Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

Humor said:
THAT IS A HEAPING LOAD OF S AND A RANK Jutsu's dear god... Should I have made my character stronger with jutsu's because I know people will ***** if Because he has not real jutsu's i was going to say he was better at fighting but im sure i'll get massive QQ for that.
In all honesty, his Jutsu, though they are ranked A and S, dont seem over powered to me. A golden wave of water is hardly what I would call S rank, as I can imagine many people surviving a direct hit by such and attack, and his other attacks are not so powerful that I find issue with them. 

TagochiRein said:
Yea. He seemed jus a tad OP. 
by him saying that he can use those types of jutsus means that he can use other types of jutsus a that same level
No. You can not simply start using Jutsu that is not on your list, regardless of how talented you are. Him being able to use A rank and S rank means he can only use THOSE specific A and S Ranks he has on his character sheet.
It was only a matter of time before someone said it. Until further notice, the water is literally golden in color, not yellow and not piss. Now lets be mature and leave this topic where it belongs.
Wiseman said:
No. You can not simply start using Jutsu that is not on your list, regardless of how talented you are. Him being able to use A rank and S rank means he can only use THOSE specific A and S Ranks he has on his character sheet.
I didn't know that you would be using strictly jutsus on character sheet. So i have a question. for an example. if you put Giant shark jutsu on your character list. will your character not be able to use small shark jutsu. Or 2 small shark jutsu. instead of one Giant shark jutsu??
I was just bringing it to the attention

Although I am glad my guy being a taijutsu crazy bastard is well accepted now.
TagochiRein said:
I didn't know that you would be using strictly jutsus on character sheet. So i have a question. for an example. if you put Giant shark jutsu on your character list. will your character not be able to use small shark jutsu. Or 2 small shark jutsu. instead of one Giant shark jutsu??
If you have a Jutsu that specifically says "Giant Shark Jutsu", then no, you can not create small ones from the Jutsu (Unless it is stated that you can in the effect of the attrack. Find the regular shark Jutsu to use small ones, but each jutsu you use will be bound to the effects on Narutopedia, or by what is written on your sheet. You can still use the Jutsu creatively, but you cant change their effects.
thats not what I meant. I'm saying if you are able to produce a gigantic shark jutsu and a large shark of water comes out, is it not understood that you would be able to do a small shark jutsu and a significantly smaller shark is made 
the example would be that a Gigantic shark jutsu is in chacter sheet. but the small shark jutsu isnt
that would make sense, because all you would have to do is apply less chakra. i assume they would have the same hand signs
While I wait for the ninja to gather at the meeting, I thought I might as well state my policy and plan when it comes to posting. This is meant to be informative, and to let you know exactly how I plan to keep the rp running, even if people suddenly drop. If you dont have the time to read everything I wrote, then scroll down, the important points are highlighted at the bottom for your convenience.

Now, I want to make this clear ahead of time, I am not keen on killing characters. It is not my goal, and I cant very well tell a story without players to play through it. My rules are designed to keep a character alive for as long as is reasonable, while keeping long bouts of inactivity from stopping the rest of us. So here are the Rules

1. A player who is inactive for three days straight, and has not posted a reason or at least confirmation in the OOC thread, will come under auto control, and the game will proceed on the fourth day. This does not mean I expect you to post in under three days each time, I understand that life can be, well, life, and that sometimes you dont get three days to post. Thats fine, but please tell me, give me at least one line, something like,

"Hey Wise, I've been real busy helping my brother with a school project, and havent gotten a chance to post. But expect one within the next few (Few=3-4) days."

That would be enough for me, and we will wait for you to post, just keep me posted on why you are not posting. Otherwise I will auto control your character. This very simply turns your character into a temporary NPC that will be carried along through the story or fight. While under auto control, you will do nothing dramatic or extremely important, remaining as a supporting NPC until you return to take control. I will try to make sure that anything your character would obviously do is done, but auto control is just more work for me, so I dont encourage you make me do it.

If you are going to be unable to post for five or more days, then you will be auto controlled to keep the plot going, though you can send me one or two line PMs to dictate what your character would do while you are too busy to post full posts. I will, in turn, take your small post and make a bigger post out of it, but this is only if you will not be able to post for over a week, and generally only if something important or directed at you is happening. This a service I offer freely, but please dont abuse it, again, lots of work.

2.Auto Control Characters that have been under my control for 11 days straight will enter death mode. In this mode, your character becomes highly susceptible to death by sudden attack or heroic last stand.

If the player simply drops the rp, never responds, and never posts an explanation of any kind, even throughout the 11 days of auto control, then their character will likely die a quick, unimpressive death. If you have kept me informed, and simply dont have the time to keep up with the rp, or have decided in your wisdom to stop playing for whatever other reason, then I will try to make your character's death impressive. If you can not play now, but think it likely that further in the future you might be able to come back and play, then I will have your character either wounded or otherwise excused from the plot for a the amount of time that you can not participate. Then, when you can, your character is returned and you are reunited with the group to continue your quest.

If you should want to kill of your own character in a way you have already thought up, then PM me and I will set it up and you can make the post yourself.

3. Players who post consistently within the first three days after one of my own posts (The post must reference or includes your character) will be subject to plot rewards and Second Wind bonuses during hard fights. This is meant to encourage you to actively post. All of your characters have pasts, and I have studied each one and devised a story for all of you based on your histories. I obviously cant run all of these plots at the same time, as that would pull the group apart as you all seek to accomplish, put to rest, or otherwise deal with your pasts, which raises the question, which of you should be first?

One of the ways I will determine who amongst you most deserves the attention of the plot is by noting who the most active posters are, and rewarding them with either their own personal plot, or plot reward (Special weapons, forbidden Jutsu, Summonings, ect.). In this way, those who post often, will often have action and rewarding encounters put in their way.

Another bonus is the Second Wind Bonuses, which you can earn the same way, though this only applies during a hard fight. In the game, this bonus reflects the current circulation of your chakra, and can be applied to one out of two attributes, Bodily strength, or Chakra. The Bonuses granted by posting within the first three days indicates that your chakra is flowing more smoothly than normal, and thus this can have beneficial effects. Either the excess chakra from the efficient chakra flow can be harnessed to strengthen the body and increase all physical attributes by a slight amount, or it can be burned in the use of Jutsu, providing a small reservoir chakra to draw upon. These bonuses are not huge, but they can give you and edge, make your jutsu just a little stronger, make you move a little faster, and perhaps break what would otherwise be a tie or close lose.

Now, I am not trying to encourage Quantity over Quality, and if I notice you "farming" for bonuses with several obviously inferior posts, I libel to kill off your character for taking advantage of my generosity. Also, dont think that a good, thought out post wont catch my attention or earn you plot rewards, they will, though the only way to get the Second Wind Bonuses is by posting within the first three days. I dont think three days is too short a time to make one post, so I do believe that this should be relatively within everyone's capacity. If not, then at least post well when you do post, and you will still earn points.

So, wrap up of important points:

1. Those who dont post for three days and provide no notice will be Auto Controlled. Extra time can be easily requested and granted.

2. Auto Control lasts 11 days, and then enters death mode.

3. Players who post within the first three days of a GM post which includes them will be rewarded.

Any questions? Complaints? As long as we are civil, I dont mind hearing out anything you guys have to say. 

TagochiRein said:
thats not what I meant. I'm saying if you are able to produce a gigantic shark jutsu and a large shark of water comes out, is it not understood that you would be able to do a small shark jutsu and a significantly smaller shark is made 
the example would be that a Gigantic shark jutsu is in chacter sheet. but the small shark jutsu isnt
If you specify how you are trying to alter the Jutsu, then I may allow it. In the case of the giant shark, I would allow it, as applying less chakra would, in effect, make the shark smaller.
The problem is this. Say I use "Inferno Style: Flame Cyclone". Sure, the jutsu was likely much smaller while being developed, as it is one the character created themselves... but in time, the use of it and the desired effect becomes pure muscle memory, similar to how Lee was back on his feet after Gaara fucked him up hardcore, despite his injuries and being ko'd.

Due to this muscle memory when using techniques, creating anything lesser than the usual effect is actually quite difficult, while creating something bigger is as simple as pushing harder. Kinda like a bodybuilder trying to gently grip something as opposed to lifting a heavy package.
Beta said:
The problem is this. Say I use "Inferno Style: Flame Cyclone". Sure, the jutsu was likely much smaller while being developed, as it is one the character created themselves... but in time, the use of it and the desired effect becomes pure muscle memory, similar to how Lee was back on his feet after Gaara ****** him up hardcore, despite his injuries and being ko'd.
Due to this muscle memory when using techniques, creating anything lesser than the usual effect is actually quite difficult, while creating something bigger is as simple as pushing harder. Kinda like a bodybuilder trying to gently grip something as opposed to lifting a heavy package.
Point noted, be warned, altering your Jutsu may have unforeseen consequence due to the difficulty of altering jutsu on the fly.
I think i'm starting to understand the jutsu thing. so as long as we PM you about our jutsu concerns then everything will be cool. Simple enough
ninbinz said:
I have edited my cs, please feel free to comment on any further changes.
This is better. Now the only thing I dont understand are the messenger nin. Read my first post in the IC, and you will see how you receive your letter. Your summons have enough work to check out, though be wary of your relationship with Jishin, as he is not happy that you ended up betraying your clan. Accepted, read both of my GM posts(The ones where I am not Moe), and post your arrival at the meeting when you can.
Name: Sumire Nishimura

Nickname/Alias: The Last Flower

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Height: 5'9 (6'1 in heels)

Sexuality: Male oriented (Straight)

Village of origin: Sakuragakure - "Village Hidden in the Cherry Blossoms"

Former Clan/Bloodline: N/A

Former Position: Kunoichi guard/Medical Nin/Escort

Chakra Nature: Water

Specialty: Genjutsu


Personality: Surprisingly kind given what she's been through, though stoic and somewhat of an introvert, showing her softer side around other women more often than men. She prefers to keep her thoughts to herself, speaking her opinion on matters only when asked or otherwise extremely compelled. In battle, she toys around with her opponent, playing a game of cat and mouse until her attacker is left hopeless and most vulnerable.


Sakuragakure, the Village Hidden in the Cherry Blossoms. A haven for the weary, a place for men to rest their bones for the night. For the right price, the warmth of a woman could also be included into the equation.

Legend had it that a lone woman, unable to bear children, took in stray girls from the streets, raised them as her own, and eventually built a small community with her as head mistress. Her adopted daughters, or flowers as she referred to them, would be raised to be her protectors, being schooled in various jutsu and taking on the role of kunoichi guardsmen. By eighteen, they took on other roles throughout the village, one of which included offering their bodies to wandering men in search of solace. If a bastard female child were to be the result of a pregnancy, then her life would be planned out in the same manner as those before her. Any male children would take on the role of farmers, guardsmen, shopkeepers, and etcetera.

It was this place that Sumire and her twin sister, Yuri, once called home. Both sisters, from birth, were to be raised as third generation kunoichi guardsmen, though the future held other plans for them. While still trained to be a deadly force to be reckoned with, Yuri opted out of the typical life of a guardsman in order to instead become a medical nin to her people, taking up training with the head mistress' permission. As the village's first female medical nin, Yuri was exempt from the act of prostitution, all of her time and focus instead going into discovering new medical practices.

Sumire, unlike her twin sister, found it quite easy in balancing out her schedule and multitasking. In addition to being a member of the guard, Sumire also became a very skilled understudy to her younger sister, giving her a helping hand whenever needed. Even while busy with these two tasks, Sumire never even thought once to abandon her role as one of Sakuragakure's many seductresses, an overachiever eager to please her mistress.

For years, Sakuragakure existed in peace with the outside world. Though they trained daily, many of the kunoichi guard had never experienced outside battle. The most scars they'd ever seen were from outsiders looking to take refuge for a night or two. This left them unprepared for what was headed their way. One fine evening, a dozen men arrived from beyond the cherry blossoms, seeking what all other men sought. They were samurai, a bunch of high rollers at that, each of them offering a great amount of Ryo in exchange for the services of a flower of their choosing. All was expected to go as usual, until the unthinkable happened.

Business was underway. Each of the men retired to a tent outside, taking their lady of choice along with them. The leader of the bunch had chosen Sumire to be his lady of the night, paying a heftier amount of Ryo in order to spend a night with her in a suite located in the mistress' palace. The samurai leader seemed gentle, kind, and, had he been able to hold his liquor, he may have remained that way. The bastard downed so much saki that he began to become rough,...violent. He went as far to begin choking Sumire to the point where she was almost rendered unconscious. After verbal warnings went unheard, Sumire delivered a swift backhand to his face, sending him rolling off of the bed and kissing the hardwood floor. At that point, he attacked her, reaching for his katana and then coming at her swinging. The fool. Without his armor, he was naked, and quite literally so. Sumire dodged his attempts to slash away at her easily enough, delivering a swift and very lethal upward palm strike to his nose, causing him to die instantly upon impact. When one of the male guardsmen came running in response to the racket and had seen Sumire towering over the deceased Samurai warrior, he panicked and went hysterical. When word got out to the fallen Samurai leader's comrades of his demise, they launched an attack on Sakuragakure.

Sumire quickly rushed outside in order to aide her sisters. She spotted Yuri in danger, pinned down under the heavy heel of a samurai warrior and mere seconds away from having her head separated from her shoulders. She couldn't act quickly enough. Sumire watched as her sister was slaughtered before her very eyes. Enraged, the kunoichi proceeded down the palace steps and dashed toward her sister's killer, taking a kunai in hand and plunging it directly between his eyes. She'd go on to slaughter a few more samurai before spotting a horde of sixty samurai rushing in from the outside. An ambush?! Going to disarm them, Sumire and other kunoichi guard met Sakugakure's invaders halfway across the battlefield before an explosion erupted from the palace. Debris hailed down from the sky, falling on top of Sumire and rendering her unconscious.

As dawn approached, Sakuragakure was void of life, its residents having met their end at the hands of a senseless battle. All were dead...but one. Gasping for air and digging herself out of the grave of debris that surrounded her, Sumire scanned the area for any signs of life. Atop the palace steps, she'd spot Sakuragakure's founder and mistress lifeless, slain in a pool of her own blood. Her sisters had been killed, children slaughtered, years of a peaceful life down the drain. Of the seventy-two samurai that had arrived to the village, Sumire had only managed to count sixty-eight of their corpses, meaning four had managed to escape. This was unacceptable.

Gathering what supplies she could, Sumire had managed to find a horse that hadn't been burned down to its bones and equipped it with as many items as it could carry. She would track down the samurai scum and exact proper revenge. She'd make those remaining fools suffer. First, though, she had some business to attend to. After burying her former guardsman, the rest of the village's residents, their late mistress, and, finally, her twin sister, Sumire then set off into the night, a bloodthirsty woman scorned.

Theme Song:


Equipped Weapons/Items:

  • Scalpel
  • Retractable Spear
  • Hidden Kunai Mechanism x2 (Left and Right arm)
  • Kunai x30
  • Injection Shot Sniper
  • Injection Shots (Paralysis) x20
  • Injection Shots (Sleep) x20
  • Flash Bombs x10
  • Explosive Tags x10
  • Explosive Tags (Fake) x10
  • Chilli Pepper Bomb x10
  • Blood Increasing Pill x10
  • Military Rations Pill x5
  • Medical Encyclopedia

  1. Water Release: Wild Water Wave
  2. Water Release: Gunshot
  3. Water Release: Cold Sky Water Attack
  4. Water Release: Water-Heavens Convergence
  5. Water Release: Black Rain Technique
  6. Water Release: Starch Syrup Capture Field
  7. Water Release: Hidden in Water Technique
  8. Genjutsu: Soulbane
  9. Genjutsu: Binding
  10. Genjutsu: Cherry Blossom Escape
  11. Genjutsu: Time Reversal Technique
  12. Medical Ninjutsu: Chakra Scalpel
  13. Mystical Palm Technique
  14. Body Pathway Derangement

Name of Technique: Black Widow Genjutsu

Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Rank: S Rank

Range: Wide-range

Nature Type: N/A

Hand Seals: Bird, Boar, Dog, Tiger

Description: Sumire, after activating her Genjutsu with the four required hand seals, morphs herself into a vicious and bloodthirsty spider queen. Those fifteen feet within her line of sight are encompassed in darkness and find themselves entangled in a giant web. From there, she begins to feed on her opponents, slowly draining them until they're empty shells. In reality, the opponent merely passes out from exhaustion or dies due to the horrifying terror of being eaten alive. In reality, the illusion lasts up to three minutes, but can last up to an hour for those held captive.

Weakness: While performing this particular genjutsu, Sumire is left completely immobilized and unaware of her surroundings, leaving her vulnerable to an attack by those not ensnared.
ninbinz said:
Cool thank you, I'll do that right away.
Before you go, are you familiar the rules of the Role play? Detailed Here:

And are you familiar with the post rules? Detailed here:

If you are then you may post, though I encourage you to look over them carefully and make sure you understand fully.

SongBird, OK, only a few things to address here. First, were these men who attacked the village samurai or Samurai? And how big was the village? After all, considering how easily she managed to kill their leader, one would think that they would have their hands full just killing the "flowers" they had purchased, much less the entire village. Just a little more explanation on that please. Aside from that there are only two more things I have an issue with when it comes to your story.

The first is that you are not a missing nin, just a nin without a village. This is somewhat different, though the plot will allow for you to remain this way, as long as you make yourself infamous enough among the other ninja villages to warrant hunters. A little addition to your history would do that nicely. Lastly, I feel that you have no reason to accept the contract, you already have your own special quest. So why would Sumire accept the contract and be bound into service by this employer? As long as you have a good reason then I will be satisfied.

Now, I do have to nitpick at your Jutsu a little. The Body Pathway Derangement technique is a super advanced medical ninjutsu, and as I understand it, Sumire is a medical nin by association with her sister and little else. being her under steady. Even if she was a full medical nin, it is unlikely that she would posses such an advanced technique, when even Kabuto had not mastered it. Also, the Hydrification technique is very high level and a hiden technique, so there would have to be some special reason she had the use of it. Aside from that, your good.
To be fair, in regard to her jutsu... the Naruto Setting is full of oddities. Perhaps the women of Sakuragakure developed the technique, for example. Many techniques have no clear origin. Of course, some such as the Fireball Jutsu or Edo Tensei, do have clear and defined creators such as the Uchiha, or Tobirama Senju.

I personally like the idea of a Medical Ninja being sent on such an odd mission.

As for the rest, I can't comment, as it isn't my character.
Wiseman said:
SongBird, OK, only a few things to address here. First, were these men who attacked the village samurai or Samurai?
Regular samurai...

Wiseman said:
And how big was the village? After all, considering how easily she managed to kill their leader, one would think that they would have their hands full just killing the "flowers" they had purchased, much less the entire village. Just a little more explanation on that please. Aside from that there are only two more things I have an issue with when it comes to your story.
I imagined the village being a small, gated off community of no more than 150 people. Also, as I stated, the samurai leader was extremely drunk and unarmored, which made it quite easy for Sumire to kill him. It's possible that the other samurai were sober and even fully/partially armored around the time the attack happened.

Wiseman said:
Aside from that there are only two more things I have an issue with when it comes to your story. The first is that you are not a missing nin, just a nin without a village. This is somewhat different, though the plot will allow for you to remain this way, as long as you make yourself infamous enough among the other ninja villages to warrant hunters. A little addition to your history would do that nicely. Lastly, I feel that you have no reason to accept the contract, you already have your own special quest. So why would Sumire accept the contract and be bound into service by this employer? As long as you have a good reason then I will be satisfied.
I intended to start off my very first IC post with Sumire already having gotten down to the last remaining samurai warrior and having reached the end of her mission. Also, why exactly would it be necessary for Sumire to seek out amnesty? Maybe she could use the Ryo. Maybe instead of amnesty, she could be looking for another place to call home again instead of wandering about aimlessly for the rest of her life?

Wiseman said:
Now, I do have to nitpick at your Jutsu a little. The Body Pathway Derangement technique is a super advanced medical ninjutsu, and as I understand it, Sumire is a medical nin by association with her sister and little else. being her under steady. Even if she was a full medical nin, it is unlikely that she would posses such an advanced technique, when even Kabuto had not mastered it. Also, the Hydrification technique is very high level and a hiden technique, so there would have to be some special reason she had the use of it. Aside from that, your good.
What Beta said!
SongBird said:
Regular samurai...
I imagined the village being a small, gated off community of no more than 150 people.
And from back in your history.

SongBird said:

Business was underway. Each of the men retired to a tent outside, taking their lady of choice along with them.

Her adopted daughters, or flowers as she referred to them, would be raised to be her protectors, being schooled in various jutsu and taking on the role of kunoichi guardsmen. By eighteen, they took on other roles throughout the village, one of which included offering their bodies to wandering men in search of solace. If a bastard female child were to be the result of a pregnancy, then her life would be planned out in the same manner as those before her.

Let me see if I understand this, and Im not trying to be sarcastic or mean, please dont read my tone that way, but let me know if this is what you meant. 12, possibly drunk, rogue samurai, with no chakra training or advanced combat techniques, killed and burned down a town of a 150 people? If they all lived, and all killed at maximum proficiency, then each one of them would have to hunt down and murder over twelve people each if they split the load evenly, not to mention that roughly 4-6 of the twelve people they would have to hunt down would be trained
kunoichi, who can use chakra, and have trained their whole lives to defend against invaders.

Now, if you do agree that the above is what you mean to say, then either these samurai are the luckiest, or most powerful "regular samurai"
I have ever encountered, or your villagers are extremely easy to kill. If you insist, I can accept either of these explanations, though the first will require that you be unable to hunt down the remaining samurai, seeing as how they butchered over fifty of your Kunoichi sisters while heavily outnumbered and likely unarmored and intoxicated, just as their leader had been. They are simply, by some means, too powerful for a single woman to take on, especially if she was the one out numbered.

In the second scenario you could hunt down and kill them, though Im afraid that it would only make my points against your powers more valid. If these Kunoichi had been skilled enough to be trained in the Body Pathway Derangement technique, or the Hydrification technique, then how on earth did they lose to regular samurai? In hydrification form, they wouldnt even be susceptible to their sword strikes. If they were so unskilled that they let their mistress be killed by 12 of what are essentially bandit Samurai, then how on earth could they produce such powerful techniques?

If, on the other hand, the above statement is not what you mean, or you would like to correct it, then please do so.

Now, as for the Jutsus, I simply cant allow Hydrification without an explanation of where they learned it. As a Hiden technique, I must insist that you at least explain such an unlikely jutsu to have.

SongBird said:
Also, why exactly would it be necessary for Sumire to seek out amnesty? Maybe she could use the Ryo. Maybe instead of amnesty, she could be looking for another place to call home again instead of wandering about aimlessly for the rest of her life?
Please mention that somewhere on your character sheet, it is important.
How about I just make this easier on all of us by increasing the number of samurai in the history, and, if you're absolutely insistent on it, I'll get rid of Hydrification technique?
Stop fighting, my friends.

Wiseman. Have a Snickers. You get nitpicky when you're hungry.


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