Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

[QUOTE="pain-clown123]hay tago what u think

dude, your gonna have to change alot.

  1. the story takes place during the 1st ninja war. There isn't a Zabuza around yet
  2. You cant use or mention canon Characters (characters in the actual show) so even if the time period was current, you couldn't say zabuza or mention him, but you could use his last name, clan, or bloodline for instead.
  3. Your history wouldn't work even if you replaced the Zabuza part, well the first part of it would but not the rest of it. You have to have a Village or town that was your home, but was kicked out for some reason, (killing your clansmen or attempt assassination on the village head). From that point, you are an outcasts.
  4. You need cannon jutsus to add to your list and Custom. Customs aren't necessary to have but it is wise to make at least 2 to 3. If you do not choose to add the jutsus right now, then you wont be able to use them in the story. If you review all of the other character sheets in the OOC, you will see that everybody has them. My character sheet is on page 10 if you wish to review it.
  5. Your Kekkei Genkai is pretty cool. but It is really similar to the Sharingan and I dont like the name.. I suggest making something else. (personal opinon, purely Biased opinion ^_^ , the GM might like.) You wouldn't have to change it unless he specifically said so.

In conclusion, all you have to Substitute and add stuff to the history., Add jutsus, and think of something really cool for your Kekkei Genkai (biased opinion, dont mind me on this last part).

The GM is very particular and wants everything to be precise. If you need some ideas, skim through the other character sheets and see how we have ours done. trust me. the GM gave us soooo much hell before we were accepted. ^_^  

[QUOTE="pain-clown123]hay tago what u think

Btw, sorry on the late response, I looked on the alerts but i didnt notice you posted something. If you need help with ideas and things of that nature, feel free to PM. I won't make a character sheet for you but I will point you in some kind of direction. be it right or not. The key is diversity of characters. Look at what we have, then make a judgement of what is needed. 

SirDurrHurrHurr said:
Sorry, forgot about that.
*cough cough,

You forgot to make the links to your jutsus.

*cough, cough

and is there a better picture that you can find??? please, I am begging you. As an artist, it hurts me. lol
ninbinz said:
-nods- Wiseman likes to crack the whip, had to spend three days on mine
Hahaha. ME too. I spent way more on mine. I did so much research for my first character sheet that I made, just for it to be shot down instantly. I deleted it, then built it up from scratch. another ton of research. I probably took a week total to get a good sheet. but it's all good. ^_^
SirDurrHurrHurr said:
Any feedback you could give me then tago?
BTW, I'm linking the jutsus right now.
Yea sure. Your character seems like mine. Even though we have some same jutsus, we differ enough so i am sure Wiseman wouldn't be fazed by that. You did mention some people with the "Akatsuki" robes on. The time period is during the first ninja war. The Akatsuki didn't exist. You can change the clouds to black and yellow if you wish however. 
Everything else seems fine. Pretty solid character for your first time posting. The GM will get back to you when he can. And about the picture comment that I said to you, It wasn't for you. I the comment was meant for PyroWarriorZ 

PyroWarriorZ said:
Name: Ken Esunada

Nickname/Alias: Fatherless Freak

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 5,7

Sexuality: None of ya business!

Village of origin: Village Hidden Among Luck (Ungakure) in the Land of Silver

Former Clan/Bloodline: Unknown

Former Position: Regular Chuunin, tried being a Courier Ninja but he kept losing the letters.

Chakra Nature: Unknown

Specialty: Kenjutsu



Personality: Ken can be a very cheerful or very grumpy individual depending on who he is with. He is not first with good impressions and doesn't like meeting new people. He is wary of most people he meets and doesn't trust people so easily, he is considered paranoid and always prepares for the worst situations as expects it to happen. When with he friends he is quite silly and can be fun to be around, he is very loyal and will do anything to protect someone he considers a friend.

He is trustworthy and has a strong sense of honor, he believes in keep his promises and protecting people when necessary, but he can also be dark when he needs to be.

History: Ken's father has always been a mystery, his mother refused to name despite being put under scrutiny. She explained it was simply her business and no-ones else. Due to this many of the kids in ninja school teased Ken due to his unknown father believe it was because he must have been someone embarassing. He grew quite cold and lonely, choosing to rather sit alone and practice his skills. As he grew he was able to develop a unique ability which the elders dubbed Gravity Style. These unseen abilities placed further interest on Ken's mysterious father and more scrutiny on his mother, who still refused to answer the question despite official orders. This made both Ken and his mother hated in the village and Ken was labelled a freak.

As Ken grew to a young teen, a legendary Jounin of the village took interest in him and his abilities. His name was Damasukaru (The Damasu) Euchre, a man who liked his nickname 'The Fool' was a great joker who loved to played jokes and have fun, despite this he was considered a great Shinobi. He trained Ken and three others personally. However after a few years, before he finished training them and explained what he was training them for, he disappeared, just disappeared from the village without a word or trace.

7 years ago, Ken's mother was found dead in her house. The evidence and the way she was killed could only have been done with Ken's unique abilities. Thus Ken was blamed for the death and put on trial, despite the evidence some felt it hard to believe Ken had killed his own mother and he was instead banished from the village before he could become a Jounin. He became a rogue ninja, taking odd jobs and trained himself to match a Jounin.

Theme Song:

Equipped Weapons/Items:

Large Zanbato Blade - A very large blade that most people can barely lift let alone carry around. Ken is able to carry this large sword around with ease due his Gravity Style. It is also made with the special metal that can absorb chakra and lined with silver which is abundant in Ken's land adding to it's weight and power. This allows Ken to make the blade's strikes far stronger or faster by putting his chakra through it.

Ken keeps this sword in a large black sheath, strapped to his back. He also has a summoning scroll to keep it away for discretion or to summon it back to him if he loses it. Due to this sword's large weight and size, practically none except those with incredible strength can even lift it, save for Ken who carries it around like it weighs nothing.

15 Shuriken, 7 Kunai, 13 Explosive Tags, 7 Smoke Bombs, 3 Flash Bombs, 5 Soldier Pills, 1 Stink Bomb, Summoning Scroll for Sword and Rations of Food for a Week.


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Gravity Style

Type: Unknown

Clan: Unknown

Description: Gravity Style is a unique ability controlled through the use of Yin and Yang Chakra that only Ken seems able to use. No one is sure of where it comes from as no one knows his father. It allows Ken to manipulate the gravity of objects, this could allow for some incredible abilities but due to no one being able to train Ken on it's use as no one knows of it, it is considered wasted on him.

Ken who is not so good at manipulating his own chakra find's it best used being channeled through his large blade. It allows him to carry and wield the blade despite it's incredible weight with extreme ease and proficiency. He can even throw the blade like a boomerang so that it spins and comes back to him. By increasing the gravity of the blade he can make it's swings far more power or manipulating gravity around his own body he can do incredible feats of agility and speed to further increase his kenjutsu skills. The unique chakra has possibility for far greater abilities, but Ken still has to figure out how to use it properly.

It has also allowed Ken to make the sword come to him without him touching it from a distance, but these instances have only happened in extreme circumstances and Ken is completely unable to control it.


Shadow Clone Technique, Multiple Phantom Shuriken, Flash, Body Flicker Technique & Hiding in Shadows Technique

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Cosmic Slash Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: B Rank

Range: Close to Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken channels his chakra into his large blade to allow him to swing it with incredible ease and speed. By increasing the gravity of the blade during the final part of the swing he can make the force behind far more powerful. Sometimes enough to leave a crater if enough chakra is used. Can be combined with Flash to create a more powerful Gravity Style: Cosmic Flash Technique.

This technique is what allows Ken to hold his sword when few can even lift it.

Weakness: The strength of the attack is equal to how much chakra he puts in, his chakra control isn't the best and Ken has a habit of putting in too much, sometimes his attacks are weaker or stronger than he wanted.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Cosmic Force Technique

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Rank: C Rank

Range: Close Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Tiger, ends with slamming fists together.

Description: Same as Gyro Slash technique, but done with his bare fists. Much weaker and harder to control then when he does it with sword. Uses it only if he has lost sword and is out of options.

Weakness: The strength of the attack is equal to how much chakra he puts in, his chakra control isn't the best and Ken has a habit of putting in too much, sometimes his attacks are weaker or stronger than he wanted.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Orbit Barrier Technique

Type of Jutsu: Barrier

Rank: B Rank

Range: Close Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Bird, Tiger, Dragon, Hare end with slamming fists together and holding palms out.

Description: Ken creates a small circular barrier in front of him which negates the gravity of objects and messes up chakra. This allows the barrier to block physical attacks and chakra attacks to a lesser extent. The barrier can be extended into a full sphere to cover Ken and others, but this takes far chakra and is very difficult for Ken to do.

Weakness: While a very good barrier it requires Ken to hold both his palms out otherwise the barrier fades, thus making Ken useless while holding the barrier. It can be done with one hand, but then the barrier is far weaker.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Gyro Boomerang Technique

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Rank: C Rank

Range: Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken channels his chakra into his large blade and then throws it such that it spins like a boomerang becoming like a saw to slice things up, it then arcs around and returns to him like a boomerang.

Weakness: Although unlikely due to the sword's great weight and cutting power due to gravity style if someone was able to stop the sword with a powerful enough force, Ken would be forced to retrieve it. Thankfully few can barely lift the sword...

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Dark Cosmic Orbit Crush Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: A Rank

Range: Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Bird, Rat, Tiger, Ram, Hare, ends with slamming fists together and then slamming palms into the ground.

Description: One of Ken's most powerful techniques in which he combines his barrier with a powerful crushing gravity. He creates a half sphere around himself about a meter a half wide. Anyone caught inside this barrier is submitted to an incredible increase gravity enough to crush the body of an ordinary man.

Weakness: This is technique absolutely exhausts Ken and this he refuses to ever use it, also due to the fact that he cannot control who is crushed. Anyone caught inside will be crushed regardless of his will. He claims the main reason he doesn't use it often is because it leaves him with no chakra and on his hands and knees, but truthfully it was a technique like this that was claimed to have killed his mother.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Planet Quake Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: B Rank

Range: Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken swings his sword over his head and to the ground after channeling a large amount of chakra into the blade, once it hits the ground it shatters the ground and this burying force travels in a straight line shattering the ground along it until it hits it's opponent and releases a powerful force of gravity upward to knock the opponent back.

Weakness: It must be done on the ground, earth, wood or metal is required. It won't work on water or air.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Eternal Multi-Blade Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: A Rank

Range: Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Ram with one hand and sword is required

Description: Ken best technique, it starts by Ken increasing the gravity around his area and lowering his own gravity, allowing him to travel to his opponent with the Body Flicker Technique it what seems like an instant. He then vastly increases the gravity around the opponent and lowers his own and his own even more so that it seems like opponent is moved at super slow while his speed is increased. This allows him to attack his opponent with sword slashes multiple times in an instant without his opponent moving. This technique could theoretically be used to deliver 1,000 slashes in a second instead of one. However so far Ken can only manage 7, he has been training this technique for a long time and he continually trains and everyday it increases a little more. His next goal is to get to 8 slashes.

Weakness: If the opponent is able to escape the initial gravity surge, the rest of the attack is not really as effective. But this is very difficult and requires great speed as well as for the opponent to notice the attack and no what to do to escape it. Also doing the full 7 slashes does take quite a bit out of Ken.

Please let me know what I need to change and what is incorrect or too much...

Question for PyroWarriorZ , do you mind finding a better picture?? Purely biased opinion, but the quality is nooooo goood. I have to strain my eyes looking at it. Google has sooo much to offer. ^_^ If you find a pic that looks like your character, but doesnt have the right clothes or weapon, you could either find another picture for those items, or kindly describe them. Please... I will be indebted to you.
Well let's assume they put my character in the shit then alright? 
Actually wait, I just checked and my character's the oldest, ehhhh.....
SirDurrHurrHurr said:
Well let's assume they put my character in the shit then alright? 
Actually wait, I just checked and my character's the oldest, ehhhh.....
Lol. We need diversity. Thats good.
TagochiRein, that picture was made using one of those make your own Naruto character makers as you might have guessed. I doubt I could find a picture close enough as that picture is exactly what my character looks like piece for piece and color for color. I know as an Artist, which you mentioned you'd prefer all the pictures to kind of match and be of similar quality, which I myself have done in certain more extreme cases.

However that picture is the exact form of my character, it's not meant to be pretty but rather let you know what he looks like. If Wiseman does feel that the picture will not do, then I will remove it and rather describe him in words as no picture online matches even somewhat to what I wish.
SirDurrHurrHurr said:
Character Sheet
Name: Tetsuya Wakamoto (Unknown to all)

Nickname/Alias: Silencer

Gender: Male

Age: 40

Height: 1.85m

Sexuality: Straight

Village of origin: Iwagakure

Former Clan/Bloodline: Wakamoto

Former Position: Jonin.

Chakra Nature: Wind, Earth.

Speciality: Assassinations. Tetsu has honed his skills for one specific purpose, the elimination of single or multiple targets, be it loudly, or silently. He tends to focus exclusively on wind techniques for contracts that call for subterfuge and reserves his earth techniques for more direct and open encounters. He focuses on ninjutsu and taijutsu and is also a skilled swordsman, he often uses elemental jutsus to further increase the potency of his taijutsu skills. His genjutsu skills are somewhat below average, preferring to spend his time training to resist them rather then actually using them.




Personality: "It matters not who I am, where I'm from or what I've done. All that matters are two things, you pay me, and someone dies."

Tetsu is a silent, and aloof man, rarely fazed, talking only when necessary, and generally caring only about matters that affect him in some way. His responses, which are far few between, tend to be either sardonic or blunt. He makes no attempt to be subtle, and will state cold hard facts as they are. In truth though, while he likes to think that he has killed all his compassion and other unnecessary emotions, he does show occasional bouts of heroism or kindness to a random passer-by.

Killing has been a part of his life from very early on, and continues to be until the present day. As such, he is completely desensitised to violence and killings of any sort, while he may not agree with or like violence as a whole, it certainly does not emotionally impact him in any way. Despite the nature of his occupation, he does not like to kill unnecessarily and will only eliminate those that could potentially jeopardise his contract. Tetsu makes it a point to never lie to anyone except during hostile encounters, when hired he will state everything regarding the assassination to his client and whether or not he feels he can accomplish it, no deceptions or sugar coating, everything will be stated plain as day. He also makes it a point to pay back any debt ASAP, and also will not break promises, though this behaviour should not be confused with virtue.

History: Tetsuya was the son of two unknown parents, who both died under mysterious circumstances just a year after his birth. Subsequently he was taken to an orphanage on the outskirts of Iwagakure to be raised, where he would be reside for 9 years. Tetsu was a well behaved child, he never had many friends but he got along with most of them fine. He also performed well in both physical education as well as academic classes. The status quo was maintained for 9 years, until his tenth birthday. He was asked to visit a small neighbouring village under the pretence of running a few errands but in reality, they had wanted to prepare a small surprise party for him. Tetsu overheard the plans being discussed by a few other children and was extremely delighted. He left for the village at top speed, intending to complete the errand as fast as possible, but in his haste, he took a wrong turn. He had ended up near a house which he had never visited before. It had an unpleasant smell emanating from it, and being the curious lad that he was peered into through the side doors which were ajar. He was greeted with the horrible sight of several piglets, runts of the litter, being put down by a man with an axe, he had stumbled across a slaughterhouse. Sickened by the sight before him, he quietly left the scene, feeling vaguely nauseous and wanting to return to the orphanage as quickly as possible.

As he got closer and closer to the orphanage, he noticed a column of thick black smoke, which appeared to be rising from the area where the main building was located. He also noticed a number of large footprints leading towards the orphanage, but not away from it. Feeling increasingly uneasy, he broke into full sprint, intent on discovering what had happened. He didn't have to wait long to get his answer, as he climbed the steps up the hill where the orphanage was, he was greeted by the sight of the main building blazing, as well as dozens of corpses littered around the orphanage grounds. Most of the corpses were either children or caretakers, but a there were several corpses he did not recognise, they were dressed in light armor, and most still had weapons in their hands, bandits no doubt. Tetsu made his way slowly around the grounds, his young brain desperately trying to process the carnage around him, his entire life had crumbled around him, everyone was gone. As he rounded the final corner of the grounds, he came across something even worse than a dead person, a live one. A female teacher, one who Tetsu particularly adored, was lying spread-eagled across the ground, her chest had been sliced open, and her intestines were clearly hanging out but she was still visibly breathing. As Tetsu approached her, she mustered what little strength she had left to turn to face him. Giving him a pleading look , she took an axe, not unlike the one he saw earlier, and placed it in the callow youth's hands. In a ragged, barely audible voice, she uttered to him one word, "Help."

Understanding what she meant, Tetsu raised the axe, his hands shaking uncontrollably. With the weapon raised over his head, he tilted his head down, peering at the teacher, she had forced a small smile onto her face, and gave him a small nod. Gulping and shivering, he knew what he had to do, and in one swift movement, buried the weapon into her skull. As Tetsu swung the weapon down, something inside him changed, the boy known as Tetsuya Wakamoto was no more, and the person who would come to be known as the Silencer was born.

The ninjas sent to investigate found Tetsu slumped in a corner, his eyes wide open, babbling incoherently. They sent him to a hospital where he remained for a few days mulling over his current situation. When he was discharged, he declined an offer to stay at another orphanage within Iwagakure itself, he knew he could not go back to a normal life after what had happened, he was no longer normal. He needed something to focus on something, he needed an outlet, he needed a purpose. Using the inheritance his parents had left behind, he asked an elder to help by him a place, and to help him secure a place in the ninja academy.

Twenty one years down the road and Tetsu was now a Jonin, famous for his cold and ruthless character, executing and torturing his foes without so much as a twitch, always dead set on his goal, never faltering. He had primarily been sent on missions to eliminate targets, and had not failed a single one, eliminating his targets with precision and speed, becoming the village's go-to guy for assassinations. He was also however, treated with much suspicion as well, given his shady origins as well his general lack of loyalty to the village and willingness to bend rules.

One day, Tetsu received a mission completely out of his field of expertise, an S-ranked one as well to boot. A temporary ceasefire between the countries would be held a princess from Kumogakure would be travel across the land for political talks for the duration of several months. As part of a collaboration between the five countries, each one would send one highly skilled Jonin to serve as her praetorian guard.

Despite a rocky start, the team performed fairly cohesively, driving off their assailants each time. Despite Tetsu's cold and indifferent demeanour, the ninjas grew to respect each others abilities over time, and performed well as a team. His teammates weren't the only ones he was getting close to, the princess herself harboured a sort of attraction to his mystique and attempted to make friendly conversation with him numerous times. Tetsu brushed each attempt off with increasing irritation, but found himself unable to avoid her for too long and responded. She revealed to him that she had also once been the sole survivor of a horrific assassination attempt, but chose to hold her head high, and always be positive, to prove to the enemy that she would not lose heart that easily, something that Tetsu found extremely admirable. As the journey wore on, the two grew increasingly closer, she became more open around him, and would often crack jokes and ramble to him about whatever she was thinking at the time, conversely Tetsu became much more tolerant and receptive to her behaviour and would sometimes would aid her in pulling small pranks on his teammates, he also became more passive and willing to cooperate, something that startled his teammates greatly. Eventually, they fell in love, and as the end of their journey was in sight, she revealed to him her wish of abandoning her position, to leave all her titles behind and to explore the world together with him. Tetsu, by now almost completely infatuated with her as well, promised he would see to it that her wish would come true

That promise would never come to fruition however, on the final week the group was accosted by two men dressed in long dark cloaks with red clouds. The group proved to be vastly outclassed and within minutes they were overwhelmed. Tetsu was knocked unconscious and awoke to the sight of his entire party, massacred. He examine the aftermath, to search for clues alluding to the identities of the mysterious assailants but found naught but stray shurikens, the assailants had clearly been thorough in their clean up. As Tetsu finished examining the scene, finding nothing in the process, the reason he was still alive dawned on him, they needed a scapegoat, someone to pile the crime onto, and hey had done an excellent job of making him one. Realising the consequences of returning to the village, Tetsu fled, forever killing any chance of the truth being discovered, ensuring any sort of peace treaty would not come, and cementing his reputation as a dangerous missing-nin

These days, Tetsu goes by the alias Silencer, and travels the land, never leaving a trace, offering assassination services as he goes.

Theme Song:

Normal theme:
- Jose Gonzalez
Battle theme: Battle on the Big Bridge - Nobuo Uematsu


Equipped Weapons/Items:

Ichigeki and Oborozuki (Twin Daitos. Main assassination weapons.)

Chirijiraden (Katana. Kept in scroll until needed)

15 x Kunai

Shuriken scrolls on forearms.

10 x Explosive tags.

3 x Smoke bombs.

5 x Flash bombs

Wire String (Used when needed)



Shadow Clone Technique

Hiding in Shadow Technique

Body Flicker Technique

Barrier: Canopy Method Formation

Silent Killing

Chakra Suppression Technique

Dynamic Entry

Wild Lion's Mane Technique

Wind Release:

Blade of Wind

Wind Release: Vacuum Wave

Wind Release: Dust Cloud Technique

Wind Release: Wind Cutter

Earth Release;

Earth Release; Earth Spear (Not just limited to his arms, Tetsu often utilizes it on his entire body or parts of it.)

Earth Release: Earth Dragon

Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet

Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique

Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall

Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave

Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique

Earth Release: Shadow Clone

Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique

Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique.

Earth Release: Double Assault

Rank: C

Range: Short

Handseals: Snake, Tiger, Ram

Description: Creates two extra earthen arms around the shoulder area, for aid in taijutsu, or to allow for continued assaults whilst the user performs handseals.

Weakness: The arms are rather brittle, and can be destroyed with sufficient force.

Wind Release: Swift Claw

Rank: B

Range: Short

Handseals N/A

Description: The user concentrates wind chakra around his hands, and performs a thrusting motion, allowing the user to stab through opponents with just his bare hands. Tetsu often incorporates this into his taijutsu style.

Weaknesses: If not properly controlled, the user can cut his own heads, possibly severing entire fingers or the even the hand itself.

Wind Release: Shockwave

Rank: C

Range: Short - Medium

Handseals: N/A

Description: The user punches the air, sending a concentrated blast of wind at the opponent. Tetsu also uses this in close encounters.

Weaknesses: The attack has minimal piercing power, and is only meant to deal blunt force trauma.

Wind Release: Solid Air

Rank: B

Range: Short

Handseals; Ram, Snake, Dragon, Thrust palm.

Description: The user stops the air particles in a certain area from moving, this allows one to create walls made of air which can halt small projectiles, or slow an opponents advance, one can also use this technique to suffocate an enemy or extinguish flames, though the user must maintain concentration when using the technique on moving entities.

Weaknesses: While able to stop small projectiles, it can only slow down regular attacks. Powerful attacks or attacks specfically meant to penetrate pierce through it with ease.

Earth Release: Boost

Rank: D

Range: Self

Handseals: N/A

Description: The user causes a small area of ground around his feet to burst out at high speed, propelling the user in the desired direction.

Weakness: N/A

Wind Release: Tsubame Gaeshi

Rank: B

Range: Short - Medium

Handseals: N/A

Description: The user moves towards an opponent as fast as possible, once at the desired distance, he user unsheathes his blade and, using wind chakra to increase the blade's cutting power, delivers a powerful diagonal slash. This technique has been known to completely bifurcate lesser opponents. Tetsu often uses this in conjunction with Earth Release: Boost, in order to increase his speed.

Weakness: The user moves in a completely linear direction for the duration of the technique, making it easy to predict. Tetsu uses Earth Release: Boost to increase his speed in an attempt to mitigate this.

Earth Release: Cannon

Rank: A

Range: Short

Handseals: Snake ? Seal of Confrontation or Ram ? Dog ? Rat ? Snake ? Tiger

Description: The user first performs the Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique, however instead of making the earth completely cover the fist, the user leaves a small gap between the knuckle area and the earth. Using wind chakra, the user compresses the air in this gap to the desired level and then punches the opponent, shattering the fist and releasing the compressed air, making the punch far more devastating than it would be normally. The more the air is compressed, the stronger the impact. The user can also cause the earth to break before impact, causing the air to be prematurely released, allowing it to hit targets at a short distance, this method however causes the impact to be weaker than normal.

Weaknesses: This technique runs a high risk of injuring the user's hand if not properly executed. The seriousness of the injury can range to slight bruises or fractures, to the entire arm being completely blown apart. Compressing the air too much will also have a similar consequence.

Tiger Break

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Rank: C

Range: Short

Handseals: N/A

Description; A swift barrage of punches and kicks, culminating in a powerful uppercut. Tetsu often enhances it with nature manipulation.

Weakness: N/A

Earth Release: Asura's Wrath

Rank: A - S (Depending on number of fists, speed and intensity.)

Range: Short - Medium

Handseals: Tiger, Ram, Snake, Dragon, Ox, Clap.

Description: Tetsu's ultimate technique, he causes dozens of earth arms to sprout from the ground and repeatedly barrage an opponent, while simultaneously attacking with his own barrage of punches, the technique ends with the arms combining into one giant fist and smashing down onto the opponent. The intensity of the final attack can leave behind a crater.

Weakness: This technique requires a tremendous amount of chakra, and leaves the user severely exhausted after use and even has the potential to break the user's bones due to overexertion. Tetsu can only use this technique once per day, twice if little or no chakra was expended beforehand.

OK, already see one big problem with this sheet that can be fixed and needs to be fixed, there are no Akatsuki yet, this is the first ninja war. If anything, the party is the closest thing to the Akatsuki there is, and they havent been deployed on more than a single mission so far. So first fix that, and also, link to all your cannon jutsu please, makes my job a hell of a lot easier.

Name: Zabemaru momochi
Nickname/Alias: the beast of red mist, zabe

Gender: male

Age: 19

Height: 6 ft 2

Sexuality: bisexual

Village of origin: village hidden in the mist

Former Clan/Bloodline: momochi

Former Position: mystery 8th swordsmen of the mist

Chakra Nature: water and lightning

Specialty: taijutsu, as well as the weilder of the executioner blade mark 2, his ninjutsu is exceptionally high as well, and even has a way to nullify genjutsu (nothing like a sharingans level)


Personality: He is very laid back, and quite calm in battle. He normally enjoys brushing off enemies and will only fight if he gets cut or someone attacks a fellow member of the mist


Zabuza Momochi was nicknamed the demon of the mist, but before that he was still a low ranking anbu, it was only after he arrived that he met marizo, another low level anbu ninja wanting the position of mist ninja. They both became good friends, going on missions together and even sharing dango with each other. Soon there friendship turned to a relationship and they decided to be together for the rest of there lives, after 10 years they tried and had a young black haired son. The young child not only had strange dragon like eyes but a strong grip, zabuza knew he had a son.

Almost years went by, the boy was now 10 years old as zabuza was showing him how to wield a blade. Zabe did sometimes drop the blade but zabuza didn't care, he just knew that Zabemaru would become the greatest warrior with a blade. a few weeks on as zabuza and Zabe came back, disaster struck as they saw the building on fire, they quickly ran in and dragged out a dead mizuno, angered by this zabuza vowed on his blade that he would find who ever done this. Zabe could see the angar in his fathers eyes and even took on the angar himself.

Eventually Zabuza found out that it was from the vicious crime lord Ienzai, He went to go kill the man responsible, but only until he arrived did he see his boy, Zabemaru fighting the crime lord himself. Ienzai was a genjutsu warrior, to a sword wilder this would mean death. But Zabemaru did more then make him suffer, he killed Ienzai and burned the rest of his warriors to the ground. Zabuza was both amazed and shocked this boy, no his son did the impossible and fend off the genjutsu, it wernt until he noticed it was the dragon eye that helped him.

Another 2 years had passed and zabuza had passed on, when Zabemaru arrived it was too late he saw zabuza and haku lying dead on the floor, he couldn't do nothing but run, he left the village but soon vowed he would return with more then a vengeance. After training for the next 7 years he returned only to find, his fathers blade removed from his grave. So now he decided to create his own blade, a blade similar to his fathers but all his own, he'd want to be known as the 8th final swordsmen.

Theme Song: celldweller - our little world


Equipped Weapons/Items: the executioner blade mark 2


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Draco eye

Type: ( Bloodline, Dual-Element, etc... ) blood line

Clan: hidden Momochi

Description: The legendary technique passed down to only those of a mixed race, e.g. zabuza and marizo (Momochi + erenzia = Zabe), this allows the dragon eye technique to give the user power to escape some levels of genjutsu, the eye also enables him to sense levels of charkra and determine strategies to evade, Thanks to the eye it also enabeled him to use the lightning style as well.

OK, I only had to read the first line of your history (Your name really) to see what was wrong with this sheet. This whole war takes place before Zabuza is even born, so there is no way you can play is none cannon son, which I would not let you do, even if it were the right time period, because it never happened and is totally none cannon. As far as we know, Zabuza had no legitimate children, and certainly was not fatherly enough to start teaching any son his techniques. But thats all besides the point, please read the introduction more carefully, first ninja war means that the seven swordsmen arent even formed yet, much less Zabuza and the Executioners Blade Mk2.

TagochiRein said:
dude, your gonna have to change alot.
  1. the story takes place during the 1st ninja war. There isn't a Zabuza around yet
  2. You cant use or mention canon Characters (characters in the actual show) so even if the time period was current, you couldn't say zabuza or mention him, but you could use his last name, clan, or bloodline for instead.
  3. Your history wouldn't work even if you replaced the Zabuza part, well the first part of it would but not the rest of it. You have to have a Village or town that was your home, but was kicked out for some reason, (killing your clansmen or attempt assassination on the village head). From that point, you are an outcasts.
  4. You need cannon jutsus to add to your list and Custom. Customs aren't necessary to have but it is wise to make at least 2 to 3. If you do not choose to add the jutsus right now, then you wont be able to use them in the story. If you review all of the other character sheets in the OOC, you will see that everybody has them. My character sheet is on page 10 if you wish to review it.
  5. Your Kekkei Genkai is pretty cool. but It is really similar to the Sharingan and I dont like the name.. I suggest making something else. (personal opinon, purely Biased opinion ^_^ , the GM might like.) You wouldn't have to change it unless he specifically said so.

In conclusion, all you have to Substitute and add stuff to the history., Add jutsus, and think of something really cool for your Kekkei Genkai (biased opinion, dont mind me on this last part).

The GM is very particular and wants everything to be precise. If you need some ideas, skim through the other character sheets and see how we have ours done. trust me. the GM gave us soooo much hell before we were accepted. ^_^  

Btw, sorry on the late response, I looked on the alerts but i didnt notice you posted something. If you need help with ideas and things of that nature, feel free to PM. I won't make a character sheet for you but I will point you in some kind of direction. be it right or not. The key is diversity of characters. Look at what we have, then make a judgement of what is needed. 

*cough cough,

You forgot to make the links to your jutsus.

*cough, cough

and is there a better picture that you can find??? please, I am begging you. As an artist, it hurts me. lol
Thankee for covering for me while I was busy, it helps a ton.

SirDurrHurrHurr said:
I meant for them to be some sort of ambiguous precursor to the current Akatsuki.
ninbinz said:
Generally, our characters are the ambiguous precursor to the Akatsuki
Ninbinz is more or less right. Currently, the players are the closest thing to an ambiguous precursor. Nearly the entire history of the Akatsuki has explained in the show, so I cant just add forerunners that did not exist.

PyroWarriorZ said:
TagochiRein, that picture was made using one of those make your own Naruto character makers as you might have guessed. I doubt I could find a picture close enough as that picture is exactly what my character looks like piece for piece and color for color. I know as an Artist, which you mentioned you'd prefer all the pictures to kind of match and be of similar quality, which I myself have done in certain more extreme cases.
However that picture is the exact form of my character, it's not meant to be pretty but rather let you know what he looks like. If Wiseman does feel that the picture will not do, then I will remove it and rather describe him in words as no picture online matches even somewhat to what I wish.
No Biggie, you can keep using that picture fine, but if there is something different about the character, please describe it, as I have no doubt that if you join the team, Wisdom will get around to making a picture of your character eventually. 
Also, you guys should know that the split sessions will be ending soon, and Shinzo and Yki squad will soon be back in action, even if they did totally fail their mission!


Wiseman said:
No Biggie, you can keep using that picture fine, but if there is something different about the character, please describe it, as I have no doubt that if you join the team, Wisdom will get around to making a picture of your character eventually.
As said, that picture was already made to perfect specification. I even tried to make a unique symbol for Ungakure. But if it is redrawn you can fiddle a bit the clothes, make them look more to style or the sword, make it's handle a little more interesting like white bandage/wrapping wrapped around the shaft of handle or whatever your artist style would like to add. But those are his basics, he wears black clothes with golden linings and his sword is that size in a black sheath. He has a golden scarf, regular pants, shirt, ninja vest and the sword is strapped to his back. Dark brown spikey hair and brown eyes. But we will worry about small details if I make the cut and join the team.

So just let me know when you've decided and what I need to do, thanks!
Wiseman said:
OK, already see one big problem with this sheet that can be fixed and needs to be fixed, there are no Akatsuki yet, this is the first ninja war. If anything, the party is the closest thing to the Akatsuki there is, and they havent been deployed on more than a single mission so far. So first fix that, and also, link to all your cannon jutsu please, makes my job a hell of a lot easier.
I don't want to sound pretentious or anything but I meant for that part to be kept ambiguous, there aren't many people who can effortlessly slaughter a team of highly trained ninjas specifically chosen for the protection of the princess, without delving into the realm of canon characters. Is there anything you can suggest?

EDIT: I've changed it to faceless Uchiha Shinobi.

Everything's been linked up.
SirDurrHurrHurr said:
I don't want to sound pretentious or anything but I meant for that part to be kept ambiguous, there aren't many people who can effortlessly slaughter a team of highly trained ninjas specifically chosen for the protection of the princess, without delving into the realm of canon characters. Is there anything you can suggest?
I disaggree entirely. Most of the Kages during the first ninja war are non-cannon and presumably powerful as all hell. I'm not saying that a kage killed your people and princess, but I am making the point that non-cannon characters can be very powerful. I dont even know why you would say you need to delve into the cannon when any characters that we would have made that are precursors to the Akatsuki would have, by definition, been non-cannon, custom characters themselves.

I'm not asking a lot here, just change the cloaks so that they are not Akatsuki. They can be bad ass mercenaries with red cloaks marked with black Stars, they can be a secret anbu organization like Root from a different village, garbed in grinning masks and purple cloaks. Hell, they can be two mysterious figures with no histories or associations who don black uniforms with dark blue stripes to engage in some unknown plot, Whatever. They cant be Akatsuki, thats my ruling. They can be as ambiguous and powerful as you desire, but they cant be dressed in black with red clouds.

Edit: Thank you, Faceless Uchiha Shinobi works just fine in this time period.
The game will continue when Domo and Meiyo Squad respond to their posts. If they can respond maybe one more time, I can have the squads rejoin again and continue on their missions.

Name: Riyoshi Nihoma


Gender: Male

Age: 26

Height: 5‘6“

Sexuality: Female

Village of origin: Kumogakure

Former Clan/Bloodline: Nihoma - ability to use the the sand element.

Former Position: Clan leader

Chakra Nature: Earth + Wind = Sand

Specialty: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Taijutsu


Personality: (How does your character behave? What are his or her quirks and traits when it comes to how they act and react to those around them? Should be at least a paragraph long)

History: (How did your character get to where they are now? What is your character's story to this point, with special emphasis on why you were exiled from your village and became a rogue ninja. This should be the longest part of your character sheet.)

Will be worked out with another character sheet.....

Theme Song: (Whats your ninja's jam?)


Equipped Weapons/Items: (What items and weapons does your ninja have on him at the start of our journey)


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai:

Type: ( Bloodline, Dual-Element, etc... )



The RP will soon resume progress, as Domo and Meiyo are almost done with their posts. Once they are done, we will resume playing on the main thread, and once the mission is over, I will reveal the people who are joining the RP.
Name: Saizo(First) Kirihara(Last)

Nickname/Alias: Tenken no Saizo/Tenken (Heaven's Sword)

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Height: 6'0''

Sexuality: None (In all seriousness though, female :P )

Village of origin: Hidden Mist Village

Former Clan/Bloodline: Kirihara

Former Position: Hunter-nin

Chakra Nature: Water

Specialty: Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, Supplementary Ninjutsu. (Extremely capable Close and mid range fighter with his precise chakra control, swordsmanship and genjutsu. He also has decent sensor skills). Most of his skills are only or more effective in one-on-one situations.



thats what he looks like without his gear. Silver hair, deep-blue eyes. His clothes are a combination of black, sky-blue and white. The scarf is skyblue. It's a special scarf that's made in his clan. He has a pale complexion. His frame is misleading. He's slim but holds great power, flexibility, and agility. He has three gold earrings on each ear.

Personality: He enjoys fighting strong opponents and searching for worthy prey. The only thing that he probably enjoys more is 'cultivating' these preys. He likes people with potential but he can be fickle. Something that was interesting for him today may not be as appealing to him tomorrow. He doesn't talk about his past and is usually uninterested in other people's past. He believes himself to be the strongest and has the need to continually test himself. Despite all of this, he isn't careless and is very calculating. He's able to compromise with other people given that it would further his own goals. He can be perceptive and insightful. He can have a twisted or weird sense of humor depending on his mood. He is secretive and deceitful. He's a liar not out of necessity but habit. He always wear a smile on his face to throw off people who are trying to read him.

History: He was originally from the Kirihara clan. He was chosen from his clan to be trained into a killing machine for the Hidden Mist village. The Hidden Mist village had a dark side which is even unknown to most people in the village itself. Much like what would be the Leaf's Root, The Hidden Mist also had their secret training program and agents. They chose young boys from the different clans within the Wave country to train them into the perfect assassins and killing machines. This is held with a fixed interval and the turnout would usually be just less than five ninjas per batch. The trainings took extreme measures to flush out weakness. Saizo was one of the few to survive. He followed the leaders of this organization like a loyal dog but he had his own motives. He played the part because he believed it would also benefit him.

In his early years of service to the Mist, he was content with missions that needed him to risk his life. From sabotage to assassinations, he has a great amount of experience in these kinds of situations. He found an abundance of enemies that he can kill. Later on, he gained a reputation as a peerless swordsman. His skill and technique was dubbed as prodigious. He was then known as Tenken no Saizo(Saizo the Heavenly Sword) for his prowess. There were then rumors about him floating throughout the Wave Country.

After years, he was assigned as a Hunter-nin and was one of the very best. He finds ecstasy and excitement in hunting and finding rogue ninjas who were strong. He also spared people who had potential. Making himself a target, these ninjas would eventually become strong enough to satisfy him. It was what drove him to continue as a hunter-nin. He looked forward to fighting them again. In time, the number of strong targets dwindled and he became bored. After some time, he came up with an idea. If there weren't any strong people left for him to hunt for the village, let the strong people from the village hunt him. He turned traitor after the Mist and the organization found out his assassinations of his colleagues and high-ranking officials of the village.

What happened after that was only known to few. He just vanished from the village.

Theme Song: [media]

Equipped Weapons/Items: He has a lot of hidden blades on his person amounting to around a thirty. He carries four swords of different lengths for different purposes(two kodachis, one katana, and an almost body-length cleaving sword). He has twenty senbon-needles and twenty shurikens. He has two weapon pouches(one on each leg). His katanas' are all on a backpack-like object. Ten Exploding Tags. Five Poison Tags.


Special Traits (Optional)

Not really a kekkai genkai but most poisons have a reduced effect on him.


Canon Jutsu:

Hiding in the Mist Technique, Water Clone Technique, Water Prison Technique, Water Release: Wild Water Wave.

Name of Technique: The Demon Swordsman

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu(Style)

Description: Saizo utilizes his mastery of kenjutsu and genjutsu into a style of fighting. Using the special properties of his cleaver, he constantly releases a genjutsu around him that amplifies the fear of his enemies, eventually crippling and paralyzing them. This would only work on people who are in a weak state of mind or weak mental fortitude. This would hardly work on highly-skilled and trained ninjas. This would make it easier to filter out the weak and the strong for him.

Name of Technique: Art of Sword Drawing(Battoujutsu)

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu(stance)

Description: Saizo is a master of many swordsmanship forms and stances but he was famous specifically because of this stance. From the name, the technique revolves around the movements after drawing a sword. It was originally developed as a defensive stance when faced with an unknown situation or a sudden attack while the sword is still sheathed. Saizo has turned it into a deadly form by incorporating his Mist Body Flicker and chakra control.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Swallow's Counter

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: C

Range: Close

Description: Saizo uses a small amount of chakra to vitalize his sword arm. From the Battoujutsu stance, Saizo connects two slashes as well as sheathing his sword back again in lightning-quick succession, setting him up for a next strike. Was meant as a counter for those who charged him.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Flying Swallow

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: B

Range: Close to 5 meters

Description: A slight variation of the Swallow Counter where he slashes the same space twice, creating strong enough air pressure to create a slashing projectile that weakens over distance.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Swallow's Dance

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: A

Range: Close

Description: A Battoujutsu technique following the concept of the Swallow Counter where he makes slashes in multiple angles creating a 'barrier' of slashes. A disadvantage is that he can't use it with the Mist Body Flicker.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Swallow's Cut

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: S

Range: Close

Description: A Battoujutsu technique where he incorporates the Mist Body Flicker with the Battoujutsu. He charges his opponent using the Mist Body Flicker, quickly closing the gap and releases a chakra charged slash. The slash is strong enough that if the slash is blocked, it displaces and shatters the air around the enemy, drawing them in. The second slash uses pent up force from the first blow to accelerate, thus making it more powerful.

Name of Technique: Mist Body Flicker Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu(Supplementary)

Rank: D

Description: A slight variation of the Body Flicker where he doesn't do handseals and leaves mist instead of a cloud of dust. In his case, he can only go a short distance and mainly uses the technique to close the gap between him and his target.

Name of Technique: Chakra Sonar

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu(Supplementary)

Rank: C

Range: 45-meter radius. He can increase the range by a couple of meters depending on his mental state

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: Around Ten seals

Description: The user releases an invisible wave of chakra that reacts to other human chakra. This then allows the user to pinpoint their general location within the radius.

Weakness: It is usually used as a defensive technique because the chakra travels slowly. It is not practical to use when chasing someone. The user can't move while using this technique since it requires great focus and concentration. It can only determine a human being's general location at the moment it was in contact with the wave, not his/her exact position at all times within the radius.

Name of Technique: Assassin's Shroud

Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Rank: C

Range: About a 15ft radius around the user

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: (Let's just say he needs to do around twenty)

Description: It makes the user 'invisible' to anyone within the radius. This genjutsu targets the victims sense of seeing, hearing and smell and completely erases the user's presence under those domains.

Weakness: It doesn't affect those that aren't in the radius. Due to the amount of preparation for the skill, it is only useful for recon, and launching surprise and preemptive strikes. It isn't advisable to use while already in a fight. It doesn't stop the effect of the users movements to the environment. For example, shifts in the wind due to movement, ripples or waves when walking on water. It is also possible to 'feel' his presence for those with very accute sense of touch. It would also be easy for chakra-sensing ninja to pick him out.

Name of Technique: Executioner's Zone

Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Rank: S

Range: 25ft radius around the user on average but he can choose to increase it.

Nature Type: N/A


Description: It slows down the victim's sensation of time, giving them the illusion that the user became faster but in reality, they're the ones that have become slower. The user can increase the degree to which the victim is slowed but it would also amplify the amount of chakra used.

Weakness: It doesn't affect those that aren't in the radius. It continually drains his chakra while using it. He can't use it in combination with another genjutsu. It does not discriminate friend or foe.
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