He actually didn't mind that they weren't with them, assuring Jass more reward at the end of the mission. But, he couldn't help but think about them after Ether cut the mental communication between the two groups. They did say to meet up somewhere but the mission had to continue with or without them. The mercenary believes they would have made it to the city by now.

Jass reluctantly places the helmet over his head, pushing it slightly to fit just right. He pulls the guard up, saying, "I'm good to go. Hey Morgrim, can I carry my weapon or am I going to have to carry something else?"

@Morgrim @Javax @CarpeNoctem1213
Ether's ear catches the sound of Ana's short yelp. Immediately the necromancer turns and sprints to her direction. He can feel her anxiety and sense of peril. It appears she fell from the tree she was climbing and now there was three guards trying to cut her down from the tree. At first, Ether was just going to help. It was after a moment that he noticed the sigil of the knights. Immediately, Ether draws his sword and slices his hand open once more, reactivating his blood magic and augmenting his magic and physical prowess several times over. He surrounds himself in shadows and dashes towards the armored knights at blinding speeds. He mutters a hex under his breath and gathers his mana around his off hand. The necromancer leaps at incredible speed and plunges his sword into the neck of the first knight in his path. The blood spills out from the jugular vein of the knight and coats Ether's sword in crimson. With a spin, Ether twists the blade right out of the knight's throat and twirls around him moving onto the next one. An arc of blood follows the path Ether's weapon takes as he extends his left arm towards the knight closest to Ana. "Reaper's Dance." A spinning chakram made of ethereal darkness appears from Ether's hand and launches out towards the second knight. The blade spins at staggering velocities and cleaves clean through the knight's chest plate. The chakram carves a path through metal, skin, flesh, blood and bone alike, leaving nothing but gore in its wake. The necromancer angled the chakram in a way so the very edge of the blade would cut the remaining line holding Ana in the tree.

Ether's thralls arrive and spring on top of the final guard. The result is expected. The knight fights back valiantly again the undead bandits. Yelling his defiance and carving into the flesh of zombies. Any other opponent and this knight would have easily been victorious. But these were the dead, and they felt no pain. They felt no fear. They felt no pity. They felt no mercy. The thralls fall on to the man and begin hacking away at the man. The blows bounce off easily against the plate armor of the knight, even shattering the scimitar of one of the zombies. Ether quickly redirects their aim through his mind, forcing them to aim in the gaps of his armor and there is when the yells of defiance turn into cries for help. Ether quickly snaps his fingers and casts a minor silence spell to cover ten feet of radius from his position, silencing the screams of the knight to anyone nearby. "Finish it servant." The necromancer says coldly and the thrall plunges his axe into the knight's throat, cutting his screams short. The sound of blood gurgling in the back of what remained of knight's throat was clearly audible to both Ether and Ana as they were both in earshot of him. The final knight dies in a matter of seconds upon receiving the final blow. Ether turns to Ana, fresh blood dripping down his longsword and decorating his cloak in small splats and sprays. He speaks quickly aloud, "Ana! Are you alright? Damn they probably heard the yells of that knight while he was fighting. Damn...damn DAMN! This went bad real fast. Come on we have to leave this area and enter the city. My thralls will take care of the bodies. The other knights will surely come back but they will think my zombies did them in. Come quick. Help me find a way in!"
Himeros hadn't decided to stay within the city walls for much longer. After the scuffle with the knight, he focused on escaping the city which seemed a lot more easy then trying to get in. Using his pheremone and glamouring abilities, Hime was able to successfully disembark from where he was. He walked away, wondering what adventure would take him.

I've never been around powerful people that I could not manipulate... From the Lord of Dunheim himself, on downward... I've never been alone...

Himeros fought back tears. He was a demon, despite how he didn't have the appearance of most. He wasn't supposed to be weak, yet now he didn't feel strong. It wasn't until it was too late that he heard clashes of metal and fighting and a distinct scream. He decided to follow the noise to see whats going on. Unbeknowest to him, he was stumbling upon the Knight's camp.

(@RedZombieWolf , @shadowz1995, @Anaxileah )

It was my mission that brought me here. My mission to kill the kings of the land. I wanted revenge for what they caused, what their knight caused. I wanted to kill them all. I wanted them all dead. If it wasn't for their harsh laws people might've come to save my family instead of running like the cowards humans are. I hope to find more of my kind and help them as well. I hope to help them escape the persecution that they're likely going through and join my cause to kill all the kings. My first step is Dunheim. I saw fighting going on and a knights camp, I also saw one my kind heading towards the camp.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, there are knights down there waiting to slaughter someone of our kind, demons I mean" I stated from the shadows, warning him of the danger.
Ana struggled further when the three knights began to try getting her down in a rough manner, up until the point where they were quickly killed by Ether, who most likely sensed her distress through the mind link. She groaned in pain once she hit the ground, but looked up at Ether wide-eyed. She stood quickly and muttered, "What the hell have you done, Ether?" She watched as the leaderwho commanded the knights told them to kill Ether and her, and she knew they had to run, because they wouldn't stand a chance against the leader's army. An arrow was shot at Ether, aimed at his shoulder, which wouldn't cause death. Ana quickly drew her bow and am arrow, then released the arrow towards the man's head with surprising speed. Archery was the only thing Ana was particularly talented in, where the arrow almost always hits home.
Himeros had felt and heard the battle aproach by where he was currently standing at. He heard various screams and shouts, and then he heard an unfamiliar voice and another presence. He listened carefully, unhappy that he walked into a perdicament with another demon.

"I don't look much like a demon except for my eyes, which I can hide." Himeros explained, "And I've always dabbled in the affairs of mortals. A demon with my particular talents is especially rare amongst them." He smiled and walked closer to the battle, the other welcome to join.

(@Sheaon13 )
The arrow landed in Ana's hip, and she groaned in pain. "If you'd care to notice, I only shot the one who shot my friend. I agree that he did something stupid, but I am only defending us." Ana didn't bother trying to shoot an arrow at the knight, mainly because her hip was hurting and he was wearing armor. Ether was also wounded, so the two of them needed to get out in immediately. She looked around, keeping her bow in hand, and was prepared to dodge any further attacks, but she was going to stand in front of Ether.

(Attacks are a would be situation. You're supposed to say "aimed towards" rather than "hit" so can respond accordingly)
The assassin scowled at Morgrim's impatience. She understood his desire to get the show on the road as soon as possible but acting quickly without precision can be fatal. Still, she stepped forward and grabbed the smaller set of armor, donning it quickly. Though it felt a bit loose on her, she'd have to make do. There weren't many guards that were as small as her, so she couldn't expect the necromancer and smuggler to get ahold of an outfit that was her exact measurements.

So there would be three against three. That would be interesting. Taking out Tuso sounded entertaining, but he wouldn't put up much of a fight by himself. That didn't sound fun. The hybrid wanted an actual fight; taking out the less powerful was too easy and dull. Taking down the angels sounded like a more trivial task. Having the chance to take out Tuso would bring relief to her, especially since he ruined her entire life. She'd love to see the look in his eyes as she tore his body apart from the inside out. But perhaps seeing that happen to his powerful guards would strike more fear and regret in him.

The wolf listened silently to the necromancer's plan to gaining access to the Sky District. The only way he'd be able to slip through without sneaking in the shadows would be to dabble in illusion magic. She would aid him, but Roxii doesn't know of any magic that alters the appearance of a person or thing. Illusion magic was never a thing she trifled with. But didn't he still have the rings that he gained from the bandit leader during the liberation of the town yesterday? Perhaps one of them could aid him in some way?

Roxii involuntarily reached for one of her daggers and remembered that the necromancer was still in possession of her and Jassur's weapons. The mercenary must've noticed, too, because at that moment, he inquired about having his sword returned to him. The elf hybrid hoped that they wouldn't have to go in without their weaponry; she'd much rather use the weapons that she's used to. The wolf-elf would rather not use the assigned guards' swords or her shadow magic. Roxii gazed at Morgrim expectantly, awaiting a response.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213

I sighed at the other demon, didn't he know that there was a battle going on? Why would associate with humans in the first place? All humans were evil, weren't they? No. I can't think like that. All humans are either evil or cowards. I had to stop that train of thought other wise I might start questioning my goal of killing all the kings.

"Look there's a battle going on down there, you don't want to go down that way" I sighed at him. I couldn't let him get slaughtered, that would make me no different from the humans I hate.
Darrius nods, folds up the map, and tucks it into his armor. He takes a spiked chain from a hook on the wall, wraps it around his waist, then waits for the two to don their armor and makes a motion to the door. "Follow me." He opens the door and ushers them out, locking it behind them before heading away from where they came in. "It's not far from here, should only take a few minutes."
"Good, the sooner I get this done the better. I hope you two know how exactly to get where you need to go, remember your jobs, and steel yourselves away so that no one catches you. Silence is key for the first part." He then remembers them asking for their weapons, and thankfully Dunheim's requisition on the guards weapons were free access so they could use anything they like. He gives Jass his greatsword, and Roxii her daggers. "I'll see you guys on the other side now, when this is over we will be free, rich, and stronger than ever before. Good luck you two." Morgrim left with Darruis, though he had no questions for the man, he was far focused on what he was going to do to Tuso. He reached into his pocket making sure the warp stone was still there, and despite all the running, hiding and fighting it still was thankfully.
The two walk along in silence, which is fine by Darrius. Smugglers who like to talk never last long. They eventually slip up, get themselves caught. The guards had been after him for some time, the only problem is, they don't know who they're looking for. He prides himself in being the best smuggler in the business, not the most famous, and he makes sure to watch his step to keep it that way. He doesn't need to have to pack up shop and set up in a new city, that requires a lot of work and coercion that he doesn't want to put in.

The whole thing with Tuso, however, could go one of two ways. The operation could be a success and people might actually have an opportunity to thrive in Dunheim, like those that Darrius helps down here in the Splinter Den, or it could go terribly wrong and they would all end up on the run. Darrius likes adventure, but not so much the kind of adventure that means avoiding whole armies out for your head. The bounty the town guard has for any and all information on him is enough for him, in fact, he wears it like a badge of honor; in his eyes, any smuggler worth their salt should have some price on their head, even if there's no name attached to the bounty.
As the arrow strikes Ether in the shoulder, he gives a small grunt of pain followed by a growl of anger. The necromancer forms a wall with his thralls to prevent any further arrows from flying in their direction and hitting their mark. He gave the command a second to late as a crossbow bolt finds its way and strikes Ana in the hip. NOW, Ether was pissed. The shadows around him begin to swirl and dance in a threatening manner as they once had with the pyromancer . The necromancer grabs Ana by the arm with his free hand and pulls her behind the thrall wall. "Ana you aren't gonna like this." Using the link's connection, Ether surrounds her with defensive tendrils of darkness similar to his own but hers were made for defense. The necromancer concentrates for a second and begins to work on his art. The two knights that had their throats bled now rise from where they fell. Their heavily armored forms now adding metal and meat to the wall Ether had formed. "Let's move before I decide I want to kill everything in the vicinity!" Ether was perfectly capable of bringing a hard fight to these knights but with Ana injured he wouldn't be able to unleash the full wrath of his magic.
Once I reach the edge of the woods near the gates I stop, look at the guards and think aloud, "There is no way I am getting past them. Or can I? Maybe they will just let me in. Maybe, I mean if you can convince them you're sane and have a real reason. In other words I have to be not myself." I sit there thinking just out of their sight.
Ana yelled out in both surprise and pain when the black tendrils surrounded her. She didn't like their presence whatsoever, and the pain in her hip was slowly increasing, mainly due to the arrow inside it. When the leader of the knights gave the order to destroy the forest and burn everything with fire, Ana's eyes widened. "No..." She whispered to herself as fire was launched all around them, hitting the trees and all other things living. Tears fell from her eyes and she turned away from the wreckage, unhappy with the damage done to the Earth. "Ether...perhaps because we're injured and because we were attacked by the knights, we could be let into the city. There I could tend to our wounds." Ana thought to Ether through the mind link, because she was choked up on her words. The forest was dying, and that hurt her. She was also beginning to feel light-headed from the loss of blood from her hip. The arrow had pierced the flesh right above the bone, and buried itself deep into her side. Blood was pouring from the wound, not at a fast pace, but not slowly either. Her blood was a green color, which was bound to raise suspicions, but she could barely stand the way she was.

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As I'm thinking, aloud and in my head I turn and see orange and red light in the distance, "That could be something interesting. Maybe it could be more people, or maybe the people from before. But what if it's mean people? I can just run away then." I say walking curiously towards the light that once I got closer looked like fire, as I get to be 20 ft. away I shout, "Hello, anybody who doesn't like killing random people over there?"
Testing out the pain in the ass bbcode ive been experimenting with

Jassur Batal

Jass holster his weapon back into its rightful place. He feels better than he did when they entered the city. He watches Morgrim and Darrius leave him and Roxii. He understands it's more efficient to go to the Sky District by themselves to create less suspicion. Going to the Sky District from the lower levers is already enough suspicion for two important guards who aren't at their posts. Jass decides to start his venture to the SKy District. "I'll see you later, Roxii," he nods to the assassin before heading out of the den.

The disguised mercenary breathes the open air when finally getting out. He pulls at the helmet, double checking to make sure its secured on his head. If he remembered correctly, the entrance to Sky District wasn't too far. He and Roxii will probably reach their position before Morgrim arrives. The armor clanks while he walks to his destination. Every guard he passes by tenses him; he shouldn't be too relaxed even in a disguise.

The streets are lively even though most people are blind to the corruption that's controlling them. He catches a few people's attention. After a few minutes, Jass continues his pace as he passed the entrance. He lets out a sigh, taking in the fancy structure that's only in the Sky District. Time to get the plan in gear.

| Tag:

@Morgrim , @Javax , @CarpeNoctem1213 | Character's Mood: Anxious | Animus's Mood: Relaxed | Music |

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  • proxy.php

    Atraxia growled lightly as the guards began to swam in before chuckling lightly. "I will be seeing you shortly, perhaps you all have more in common with me then you would like to admit"he whispered to them before they quickly hustled out. As to the guards request...We should kill them all! his inner demons pushed at his mind, wishing to go on the hunt. He shook his head at that, No, I do not need to start anything up right now. Contract first, then the bloodbath... Fang thought before turning to face the soldier who spoke to him and. tossing the wolf's head up into the air before quickly throwing out his "black eggs", black pellets with crushed up sand, dirt and glass that explode on impact. The scattered all around him, creating a thick cloud of dirt and glass that would temporarily blind them, maybe even permanently blind a few if they were foolish. "If you intrude again then people will pay the price..." was the last thing he said before disappearing into the city in his invisibility state, on his way to his next location...

    It was an easy time going through the city, guards may have been a common place but they were easily avoided; guards tend not to be the brightest in the bunch, at least throughout most of the city. Atraxia knew it would be a bit different in where he was going. After a bit of walking he finally made it to just before his destination. The Sky district...time to complete the contract.the man thought to himself before continuing his walk into the sky district, his natural powers of invisibility allowing him to pass the guards without much trouble.

    So this is the place to be in Dunheim, sure is fancy here... he thought to himself with a slight silent smirk.

    Kill the fat man yes? the spirit began to push him to act, wishing for nothing more but to sate its appetite.

    No not yet. Too many factors involved. That group is definitely after Tuso as well if Roxii is here. Need to be weary of anything they might try, especially if its a poison...

    I can eat anything!

    Yes but I can't, so we wait... Perhaps we may even get them to do most of the work, so we can focus on the bigger fish. Now there was a thought, he grinned to himself as he continued to make his way through the Sky district.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: City -> Sky district

    Mood: Angry

    With: All -> None?

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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It looks really nice. Surely sets you apart a bit. I like it. :3)

The wolf gratefully received her daggers, sheathing them in their rightful places. It felt nice to be armed with her weapons once again; they were like a part of her, an extension of herself. The assassin hardly ever parted from her blades if she could help it.

She flicked an ear in response to Darrius, Morgrim, and Jassur's departing words, watching them leave. If there was one thing she knew better than anything, it's that groups such as theirs should never stick together during missions like this. It would draw more unnecessary attention to them, jeopardizing the success rate of their assignment. The hybrid waited a bit longer after the mercenary left and then donned her helmet, flattening her ears against her head. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, but there wasn't much of an alternative. Hybrids, especially anthropomorphic creatures, were never seen as special enough to be anything more than a pet, slave, or servant.

Doing one last once-over to make sure her animalistic characteristics were hidden, Roxii stepped out and began making her way through the labyrinth of tunnels, heading towards the Sky District from another exit. The way she took—separate from the paths the necromancer and demon and the mercenary went—took a bit longer, but she emerged from the lower levels to the surface just the same. Once she was out in the open, she maintained a rigid, confident, unwavering demeanor. She didn't want to look timid and nervous, like she was hiding something. That would gather unwanted attention.

The disguised assassin passed by the checkpoints undetected, heading towards her specific assigned location. Despite her confident posture, the wolf hybrid felt anxious. She had done this many times before, hiding amongst the enemy to complete a job, but this would be a bit more difficult than those missions. But the elf hadn't failed before—unless she was betrayed, which has happened more times than she'd like to admit—, and she wasn't going to fail now.

Roxii gazed at the interior of the Sky District, admiring the beauty of its architecture.
The most beautiful of things hide the darkest secrets, the wolf thought. Gathering all of the surrounding scents in a deep breath and exhaling slowly to keep her calm composure, she begins to head into the building that housed the important people, including her current target: the cook.
The Sky district was beautiful this time of year. As it was the start of fall (Because I am too lazy and stupid to think up of new days and seasons I'll stick with what we know.) the shade of leaves have begun changing colours to mark the change of season. All the workers, hard a work in reshaping the foliage of the hedges. The rich given the servants permission to decorate it however they chose, because to the rich they thought this was generous to them. Though since most of the servants were elves disconnected from the tribes and hidden alcoves the designs were particularly beautiful. Some ancient looking patterns, and leafy statues of great and powerful wildlife found only in there homeland on the plains of skyshard.

Morgrim didn't get to see the view quite yet, not that he would have any love for it. For his taste in art was far more grotesque, for now the sewer tunnels would have to do for now. Things may go smoothly for Roxii and Jassur, but the tunnels still had some patrols, only the ones that managed to so horrendously fuck up their job that they are sentenced to sewer duty as it was named by some of the less mature guards. There were three guards on their first day in sewer duty all hanging out in the path of Morgrim and Darrius. They were smoking some sort of drug along with burning an incense to keep the smell from being vomit inducing, at least to them. Morgrim couldn't smell, and Darrius probably had to deal with this smell every other day of the week. Morgrim smirked cruelly as he noticed the three, and the small flame burning. He breathed out a cloud of specialized poison as it reached over to the three men it exploded in a cloud of fire consuming the men until the flesh had began to peel from their very bones. "Shall we proceed?"

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