Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

Thats a little too strong, as losing all your senses can be as bad as being dead, so no permanent loss of senses due to this technique unless otherwise stated. Also, there are two ways I am willing to let this ability go down. Either the loss of senses is very temporary, returning to a ninja after a few seconds have passed, or you can only remove one sense at a time per head touch, though the senses will be gone for a conventional amount of time, making them mostly unusable for the remainder of the fight. Take your pick.
I edited my justu list 
yea your right. I'll take the 1st option 
I'll take the second one instead. and it can be geared to sight only
Alright, so...

Ark Blast = Like a Chidori, but without the Hawk-Sound thing.

Zeus = Bigger Ark Blast.

10 Hit Combo = Just that, but with lightning.

Lightning Surge = Chidori Stream, but again... without the Hawk Sound Effect.

At least that's what I gather.
yea. I guess. It more of a combo type of thing. he doesn't have that many ninjutsus. he takes one type then develops further, strengthening it and adding variations. 
thus keeping his fathers guidance into consideration
You cant have the Chidori, as I am pretty sure that was a technique Sauske invented after trying to master the Lightning blade. Everything else is fine.

The Zues and Ark blast are not Chidori, they are lightning infused chakra punches, which essentially electrocute upon impact. Dont expect them to cut through shit like chidori does.
The following was not addressed...

Beta said:
... Nature Energy? So he's a Sage. If he isn't, then no es gusta. Nature Energy is sage-only stuff unless you're from Jugo's Clan. And Permanent loss of even an NPC's senses should probably have some sort of heavy backlash on your character. Sorry if we seem like assholes or anything. It's just... that's hella potent.
Zeus? Wasn't that used by a non-canonical character, Lars Alexandersson? As awesome as it is, it's hard to see a non-canon technique being used as part of the canon universe. Not especially since the original user can summon a big-ass minigun that fires kunais.

But hey, it's not my position to judge here. Let me fly away now.
when i said natural energy, i was meant to say spiritual energy. One that is emitted from each individual person. and yea it is a non-canon person but it was put a part of the naruto universe. even though it was a side story that was made in the game. and you are visually able to see it so it should be valid. maybe not as a canon technique but still a technique none the less. 
I'm basically giving a demonstration of him discharging electricity as he fights
... I'm using non-canon techniques, Inny. I.E. Custom Jutsu.

But I can also note the whole "Lars is from Tekken" thing.

I'mma just stay Neutral on that one.

On the spirit energy, just frigging say chakra.
Chakra infused punches are believable enough. Even if it is none Canon, I have dream art Jutsu which are also non canon, and since so many ninja display different abilities, I allow a fair amount of freedom.

Im going to go with Beta and ask you to just say Chakra, as it makes it simple and easy to understand.

So, TagochiRein, accepted, post in the IC before Tuesday.
Wiseman said:
Humor, With your current editing you are accepted, post in the IC whenever you feel like, though I should mention that if you are going to use weapon scrolls, you should tell me so directly. Most ninja just carry their gear on them, and I tend to think you are doing the same unless you specify, this goes for everyone.
Wisdom, Although your post was pretty hilarious, I need you to edit the ending a little. In order to get to the meeting, Kurage will need to read that letter entirely and go to the meeting. If he doesnt go to the meeting then your character wont actually be in the RP. Also, dont forget that there was money and explosive tags in that same envelope.

I will be moving everyone forward to the meeting soon. If you can, post your intro in the IC by Monday or Tuesday, as I will be moving on to the meeting by then.
Sorry sir, I'll add a little extention!
OK, before we go on any further, I feel I should clarify a few things about how the game is going to be played. We are playing by GM (Game Master) Story Teller rules, which are simple to follow, but are not as free form as literal free form rping. Here are the basic rules, I, the GM, am the World around you. All Ninja that you do not play will be played by me, all affects that occur in this world will be dictated in some way by me. This is meant to keep things fair, avoid arguments, and move the RP quickly and smoothly.

Let me give you an example of free form, and how that is different from GM Story Teller rules. Free form is the style in which you all put your intro posts. You controlled the enemy as well as your own character, and all out comes involving all parties, you, the bandits, the trees, whatever. In essence, you are god, and you paint the scene as you see fit.

GM Story Teller rules change that. You are now restricted to only controlling your character, and can no longer decide the outcomes of actions. In essence you can talk about anything concerning your character, such as what your character is thinking, feeling, perceiving, and attempting to do, but you can not control any other characters outside your own, and you can not decide whether what you are attempting is successful or not. You may strongly suggest in your post what you feel your character should be able to do, but the final decision rests with the GM. Here is an Example of a Series of posts done in Gm Story Teller Style.

Player 1

Doode crept up behind Jack, silent as a shadow, using his wind cloaking technique to blend in with his surroundings. He would try to sneak as close as he could, preferably from behind, and then would slash out with his Kunai, trying decapitate the arrogant Uchiha.

Player 2

Jack strolled along on his patrol route, eyes vigilant and Sharingans active for his watch. Despite his calm demeanor, he was actually tense from the rumors going around, and so would react, maybe even over react, to any noises he heard. If he felt at any point that something was sneaking up behind him, his first instinct would be to jump forward, roll and turn to face his adversary.


Doode's stealth technique was clever and allowed him to close the distance between himself and Jack unnoticed, however the jumpy Uchiha was on alert, and just Doode swiped to strike, Jack rolled forward, just avoiding the strike and losing his ponytail in the process. Black hairs drifted down in the wind between the two warriors as Jack spun to face his opponent.

Player 2

Jack wasted no time, matching the proper hand signs and unleashing his phoenix flower jutsu, spraying the air with fire balls. He anticipated that Doode would dodge, and prepared to throw his reaving blade Shurikin as soon as he saw him jump clear.

Player 1

Doode began to form hand signs just as fast as Jack, and as Jack fired his jutsu, Doode unleashed his Water Dragon missile jutsu, opening his mouth and blasting a concentrated jet of water straight at Jack. Hopefully the Jutsu would also extinguish the incoming fire balls.


Jack's Jutsu fired first, requiring fewer hand signs, and it quickly converged on Doode. Doode managed to fire his water dragon missile just as the fire balls closed in, and though some of them exploded dangerously near to him, concussing the air and burning his hair and cloak, none scored a direct hit as the water dragon fired out at Jack. Jack, having been ready to slice Doode in half with his shurikin, threw the bladed weapon into the dragon, where the enfeebled jutsu, which had lost most of its power against the fireballs, was sliced in two and feel into two streams of water. Doode has sustained minor injuries due to standing his ground and using a longer jutsu, but he was far from impaired yet.

And so on and so forth. When you are fighting NPC's, the rules are the same. You may tell me what your character attempts, and you may tell me of any plans they have if certain things happen, or their expected reactions to things, but ultimately I will determine the success or failure of the attempt.

Now, I want to make one thing very clear. I am not here to screw anybody over, and Im not here to flex my power of over anyone. I have a story to tell, you are the characters. I want to make this epic, I want to make it memorable, and I want to make last and finish properly. Sometimes things wont go your way, sometimes they will. What will make this RP are your reactions to the scenarios presented to you. If you are losing a fight, then maybe its time for your ultimate jutsu, or to cut your losses and haul ass away. If you have a reasonable objection to one of my decisions, state it and I will listen and consider your words with the respect any player deserves from their GM, but be warned, whining will get you no where.

Some of you will be familiar with this style of play, some of you wont be. I encourage you to be open minded and give it a try, as I find that more structured RP's like this one tend to have a higher success rate, and even manage to finish half the time.
Not a fan of that. Considering dropping. 
Against most NPCs, that is a derpy way to do things, IMO.

Against Boss-ish NPCs, I can understand that. But seeing as all of us here are avid Multipara RPers, that just seems terribly limiting on our posts.
ok, a couple questions, do the aburame insect style jutsu require hand signs? 
well we can be more generous on their thoughts and intentions, their feelings and fears, that will also help him decide the outcome, and i think a small post like that was just an example anyway.

Then why were we allowed to wantonly slaughter NPCs beforehand? This sudden 180 makes absolutely no sense.
I support the motion for removing the chain of GM power if it's NPCs. Those hirelings didn't even stand a chance. How would any other nin lower than Jonin even put up a fight if the guy with custom "Jutsu" relying on distraction and talking people to death just murdered five of them with no problem be suddenly weighted, much less the other nins in this RP?
Beta said:
Not a fan of that. Considering dropping. 
Against most NPCs, that is a derpy way to do things, IMO.
Against Boss-ish NPCs, I can understand that. But seeing as all of us here are avid Multipara RPers, that just seems terribly limiting on our posts.
Give it a try, you already have a character, and you have literally nothing to lose. I have run a few RPs like this in other sites and they have turned out good. Conversation is the same, description is the same, internal monologe is the same. This is just so that combat will flow, instead of following one stalemate after the other. I will make it as unintrusive as I can.

HaruAketchi said:
ok, a couple questions, do the aburame insect style jutsu require hand signs? 
well we can be more generous on their thoughts and intentions, their feelings and fears, that will also help him decide the outcome, and i think a small post like that was just an example anyway.
Certain ones, and that is to say most of them, do not require hand signs, thus the advantage that is possessed by bug users.

And yes, the example posts were just small examples to show you the gist of what is going on. You can still describe how you preform the attack, what you see and what you think, and everything else short of actually hitting the ninja you are attacking.
I showed nothing. I chose to leave people guessing. It is, in my opinion, enough that my jutsu are listed and can be looked up for reference.

I'm with Inny on this. 

Wiseman said:
Give it a try
I will give it five posts. Less if I hate it, more if I don't.
Ineffectivd said:
I support the motion for removing the chain of GM power if it's NPCs. Those hirelings didn't even stand a chance. How would any other nin lower than Jonin even put up a fight if the guy with custom "Jutsu" relying on distraction and talking people to death just murdered five of them with no problem be suddenly weighted, much less the other nins in this RP?
The NPC you guys faced were not even real ninja, they were bandits, and they were meant to die. Now that does not mean that every NPC you guys fight is going to be a tough guy, and you will at times kill whole squads of lesser ninja with your attacks, but a lot of the important NPCs you guys will face will absolutely put up a fight, and for that reason the GM power needs to be exerted over the NPCs.
ok another, this is to actually allow pvp battles to be decisive right? because if it is left up to the anyone aside from the gm then no one would ever die or get hurt.

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