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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

General Deth Glitch]Wait [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18776-bobisdead123/ said:
@Bobisdead123[/URL] you have level 2 research institute?
Also I think I actually have 10 income now from upgraded CW
I have 2 research buildings

Might build a third. Maybe entrenchments in Praustein
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]H-Bombs? Surely we should start with Atom bombs?

Nah let's go straight to the big bombs
General Deth Glitch]Also can we start research agreement for Steamships this turn or wait till next [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24291-shireling/ said:
(Me and @Bobisdead123)
I'm not on steam ships yet. Ima build another institute so I get +9 and then start working on my interior infrastructure
I am fortified too heavily for her to do shit ATM. Time to build my infrastructure while I can
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]And their horsies D:

Horses will be slaughtered in my fortifications. Not concerned
General Deth Glitch] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24291-shireling/ said:
@Shireling[/URL] OI BOSS. You marked your CW as upgraded but not mine
General Deth Glitch]Also can we start research agreement for Steamships this turn or wait till next [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24291-shireling/ said:
(Me and @Bobisdead123)
My bad. Also, you can start the agreement this turn.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Can I also add my CW to my income?

Of course. My goof, not yours.
So their research agreement wont work...

I mean sure they both could be on the same tech path but they aren't researching the same thing. One would research Steam power while the other one would sill research something else entirely that is further ahead.
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NeoLeaf said:
So their research agreement wont work...
I mean sure they both could be on the same tech path but they aren't researching the same thing. One would research Steam power while the other one would sill research something else entirely that is further ahead.
It works next turn

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