Naruto RP!

Sakura stoped walking and stood in sadness. She chuckled then said, "I'll be ready. but i won't be the one to die." she pulled it off real well, no matter how sad she felt inside.
Sakura walked home thinking about what Sasuke had told her, She sighed. It couldn't be helped.
Sasuke, as arrogant as he was, regretted what he had said immensly.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Sakura asked. Do I tell him? She thought. Should she tell Naruto what Sasuke had said?
Finally Karin stepped out of hiding. "And old friend?" She asked trying to gulp down the sarcasm and play cutely.
Karin smiled. "Good, I was starting to feel like you have grown tired of us and missed konoha!" She said playfully then took Sasuke's arm gently. "Those two are waiting for us for long enough. Now that those stupid guys of river land have gone we will reach our next destination soon!" She talked to him as walking back to where Suigetsu and Jugo were waiting.
Sasuke stared straight ahead, blinking slowly. Suigetsu rolled his eyes when he saw them. "Of course." He glared. This was really starting to be a nuisance to him.
Jugo smiled as he saw Sasuke. "Is everything ok? I feel our way will be easy till the end of this path." He said calmly. "Of course it'll be fine. We won't let anyone delay us anymore!" Karin said meaningfully.

[do we have Itachi? Should we lead the hebi team to face Akatzuki?]
(We have Itachi...And it's your choice...)

Sasuke nodded in agreement. "Let's go." Suigetsu rolled his eyes, following the Uchiha.
[so, I'll have Karin feel Kisame's chakra.]

The hebi team had a long time till night. Finally they stopped to eat something in an inn's dinning. It was when they were waiting for their meal to be prepared when Karin sat stiffed and adjusted her glasses. "It... it's too weird!" She said with a sweated face. "The chakra that passed the street behind us right now was too strong and felt cold. It was as great as a bijuu but belonged to a human like water type!" She explained Kisame's chakra.
Sasuke shifted, annoyed. Suigetsu was unusually quiet, staring at the wall.
Kisame stalked down the street, a smirk on his face. He was bored, and he certainly wouldn't mind if he could slice someone open right now. He continued down the street, holding in a snicker.
"Seems that we're going to ignore it, right Sasuke kun?" Karin asked Sasuke. "Are we going to stay here for night? I suggest to rent two rooms instead of four to cut the budget. Sasuke and I share a room and Jugo and Suigetso can share the other room~" She suggested as taking off her glasses and looking at Sasuke bashfully.

[come on Sasuke, make a move and chase Kisame to find your bro!]
Sasuke glared. "I want to know whose chakra that is." He said firmly. "Me too. Besides, Sasuke would never share a room with a troll like you." Suigetsu snorted.
"Shut up!"Karin yelled at Suigetsu as threw he chop sticks at him but immediately changed mood and got up as firmly as Sasuke. "I'll guide you, Sasuke!" She said and took his hand with the excuse that she wanted to show him the way. So she ran out to be able to drag Sasuke along without protest.

Roght before taking the last turn, Karin stopped. "It is in this street right behind the corner, be careful!" She whispered to the crow black haired guy.
Suigetsu rolled his eyes and glared. Sasuke was quite annoyed, but he said nothing. "Come Suigetsu. Jugo." He said, before being dragged away by Karin. Suigetsu yawned. "Whatever." He said, following.
Jugo was so confident in himself that wasn't so cautious and had a peek, or maybe he did it because he really didn't care about what could happen to him. "He is blue with Akatsuki cloak. Did you say your brother was part of that organization, Sasuke kun?" He asked.

[Time for Kisame to show!]
"Let's go back, Naruto" Sakura said as she made her way through the forest back to Konoha. She was sad but one day Sasuke would be back, but hey she had Naruto and Kakashi right? Speaking of Kakashi, she hadn't seen him around.

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