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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor


A Servant of King and Country
In this thread, you may discuss and claim countries. Countries are first-come-first-serve. If you commit to a country, I expect a check-in at the very least every two days. Current claims are: Praustein @Bobisdead123, Rumanka @NeoLeaf, and Luswestein @Shireling.
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I realize there is a lot to be explained that I haven't written. Questions are encouraged.

So For our military we all have every type of infantry unit and a sea vessel called the man o' war.

How does our income work?
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Your commerce level = income from taxes. It's basically a measure of how developed your economy is. More economic development = more tax revenue. So for every commerce point, a point is added to your treasury. At the beginning of a round, you calculate your income and add it to your current treasury total, subtract upkeep costs first, then the remainder can be used to finance the construction of buildings, defenses, and units. You can borrow points from other nations or the World Bank, but sanctions or military action may be levied if you fail to pay back your loans.
Bobisdead123 said:
How does conquering neutral counties work?
I RP for the neutrals. They don't have any standing armies and basically only fight with militia. They're easy pushovers. All the battles are RP'ed out. The belligerents agree on a battlefield, I describe the battlefield and moderate it. After a battle, I give each side a casualties estimate, assuming the armies survive the engagement and aren't wiped out or disbanded.
By the way how do we start? I don't know what I have, All I know is that my borders are Level three, which I believe is a major city with satellite towns and villages.

I'm having difficulty assuming how much points I have in my Treasury, Techlabs and Military etc.
Also, what is that circle with a I in it next to the circle with a IV in it? I k ow what the later means but what's the first?
Damnit, I forgot to explain my key.

Okay, the square inside your territory with the roman numeral is your Civil Works level. The circle with the numeral is your industry level. If you notice on the units sheet, the industry cost of each unit is in brackets. Meaning, you have to have a certain industry level to build those units in a given territory.

Your nation hasn't built any research institutes yet, but when they do those are indicated by a triangle with a numeral in it for the number of institutes.

Ports are the little circles with anchors on them. Shipyards are the squares with anchors.

So, if you look on the buildings section: to start out you get 1 commerce per Civil Works, and 1 per port. So, Praustein, for instance, which gets no economic buff, gets five treasury points per turn. Their one infantry army and one man o' war cost them 1 treasury point in upkeep, so they have 4 to spend.

If you look through the techs, they all say what they do. Tractors, for instance, double the commerce per civil works. So with tractors, Praustein would pull 9 per turn after upkeep costs.

When you build research institutes, they generate 1 research per turn. Five institutes give me five points per turn (these don't roll-over) so a tech that costs 30 points (the cost is indicated in parenthesis next to the tech name) will be discovered in six turns with five institutes. In this regard, the research is calculated just like Civ.
Shireling said:
Damnit, I forgot to explain my key.
Okay, the square inside your territory with the roman numeral is your Civil Works level. The circle with the numeral is your industry level. If you notice on the units sheet, the industry cost of each unit is in brackets. Meaning, you have to have a certain industry level to build those units in a given territory.

Your nation hasn't built any research institutes yet, but when they do those are indicated by a triangle with a numeral in it for the number of institutes.

Ports are the little circles with anchors on them. Shipyards are the squares with anchors.

So, if you look on the buildings section: to start out you get 1 commerce per Civil Works, and 1 per port. So, Praustein, for instance, which gets no economic buff, gets five treasury points per turn. Their one infantry army and one man o' war cost them 1 treasury point in upkeep, so they have 4 to spend.

If you look through the techs, they all say what they do. Tractors, for instance, double the commerce per civil works. So with tractors, Praustein would pull 9 per turn after upkeep costs.

When you build research institutes, they generate 1 research per turn. Five institutes give me five points per turn (these don't roll-over) so a tech that costs 30 points (the cost is indicated in parenthesis next to the tech name) will be discovered in six turns with five institutes. In this regard, the research is calculated just like Civ.
My strategy:

NeoLeaf said:
We have a buildings section? :x
yeah this shit getting complex

lemme get a sheet of paper before this begins

also make an interest check
Not really, it's more or less like the layout for Civ5 - it's pretty easy to understand.
NeoLeaf said:
Not really, it's more or less like the layout for Civ5 - it's pretty easy to understand.
yeah, just a lot to keep track of

Can I put my mutants in here
Alright. So we start like this?


( You have no soldiers )


( need Research Institude )


  • Wake up and a poo
  • beat some serfs
  • Sleep with a stable boy
  • Sleep with a maid
  • Get drunk
  • literally be on fire
  • walk my dog
  • sleep
  • sleep walk and bang my dog
  • Sleep walk send a request to become allies with Praustein


[Lv.3]Civil Works- Cost: 5, Increases Pop Support by 100,000, +1 Commerce

[Lv.1]Port- Cost: 5, +1 Commerce

+4 CP (Commerce Points)

4 TP (Treasury Points)
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NeoLeaf said:
Alright. So we start like this?


( You have no soldiers )


( need Research Institude )


  • Wake up and a poo
  • beat some serfs
  • Sleep with a stable boy
  • Sleep with a maid
  • Get drunk
  • literally be on fire
  • walk my dog
  • sleep
  • sleep walk and bang my dog
  • Sleep walking send a request to become allies with Praustein


[Lv.3]Civil Works- Cost: 5, Increases Pop Support by 100,000, +1 Commerce

[Lv.1]Port- Cost: 5, +1 Commerce

+4 CP (Commerce Points)

4 TP (Treasury Points)
That covers the subject. You can also do generic domestic issues like making speeches and whatnot. They don't net you a point gain, but sometimes its the little things that clench battles and sink foreign policies.
I'm going to work in the CS alittle more before I go to sleep.
NeoLeaf said:
I'm going to work in the CS alittle more before I go to sleep.
Knock yourself out. I'll probably make Luswestein after Bob does something for Praustein.
Shireling said:
Knock yourself out. I'll probably make Luswestein after Bob does something for Praustein.
idk what id do with them. They seem fine to me as they are. Just gunna make them seem more conquest orientated

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