Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

Sasuke used a pair of weapon scrolls against Itachi, and they fit neatly on his wrists.
My character doesn't have those giant immense weapons yet... maybe one day.... maybe one day.
so just use normal weapon scrolls. the small ones. 
your charrie would be better of with scrolls anyway. at this point carrying that many weapons would slow him down. but he seems cool.
Implied means that it was safe to assume such. Such as if a person is driving a car, it is implied that they have a license.
Yea i said sealing ninja and in the combat said tenten fighting style so I didn't think that he would get called out for being strapped to the teeth with weapons all over his body. He does have a large scroll but that is Jeegan and that is strapped to his back like tenten's large scroll or naruto sage modes scroll
I thought I did rather well with it. Except for mixing up Namizake and Uzumaki... but hey we can't all get it right.
I do. I'm just Saiyan.

Honestly, that's half the reason I avoid making characters from Canon Clans.
I finally found some time to go back and edit my initial post. Thank you all for your patience; Kurage will pop in on the story A.S.A.P. 

Wisdom said:
I finally found some time to go back and edit my initial post. Thank you all for your patience; Kurage will pop in on the story A.S.A.P.
P.S. I seem to have forgotten to fill out a list of basic/custom jutsus, so that'll be done tomorrow. 

Ineffectivd said:
like taking candy from an autistic baby
Humor, With your current editing you are accepted, post in the IC whenever you feel like, though I should mention that if you are going to use weapon scrolls, you should tell me so directly. Most ninja just carry their gear on them, and I tend to think you are doing the same unless you specify, this goes for everyone.

Wisdom, Although your post was pretty hilarious, I need you to edit the ending a little. In order to get to the meeting, Kurage will need to read that letter entirely and go to the meeting. If he doesnt go to the meeting then your character wont actually be in the RP. Also, dont forget that there was money and explosive tags in that same envelope.

I will be moving everyone forward to the meeting soon. If you can, post your intro in the IC by Monday or Tuesday, as I will be moving on to the meeting by then.
Another, more reliable friend of mine has told me they are interested. I am helping them with a CS.

Just letting you know. Shall I tell them to maybe speed it up a bit?
Name: Ryuzoji Takadori

Nickname/Alias: White Death, White Ghost

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 6'0

Sexuality: Straight

Village of origin: Takdori Village, Land of Lightining

Former Clan/Bloodline: Takadori Clan

Former Position: Intelligence agent from the Kumogakure Village

Chakra Nature: Earth and Lightning

Specialty: Meisaigakure no Jutsu, or Hiding with Camouflage Technique (he has trained it to the point that he can even erase his chakra presence) and sensory type techniques. He has vast knowledge of pressure points (not chakra points) and uses them during combat for quick kills, submission, or incapititation. He also has another fighting style that resembles the chinese Kung Fu. He doesn't use much ninjutsu. He focuses on taijutsu, Bukijutsu, or genjutsu, but that doesn't mean he isn't good at ninjutsus. He just doesn't prefer to use it in combat, but he still adds it to his daily training. He has an average amount of chakra, but makes up with it with his supreme chakra control.

Appearance: (see attachment)

Personality: He always had a curious air about himself. Finding himself in sticky situations all the time. When on missions, he would go farther than anyone else, even after the agency would tell him that the mission was no longer able to complete. His decisions to take different routes and other deviations from the original plan, causes alot of trouble and the higher ups would scold him, but his innovative tactics and high sucess rate keeps him afloat. He is a gambler by nature, and will bet his life even if the odds are against him. He doesn't worry about what he can't control, but only focuses on what he can, totally elimanating the stress factor. He doesn't agree with a clouded mind because it can hinder the success rate of a mission or task

History: He is of the Takadori clan of the Land of Lightning. About 100 years before the the 5 great villages was created, the Takadori clan was a well respected clan that all people around the world knew of, but currently to date, they are a dying clan and only a few pure bloods are around. There fame has gone unnoticed and nobody knows of them. Ryuzoji is one of the few pure blood that is left and it is predicted that the next generation would be the extinction of the pure bloods, thus the extinction of the Kekkei Genkai.

Ryuzoji started off as a regular genin, but had an exceptional learning curve. He was precise in his movements and would make sure to master the basics before moving on to other techniques. His father told him a steady foundation would lead to a great ninja and he followed his command faithfully. At the age of 9, he became a chunin and then by the age of 13 was going to be a special jonin thanks to specialization for infiltration, but Void (Root Equivalent) recruited him instead. He declined at first but 2 years later at the age of 15 decided to join. He disappeared and all information about him was destroyed.

He was an exceptional ninja and proved useful, but every ninja of Void had an expiration date. He was 22 when his came. Right before he was sent off on his last mission to be executed, a ninja appeared from the shadows and tipped him off before disappearing into the shadows again. He went on the mission and before he arrived to the assigned destination, he killed his crew and disappeared.

He has lived in various locations and has become an independent contractor. He constantly changes his appearance and assumes false identities in order to stay hidden.

Theme Song: [media]

Equipped Weapons/Items: He carries 4 different scrolls for different mission types or to change class. The scroll will not carry the same tools all the time. He changes the content of the scroll according to the mission at hand. He labels the scrolls close quarters, Ranger, Engineer, Medic, and Diversion. (They don't carry anything crazy like legendary weapons and such. just common ninja tools)

Special Traits

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Senses of the Divine

Type: Support type

Clan: Takadori

Description: This Bloodline technique has 2 separate parts. One part allows you to greatly improve your 5 senses to 5 times a normal human. The senses are hearing, touch, sight, smell, and taste. The cumulative time limit per day is about 30 min per day. The other part of this technique allows you to take away one sense at a time per head touch, but he mainly uses it for sight. The sense will be gone for a conventional amount of time, making unusable for the remainder of the fight and there must be contact with ones head in order for this technique to work. He is able to rob others of their senses as long as he has enough chakra to do so and it takes about a genin amount of chakra.

  • Name of Technique: Ground Spike Technique
    Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D to A (depending on intensity)
    Range: Short to long (depending on intensity)
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: After performing a string of hand seals and stomping on the ground, the user emits five bolts of lightning in a line. Each bolt is two yards apart from the one before it (giving the jutsu a total range of ten yards from the user), rising 3 feet into the air from the ground in succession, starting from the farthest one with a speed equal to the user's control with a maximum of six. These bolts are pure energy; they aren't solid so they will not be effective in stopping objects. The shock created by the jutsu, however, causes the targets body to jerk and sends a mild pain equivalent to getting stabbed in the hand throughout the body for a brief second. This technique isn't very devastating, but it’s useful in stopping charging enemies
    Weakness: This technique isn't very devastating, but it’s useful in stopping charging enemies (higher intensity will dismiss this comment, but then it will consume more chakra)
  • Name of Technique: Lightning Trap
    Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Range: Short
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: This is a mostly non-combat Raiton ninjutsu. To start the ninjutsu, the ninja does the needed hand seals and then sticks three (or more), separated at most by 10 meters of each other, in a triangle (or the shape relative to how many kunais are used) around a target. After the kunai are placed, electrical walls rise up and connect the three (or more) Kunai together. These walls rise up 10 feet high and once created, they are closed of by an electrical ceiling. These walls can not be easily broken. Physical attacks from within are ineffective. If anyone tries to touch the walls, they will be electrocuted which may cause bad electrical burns but not badly enough to kill them, which makes using taijutsu a relatively bad idea.
    Weakness: The target would have to walk into the trap first. More walls, more chakra
  • Name of Technique: Lightning Screen

    Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

    Rank: B to A (depending on intensity)

    Range: Short

    Nature Type: Lightning

    Description: After performing a row of hand seals, the user emits an electrical lightning shield up to three feet in radius. The shield is solid, easily defending against most projectiles and jutsu. If it is destroyed, the shield emits a blast of electricity that shoots forward in a four meter half circle towards the opponent. This blast's impact carries a force equal to a punch delivered by someone with lightning infused with it and it creates a painful shock, its intensity being equivalent to the pain of a stab.

    Weakness: Consumes a lot of chakra (depending on intensity)
  • Name of Technique: Element Projectile Technique
    Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
    Rank: D to B (depending on intensity)
    Range: short to mid
    Nature Type: Lightning or Earth
    Description: Either summons small earth projectile from the ground or small lightning projectiles from his hand and shoots them at his enemy.
    Weakness: It doesn't do much damage. It's mainly for distraction and or creating space between enemy.
  • Name of Technique: Feel the Earth

    Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu

    Rank: C

    Range: short to long

    Nature Type: Earth

    Description: After doing the needed hand seals, the user stamps on the ground, flowing their chakra through the ground in around them. The user’s chakra travels at a speed equal to the user’s control, up to 30 yards. This allows the user to feel the vibrations from the earth. At this level, it doesn’t allow for pinpoint movements, but it does allow for the user to sense direction, amount of pressure, and distance.

    Weakness: Its not necessarily accurate, just an approximation
  • Name of Technique:
    Dageki Ryuu

    [shock Fist Style]

    Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
    Rank: D to S ( he has yet to learn techniques are ranked higher than B but plans to learn them in the future)
    Range: short
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: A fighting style where neither speed or strength are anchored into these techniques. Rather, Dageki Ryuu users utilize the shocking capabilities of electricity in order to cripple their foes in close quarters combat. Although these techniques are mainly passive, they still hold deadly effects. (Link to taijutsu techniques below. )(It just makes sense, he is already good at taijutsu, all he does is add a little lightning chakra to his moves to incapacitate his target. It goes perfectly with my character.)
    Weakness: Requires control over chakra and needs to touch the target in the appropriate spot in order for the techniques to work.
  • Name of Technique: Lightning Rifle
    Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Range: Long
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: After completing a set of hand seals the user will either focus chakra into a bladed weapon or index finger. He then points his hand (or the tip of his weapon) at the target and fires off a bolt of lightning that travels out a max of five meters. The lightning bolt itself will only cause minor damage, but due to the speed of the attack the impact is more than enough to knock the air out of someone or send them backwards about five meters as if they had just been rammed into.
    Weakness: It's fast but travels in a straight line.

Earth Release:

Lightning Release: (most of his lightning techniques are mixed with taijutsu)

Other Techniques:

let me know if anything needs editing<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic.jpg.1dc2822cca555bf483c89aa623bc2deb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic.jpg.1dc2822cca555bf483c89aa623bc2deb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic.jpg
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I'mma just say this... Taking the chakra used to power another's senses wouldn't give you much of anything. Even normal people that have zero chakra control and abysmal chakra pools can still see, taste, hear, smell, and feel.

Even those who use Dojutsu or Inuzuka-level senses, unless they are actively using a Sharingan, Byakugan, or those enhanced senses... have no more chakra allocated to their senses that any normal person.

It's a hell of a neat concept, I will give you that. But as to how that secondary ability would work like that, I have no clue. 
But then, That's simply my opinion. I'm not the GM of this RP.
I see. I didn't think about that. 
any input is good. 
i edited it. Re read and tell me what you think. like i said. any input is good
TagochiRein, Your character looks good so far, I just need to understand the Kekkei Genkai a little better. So how exactly do you steal the senses from the other person, do you use hand signs, do you need to hit their pressure points first? Just give me an example of how your Kekkei Genkai works so that I can make sure its not over powered.
Hyperlinking your jutsu would be pretty awesome. I've never even seen the "Ark Blast" or "Zeus" jutsus before.
He has to be in contact with the persons head and he doesn't need hand seals to perform. He sends natural energy through his body and enters them. It targets the part in your brain that affects the persons senses, resulting in a lost of sense. Depending on how much energy focused will cause the senses to be gone for a certain amount of time. If a lot of this energy is emitted than it will cause a permanent lost of your senses. 
and i will edit jutsu list
... Nature Energy? So he's a Sage. If he isn't, then no es gusta. Nature Energy is sage-only stuff unless you're from Jugo's Clan.

And Permanent loss of even an NPC's senses should probably have some sort of heavy backlash on your character.

Sorry if we seem like assholes or anything. It's just... that's hella potent.

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