Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

Sorry Skys, but it is as Beta says, and I think I need say no more. But that is besides the actual point. We here at Contract for Outcasts are full up on space, and the plot has already moved past where new players can easily integrate. Unless a few people die or drop, I think we are done recruiting for the time being. 
Hey guys, just so that I know when to move on to the contract, let me know if you are going to post anymore questions, or if you are done. If you are done, then right below this post, just post "Done" and I will know. If you still have a question to post up, and want me to wait so you can post it, then below this post, post "Question" And I will know.
Just posted questions and comments.

Depending on Mickey's reaction... -DONE- 
Also, Wise. If the RP is no longer accepting, change the "ACCEPTING" prefix to "CLOSED".
So we're just gonna ignore how I pointed out that this unarmed civilian is unphased by being in a room with a bunch of tensed-up and dangerous criminals?
Oops, my bad, I'll edit a response in for you, had a little trouble telling who you were talking to.
It's fine. No big problem. I was just kinda like: "This dude isn't the least bit scared. Seems fishy."
The edit is there for you, so that he doesnt just awkwardly walk away after you talk with him. Feel free to read it, its on the first post of mine after your post.
Yeah he lying. Not sure if I want to make Kirino call a ***** out on it, or just have her be like "whatev".

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