Naruto RP!

Karin just stepped back as she wasn't the one to fight among Sasuke, Suigetsu and Jugo. The two she had recognized looked more like hired swordsmen than shinobi. As they took the turn and face the hebi team, tensed up and took their hands to the sword handles. "Who are you?" Asked the slim one. "Why are you searching for a fight in this street? Its a regular town..." The muscular one who looked calmer said.

[Congrats for Itachi! I guess ILoveStuff should play Kisame too and make and appearance~]
Suigetsu placed his hand on his blade's handle. Sasuke glared. "That is none of your concern." Sasuke replied in a cold, steely voice. Suigetsu leaned on the handle of his blade, waiting for a fight to break out. Sasuke's eyes flashed crimson for a split second. "We are not looking for a fight." He replied, calmly. Suigetsu licked his pointed teeth, tensing up even more. "We do not wish to fight you." Sasuke continued.

[Yeah, ILoveStuff would love to be Kisame too. :) ]
[Yes, that would be awesome. I'll PM you, when it's a good time :3]
"That's nice to hear!" The bulky guy said and stood relaxed. "Yet you're suspicious. I should know who you are and why you're here. It's our territory you've stepped in." The slim man wouldn't give up easily without a fight. Karin sneered at the stubborn swordsman. "You'll be sliced in a blink, give up already!" She said, leaning her weight on one leg and tilting slightly. The bulky man observed Karin while his fellow ignored her, keeping his eye on Sasuke. The first guy stepped forward. "Let's have a match! one by one. My friend who is not backing off unlike me, will fight one of you. If you win you'll pass and if he wins we'll have the girl!" He suggested. "HUH? You perverted freak..." Karin burst out in anger but the man shook his head. "Don't take it personal but I just remembered you. You were in charge of the prison I ran from!" He said with a smirk.
Sasuke closed his eyes. He opened them again, glaring at the man. "Your territory?" The Uchiha repeated. Suigetsu was getting the jitters. He desperately wanted to slice into something at that moment. Hearing the challenge from the man, Suigetsu widened his eyes. "What?!" He exclaimed, tensing up again. "Very well." Sasuke agreed with the man. "Sasuke! Are you nuts?!" Suigetsu asked the Uchiha. "Calm yourself, Suigetsu." Sasuke reassured him.
"Fine with me too." Said the slim man and pushed his friend aside. "Which of you is going to fight me? There won't be any limits in weapons." He asked indifferently.
Sasuke shrugged. He looked at the slim man in an annoyed way. Suigetsu glared at the two men. He bit his tongue until he tasted blood.
"Are you going to decide or not?" The man who had called for competitor asked impatiently. "If it makes it easy for you, let me introduce myself; I'm Amemiya Shinji, a free lancer shinobi who resides in this town. Who are you? Just the name of the one to match is enough." He introduced himself.
Sasuke looked at Suigetsu. The Uchiha didn't feel like fighting. He still had to kill his brother. That was the man he wanted to fight. Besides, he was confident that Suigetsu could take on the men with his special ability. Suigetsu stepped forward. "Hozuki Suigetsu. Nice to meet you two a**holes." Suigetsu said, smirking, exposing his sharp teeth.
"Hozuki? I've heard about your brother but you're two impudent to leave a name like him!" Shinji replied coldly. "Bring it on kid!" He agitated Suigetsu and got ready to fight. Karin let out sigh and stepped aside. "Whether he wins or loses, I have nothing to do with you goons!" She said and stood to watch the match. But inside her, deep on her heart, she wanted to see Suigetsu triumph.
(I'm so sorry I haven't been active >.<)

Sakura was walking around Konoha while she was waiting for Lady Tsunades summoning. While walking around she was remembering her old teammates. Naruto, Sasuke, and her, boy were those some fun times. She really did miss those two. Naruto was out training and Sasuke, she hadn't seen sign of him since that day. She then had a flashback of that day, a tear fell down her cheek. She sat at that spot and just watched her surrondings.
Suigetsu glared at the man. "We'll see about that." He said, facing his blade towards the man. "I'm not a kid." He said, smirking. He ran towards the man and swung his blade.

(That's OK! :D I'll be Naruto so you don't have to rp alone.)

Naruto was walking around the village, about to head to Ichiraku's when he saw Sakura. She looked very upset. "Hey, Sakura-Chan!" He said, cheerfully.
Sakura looked back, "Is that, Naruto!" she said cheerfully. At least one of the important people in her life came back, "How was your training with Jiriya Sensei?" she asked with a smile on her face.

(Alright! Thanks!)
(No problem.)

Naruto thought about what Sakura had asked. That's right. He'd been training for so long, that he forgot he'd been training. He had mastered many incredible techniques. "It was awesome!" He replied, smiling in his cheerful way. "I learned a lot." He stated. "How have you been Sakura-Chan?" Naruto asked politely, glad to see her.
"I've been training under Lady Tsunade, so I've learned lots of medical techniques." Sakura said as her stomach growled, "Wanna grab a bite to eat at Ichiraku's?" She asked politely, "My treat." she added.
Naruto smiled. "No, Sakura. Let me treat you. I missed you so much." Naruto said, closing his eyes and rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "Let's go." He said, turning to go in the direction of Ichiraku's.
Sakura smiled and followed Naruto. She was still thinking about Sasuke and if they would ever bring him back. She stared at the ground for a little bit.
Naruto walked confidently all the way to Ichiraku's, chatting to Sakura excitedly. He, in a way, noticed her behavior.
Sakura finally snapped out of her daze and smiled, "What'd you say again?" she asked. She hadn't heard a single thing Naruto was telling her. She was focusing to much on Sasuke.
Naruto smiled and turned to her. "I was just saying how much I missed you and Kakashi-Sensei, and Konoha..." Naruto said. "Come on. Let's go inside." He said.
"We all missed you, I know I did." Sakura said as she walked in and sat on a chair. She sat down and was smiling, she was really happy that Naruto was back.

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