Naruto RP!

Naruto nodded, following Kakashi.

Sasuke was with his team, moving through the forest quickly.
When the two arrived, Lady Tsunade had a frown, "Here Naruto. Sakura told me to give you this." she said as she handed Naruto the note. The note read: I'll do it. I'll find him. Trust me!

Kakashi glared at the note, "What does that mean?" he asked

Sakura continued to travel through the forest, she was wearing her rain coat incase it started to rain. She knew this wouldn't be an easy job.
Naruto stared at the note shocked. "Sakura's gone after Sasuke!"

Sasuke continued on. He finally told Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo to scout the area. He was annoyed and wanted to be alone.
Kakashi stood shocked, "What! Why?!" he exclaimed.

"If thats the case go find her!" Lady Tsunade said

Sakura missed a branch and landed wrong causing her ankle to get sprained. Sakura was in so much pain, she couldn't move.
Naruto shrugged. He nodded, sprinting out of Tsunade's office.

Sasuke leaned against a tree, closing his eyes.
Sakura layed down and starred at the sky. She let sleep consume her. She fell into a deep sleep. she was on her stomach, so all you saw was a person in a rain coat.
Naruto sprinted as fast as he could.

Sasuke glared, walking through the forest.
Sakura tried to wake up, but she was in a deep sleep. She stayed asleep as it began to slightly rain.
Sasuke noticed something on the ground. He stood above the thing, looking down at it.
Sakura was breathing in and out at a usual pace. She sneezed, but still seemed to be asleep.
Sasuke lifted the coat up and saw it was Sakura. He blinked, shocked.
Sasuke's expression turned into a scowl. He scooped Sakura up and started walking to the nearest village.
The thing that had made the two shinobi of river land give up on the fight was that they coudn't see Karin anywhere. Actually the red head girl had traced Sakura to see what kind of girl she was. Karin didn't want a rival in her romance with Sasuke. It was why she witnessed everything when Sasuke saw Sakura and paid attention to her.

Karin waited till her love left Sakura then approached the pink head. She stood above her not knowing what she really wanted to do with the sleeping enemy. She could kill her right away but knew that Sasuke may hate her if she did.

On the other hand Jugo and Sugetsu were waiting for Sasuke. "Did you see Karin? I think she has been after you for a while." Jugo came forward and spoke to Sasuke as they saw him getting close.
Sasuke glared. "Do you know where Karin is?" He asked, a little annoyed that he had left Sakura ro get a blanket and such. Suigetsu snickered. "I think she's after Pinky, actually." He replied.
"Can it be? But she is not that type to stab from behind, I think." Jugo said then looked at Sasuke's hands. "What's that in your hands?" He asked.

Karin wanted to talk to Sakura but her pride didn't allowed her so she turned away to chase Sasuke instead. "I won't lose, I'll stick to him till death!" She thought.
Sasuke calmly sighed. "Nothing,." He said, tossing the old coat down. He calmly found a blanket, and turned away. He walked away. Suigetsu shrugged. "Nice to see that Sasuke's at least part human." He mumbled, enjoying the light rain.
Sakura opened her eyes and noticed the rain. She sighed and stared at the sky again, Was this all just a mistake again? she thought. She sat up and sighed once again.
Sasuke walked to Sakura and placed a blanket in front of her. It was a waterproof blanket. " ..."
Sakura stared at the blanket and blinked, she then looked up to see Sasuke. She sighed and stood up, "I don't need it. I'm fine. I'm heading back anyways." she said as she took off her head band and put it in her shuriken holder.
"Wait...." Sakura said but stared at the ground. What next you idiot! her inner self said. "N-nevermind." she then said and started to walk away in the other direction.
Sasuke turned and glared. "Next time I see you, I'll kill you." He said' his voice dripping malice. He didn't like how this girl made him feel at all.

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