Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

Wisdom said:
Had to do this on the fly today, so I'll probably come back and edit certaint things. There was japanese text for a few names, but the site doesn't seem to be able to show it so when you see what appears to be giberrish...
I'll quote myself since some individuals seem incapable of reading to the bottom of the page. And no, I won't be done editing it by tonight.
I can't help but feel there is some sort of connection between Wiseman and Wisdom
Wiseman i had it up. but i took it down. gonna change some things. not sure if im exp enough to do this 
Beta ive done my research. and it turns out that a user does not need significant chakra to use gentle fist. the only aspect that actually uses any at all is the byakugan. using gentle fists requires little to no chakra at all unless you wanna coat your fingertips to add more damage. and the byakugans only real ability is revealing the opponets chakra points, and allowing almost 360 degree vision. something like that shouldnt require much chakra.
Lol, Wisdom, your face looks familiar!

Any case, if you finish your sheet and post it, dont forget to post in the IC, as it is up now.

HaruAketchi, You are correct, the Bgans do not require a significant or otherwise advanced chakra pool. If you have a stunted chakra pool then you may only be able to use them for a couple of hours at a time, maybe even for only a single hour, but aside from that I think your fine. I have never seen anyone but Hinata (Chakra point all hit up) lose the ability to use their Bgans due to lacking chakra.
Actually, I'd rather not argue the finer points of Naruto and the techniques therein with someone. The fact of the matter is that any Hyuga who knows Gentle Fist WILL use the Byakugan and Chakra-Augmented attacks with that style. The Hyuga family as a whole in known for three major things. Gentle Fist, Byakugan, and High Chakra Pools.
True enough, Neji fought nearly three times as long as the others in his squad before he was forced to rest, so while I dont think it takes much chakra to use the Gentle fist style, Hyuga's do display a natural endurance which could be attributed to a High Chakra pool. They cant take much hits but they keep going and going and going.

Also, as a side note, the Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation, as well as the 64 palms technique and other Hyuga displayed abilities, such as the lion fists, and the Heavenly Palm Thrust do require a lot of chakra, even if basic gentle fist does not. Do take that into consideration.
TagochiRein, Sorry but this is a Ninja's only RP, the messages which initiate the plot are only sent to Ninja, and the land of Iron is infamous for its neutrality in all the ninja wars, they never let their samurai take part. In any case, only ninja are allowed, no Samurai.
I see. Even if he has left the land of snow and is currently living in the land of sinobi?? 
he has left the land of snow?? 
and it easily can fit into the story??
Wiseman said, straight up, "No Samurai".

Not sure how that was unclear.

I see you put a lot of work into the character, but it might have been wise to ask if a Samurai would have been allowed in the RP before putting however much time into the CS just to have it denied.
Wiseman said:
True enough, Neji fought nearly three times as long as the others in his squad before he was forced to rest, so while I dont think it takes much chakra to use the Gentle fist style, Hyuga's do display a natural endurance which could be attributed to a High Chakra pool. They cant take much hits but they keep going and going and going.
Also, as a side note, the Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation, as well as the 64 palms technique and other Hyuga displayed abilities, such as the lion fists, and the Heavenly Palm Thrust do require a lot of chakra, even if basic gentle fist does not. Do take that into consideration.
maybe he has a normal chakra pool, and the reason he was able to go so long is because his techniques require little chakra. so a hyuga with low chakra with just preform the same length as any other ninja.

and whos to say that there cant be an oddball in the clan? 

but anyway, ill redo my charie sheet, repost, add a bit more detail. is there a deadline on how long i can take to do it?
TagochiRein, There are legitimate plot reasons that only Rogue Ninja are being used. If you were from an independent ninja clan that was not part of the villages the answer would be the same, only missing nin. Also, your character is a little weird for a Samurai. Honorable Samurai are neither inclined to or capable of using Genjutsu, All they due is mold, harness, and control their raw chakra through their blade techniques, and none of that can be called Jutsu in a strict sense. He also has two Kekkie Genkai, the Swift release, and a Fire/Lighting combination, making him a little over powered, especially considering what swift release does.

Also, I don't really like that he looks exactly like Kenshin. Thats just not creative if you ask me. In any case, your character sheet could have been the most awesome freaking samurai rogue ever with the most reasonable reasons for leaving the land of iron and seeking employment in a ninja war, and it would still be rejected. Mikoto is not looking for Samurai, his plan will not succeed if he uses them.

HaruAketchi, A lot of their techniques explicitly state that "massive" amounts of chakra are used, including the Palm rotation technique, the lion fists technique, and the Heavenly palm thrust. So you can go ahead and stunt your character, but it will affect the game one way or the other. Just know that if you try to use these techniques you may end up burning through your chakra much faster than you intend to. If your willing to accept this than so am I.

As for the time limit, right now thats a little hazy, you have some time but dont delay as the IC is already open and people have begun to post. The IC is here by the way:
Just popping in to say I should have Hirotaka finished sometime tomorrow.

I'd put in my two cents about the whole Hyuga thing, but alas, I do not have time at present.

(Though I will say I'm somewhat disappointed that the rogue Samurai isn't coming, considering how I'm writing up Hiro, it would've been nice to have another Swordsman to spar/discuss stuff with.)
HaruAketchi said:
Wiseman another little detail. am i allowed to use the second hokage in my history?
I'd ask why, seeing as I haven't read anyone's sheets.....

Just as long as you don't end up being an ex-member of Tobirama's squad or something. :rolleyes:

Back to writing now.
Wiseman you know the squad that killed him. when he was defending danzo's squad. my character was supposed to assasinate the leader of that squad. but seeing as that was his best friend he wasnt able to . and was exiled for it.
HaruAketchi, Your character, a single Hyuga, was sent to kill the leader of the Kinkaku Force? The Kinkaku force was like twenty ninja, how were you supposed to defeat them? Besides, Konoha is the nicest village out of the five, they dont exile high ranking noble members for failing to assassinate someone.

Also, how were you friends with a ninja from that village? Not only are they distant, but they are at war all the time.
If you are going to involve the Cannon than do as much research as possible. If you wanna keep it safe, stay out of cannon all together.
Sloth said:
(Though I will say I'm somewhat disappointed that the rogue Samurai isn't coming, considering how I'm writing up Hiro, it would've been nice to have another Swordsman to spar/discuss stuff with.)
I see. Yea i guess i should of asked first. Didn't know the plot had such a specific plot. I'm redoing my character sheet right now.

And he wasn't really over-powered. He had those chakra natures but didn't use any ninjutsu at all. He was just a strong samurai that used a sword style that tied illusions (or genjustu for ninjas, which is the same thing) into their techniques. He wasn't really able to use the elements. It just appeared that he was able to due to his sword style. and the swift release was just made him able to move faster without trying. Obviously its taxing on the body due to the unatural speed increase on his body. nothing over powered about it. and there were "ninja Swordsman" that used swords just as he did. it would look the same. (just because it has ninja in front of it doesn't make it look different), The fighting would look the same no mater what way you dice it. look at the battle battle between Hanzo and Mifune. perfect example.

None the least, I'm currently editing my character sheet. btw. I like the dedication. I'm really interested in what the plot point is going to be
TagochiRein said:
I see. Yea i guess i should of asked first. Didn't know the plot had such a specific plot. I'm redoing my character sheet right now.
And he wasn't really over-powered. He had those chakra natures but didn't use any ninjutsu at all. He was just a strong samurai that used a sword style that tied illusions (or genjustu for ninjas, which is the same thing) into their techniques. He wasn't really able to use the elements. It just appeared that he was able to due to his sword style. and the swift release was just made him able to move faster without trying. Obviously its taxing on the body due to the unatural speed increase on his body. nothing over powered about it. and there were "ninja Swordsman" that used swords just as he did. it would look the same. (just because it has ninja in front of it doesn't make it look different), The fighting would look the same no mater what way you dice it. look at the battle battle between Hanzo and Mifune. perfect example.

None the least, I'm currently editing my character sheet. btw. I like the dedication. I'm really interested in what the plot point is going to be
Ninja swordsman, A OK, Samurai, not OK. If this RP lasts long enough for the plot to be revealed, then you will see very clearly why no Samurai were contacted for this contract.

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