Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

I'm confused with Ineffectivd last line of his post. What did he do exactly as he pranced between the Uzamaki and Kurage. I read it over and i still don't have a clear understanding
Ah. I was supposed to post that BEFORE they posted. Unfortunately, I hit a bad spot of mobile connection and the post came later than expected. The two were bickering, I spose, and the thief just went by them like the genius he is.
But my ninja has was trained in the art of observation. He stood in the back the whole time watching each of the situation. He noticed when he slide some thing into the door because he was back there. The theater wasn't that large to begin with. I could say that he notice him pulling something out the door, not knowing what it was. and i can say he popped up in different places. not knowing what he was doing. i'll edit 
Edit complete. Check post
Unless you specifically stated earlier that you saw him place it, you would not know what he placed. In watching him now, you might be able to GUESS what he placed and is now retrieving, but unless he waved the tag in plain view, you wouldn't know for sure.

None of us have Byakugan or Sharingan. Our characters are good, but not THAT good. So yeah. Your suggestion about thinking something fishy is going on and watching the guy's actions would work perfectly.
I saw. Looks pretty legit to me. 
Also... I'm working on a new OC, as I was inspired out of nowhere last night. I MAY submit them if someone is killed, kicked, or drops.
Whats the new OC going to be about? And i edited my post again. Recheck the ending.

I forgot that he ended up fanning himself with the tag as he talked to Kirino
Whats the new OC going to be about? And i edited my post again. Recheck the ending.

I forgot that he ended up fanning himself with the tag as he talked to Kirino 
so your going to be using another ninja?? I was also thinking we needed a ninja that excelled in Barriers. 
TO diversify the characters in the story 
I would create it and control it. but i dont know if we already had enough characters in the story. probably save it for when somebody dies or gets kicked. 
btw. Is Sloth going to be joining the story?

Sumire completely ignored Ikari's goodwill! Oooh, will she pay. Watch your pockets. A stray tag might just find its way there....

Just kidding~ Just checking if you knew about it. You can keep it that way just to play up the poor guy's bad luck, though.
TagochiRein said:
WIll you be making a character sheet for the cloaked NPC characters?? 
like something basic would be cool???
No, you will have to guess at the abilities of NPCs. Moe is a character, he gets a character sheet so that you guys could know what yours should look like. But the other characters? Nope, gonna have to be careful with them.
Wiseman said:
No, you will have to guess at the abilities of NPCs. Moe is a character, he gets a character sheet so that you guys no what yours should look like. But the other characters? Nope, gonna have to be careful with them.
I see. thats pretty epic. I can't wait. ^_^
TagochiRein said:
thats too bad. his character seemed cool
I have been in an RP with Sloth in the past where he used Hirotaka. The character is incredible. But Sloth himself is a terribly lazy person and has a penchant for dropping RPs on a whim.
OK guys, Im thinking Im going to move you guys into your first mission sometime tomorrow, so if you dont have time to make a full post stating that you stepped onto the stage, then state it here and it will count. Either way, tomorrow we are setting up the first mission, and you guys will meet your coordinator!

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