Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

I'm sure that there are a lot of people who would want to join is Rp. if we go to the recruitment page we can post this this need for one or two people to join and see who replies. there's also a person who Wanted to join earlier but was denied due to a full roster but we have an opening now so we can tell that person that they can join. (if accepted) so, wisdom, i dont think a second character would be the best choice. We want diversity and such. so we should spread the word as soon as possible and hopefully we get a lot of replies. I want to see all the new possible prospects. 
Or you can ask any other RP friends that wants a good story plot to play in?
A rough concept of Team Meiyo

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda52fa40_TeamMeiyo.jpg.2b2f7131346a55d4d515f00f378c4bf3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda52fa40_TeamMeiyo.jpg.2b2f7131346a55d4d515f00f378c4bf3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Team Meiyo.jpg
    Team Meiyo.jpg
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It is quite good. Mayhaps you could do one of Domo as well? Like maybe a before and after set, for when Kirino is replaced.

Oh yeah. For those of you who are unaware... I have temporarily dropped pretty much everything here on RPN. The situation with the staff having all their guns trained on me is out of control and I am just going to make myself scarce for a while. I DO plan on returning at a later date, however. Perhaps if this is still going on by then, I can return with a Hunter-Nin to stop some of you. LOL

I will still pop in from time to time with opinions and/or info, etc. And I will still follow the RP somewhat so I don't get too lost when I come back.
(OK, I will be accepting new characters now, both from any current players who want to make a second character, to any new players who feel they are ready to join in. I will be choosing three new characters to join the team, same rules as the first. If you decide to make a second character, know that it will have to impress me to get approved, and I must already be at least satisfied with your level of posting before allowing a second character. OK, so lets see if we get all three characters.)
I may submit one for back-up.

As for drawing the teams, anyone who has any special modifications with their uniform PM me the details so I may honor them. ( EX: Shinobi chooses to keep left sleeve down, but has torn off the right sleeve. ) - Or - ( Kunoichi chooses to hang her hair over her mask and reveals little to no bust whatsoever. )
Name: Ken Esunada

Nickname/Alias: Fatherless Freak

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 5,7

Sexuality: None of ya business!

Village of origin: Village Hidden Among Luck (Ungakure) in the Land of Silver

Former Clan/Bloodline: Unknown

Former Position: Regular Chuunin, tried being a Courier Ninja but he kept losing the letters.

Chakra Nature: Unknown

Specialty: Kenjutsu



Personality: Ken can be a very cheerful or very grumpy individual depending on who he is with. He is not first with good impressions and doesn't like meeting new people. He is wary of most people he meets and doesn't trust people so easily, he is considered paranoid and always prepares for the worst situations as expects it to happen. When with he friends he is quite silly and can be fun to be around, he is very loyal and will do anything to protect someone he considers a friend.

He is trustworthy and has a strong sense of honor, he believes in keep his promises and protecting people when necessary, but he can also be dark when he needs to be.

History: Ken's father has always been a mystery, his mother refused to name despite being put under scrutiny. She explained it was simply her business and no-ones else. Due to this many of the kids in ninja school teased Ken due to his unknown father believe it was because he must have been someone embarassing. He grew quite cold and lonely, choosing to rather sit alone and practice his skills. As he grew he was able to develop a unique ability which the elders dubbed Gravity Style. These unseen abilities placed further interest on Ken's mysterious father and more scrutiny on his mother, who still refused to answer the question despite official orders. This made both Ken and his mother hated in the village and Ken was labelled a freak.

As Ken grew to a young teen, a legendary Jounin of the village took interest in him and his abilities. His name was Damasukaru (The Damasu) Euchre, a man who liked his nickname 'The Fool' was a great joker who loved to played jokes and have fun, despite this he was considered a great Shinobi. He trained Ken and three others personally. However after a few years, before he finished training them and explained what he was training them for, he disappeared, just disappeared from the village without a word or trace.

7 years ago, Ken's mother was found dead in her house. The evidence and the way she was killed could only have been done with Ken's unique abilities. Thus Ken was blamed for the death and put on trial, despite the evidence some felt it hard to believe Ken had killed his own mother and he was instead banished from the village before he could become a Jounin. He became a rogue ninja, taking odd jobs and trained himself to match a Jounin.

Theme Song:

Equipped Weapons/Items:

Large Zanbato Blade - A very large blade that most people can barely lift let alone carry around. Ken is able to carry this large sword around with ease due his Gravity Style. It is also made with the special metal that can absorb chakra and lined with silver which is abundant in Ken's land adding to it's weight and power. This allows Ken to make the blade's strikes far stronger or faster by putting his chakra through it.

Ken keeps this sword in a large black sheath, strapped to his back. He also has a summoning scroll to keep it away for discretion or to summon it back to him if he loses it. Due to this sword's large weight and size, practically none except those with incredible strength can even lift it, save for Ken who carries it around like it weighs nothing.

15 Shuriken, 7 Kunai, 13 Explosive Tags, 7 Smoke Bombs, 3 Flash Bombs, 5 Soldier Pills, 1 Stink Bomb, 1 Kusari(Chain), Summoning Scroll for Sword and Rations of Food for a Week.


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Gravity Style

Type: Unknown

Clan: Unknown

Description: Gravity Style is a unique ability controlled through the use of Yin and Yang Chakra that only Ken seems able to use. No one is sure of where it comes from as no one knows his father. It allows Ken to manipulate the gravity of objects, this could allow for some incredible abilities but due to no one being able to train Ken on it's use as no one knows of it, it is considered wasted on him.

Ken who is not so good at manipulating his own chakra find's it best used being channeled through his large blade. It allows him to carry and wield the blade despite it's incredible weight with extreme ease and proficiency. He can even throw the blade like a boomerang so that it spins and comes back to him. By increasing the gravity of the blade he can make it's swings far more power or manipulating gravity around his own body he can do incredible feats of agility and speed to further increase his kenjutsu skills. The unique chakra has possibility for far greater abilities, but Ken still has to figure out how to use it properly.

It has also allowed Ken to make the sword come to him without him touching it from a distance, but these instances have only happened in extreme circumstances and Ken is completely unable to control it.


Shadow Clone Technique, Multiple Phantom Shuriken, Flash, Body Flicker Technique & Hiding in Shadows Technique

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Cosmic Slash Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: B Rank

Range: Close to Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken channels his chakra into his large blade to allow him to swing it with incredible ease and speed. By increasing the gravity of the blade during the final part of the swing he can make the force behind far more powerful. Sometimes enough to leave a crater if enough chakra is used. Can be combined with Flash to create a more powerful Gravity Style: Cosmic Flash Technique.

This technique is what allows Ken to hold his sword when few can even lift it.

Weakness: The strength of the attack is equal to how much chakra he puts in, his chakra control isn't the best and Ken has a habit of putting in too much, sometimes his attacks are weaker or stronger than he wanted.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Cosmic Force Technique

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Rank: C Rank

Range: Close Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Tiger, ends with slamming fists together.

Description: Same as Gyro Slash technique, but done with his bare fists. Much weaker and harder to control then when he does it with sword. Uses it only if he has lost sword and is out of options.

Weakness: The strength of the attack is equal to how much chakra he puts in, his chakra control isn't the best and Ken has a habit of putting in too much, sometimes his attacks are weaker or stronger than he wanted.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Orbit Barrier Technique

Type of Jutsu: Barrier

Rank: B Rank

Range: Close Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Bird, Tiger, Dragon, Hare end with slamming fists together and holding palms out.

Description: Ken creates a small circular barrier in front of him which negates the gravity of objects and messes up chakra. This allows the barrier to block physical attacks and chakra attacks to a lesser extent. The barrier can be extended into a full sphere to cover Ken and others, but this takes far chakra and is very difficult for Ken to do.

Weakness: While a very good barrier it requires Ken to hold both his palms out otherwise the barrier fades, thus making Ken useless while holding the barrier. It can be done with one hand, but then the barrier is far weaker.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Gyro Boomerang Technique

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Rank: C Rank

Range: Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken channels his chakra into his large blade and then throws it such that it spins like a boomerang becoming like a saw to slice things up, it then arcs around and returns to him like a boomerang.

Weakness: Although unlikely due to the sword's great weight and cutting power due to gravity style if someone was able to stop the sword with a powerful enough force, Ken would be forced to retrieve it. Thankfully few can barely lift the sword...

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Dark Cosmic Orbit Crush Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: A Rank

Range: Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Bird, Rat, Tiger, Ram, Hare, ends with slamming fists together and then slamming palms into the ground.

Description: One of Ken's most powerful techniques in which he combines his barrier with a powerful crushing gravity. He creates a half sphere around himself about a meter a half wide. Anyone caught inside this barrier is submitted to an incredible increase gravity enough to crush the body of an ordinary man.

Weakness: This is technique absolutely exhausts Ken and this he refuses to ever use it, also due to the fact that he cannot control who is crushed. Anyone caught inside will be crushed regardless of his will. He claims the main reason he doesn't use it often is because it leaves him with no chakra and on his hands and knees, but truthfully it was a technique like this that was claimed to have killed his mother.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Planet Quake Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: B Rank

Range: Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken swings his sword over his head and to the ground after channeling a large amount of chakra into the blade, once it hits the ground it shatters the ground and this burying force travels in a straight line shattering the ground along it until it hits it's opponent and releases a powerful force of gravity upward to knock the opponent back.

Weakness: It must be done on the ground, earth, wood or metal is required. It won't work on water or air.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Eternal Multi-Blade Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: A Rank

Range: Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Ram with one hand and sword is required

Description: Ken best technique, it starts by Ken increasing the gravity around his area and lowering his own gravity, allowing him to travel to his opponent with the Body Flicker Technique it what seems like an instant. He then vastly increases the gravity around the opponent and lowers his own and his own even more so that it seems like opponent is moved at super slow while his speed is increased. This allows him to attack his opponent with sword slashes multiple times in an instant without his opponent moving. This technique could theoretically be used to deliver 1,000 slashes in a second instead of one. However so far Ken can only manage 7, he has been training this technique for a long time and he continually trains and everyday it increases a little more. His next goal is to get to 8 slashes.

Weakness: If the opponent is able to escape the initial gravity surge, the rest of the attack is not really as effective. But this is very difficult and requires great speed as well as for the opponent to notice the attack and no what to do to escape it. Also doing the full 7 slashes does take quite a bit out of Ken.

Please let me know what I need to change and what is incorrect or too much...
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TagochiRein said:
PyroWarriorZ said: ↑ Hiding in Shadows Technique thats soooo sick. hahaha. I've never seen that.
Was searching through techniques and found it, was going to use Hiding with Camoflauge but this seemed better and more unique!
Name: akuza

Nickname/Alias: the beast of branched fruits

Gender: male

Age: 26 (16 when history starts)

Height: 6 foot 2 (2 meters)

Sexuality: male

Village of origin: takigakure

Former Clan/Bloodline: earth grudge fear

Former Position: as a new member to claim the earth grudge fear, he was still a youngling however he was classed atleast anbu level in his clan.

Chakra Nature: water, fire, lightning, earth fire

Specialty: ninjutsu is his highest level of technique however, he can use some levels of taijutsu


Personality: He is fairly endowed by money, much like his father however he is more highstrung then his dad as even simple things like stubbing his toe can tick him off to the point of angar.

History: Akuza was a child prodigy, one of the youngest in his clan to get such power, however this power must be used correctly so the elders decided to send him on an assassination. A young priestess was his target something so simple, so easy it wasn't even funny. However he failed as he was overpowered by the guards and returned with a bruised body, and a crushing defeat. The elders decided there was no room for failure, and they told the young Akuza that he must leave forever. It was a good thing that he did this otherwise the memebers of the clan, would have hunted and killed the young child. So this was it he decieded to leave, but he vowed he would become stronger, he would surpass a level even higher then the elders.

10 years later he returned much older, wiser and much more powerful after discovering his unique ability he learned something devastating. He could harvest more then 5 hearts, a back up set of hearts. He returned to the elders and they where both scared and angered, so as they attempted to kill the newly powered Akuza, Akuza showed that he would not go down that easily. He not only killed all that faught him, but the elders and burned the clan to the ground so only those that had left or survived knew the earth grudge fear technique. The technique he calls, that allowed him to acquire an extra set of hearts was amazing. So amazing that he named it ''heart tree'', giving him his nickname ''the beast of bearing fruits''.

Theme Song: celldweller - own little world


Equipped Weapons/Items: a silver briefcase filled with money, his four masks on his back (a red fox, a blue bird, a yellow cat and a brown tortoise)


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai: earth grudge fear

Type: ( Bloodline, Dual-Element, etc... ) dual element like abilities

Clan: unknown

Description: The earth grudge fear was a special technique that allows the user to gain additional hearts, along with this the hearts kept the chakra of the ninja he took. This allows the user to use multiple jutsu's, the technique also prolongs life by giving the user more then one life, Akuza after learning he can save a backup pair of hearts, meant he was tougher to kill then even predecessors such as kakuzu. <- link to pic for those who wanna see

I hope its okay

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