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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


I see Kanjara entering the Hokage tower. Damnit, he could've at least waited for me! I jump down off the rooftop into a darker area and pause, taking a moment to gather myself, then walk slowly towards the tower. I nod to the few jounin and chunin milling about outside, and chuckle quietly to myself as I see a dejected genin team walk out with a mission to catch Tora before I head inside the structure. I blink for a few seconds, adjusting to the light, before I look around the mission hall. I spot Kanjara by the C-rank table, and I head over to him.

"Why'd you leave me behind?" I question quietly in a mock menacing voice, tapping him on the shoulder. He jumps, and I grin under my mask. I see him take a second to regain his posture, then he turns around, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Man, don't do that to people. You'll give them a heart attack! Anyways, you're always too slow getting up..." He replies, and I shrug.

"Fine then. I'm going to go grab a solo-B, so I'll see you later, alright?" He nods, and goes back to the desk. I turn away, and head towards the higher ranking tables.
"Very well then. Lead the way." He says, nodding. Hopefully the Elders are able to keep quiet... He shrugs, relaxing his posture. Paranoia will do him no good, now. He can worry about it later.
The Elders

Three Elders stand before Ikari and Mitsorugi.

"So...an Alliance. Tell us...Why does the uzumaki clan seek an alliance with Konoha?" One of the elders ask.
"We remember our old bonds, and the mutual benefits those had wrought." Unspoken: We want your military might on our side. In return, we offer our sealing expertise. "We don't want a repeat of the last time, though." Don't get us involved if there is full-on war. He gives a short bow to them. "Hopefully an alliance is something you are open to, and that my stay is peaceful." We'd prefer an alliance, but if anything happens to me, you're f***ed.
Tobirama hopped from tree to tree, him and Harou had been there way longer than they should have.

He decided that he was going to pick up some more food on the way back, so Tobirama hopped from a tree to one of the roofs and then onto the ground, he did this as quiet as he could so he did not cause a disturbance.

Tobirama walked over to one of the food stalls and bought some fruit and vegetables, he then hastily made his way home, he would have to wait for another mission.

A chunin sits at one of the desks. "You there." He says. "Come here, we have a job for you."

"How would you like to assist an investigation with Harou Hyuga?"

The Elders

"Well in that case, then an alliance would definitely benefit." One says

"Who knows, perhaps this alliance will boost the Hokage's approval rating as well!"

The third remains silent, but nods his head.

"Then it is settled, there will be an alliance between out two villages."

I nod. This would be a good opportunity to show off a little if possible - the Hyuga were a very high up clan, even in one of the great villages. Getting relations with them could be a great move for my clan.

"Alright" I reply, switching to a more serious tone than I was using before. "What are the mission details?"
"Thank you, elders." He exits silently, approaching the Hokage. "I offer my services to the village, as the alliance has been formed." His father had said to help Konoha if the alliance was formed, and Ikari is not one to let people down. Surely there I some issue he can help the Hokage with...

"Well, you see a convoy of nobles were attacked, and these weren't run of the mill bandits. These were professionals. We barely know enough, and that's the problem. All we know is that there are two people, a man, and a woman, the woman can manipulate crystals. We don't know about the man. They killed one noble, set up traps that killed more nobles when we tried rescuing them, and even injured a Jonin. You will be assisting Harou Hyuga in his investigation, wherever it may take him."

"So, basically that means that you'll be put under his supervision, therefore, until this case is over, any mission Harou goes on, you go on unless it's too dangerous, and anywhere he goes on shinobi business, you go. It will be like being on a team again like you were in a genin but it'll be more like a partnership..."


Before the Elders could start ranting and raving, Mitsorugi spoke up.

"I accept your services, and will find you work soon."
Just as the sun was rising over the village on the hidden leaf, the Demon of the mist alongside his apprentice was already awake. Just as he had built up a heavy resistance to alcohol consumption, he was more than use to waking up hung over and still being able to function properly. Crystal, on the other hand, was more than cheerful that she did not wake up hung over due to the help of that man...

It would be easier to get out of the village unquestioned than it was to get in. Still, it wouldn't hurt to leave as quickly as possible. With everything packed, supplies for the trip alongside the remaining money they had left over, they began to head for the village gates so that they could leave and return towards the Demon's headquarters.

I mull over the facts for a few moments. Crystal Release? It's been a long time since I've heard of that - last I remember I read about it in my clan's archives. It was reportedly a very fearsome ability. Interesting. The partnership sounds good - I've always preferred working in smaller groups or by myself. Following someone around on missions is practically what I've been assigned to do during my whole time here, so there's no big change. I nod in response.

"Alright. Sounds good. Where will I meet up with Harou?" I question the Chunin.

The chunin types into the laptop, and prints out a ticket sized piece of paper. "Here is his address, Harou should be there. Yes, this is the address to the Hyuga section, just show the ticket and you'll be let in just...mind your manners."

I take the small paper, and check the address. I read it a few times, trying to remember the route, then nod. "Thank you. Don't worry about me, my clan was... a bit stiff, let's say. I know the basic drill..." I state, then turn to leave.

Sora woke up on his couch, he wiped the sleep from his eyes and slowly arose, he stretched and let out a yawn.

He had slept in his gear again, this was a thing that happened often but it still annoyed him.

Sora walked slowly towards his door and opened it, he stuck a "Be back soon." Note on the back of the door before closing it behind him.

He started to make his way to the Hokages office to see if he was needed, if he wasn't there then we'll, he'd be back sooner, so it was a win win.
"Let me know when you've found something then. Thank you, Hokage-sama." Ikari gives a curt bow before moving to the edge of the area and once again experimenting with seals.

I slowly walk up to the large Hyuga estate. An impressive building looms infront of me, but I'm used to the grandeur of noble clans, considering where I came from - although, being a noble clan of a great village, the structure is even larger than my one back within Hikagakure. I smooth down my clothes, and slowly walk up to the gates of the building.

"You there!" A hyuga shouts down from the gates.

"State your business or leave elsewhere. This is the Hyuga estate."


"Well, you could assist an investigation if you would like to Ikari. We're looking for a man and a woman, who assaulted and captured a noble Convoy. If you want it, I can fill you in on more details."

Sora was at the door of the Hokages office, he knocked the door a few times to let the Hokage know he was coming in.

When Sora entered he bowed and said.

"Lord Hokage is there anything you need of me?"

I look upwards at the guard, narrowing my eyes behind my mask as I look towards the sunlight.

"I'm here to speak with one Harou Hyuga on the topic of an investigatory mission." I call up.

Sora turned his head slightly still bowing, he saw another person with the Hokage.

That meant he had interrupted something, Sora felt really bad about that, he would have to apologies when he got the chance.


"Then head down to the Hyuga estate and find Harou Hyuga, he'll give you all the information you need to know."

Mitsorugi then handed him a seal. "This is the Hokage seal, show the men at the gates this and they'll let you in."


"Sora, as for you I want you..."

Mitsorugi thought for a few moments. "I have more then plenty on the Case right now..."

Mitsorugi began digging through files, something that would fit an ANBU....

"I'm afraid I don't have anything right now. Come back in a while and maybe something will come up."

Just to double check Mitsorugi sorted through his laptop, then stopped.

"Wait...there is one thing you can look into...We have reports of possible sightings of a shinobi once believed to be missing in action, to the North of here...I can give you full detail if you accept."

Hyuga Clan


"Awh, you're here for Harou?" The gate keeper said, and with that the gates opened.

"His home is on the Northern side of the estate, third row of homes to be precise.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/hyugaestate.gif.a5cd3cc6df4b3fae585606f9bfbea3ae.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/hyugaestate.gif.a5cd3cc6df4b3fae585606f9bfbea3ae.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sora stood up straight now, He thought about the offer for a couple of seconds, and then replied by saying.

"Yes Lord Hokage, I will accept any mission"

Sora said this with a friendly smile.

Mitsorugi handed him a document, with a classified seal on the front of it.

Inside the document it reads:

Notice: This is a highly classified mission, any distribution to civilians or other shinobi without upper authorization is prohibited and will be punished.

Three days ago there were sightings of Shinobi that were thought to be missing in action in the Northern Land of Fire (Exact coordinates given). These sightings all included the fact that there were numerous Shinobi, nearly all identified as Shinobi missing in action from the war, all making movement toward one direction. Motive is unknown, do not make contact with the shinobi. You are to track their location down and relay it back to Konoha. If the squadron of Shinobi leave the land of Fire

You are to leave as soon as possible. Don't tell anyone where you are going, or how long you will be gone. This mission is strictly reconnaissance.

Sora read the document over carefully he then folded it carefully and placed it in his back pocket.

He looked at the Hokage, with a smile still on his face.

"I should have this misson completed in a few days, although I will have to think of an excuse for my wife hehe.."

Sora ended the sentence with a nervous laugh.

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