Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

Question. Would anyone be opposed to my character getting a name change?

I for some strange reason am a little bothered by the amount of K's with the 3rd letter being an R it just seems way to close together for my taste. Of course I will go back and change all my post's with the correct name. I was just wondering though.

I realize I made my character after the others.
Kirinokuragekiratokirinokuragekira- fuq dis.

*makes like HowToBasic and hurls computer at the wall-

Yeah, I noticed lol.
For Some reason, I'm not getting any alerts from this thread, and so I pop in check on something and see that a full convo has been going on without my knowledge. Name changes are OK RIGHT NOW ONLY, though honestly I dont think your name is bad at all. Any case, change it if you feel like it.
Sorry to make you wait so long Humor, when Beta gets back we will move right along with your mission.
I am warning that, in the near future, Asuna's list of jutsus will increase as I plan adding and making more techniques for her. I feel like she doesn't have many jutsus and should have more, given that she is an ex jonnin >.>
Here's what I came up with.

Name of Technique: Tsubaki Yanagi No Mai

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu


Range: Short

Nature Type: Melee/kekkei gankai


Description: The use of yanagi no mai fused with tsubaki no mai. Created amid the battle, she grows. spikes familiar to yanagi no mai. Asuna's specialty being permanent growths, she will grow them as the battle comes along. Performing tsubaki no mai gives opportunity to trigger this technique. Her movements are sped up in erratic bursts, within very short amount of time. This erratic dance mainly seen as spikes coming out of her elbows, knees and shoulders. If she happens to have a free hand, a 3 1/3 foot long spike also extends from it. Perfect for multiple targets, her dance covers a 360 degree range around her, she may alternate targets to attack with Tsubaki no mai. The erratic gesture often causes a lag to the opponents while being assaulted by different bones, coming in irregular angles as she spin on herself.

Name of Technique: Queen of Blades

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu


Range: Short

Nature Type: Melee/kekkei gankai/ slashing

Handseals: None

Description: Being a jutsu that takes time, she begins by enlarging sections of her bones before concentrating her chakra into sharp edges within the bone. Thus, she not only concentrating the hardness of her bones, she is also creating a razor sharp edge. Upon blunt trauma, the bone would crack and fall apart, only to reveal the razor edge underneath. She often applies it to her fingers, arms, shins and any spike she may need a sharp edge. She will often shape these bones in the shapes of white blades, which she 'sheds' off either when she wishes a slashing edge or the battle would be over.

Name of Technique: Iron Maiden

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Rank:SS (Yes. 2 SS)

Range: Short

Nature Type: Melee/kekkei gankai/Legendary?

Handseals: None

Description:Her ultimate jutsu, she has only tested it on smaller parts of herself, but never on a full scale. This jutsu causes her bones to become extremely hard, where steel is chipped and broken. Concentrating practically all of her chakra into her bones, she becomes impervious to blunt and slashing attacks along her skeletal structure PERMANENTLY. She has never performed the technique, as it requires more chakra than she believes she has. If she were to create more bone formations later on, they would not be as hard as her actual skeleton, but rather made of hardened bone previous from using this jutsu. This is her last resort technique. (Hint; her mind is still clinging to her humanity somewhere and she thinks this would turn her into a monster, as even her spikes would become as hard as the bone structure. She would be able to 'shed' the spikes off and reshape them to her will, as they are concentrated of her chakra.)
The answer is: Any character that appears by name in the series. From Hashirama Senju to Teuchi of Ichiraku.
RP of the month[/URL]! Thank you all for posting and Playing to the best of your ability, and I am glad that the work put into this RP by all of us has been noticed. Give yourselves a pat on the back, cause we are Fricking Awesome!..of course, I already knew that even before this little award.
That's soo coool. I can't wait until we are able post all the inbox messages in the ic. i know people are dying to know what happens next
Some members of the Genzai Clan...

Namazu Genzai: The first head and establisher of the Genzai Clan. Succumbed to unexpected illnesses.


Onikasago Genzai: The eldest of Namazu's four sons, took the head of the clan mantle when Namazu passed. Infamous for bringing the Genzai Clan into obscurity and mistrust within Uzushiogakure, he was also a neglectful father to Kurage. Took a large unit of Genzai Clan members on a secret mission, yet never returned.


Akaei Genzai: Known as "The Stingray", he is the youngest of Namazu's four sons and the last reputable head of the Genzai clan. He took the reigns and began rebuilding the Clan's reputation until an unfortunate situation in which he is suspected to be murdered by his own nephew, Kurage. Served as Kurage's Primary mentor.


Unagi Genzai: Son to Akaei, cousin to Kurage and nephew to Onikasago; dissapeared with a majority of the clan during Onikasago's secret operation. Somewhat of a sociopath.


Fugu Genzai: A member of the Genzai Clan who dissapeared during Onikasago's secret operation. Feared for his ninjutsu projectiles.

Yeah. I'm no artist, but I like to free hand draw charaters in my head so I can work with visuals. They are rather tattered and sloppy, but I think any visual can in some way add to the validity of the RP, or atleast give people lore to work with. :big grin:
Ya, I didnt know Beta was gonna take time off all of his RPs because of the drama with the admins.

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