Naruto RP!

Naruto frowned. "I'll beat some sense into him, then." He said, looking down at Sasuke. Sasuke's cheek was on the ground, and his eyes were half lidded.
"I'm leaving." Sakura said then she ran off towards the middle of the village they were in. When she was far enough she sat on a bench and looked at the ground, her elbows on her knees, I dont know why, I just can't stand another girl being around him... she thought.
Naruto produced two shadow clones and they firmly grabbed Sasuke. "Sakura! Wait!" Naruto exclaimed, chasing after her. The shadow clones followed, holding Sasuke, whom was glaring.
Sakura stayed on the bench, a tear rolled down her cheek. She sighed and looked at the bird that was on the ground by her.
Naruto caught up. "Sakura-Chan! What's wrong?" He asked, frowning. "We have Sasuke back." He said.
"Nothings wrong." Sakura said depressingly. If anything, Sasuke would know why she's depressed.
Sakura sighed, "S-sorry about that. I was acting selfish." she said then smiled, you could still see the tear stain on her cheek.
Naruto tilted his head. "You weren't." He said, reassuring her. Sasuke opened his eyes, noticing the tear stains. He looked down uncomfortably.
"Anyways, I think for now we should leave Sasuke. I know those people will take care of him." Sakura said with a fake smile on her face, Yeah right! I just want to crush that other girl! Sakura's inner self thought.
"I just want him to be happy Naruto. What if he's not happy with us? He did replace us afterall." Sakura said hoping that would strike a nerve on Sasuke
Naruto looked at Sasuke. Sasuke flinched, looking down guiltily. Naruto sighed, and the shadow clones disappeared. Sasuke fell towards. Now, not even killing his brother could make him feel any better. He was usually so cold and emotionless, and here he was, letting some girl break him down.
"I hope they treat you better then we did Sasuke, especially that girl. Just don't break her like y-" Sakura couldn't finish her sentence because she felt the tears slowly coming back, she clenched her fists to try to distract herself from the sadness she felt inside.
Sakura slammed her fist into the stone bench causing it to crack and her hand to bleed. She let out a long sigh and looked at Naruto, "Ready?" she asked
Naruto sighed, looking down at his so called friend again. "Yeah." He said.
Sakura got up, "Bye...... Sasuke..." Sakura said and walked off. She was going to regret this, but it was for the best.
Naruto followed. Sasuke slowly got up, and stalked back to where his team mates were.
Sakura didnt speak a word on their way back to Konoha. She didn't want to, she wasn't in the mood to. When they got back she looked at Naruto, "None of this gets out okay? I'll be at my house if you need me." Sakura said then stalked home. She then went into her room and sat out on the balcony.
Naruto nodded, walking back to his house. He went inside and laid on the floor, wishing Sasuke would come back on his own.
Sakura went to her room and looked at team 7's picture, Was it all just an act? Sakura thought while she layed on her bed, Was it Sasuke? she then fell into a deep sleep while hugging the picture.
Naruto sighed, falling asleep. As Sasuke made his way back, he kept thinking about Sakura.
Sakura was dreaming of that day when Sasuke left... That day she went home and cried for hours and hours. Did she really love Sasuke that much?
Sasuke glared at the ground, his eyes flashing crimson, before returning to their natural onyx color. It was completely idiotic. Why did he care about Sakura now? He hadn't before.

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