Naruto RP!

Sakura dropped her arms to her side, that voice... Its... she thought and turned around, "Sasuke....." she whispered. Hwr favial expresions were as if she was in shock. She stood still not moving a finger
Sasuke's facial expression actually held emotion. He just stared at her, shocked.
Sakura opened her mouth but she didnt know what to say. She moved back a little bit, "Its actually you..." Sakura mumbled.
Sasuke's expression changed to it's usual emotionless state, but his face was slightly flushed. "...What the h*** are you doing?" He spat.
Sakura got out of her daze and said "I'm on a mission." Sakura wasnt talking about the one with her and Naruto. She was just coming up with an excuse.
"Dont worry. Its just me. Im on a medic mission to help the local hospital here." Sakura said as she relized her hand was bleeding. It was probably from when she grabbed onto that branch. She tore a piece of her outfit and wrapped her hand tightly so the blood would stop.
Sasuke's eyes traveled to her hand. "What happened?" He asked sternly.
"Nothing I cant fix. Dont worry." Sakura said and smiped juat like before, "I should probably get going." she added.
Sasuke glared. "Oh, really?" He said, his eyes glinting. "I think you're lying..." He hissed.
"And if I am?" Sakura said sternly. This side was totally different from the old her.
Sasuke opened his mouth and then closed it. This was not the Sakura he remembered.
Sakura blinked and smiled, "Sorry about that. That isnt like me." she said. Why was she acting like this with Sasuke?
Sakura's eyes drifted to where Karin was, Sakura blinked then put her head down and stared at the ground... He found another girl.... Sakura felt like crying but she held the tears back because a shinobi never shows there emotions.
Sasuke's traveled over to Karin as well. "She's a team mate. Nothing more." He said, icily.
Sakura shot her head up and put a fake smile. "What? I-i didn't say anything!" she said hastily, I knew that. Sakura thought
"Why're you being so mean." Sakura said as she turned around and pouted. It felt just like old times to her.
Sasuke's expression softened for a second. He sighed. "Look, Sakura, I-" Right before Sasuke could finish his sentence, Naruto leaped out of the trees and landed on top of Sasuke. "You're coming home!" He shouted.
Sakura face palmed, Naruto, You idiot. You really out did it. "You couldn't have made it any more obvious." Sakura said in disaproval. "I'm sorry I lied Sasuke." Sakura said sympatheticly.
Naruto smirked like a dumba**. He laughed to see that one of Sasuke's team mates weren't paying attention. Sasuke tried to get up, but he couldn't. He sighed. He was Sasuke, a member of the Uchiha clan, and he couldn't fight this idiot?
Sakura looked around, Good they didn't notice. "Naruto you idiot. Did you honestly want to get us killed!" Sakura exclaimed then hit the blonde's head, harder then usual.
"Shut up!" Sakura exclaimed. Just a team mate... yeah right! I can tell she like him, I mean who wouldn't? Sakura's inner self thought. Sakura sighed, "Just forget it Naruto, he won't come..." Sakura said out of sadness, she still couldn't get the fact that Karin was in his team. Sakura was a little depressed yet angry at the same time.

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