Naruto: Contract for Outcasts OOC

Wiseman said:
OK, I waited for everyone to post, and I have found out that quite a few people seem to be dropping. I will keep the game going for as long as I can. Any case, expect a post tomorrow at the latest.
so does that mean it will become active again? ive been waiting to test my insect style. haha
OK, this is in part to make this section more organized, but mostly to see how many of our applicants are still interested in the RP. The selection will happen within the week. So, if you have a character you want to insert into the rp, please re-post the up to date character sheet here, after this post. Upon placing it I will give final tips if things are off before making the selection. Good news is, thanks to the recent drops, there is plenty of space available, so conceivably, if everyones sheet is good, then everyone might be able to join. Again, this is mostly so that I dont waste time reviewing sheets for people who are no longer here due to the admittedly long wait. Rest assured, if you waited you will be rewarded.

Also, I am going on record as promising at least one post every day provided everyone has posted, and provided that I get at least one or two hours to make a good post. So I should have time everyday for this, so the RP should pick up.
Name: Yuki Aburame

Nickname/Alias: Swarming Death

Gender: Male

Age: 24


Sexuality: He has no preference, he will sleep with anyone for the sake of science.

Village of origin: Leaf

Former Clan/Bloodline: Aburame

Former Position: Scientist

Chakra Nature: Fire, Earth

Specialty: Yuki is a very defensive fighter, he rarely uses his hands always relying on his bugs or ninjutsu to fill the gap. he is not very skilled at taijutsu. he is moderate in genjutsu. he often uses his bugs to surround himself in order to block any oncoming attacks. He also has an extremely large chakra pool, filling in his little to no knowledge of taijutsu.


Personality: Yuki has a very unique personality. he is not one to barge in to affairs that are not his own. he is very observant and not talkative whatsoever. most people would consider him strange or insane but he disagrees. he is always observing others and adding his findings to his journal. so in short, he is very judgmental.


yuki was born in a back alley within the leaf village. his parents abandoned him and to this day he doesnt know who they are, the only remnant he has of them is the nest of bugs that he inherited from them, and a note with his name on it. it wasnt long before he was discovered by someone and taken to the aburame clan. no one wanted to take him in, most people had enough grief with the ninja war and their own families. then someone stepped up, it was a very elderly man in about his sixties. "give me the boy, ill make sure hes taken care of." and from that day yuki had something he could call a family. once yuki was able to speak and understand words the old man made it clear that he wasnt yuki's father, and let him know of the true story. the man began training yuki very early in his childhood. to ensure that he knew how to use his insects, and wasnt eaten alive by them. but even then yuki hated fighting.

when he first started out in the ninja academy he wasnt very fond of battle, and instead of fighting with his bugs he would just talk to them. he was picked on by the other students, until one day... he was surrounded by his childhood oppressors, and by this time he'd endured years of their torture. he had failed the chunin exams 6 times and no one knew of his potential. the other children began throwing rocks at him and calling him names, "bug boy!" "cockroach!" was what he kept hearing. after a couple minutes of this he decided enough was enough. he fell to his knees in agony, writhing from all of the built up emotional distress. he let out a shriek of anger and pain then in an instant his enemies were coated in a thick layer of insects; the skin being picked off of their bones. he enjoyed their screams, took pleasure in their pain, and in a matter of seconds all that remained were their barren skeletons. a demented smile stretched across his face. he just sat there, rocking back and forth, laughing. night fell and the old man went looking for him. "yuki, yuki?" he found him, and wasnt suprised at all of what he did. the man knew yuki was being picked on, for not fighting, for not having parents, and for being flat out weird. the old man hid the bodies, not blaming yuki at all for what happened. the genin were reported missing, but their bodies were never discovered.

he grew into his adulthood still being a genin. soon enough the officials took interest in his obsession with dead beings. he was offered a spot with the scientist of the leaf village and eagerly accepted. he worked in harmony with his fellow scientists and even thought he had made some new freinds, until someone brought up that incident. he lost it, his bugs went wild devouring all of their living tissue and leaving lifeless corpses in its place. when the anbu black ops arrived he was sitting in the middle of the lab adoring his bugs as they crawled up and down his arms. "why yuki?!!" he was asked as he was presented to the hokage to receive judgement. "its just and experiment.....and you all are the test subjects..." yuki let out a sinister laugh then grew quiet once again. this statement angered the hokage. "you will face execution in the morning tommorow. i front of the whole village!!" yuki accepted his fate with no remorse, he had nothing to live for anyway.

it was later that night when yuki someone walking down the halls of the prison. the man wore a long, hooded dark cloak. there were bugs swarming around him, and yuki knew exactly who it was. it was the old man, and he was an elder in the aburame clan, and being one of the four noble families it wasnt hard to get Clearance to the prison. the old man stretched his hand out and touched the cell door. in an instant the kichaku were swarming gate, eating away at the metal. soon enough the door fell with a loud thud. "theyll be coming soon." the old man said. "yuki always remember.." he said as he took the coat off. "when no one else loves you....i do." he threw the cloak onto yuki then dispersed into a swarm of bugs and flew away. yuki embraced the coat for a moment then put it on. he quickly escaped the prison, fleeing from the village.

Equipped Weapons/Items:

Kunai x 20,

shuriken x 30,

250 ft wire roll.

Food Pills: Pushes User's Body past normal stamina and limits. x 5

Tortoiseshell Pills: Hardens the skin of the user and raises their defense. x 5

Sleep tag x 2

Poison Tag x 2

anesthetic: used to coat yuki's kunai in order to immobilize his opponents. 1 vile

Blood Increasing Pill, after a significant amount of blood loss the user can take this pill to replenish themselves and continue fighting. x 2

Exhaustion Tag: a tag that is thrown at the opponent to make them extremely fatigued and weak. x 2

Name of Technique: Earth Style: Hidden Insect Grenade

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Range: Mid to Long Range

Nature Type: Earth

Handseals: Tiger

Description: The user pulls a medium sized rock from the earth, hollowing it out with chakra. the user would then secretly fill the rock with insects and launch it at the opponent, the equivalent of throwing a rock at someone. if the opponent were to dodge the rock, it would simply fly past them, hit the ground and explode into a cloud of insects. if they tried to deflect or block the rock, it would explode on contact, with the insects swarming the victim.

Name of Technique: Hidden Insect Technique: Heavenly Explosion

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: D

Range: short to long range

Nature Type: none

Handseals: none

Description: the user crumbles a number of explosive tags in their hand, following this the user summons their insects to consume pieces of the tags and disperse throughout the battlefield. the insects can then act as small landmines that detonate on the users command. the also can cover a victim and be detonated.

Weakness: they destroy a large number of the users insects.

Name of Technique: Summoning Jutstu: Flesh Eating Insects

Type of Jutsu: Summoning

Rank: B


Nature Type: None

Handseals: None

Description: The user pulls out a small scroll, much like one used for summoning weapons. Then places their hand on it, Summoning a large cloud of white Insects. The insects are cousin to the insects usually used by the Aburame. The only difference is that these insects only feed on flesh, unable to devour chakra. This makes them extremely aggressive, and prone to attack. Their used as a heavily damaging offensive technique, that being their only ability. They can tear through wood in seconds and in some cases even steel.

Weakness: In rare cases these insects have been known to attack the user. The insects are also easily defeated by fire like their cousins used by the Aburame.
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  • Name: Hogo Fukujin

    Nickname/Alias: Shichi, Hosozao, The Night Singer.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 30

    Height: 5'6"

    Sexuality: Both

    Village of origin: Konohagakure, Formerly

    Former Clan/Bloodline: Fukujin

    Former Position: Regular Jonin

    Chakra Nature: Wind, Water.

    Specialty: Utility
Character Sheet

Name: Hiromitsu Nozuka

Nickname/Alias: Sifu of the Smoke

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Height: 5’10

Sexuality: Straight

Village of origin: Yamagakure (Village on a mountainous area between Otogakure and Takigakure

Former Clan/Bloodline: Nozuka

Former Position: One of the three Instructors of the Hidden style, Smoke Style, at the age of 30. Before being an instructor of the Smoke style, he was an instructor of Barrier ninjutsus.

Chakra Nature: Fire, Wind

Specialty: Smoke style, Taijutsu, and Barrier ninjutsu


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/_mk_tribute_project__smoke___by_madiblitz-d4apy1t.jpg.ab41984bb981c9c23168e0a705a6d485.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/_mk_tribute_project__smoke___by_madiblitz-d4apy1t.jpg.ab41984bb981c9c23168e0a705a6d485.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/human-smoke-2011-mk-mortal-kombat-game-character-fan-art-2-by_madiblitz.jpg.1fa3854840047a5cdf035c687c00db79.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/human-smoke-2011-mk-mortal-kombat-game-character-fan-art-2-by_madiblitz.jpg.1fa3854840047a5cdf035c687c00db79.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shujin and Hiromitsu

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Noob_Smoke.png.30dd05ebf9538fe7eebdd11a0c596982.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Noob_Smoke.png.30dd05ebf9538fe7eebdd11a0c596982.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He is a strict person and doesn’t allow to things to easily slide past him. He will deliver judgement on anybody who deserves it. He trains his mind and body everyday to take himself to a higher level of understanding. He wishes to reach to a God-like level of solitude. Even though he isn’t quick to forgive and will punish anybody any way he seems fit without a moments notice, he is very fond of kids. He isn’t able to have any of his own so he tends to incline himself to being a fatherly figure to the kids in his dojo and around the town.

History: He trained day in and day out with his brother Shujin. Their parents died during the war and they had no other known relatives. They were raised by the village, but they knew that they could only count on each other to survive. They learned the basics of smoke style in a short amount of time and slowly began to master their techniques. Hiromitsu and his brother were quite different however. His brother Shujin was the aggressive type and wished to fight for the village in the frontlines. He would take up the hardest missions just for the thrill. Hiromitsu on the other hand was a more peaceful man. His sole goal was to be an instructor of the Smoke Style and live a simple life.

Hiromitsu married his wife Miu at the age of 25. He was in love with her since they were kids. After a year of marriage, they agreed that they would have a kid. They would try countless times and not once did she bear fruit. They went to a doctor to find out the problem. The doctor told them that all her signs were correct and there was no discrepancies in her. The doctor then told them that it was Hiromitsu who couldn’t give them a child.

After receiving the news they’re marriage took a downhill for a while, but got better over time. His wife died 2 years later from an allergic reaction. The death of his wife hit him hard, but his brother’s comforting words helped him get out of his depression.

A couple of years later, he was granted his title as an instructor of the smoke style. He had finally reached his goal, but without a child and the love of his life, it didn’t mean anything to him. He decided to seek out the virtue of solitude and let it reign over his life. He began to meditate in his dojo alone and take strolls around the mountain tops.

3 years later.

After many losses during the ninja war, Yamagakure decided to step out of it and take a defensive stance. They wished no longer to fight. Many villagers were relieved, but Shujin was angered by this. He plead for them to enter the war, but they didn’t listen. They told him that if he did anything to draw attention to Yamagakure, they would have him executed.

Shujin grew restless and Hiromitsu counseled with him. Many nights went by, but his words would not reach him. Shujin then told his brother that he wasn’t done fighting and he would take anybody else who wanted to fight with him. That was the last night he heard of his brother.

A month went by and the Yamakage summoned Hiromitsu before him. He grew suspicious of Shujin’s and the other ninjas disappearance. The Yamakage wanted to know if Hiromitsu knew of his disappearance. Hiromitsu didn’t have an answer for him. There was tension on the Yamakage’s face, but decided to dismiss him. A week went by before the Yamagakure received a letter stating that war was inevitable. It also contained a letter of 6 Yamagakure ninja dead lined up (photo did not contain Shujin).

The Yamakage was furious. He and 8 other ninjas and went after Hiromitsu. They surrounded him and the Yamakage began to speak.

He told him of what happened and that he knew that Hiromitsu knew where his brother was up to. He told him that he saw him and his brother meet up at their hideout that they had when they were kids many times. He didn’t say anything about it because there was no sign of harm to be done and they spoke nothing of tactics. They also tried to follow Shujin every time he left, but would always lose him so they needed more chances. After saying all that , he told Hiromitsu to tell them where Shujin was. Hiromitsu bowed to him and apologized, for he knew not where his brother was or would be.

The Yamakage was about to sentence Hiromitsu to jail, when a messenger came to deliver the Yamakage an urgent message.

The messenger ninja wispered into the ear of the Yamakage and stood there, waiting for a response. The Yamakage looked at Hiromitsu and told him that his brother and his allies were captured by bounty hunters and is currently in the middle of the village, ready for execution.

The Yamakage then signaled for the guards to arrest Hiromitsu.

Hiromitsu then used his Smoke Style: Smoke Form technique. To quickly push everybody away. He passed them with force and headed straight to the middle of the village.

After waves of enemies, he finally reached the middle of the village. He touched his brother and began to break the shackles. As he did so, his brother and the other ninja began to turn to smoke and started to dissipate.

All the villagers and ninja watched this happen. The Yamakage then called out," We can not trust this man any longer. He would betray our clan for a ninja who has gone rogue and has betrayed us. He will be sentenced to imprisonment for life."

Ninja came to capture Hiromitsu. He fought them off one by one, Laying waste to his clansman. Fear began to hover over the eyes of the ninja. They didn't know that such a humble man had this much ability.

Despite his strength, he was no where near a god. Fatigued began to fall over Hiromitsu's body. He had fought many ninja. With his level of skill, he could fought many more, but fatigue was the only thing he couldn't fight against. He grew sloppy and his form dropped.

The elites of the village began to face him and Hiromitsu was completely drained. He fell to his knees and looked up to the sky with a smile on his face.

"So this is what it means to fight brother," he yelled as he dropped his bloodied face.

A ninja stepped toward him to finish the last blow but a hand of smoke grabbed the ninjas neck and broke it from the pressure.

"OF course it is my dear brother," said Shujin as he stood in front of his brother," now you must leave. I will not let you die a death unfitting of you, brother,"

Three horses galloped through the village with 3 Archers on each of them. The arrows was coated with fire and they shot them into the houses. More ninja on horses began to enter the village and started to destroy the village one by one. The Yamagakure ninja were stunned by the attack for a moment. They were not prepared for such a large scale ambush. A horseman came by and picked up the Hiromitsu during the chaos.

"Goodbye brother," Shujin said before Hiromitsu fainted.

Hiromitsu woke up 3 days later in a cabin with his wounds bandaged up. An elderly lady walked in with vegetables in her hands.

"Oh your awake," She said as she put the vegetables down and picked up a note that was hanged off of a dresser. She handed it to Hiromitsu.

"This is for you," she said as she went back outside.

As Hiromitsu began to read it, tears started to flow down his face. His brother died and their Ambush against Yamakagure failed.

The ninja that wrote the letter said that he was sorry for his loss.

He spent 2 more days in the cabin before leaving. He has been wondering since.

Theme Song: [media]

Equipped Weapons/Items: He made copies of the Smoke style scroll without anybody knowing. He would like to have at least one more disciple before dying. He carries a bag that holds his food and a small blanket. His mask cleanses the smoke so he is able to breath regular oxygen while in smoke.


*note: All barriers has the same functionality, but is substituted with smoke stuff.

Three Seals Barrier

Five-Seal Barrier

Five-Seal Barrier Pass Technique

Name of Kekkei Genkai/Hidden Technique: Smoke Ninpou

Type: Hidden Technique

Clan: Nozuka

Description: Smoke Ninpou is the art of rawly converting chakra into Smoke for the use in battle or shinobi operations. Smoke is a versatile element that relies on control and practice, as it is hard to simply make 'happen' out of nowhere.The user of these techniques is able to freely convert their chakra into a semi-solid Smoke state. Using control and technique the user is able to attack, defend or suppress others with this smoke. A silent killing tool of the finest quality. The user is able to manipulate the smoke in their lungs in a way that allows them to shape the exhaling of smoke. These shapes can include bursts of smoke, streams of smoke at the enemy to make the enemy suffocate, spheres made of smoke to blind their enemies, even a mist of it from the mouth. Smoke's main properties are weight, density and impairment. It is a heavy element but it is aerosol and remains airborne. It usually impacts with a fair amount of force, though it loses momentum with every hit unlike most other ninjutsu. It is also incredibly dense unless otherwise stated, usually requiring fair strength to move through the smoke. Also, Users can manipulate smoke, collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly the by-product of fires. Finally, most smoke techniques displace the oxygen in the air and make it both difficult to breathe and to see and some techniques strips the air of all oxygen moluecules. This however also affects the user of these techniques unless specific techniques or modifications are made to allow the user to filter smoke from the air or see through smoke. This is usually a secondary effect of most smoke techniques that linger in the air but some sacrifice this for a stronger impact or other secondary effect. It is very effective against fire techniques, but very weak against wind.

Note: Hiromitsu has learned the secret of moving through the dense smoke. He has strengthened all of the appropraite muscles and he coats a little of Fuuton chakra around his body to move through the smoke. (Don't tell anybody)

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Fist

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu (Martial Art Style)

Range: Close

Description: A martial art that utilizes Judo and Mi Tzu Quan. All Smoke Style Users practice this Style when learning Smoke Style Techniques

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Fog Technique

Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu

Rank: D

Range: Close to Mid

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: After performing several hand seals, the user gathers chakra in their mouth and forces it out at a target. The ball of smoke is roughly the size of a baseball and it hits a target with the same amount of force of a punch. It travels up to 10 meters. When it hits something solid it then expands into a cloud of smoke roughly 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide that envelops anything it hit. This smoke is hard to see through and makes breathing properly difficult. It expands a little then begins to dissipate after a while.

Weakness: (none)

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Spray Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: D

Range: Close to Mid

Nature Type: Smoke

Description:Gathering chakra in their throat, the user performs several hand seals and then holds their breath.. If they start moving or performing complicated or strenuous actions, they run out of oxygen quicker. Once they are within range of the target, they exhale a sticky and thick cloud of smoke into the opponent's face. This smoke can travel up to 2 and a half meters. When it hits a person, it clings to their skin via chakra and covers their face or any solid surface it hits. The smoke is very blinding, roughly the same as having a cloth hood pulled over one's head and it makes breathing much more difficult. Due to the nature of the technique, it fades much quicker than normal Smoke techniques.

Weakness: Head is the only target

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Needle Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: D


Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Performing a hand seal, the user channels a small amount of smoke into their throat and then spits it out. The smoke takes the shape of a senbon roughly the size of a finger that flies up to 4 meters. When it hits an object, it causes a punch comparable to a full male then explodes with the force of 1/2 an exploding tag, spreading a wispy cloud of smoke over a 2 meter area around the point of impact.

Weakness: none

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Gray Bag Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: D


Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Forming hand seals and channeling chakra into their hands, the user puts their hands up and a thick cloud of smoke erupts from the pores of their hands in front of them in a circular ball shape that doesn't move. The ball of smoke is roughly four feet in diameter and acts as a shield. Those with normal punches cannot bypass it in one hit. Small weapons such as kunai, senbon and shuriken are not only stopped but caught inside the smoke. The small shield will last for a short amount of time and when it dissipates, any objects that entered it will fall to the ground. Fuuton, or wind, coated weapons or jutsu will pass through easily however.

Weakness: Fuuton, or wind Techniques can easily cut through smoke

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Binding Smoke Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Range: Close to Mid

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: The user does the needed hand seals then puts their hands to their throat. They then cough up a small cloud of smoke that drifts over to their target and only moves in a straight line. If the cloud catches up to the target then it attaches itself to the target's arms and legs and immobilizes them. If the person captured is strong enough, they can break the smoke. The smoke cloud can broken up also by most Fuuton techniques. This smoke doesn't last thaat long. Once this technique is broken, the cloud is essentially broken up into a thin and transparent fog of sorts that has no combat value.

Weakness: Travels in a straight line

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Flashover Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Range: mid to long

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Taking in a deep breath, the user mixes smoke and Katon chakra to form a ball of smoke roughly the size of a baseball that they then exhale from their mouths. It moves at a quick speed and travels up to 20 feet. When it hits a target, the force of the blow can push someone over if they are not careful. Contained inside the smoke ball is a thick fireball that, when the smoke is ruptured, ruptures as well and engulfs a 2x2 area in a powerful and rapid fire that can cause 3rd degree burns and scorch stone,

Weakness: (none)

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Spear Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: B

Range: Close to Mid

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Channeling smoke chakra into their palm, the user performs hand seals and then thrusts their palm out at a foe. An arm-wide cloud of smoke bursts from their hand and extends up to 10 meters away at a very quick speed. When it hits, it hits with a forsce stong enough to knock you over and immediatelycondenses on a foe's body in the form of a thick cloud that grabs them in the smoke. Breaking free from the smoke will prove tp be very difficult. In addition, because of the density of the smoke, it is extremely difficult to see during the capture.

Weakness: (none)

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Shield Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: B

Range: Self

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Forming the hand seals needed, the user then takes a deep breath and then spreads their hands out to their sides. Using chakra control, the user then exhales a concentrated fog of smoke that spreads out in a ball shape around them. It takes a diameter of roughly two times their height and width and the smoke forms a thin but compressed layer around them. They have some oxygen inside the smoke shield, but not a lot. The shield can outright stop most thrown weapons, now including katanas and large kunai blades or even some medium sized stones. The shield lasts for as long as the user exudes the chakra needed to control it but no matter what size the person is, the shield only traps in enough oxygen to breath for about 1 to 2 minutes.

Weakness: Oxygen is limited to the user (unless you have a mask)

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Colapsing world Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: A


Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Performing several hand seals, the user of this technique takes in a deep breath and then draws their hands back, palms out, to either side of their chest. They then exhale rapidly, sending out a thick cloud of black smoke that expands rapidly, from the size of a basketball when leaving the mouth to nearly 10 foot in diameter. With applying Futton chakra, it is able to move with great speed and it moves up to 15 meters in a straight line and when it reaches a target, the user closes his/her palms into fists. The smoke cloud rapidly compresses on the target object trapped inside it with immense pressure from all sides, leaving no oxygen. Getting out of the smoke will prove to be a great feat for not many are able to do so. The cloud is inescapable but the user cannot move while using it either. Once the technique ends, the cloud rapidly expands back into it's full size. This technique must be controlled and if the user breaks their focus on it or releases the 'fist', the smoke cloud ends prematurely. With great control, you are able to direct the smoke if you miss or if you wish to go to another opponent.

Weakness: No imediate weaknesses, but if you continously use this technique then it will drain you alot.

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Clone Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: D

Range: Long??

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Able to make a clone out of smoke that resembles the user perfectly. The clone is able to take alot of physical damage before it dissipates. It is also able to break apart and reform. Once the Clone is struck and dissipates, it will turn into a smoke cloud and trap the user if he strikes the clone. The clone will instantly dissipate if it is struck by Fuuton type techniques.

Weakness: (none)

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Shadow Technique

Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Rank: C

Range: (See smoke Fog)

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: (Smoke Fog Requirement). Once enemy is in the fog, the user will then cast a genjutsu in the opponent. The enemy will begin to see shadows walking through the smoke and be confused on where the enemy actually is.

Weakness: Enemy must be in the fog

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Dissipation Technique

Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Rank: C

Range: Self

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: The enemy belives that the user is able to turn into smoke

Weakness: none

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Form Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: S

Range: Self

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: Smoke will ooze out of the user pores and surround their body. WIth this technique, the user will be able to control their smoke similar to Garaa's Sand control. The user typically uses his hands to direct the smoke and the smoke takes the form of a hand. The smoke is black and very dense. The amount of pressure that it can generate is enough to break bones.

Weakness: Takes up alot of chakra.

  • Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Sense Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Range: Self

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: The user is able to detect movement within ths smoke, thus able to see where the opponent is

Weakness: You are only able to feel anomilities in the smoke.

  • Name of Technique: Wind Style: Smoke Sense Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Range: Self

Nature Type: Smoke

Description: The user is able to detect movement within ths smoke, thus able to see where the opponent is

Weakness: You are only able to feel anomilities in the smoke.

Name: Ryuzoji Takadori

Nickname/Alias: White Death, White Ghost

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 6'0

Sexuality: Straight

Village of origin: Takdori Village, Land of Lightining

Former Clan/Bloodline: Takadori Clan

Former Position: Intelligence agent from the Kumogakure Village

Chakra Nature: Earth and Lightning

Specialty: Meisaigakure no Jutsu, or Hiding with Camouflage Technique (he has trained it to the point that he can even erase his chakra presence) and sensory type techniques. He has vast knowledge of pressure points (not chakra points) and uses them during combat for quick kills, submission, or incapititation. He also has another fighting style that resembles the chinese Kung Fu. He doesn't use much ninjutsu. He focuses on taijutsu, Bukijutsu, or genjutsu, but that doesn't mean he isn't good at ninjutsus. He just doesn't prefer to use it in combat, but he still adds it to his daily training. He has an average amount of chakra, but makes up with it with his supreme chakra control.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic.jpg.4a4a6c6cc9598eb9e04950ce3baa3535.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic.jpg.4a4a6c6cc9598eb9e04950ce3baa3535.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He always had a curious air about himself. Finding himself in sticky situations all the time. When on missions, he would go farther than anyone else, even after the agency would tell him that the mission was no longer able to complete. His decisions to take different routes and other deviations from the original plan, causes alot of trouble and the higher ups would scold him, but his innovative tactics and high sucess rate keeps him afloat. He is a gambler by nature, and will bet his life even if the odds are against him. He doesn't worry about what he can't control, but only focuses on what he can, totally elimanating the stress factor. He doesn't agree with a clouded mind because it can hinder the success rate of a mission or task

History: He is of the Takadori clan of the Land of Lightning. About 100 years before the the 5 great villages was created, the Takadori clan was a well respected clan that all people around the world knew of, but currently to date, they are a dying clan and only a few pure bloods are around. There fame has gone unnoticed and nobody knows of them. Ryuzoji is one of the few pure blood that is left and it is predicted that the next generation would be the extinction of the pure bloods, thus the extinction of the Kekkei Genkai.

Ryuzoji started off as a regular genin, but had an exceptional learning curve. He was precise in his movements and would make sure to master the basics before moving on to other techniques. His father told him a steady foundation would lead to a great ninja and he followed his command faithfully. At the age of 9, he became a chunin and then by the age of 13 was going to be a special jonin thanks to specialization for infiltration, but Void (Root Equivalent) recruited him instead. He declined at first but 2 years later at the age of 15 decided to join. He disappeared and all information about him was destroyed.

He was an exceptional ninja and proved useful, but every ninja of Void had an expiration date. He was 22 when his came. Right before he was sent off on his last mission to be executed, a ninja appeared from the shadows and tipped him off before disappearing into the shadows again. He went on the mission and before he arrived to the assigned destination, he killed his crew and disappeared.

He has lived in various locations and has become an independent contractor. He constantly changes his appearance and assumes false identities in order to stay hidden.

Theme Song: [media]
Equipped Weapons/Items: He carries 4 different scrolls for different mission types or to change class. The scroll will not carry the same tools all the time. He changes the content of the scroll according to the mission at hand. He labels the scrolls close quarters, Ranger, Engineer, Medic, and Diversion. (They don't carry anything crazy like legendary weapons and such. just common ninja tools)

Special Traits

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Senses of the Divine

Type: Support type

Clan: Takadori

Description: This Bloodline technique has 2 separate parts. One part allows you to greatly improve your 5 senses to 5 times a normal human. The senses are hearing, touch, sight, smell, and taste. The cumulative time limit per day is about 30 min per day. The other part of this technique allows you to take away one sense at a time per head touch, but he mainly uses it for sight. The sense will be gone for a conventional amount of time, making unusable for the remainder of the fight and there must be contact with ones head in order for this technique to work. He is able to rob others of their senses as long as he has enough chakra to do so and it takes about a genin amount of chakra.

  • Name of Technique: Ground Spike Technique
    Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D to A (depending on intensity)
    Range: Short to long (depending on intensity)
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: After performing a string of hand seals and stomping on the ground, the user emits five bolts of lightning in a line. Each bolt is two yards apart from the one before it (giving the jutsu a total range of ten yards from the user), rising 3 feet into the air from the ground in succession, starting from the farthest one with a speed equal to the user's control with a maximum of six. These bolts are pure energy; they aren't solid so they will not be effective in stopping objects. The shock created by the jutsu, however, causes the targets body to jerk and sends a mild pain equivalent to getting stabbed in the hand throughout the body for a brief second. This technique isn't very devastating, but it’s useful in stopping charging enemies
    Weakness: This technique isn't very devastating, but it’s useful in stopping charging enemies (higher intensity will dismiss this comment, but then it will consume more chakra)
  • Name of Technique: Lightning Trap
    Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Range: Short
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: This is a mostly non-combat Raiton ninjutsu. To start the ninjutsu, the ninja does the needed hand seals and then sticks three (or more), separated at most by 10 meters of each other, in a triangle (or the shape relative to how many kunais are used) around a target. After the kunai are placed, electrical walls rise up and connect the three (or more) Kunai together. These walls rise up 10 feet high and once created, they are closed of by an electrical ceiling. These walls can not be easily broken. Physical attacks from within are ineffective. If anyone tries to touch the walls, they will be electrocuted which may cause bad electrical burns but not badly enough to kill them, which makes using taijutsu a relatively bad idea.
    Weakness: The target would have to walk into the trap first. More walls, more chakra
  • Name of Technique: Lightning Screen

    Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

    Rank: B to A (depending on intensity)

    Range: Short

    Nature Type: Lightning

    Description: After performing a row of hand seals, the user emits an electrical lightning shield up to three feet in radius. The shield is solid, easily defending against most projectiles and jutsu. If it is destroyed, the shield emits a blast of electricity that shoots forward in a four meter half circle towards the opponent. This blast's impact carries a force equal to a punch delivered by someone with lightning infused with it and it creates a painful shock, its intensity being equivalent to the pain of a stab.

    Weakness: Consumes a lot of chakra (depending on intensity)
  • Name of Technique: Element Projectile Technique
    Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
    Rank: D to B (depending on intensity)
    Range: short to mid
    Nature Type: Lightning or Earth
    Description: Either summons small earth projectile from the ground or small lightning projectiles from his hand and shoots them at his enemy.
    Weakness: It doesn't do much damage. It's mainly for distraction and or creating space between enemy.
  • Name of Technique: Feel the Earth

    Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu

    Rank: C

    Range: short to long

    Nature Type: Earth

    Description: After doing the needed hand seals, the user stamps on the ground, flowing their chakra through the ground in around them. The user’s chakra travels at a speed equal to the user’s control, up to 30 yards. This allows the user to feel the vibrations from the earth. At this level, it doesn’t allow for pinpoint movements, but it does allow for the user to sense direction, amount of pressure, and distance.

    Weakness: Its not necessarily accurate, just an approximation
  • Name of Technique:
    Dageki Ryuu

    [shock Fist Style]

    Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu
    Rank: D to S ( he has yet to learn techniques are ranked higher than B but plans to learn them in the future)
    Range: short
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: A fighting style where neither speed or strength are anchored into these techniques. Rather, Dageki Ryuu users utilize the shocking capabilities of electricity in order to cripple their foes in close quarters combat. Although these techniques are mainly passive, they still hold deadly effects. (Link to taijutsu techniques below. )(It just makes sense, he is already good at taijutsu, all he does is add a little lightning chakra to his moves to incapacitate his target. It goes perfectly with my character.)
    Weakness: Requires control over chakra and needs to touch the target in the appropriate spot in order for the techniques to work.
  • Name of Technique: Lightning Rifle
    Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Range: Long
    Nature Type: Lightning
    Description: After completing a set of hand seals the user will either focus chakra into a bladed weapon or index finger. He then points his hand (or the tip of his weapon) at the target and fires off a bolt of lightning that travels out a max of five meters. The lightning bolt itself will only cause minor damage, but due to the speed of the attack the impact is more than enough to knock the air out of someone or send them backwards about five meters as if they had just been rammed into.
    Weakness: It's fast but travels in a straight line.

Earth Release:

Lightning Release: (most of his lightning techniques are mixed with taijutsu)

Other Techniques:

I posted my character sheet awaiting approval first then my active character sheet 2nd. I thought i Point That Out In the event That you didn't notice that. ^__^



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Name: Saizo(First) Kirihara(Last)

Nickname/Alias: Tenken no Saizo/Tenken (Heaven's Sword)

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Height: 6'0''

Sexuality: None (In all seriousness though, female :P )

Village of origin: Hidden Mist Village

Former Clan/Bloodline: Kirihara

Former Position: Hunter-nin

Chakra Nature: Water

Specialty: Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, Supplementary Ninjutsu. (Extremely capable Close and mid range fighter with his precise chakra control, swordsmanship and genjutsu. He also has decent sensor skills). Most of his skills are only or more effective in one-on-one situations.



thats what he looks like without his gear. Silver hair, deep-blue eyes. His clothes are a combination of black, sky-blue and white. The scarf is skyblue. It's a special scarf that's made in his clan. He has a pale complexion. His frame is misleading. He's slim but holds great power, flexibility, and agility. He has three gold earrings on each ear.

Personality: He enjoys fighting strong opponents and searching for worthy prey. The only thing that he probably enjoys more is 'cultivating' these preys. He likes people with potential but he can be fickle. Something that was interesting for him today may not be as appealing to him tomorrow. He doesn't talk about his past and is usually uninterested in other people's past. He believes himself to be the strongest and has the need to continually test himself. Despite all of this, he isn't careless and is very calculating. He's able to compromise with other people given that it would further his own goals. He can be perceptive and insightful. He can have a twisted or weird sense of humor depending on his mood. He is secretive and deceitful. He's a liar not out of necessity but habit. He always wear a smile on his face to throw off people who are trying to read him.

History: He was originally from the Kirihara clan. He was chosen from his clan to be trained into a killing machine for the Hidden Mist village. The Hidden Mist village had a dark side which is even unknown to most people in the village itself. Much like what would be the Leaf's Root, The Hidden Mist also had their secret training program and agents. They chose young boys from the different clans within the Wave country to train them into the perfect assassins and killing machines. This is held with a fixed interval and the turnout would usually be just less than five ninjas per batch. The trainings took extreme measures to flush out weakness. Saizo was one of the few to survive. He followed the leaders of this organization like a loyal dog but he had his own motives. He played the part because he believed it would also benefit him.

In his early years of service to the Mist, he was content with missions that needed him to risk his life. From sabotage to assassinations, he has a great amount of experience in these kinds of situations. He found an abundance of enemies that he can kill. Later on, he gained a reputation as a peerless swordsman. His skill and technique was dubbed as prodigious. He was then known as Tenken no Saizo(Saizo the Heavenly Sword) for his prowess. There were then rumors about him floating throughout the Wave Country.

After years, he was assigned as a Hunter-nin and was one of the very best. He finds ecstasy and excitement in hunting and finding rogue ninjas who were strong. He also spared people who had potential. Making himself a target, these ninjas would eventually become strong enough to satisfy him. It was what drove him to continue as a hunter-nin. He looked forward to fighting them again. In time, the number of strong targets dwindled and he became bored. After some time, he came up with an idea. If there weren't any strong people left for him to hunt for the village, let the strong people from the village hunt him. He turned traitor after the Mist and the organization found out his assassinations of his colleagues and high-ranking officials of the village.

What happened after that was only known to few. He just vanished from the village.

Theme Song: [media]

Equipped Weapons/Items: He has a lot of hidden blades on his person amounting to around a thirty. He carries four swords of different lengths for different purposes(two kodachis, one katana, and an almost body-length cleaving sword). He has twenty senbon-needles and twenty shurikens. He has two weapon pouches(one on each leg). His katanas' are all on a backpack-like object. Ten Exploding Tags. Ten Poison Tags. Fifteen Soldier Pills


Special Traits (Optional)

Not really a kekkai genkai but most poisons have a reduced effect on him. He has abnormally high and malicious chakra.


Canon Jutsu:

Hiding in the Mist Technique, Water Clone Technique, Water Prison Technique, Water Release: Wild Water Wave, Body Replacement Technique, Transformation Technique, Silent Killing Technique

Name of Technique: The Demon Swordsman

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu(Style)

Description: Saizo utilizes his mastery of kenjutsu and genjutsu into a style of fighting. Using the special properties of his cleaver, he constantly releases a genjutsu around him that amplifies the fear of his enemies, eventually crippling and paralyzing them. This would only work on people who are in a weak state of mind or weak mental fortitude. This would hardly work on highly-skilled and trained ninjas. This would make it easier to filter out the weak and the strong for him.

Name of Technique: Art of Sword Drawing(Battoujutsu)

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu(Style/stance)

Description: Saizo is a master of many swordsmanship forms and stances but he was famous specifically because of this stance. From the name, the technique revolves around the movements after drawing a sword. It was originally developed as a defensive stance when faced with an unknown situation or a sudden attack while the sword is still sheathed. Saizo has turned it into a deadly form by incorporating his Mist Body Flicker and chakra shape and nature control.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Swallow's Counter

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: C

Range: Close

Description: Saizo uses a small amount of chakra to vitalize his sword arm. From the Battoujutsu stance, Saizo connects two slashes as well as sheathing his sword back again in lightning-quick succession, setting him up for a next strike. Was meant as a counter for those who charged him.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Flying Swallow

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: B

Range: Close to 5 meters

Description: A slight variation of the Swallow Counter where he slashes the same space twice, creating strong enough air pressure to create a slashing projectile that weakens over distance.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Swallow's Dance

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: A

Range: Close

Description: A Battoujutsu technique following the concept of the Swallow Counter where he makes slashes in multiple angles creating a 'barrier' of slashes. A disadvantage is that he can't use it with the Mist Body Flicker.

Name of Technique: Battoujutsu - Swallow's Cut

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu

Rank: S

Range: Close

Description: A Battoujutsu technique where he incorporates the Mist Body Flicker with the Battoujutsu. He charges his opponent using the Mist Body Flicker, quickly closing the gap and releases a chakra charged slash. The slash is strong enough that if the slash is blocked, it displaces and shatters the air around the enemy, drawing them in. The second slash uses pent up force from the first blow to accelerate, thus making it more powerful.

Name of Technique: Mist Body Flicker Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu(Supplementary)

Rank: D

Description: A slight variation of the Body Flicker where he doesn't do handseals and leaves mist instead of a cloud of dust. In his case, he can only go a short distance and mainly uses the technique to close the gap between him and his target.

Name of Technique: Chakra Sonar

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu(Supplementary)

Rank: C

Range: 45-meter radius. He can increase the range by a couple of meters depending on his mental state

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: Around Ten seals

Description: The user releases an invisible wave of chakra that reacts to other human chakra. This then allows the user to pinpoint their general location within the radius.

Weakness: It is usually used as a defensive technique because the chakra travels slowly. It is not practical to use when chasing someone. The user can't move while using this technique since it requires great focus and concentration. It can only determine a human being's general location at the moment it was in contact with the wave, not his/her exact position at all times within the radius.

Name of Technique: Assassin's Shroud

Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Rank: C

Range: About a 15ft radius around the user

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: (Let's just say he needs to do around twenty)

Description: It makes the user 'invisible' to anyone within the radius. This genjutsu targets the victims sense of seeing, hearing and smell and completely erases the user's presence under those domains.

Weakness: It doesn't affect those that aren't in the radius. Due to the amount of preparation for the skill, it is only useful for recon, and launching surprise and preemptive strikes. It isn't advisable to use while already in a fight. It doesn't stop the effect of the users movements to the environment. For example, shifts in the wind due to movement, ripples or waves when walking on water. It is also possible to 'feel' his presence for those with very accute sense of touch. It would also be easy for chakra-sensing ninja to pick him out.

Name of Technique: Executioner's Zone

Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu

Rank: S

Range: 25ft radius around the user on average but he can choose to increase it.

Nature Type: N/A


Description: It slows down the victim's sensation of time, giving them the illusion that the user became faster but in reality, they're the ones that have become slower. The user can increase the degree to which the victim is slowed but it would also amplify the amount of chakra used.

Weakness: It doesn't affect those that aren't in the radius. It continually drains his chakra while using it. He can't use it in combination with another genjutsu. It does not discriminate friend or foe.
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hey every one, i screwed up on one of the jutsu i did in my last post. earth flow wave, instead of earth flow river. i fixed it now. just letting everyone know, in case anyone wanted to reread it.
Not sure what I need to update, let me know. I did add some attacks though :)

Name: Ken Esunada

Nickname/Alias: Fatherless Freak

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 5,7

Sexuality: None of ya business!

Village of origin: Village Hidden Among Luck (Ungakure) in the Land of Silver

Former Clan/Bloodline: Unknown

Former Position: Regular Chuunin, tried being a Courier Ninja but he kept losing the letters.

Chakra Nature: Unknown

Specialty: Kenjutsu



Personality: Ken can be a very cheerful or very grumpy individual depending on who he is with. He is not first with good impressions and doesn't like meeting new people. He is wary of most people he meets and doesn't trust people so easily, he is considered paranoid and always prepares for the worst situations as expects it to happen. When with he friends he is quite silly and can be fun to be around, he is very loyal and will do anything to protect someone he considers a friend.

He is trustworthy and has a strong sense of honor, he believes in keep his promises and protecting people when necessary, but he can also be dark when he needs to be.

History: Ken's father has always been a mystery, his mother refused to name despite being put under scrutiny. She explained it was simply her business and no-ones else. Due to this many of the kids in ninja school teased Ken due to his unknown father believe it was because he must have been someone embarassing. He grew quite cold and lonely, choosing to rather sit alone and practice his skills. As he grew he was able to develop a unique ability which the elders dubbed Gravity Style. These unseen abilities placed further interest on Ken's mysterious father and more scrutiny on his mother, who still refused to answer the question despite official orders. This made both Ken and his mother hated in the village and Ken was labelled a freak.

As Ken grew to a young teen, a legendary Jounin of the village took interest in him and his abilities. His name was Damasukaru (The Damasu) Euchre, a man who liked his nickname 'The Fool' was a great joker who loved to played jokes and have fun, despite this he was considered a great Shinobi. He trained Ken and three others personally. However after a few years, before he finished training them and explained what he was training them for, he disappeared, just disappeared from the village without a word or trace.

7 years ago, Ken's mother was found dead in her house. The evidence and the way she was killed could only have been done with Ken's unique abilities. Thus Ken was blamed for the death and put on trial, despite the evidence some felt it hard to believe Ken had killed his own mother. So, due to this as well as his unique ability instead of a death sentence he was locked away to serve time before he could ever become a Jounin. However he refused to stay locked up as he wanted to find the killer of his mother, so he broke out of jail, stole back his sword and went around the village trying to find anyone had information. Including beating up civilians and high ranking officials to get answers.

He was eventually caught before he could finish his investigation and brought before the village leader. As the village leader called out his crimes, Ken got angrier knowing his mother was dead and these fools who had always teased him, mocked him and given his mother such grief were just going to lock him up and he would never find out the truth. His rage exploded as he uncontrollably released his gravity power causing a small explosion of powerful gravitational force that destroyed the main office area as well as badly damaging some of the Jounin as well as the leader of the village.

Ken was force to flee as the village ordered his death for not only his crime but this uncontrollable behavior as well as as the attempted murder of the village leader as they saw it. He managed to escape his village and instead he was simply banished from the village, but if he ever returned, he would be executed. He became a rogue ninja, taking odd jobs and trained himself to match a Jounin.

Theme Song:

Equipped Weapons/Items:

Large Zanbato Blade - A very large blade that most people can barely lift let alone carry around. Ken is able to carry this large sword around with ease due his Gravity Style. It is also made with the special metal that can absorb chakra and lined with silver which is abundant in Ken's land adding to it's weight and power. This allows Ken to make the blade's strikes far stronger or faster by putting his chakra through it.

Ken keeps this sword in a large black sheath, strapped to his back. He also has a summoning scroll to keep it away for discretion or to summon it back to him if he loses it. Due to this sword's large weight and size, practically none except those with incredible strength can even lift it, save for Ken who carries it around like it weighs nothing.

15 Shuriken, 7 Kunai, 13 Explosive Tags, 7 Smoke Bombs, 3 Flash Bombs, 5 Soldier Pills, 1 Stink Bomb, 1 Kusari(Chain), Summoning Scroll for Sword and Rations of Food for a Week.


Special Traits (Optional)

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Gravity Style

Type: Unknown

Clan: Unknown

Description: Gravity Style is a unique ability controlled through the use of Yin and Yang Chakra that only Ken seems able to use. No one is sure of where it comes from as no one knows his father. It allows Ken to manipulate the gravity of objects, this could allow for some incredible abilities but due to no one being able to train Ken on it's use as no one knows of it, it is considered wasted on him.

Ken who is not so good at manipulating his own chakra find's it best used being channeled through his large blade. It allows him to carry and wield the blade despite it's incredible weight with extreme ease and proficiency. He can even throw the blade like a boomerang so that it spins and comes back to him. By increasing the gravity of the blade he can make it's swings far more power or manipulating gravity around his own body he can do incredible feats of agility and speed to further increase his kenjutsu skills. The unique chakra has possibility for far greater abilities, but Ken still has to figure out how to use it properly.

It has also allowed Ken to make the sword come to him without him touching it from a distance, but these instances have only happened in extreme circumstances and Ken is completely unable to control it.


Shadow Clone Technique, Transformation Technique, Body Replacement Technique, Multiple Phantom Shuriken, Flash, Body Flicker Technique & Hiding in Shadows Technique

Name of Technique: Multi-Transformation Technique

Type of Jutsu: Hensojutsu

Rank: D

Handseals: Dog, Boar and Ram

Description: Ken not only transform himself, but can also transform anything or anyone he is touching. He often uses to this transform himself into his sword and his sword into himself for a surprise attack

Weakness:If transforming other people, the transformation is partially dependent on their chakra. So if they are hurt too much, it could cancel their half of the transformation. Also if Ken is hurt bad enough, it could cancel both transformations

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Cosmic Slash Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Close to Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken channels his chakra into his large blade to allow him to swing it with incredible ease and speed. By increasing the gravity of the blade during the final part of the swing he can make the force behind far more powerful. Sometimes enough to leave a crater if enough chakra is used. Can be combined with Flash to create a more powerful Gravity Style: Cosmic Flash Technique.

This technique is what allows Ken to hold his sword when few can even lift it.

Weakness: The strength of the attack is equal to how much chakra he puts in, his chakra control isn't the best and Ken has a habit of putting in too much, sometimes his attacks are weaker or stronger than he wanted.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Cosmic Force Technique

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Close Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Tiger, ends with slamming fists together.

Description: Same as Gyro Slash technique, but done with his bare fists. Much weaker and harder to control then when he does it with sword. Uses it only if he has lost sword and is out of options.

Weakness: The strength of the attack is equal to how much chakra he puts in, his chakra control isn't the best and Ken has a habit of putting in too much, sometimes his attacks are weaker or stronger than he wanted.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Orbit Barrier Technique

Type of Jutsu: Barrier/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Close Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Bird, Tiger, Dragon, Hare end with slamming fists together and holding palms out.

Description: Ken creates a small circular barrier in front of him which negates the gravity of objects and messes up chakra. This allows the barrier to block physical attacks and chakra attacks to a lesser extent. The barrier can be extended into a full sphere to cover Ken and others, but this takes far chakra and is very difficult for Ken to do.

Weakness: While a very good barrier it requires Ken to hold both his palms out otherwise the barrier fades, thus making Ken useless while holding the barrier. It can be done with one hand, but then the barrier is far weaker.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Gyro Boomerang Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken channels his chakra into his large blade and then throws it such that it spins like a boomerang becoming like a saw to slice things up, it then arcs around and returns to him like a boomerang.

Weakness: Although unlikely due to the sword's great weight and cutting power due to gravity style if someone was able to stop the sword with a powerful enough force, Ken would be forced to retrieve it. Thankfully few can barely lift the sword...

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Stellar Cycle Meteor Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken channels his chakra into his large blade and then slams it into the ground, causing debri to come up, the debri can be as big as Ken depending on how much chakra he puts into the attack. He then spins his sword around his body causing the debri to orbit around his sword allowing for either a powerful strike from his sword with the debri or being used to block attacks with the debri. But to truly finish the technique Ken can swing his sword forward, firing the debri like projectiles towards the opponent.

Weakness: It requires Ken to have the sword and it depends on how much chakra he puts in, that determines the amount of debri and it's size that orbits the blade. Also he is required to destroy a small portion of the ground or some material to create debri.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Cosmo Orb Bomb Technique (Positive or Negative)

Type of Jutsu: Taininjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Short or Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Bird, Tiger, Hare, ends with slamming fists together and then slamming palms into the ground.

Description: Ken forms a small sphere of gravity energy around his fist, from there it has two possible uses. He can either slam it his hand into opponent releasing all the gravitational energy upon them. If he uses the positive form of it, the opponent's gravity increases causing them to drop the ground and be crushed by a strong gravitational force. If he uses the negative form their gravitational forces weakens so that they can be thrown high into the sky and are unable to drop down, but are force to slowly float down like a cloth.

Ken can use this technique in a second way where he throws the sphere like a bomb and where it hits, it causes the same affect and if a number of people are standing close together he can hit that group with the bomb to affect all of them.

Weakness: This technique two forms each have it's weakness. Using it short range requires Ken to physically touch the opponent with his hand, thus the opponent can dodge and attack him. Throwing it requires aim, so it can be dodged or intercepted like any bomb, also to affect a group of people with the bomb they have to be standing very close together.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Celestial Inversion Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Short Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Rat, Bird, Rat, Tiger, ends with slamming fists together and then slamming palms into the ground.

Description: Ken completely inverts gravity for himself and anyone he performs the technique on. This doesn't just allow him to walk on walls, but could actually allow him to jump down when he jumps up or, even if he falls, he would fall upward. This unusual change allows Ken to confuse the enemy and put them in a situation they are not use to fighting in. He can perform it on an enemy or ally, as long as he does it close to them. This can be very confusing for an enemy who will not know how to fight in this state, once they get use to it, Ken can cancel it, further confusing them and causing them to drop to the ground.

Weakness: The technique is only for being performed in doors or otherwise the individual would just float towards the sky. The technique does not last forever and can only last for five minutes tops, but it can be cancelled anytime by Ken. Using this on opponent is useful, but Ken has to perform it right next to them which leaves him wide open for attack.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Dark Cosmic Orbit Crush Technique

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Dragon, Bird, Rat, Tiger, Ram, Hare, ends with slamming fists together and then slamming palms into the ground.

Description: One of Ken's most powerful techniques in which he combines his barrier with a powerful crushing gravity. He creates a half sphere around himself about a meter a half wide. Anyone caught inside this barrier is submitted to an incredible increase gravity enough to crush the body of an ordinary man.

Weakness: This is technique absolutely exhausts Ken and this he refuses to ever use it, also due to the fact that he cannot control who is crushed. Anyone caught inside will be crushed regardless of his will. He claims the main reason he doesn't use it often is because it leaves him with no chakra and on his hands and knees, but truthfully it was a technique like this that was claimed to have killed his mother.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Planet Quake Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Mid Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: None, but sword is required

Description: Ken swings his sword over his head and to the ground after channeling a large amount of chakra into the blade, once it hits the ground it shatters the ground and this burying force travels in a straight line shattering the ground along it until it hits it's opponent and releases a powerful force of gravity upward to knock the opponent back. It is also good for just shattering the ground when necessary.

Weakness: It must be done on the ground, earth, wood or metal is required. It won't work on water or air.

Name of Technique: Gravity Style: Eternal Multi-Blade Technique

Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Range: Long Range

Nature Type: Gravity

Handseals: Ram with one hand and sword is required

Description: Ken best technique, it starts by Ken increasing the gravity around his area and lowering his own gravity, allowing him to travel to his opponent with the Body Flicker Technique it what seems like an instant. He then vastly increases the gravity around the opponent and lowers his own and his own even more so that it seems like opponent is moved at super slow while his speed is increased. This allows him to attack his opponent with sword slashes multiple times in an instant without his opponent moving. This technique could theoretically be used to deliver 1,000 slashes in a second instead of one. However so far Ken can only manage 7, he has been training this technique for a long time and he continually trains and everyday it increases a little more. His next goal is to get to 8 slashes.

Weakness: If the opponent is able to escape the initial gravity surge, the rest of the attack is not really as effective. But this is very difficult and requires great speed as well as for the opponent to notice the attack and no what to do to escape it. Also doing the full 7 slashes does take quite a bit out of Ken.
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Sorry this is taking a while, waiting for others to post or tell me that they have dropped.

Anyway, Here are some things to fix up if you are waiting on character approval.

Pashune, Im liking your character so far. We dont get a lot of Ninja archers after all, but there is one thing that needs to be addressed. Although Hashirama Senju managed to use wood release and made it his primary technique, other Senju were unable to replicate his wood release. I would allow a close variant, like leaf release, vine release, or grass release, but wood release is a Hashirama/Yamato (Hashirama clone)specialty, and cant be replicated. Aside from that, you are golden, though, after living in the village for all those years, it is likely that he would get to know his prey, or at least stalk them. I would have liked to hear about his internal conflict, if there was any, about killing two people who were, for all intents and purposes, innocent of any crime and possibly not even ninja. If you add it, I will suggest something cool for you, but you dont have to if you feel it would not fit your character.

TagochiRein, Your story is approved and aside from your picture, which is mortal C-K-C-Kombat, i have no problem with your character. Just one thing you should be aware of though, there are already a variety of smoke techniques in the Naruto Universe, and they are not hidden techniques. Just be aware of that in the event that you see a smoke technique used by another character.

Red, Ap-p-proved! We need more killers in this group, we have too many misunderstood ninja, we need some straight kenpachi in this b*tch! Your leaning close to a samurai with all those sword techniques, but you pass as a sword nin.

PyroWarriorZ, Your nearly approved, I would just feel better if your crime was more...terrible from a military stand point. After all you have a super unique Jutsu, and killing a civilian isnt so terrible. Just add in that a couple of chunin or Jonin were found dead as well, and you pass.

OK everyone, read up on the current situation, cause you may be going in faster than you think. Since so many people decided to drop, we have a lot of dead characters, which means that the teams may need back up.
Wiseman Ok I edited, but I didn't add more dead Jounin or Chuunin, but I did add something that should be more terrible from a military stand point. Hope that is enough?
thanks. My aim was to add a certain dynamic to the team. Would you trust a guy that's capable but is obviously distrustful despite all claims? xDD
Well, I just got confirmation that all of the people we were waiting on have decided to drop. Dont think I've just been waiting around for them either, I was told to expect a post, waited several weeks, and now I get told that its for nothing. Whateves, expect the plot to continue some time today or tomorrow.
fine. with me. ^_^ . Will you be auto controlling some of the characters or will you kill them all off? btw. I think that you should keep some of them. such a thought.
OK Listen up new players. Everyone is accepted. Now you will enter the game shortly. All of your characters were recruited before all the original characters, and have been kept in reserve. You are being used after my next post, which will follow shortly after everyone who is still in the RP has posted something to the current post. You will all have your cloaks and sosa masks already, and have been given orders to back up the other teams and kill the star ninja. 
P.S. Dont forget team work! Team work makes your chances of success go up by a minimum of thirty percent for each person who helps in the attack. Combine your skills and you will be able to dominate any battle field. 
P.S.S. I altered my last post a bit to include Yogan and the Deer Prince.
might someone explain how the sosa mask works? I know it's a means to communicate with each other but I wasn't clear about the mechanics to it... or what it even looks like. Does the cloack also have a special function or something?
The coat is treated to increase the wearer's defense/resistance against the elements/jutsu/attacks.

The Sosa mask is unadorned and blank. It will allow you to stay in contact with your squad mates and to Senryaka, in order to use the Sosa mask for that purpose you must channel chakra into it. The Mask also provides a digitally enhanced view of the environment.

Note: Hogo's mask is currently cracked but it does not stop it from working.
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Wiseman said:
Inside were several folded, black and white cloaks, each bearing a large envelope attached to the cloth. Senryaka pulled one of the cloaks out and took the envelope off. She opened it and withdrew two items, a plain white, full face mask, with no openings cut into its smooth pallid surface, and a red wax seal of some sort. "These are the first two items, your Sosa Mask, and your release seal. Your Sosa mask will increase your vision slightly, and is entirely transparent from the inside. It will automatically match any prescription you might need, so you will not need to wear any eye wear under the mask. More importantly, it will allow you to communicate with us and the members of your squad instantaneously and clearly. Merely pour a small amount of chakra into the mask, and it will connect you to the others, and over time you may become skilled enough in its use to send person specific messages. The masks have a range of up to one kilometer, and become unable to communicate after too much distance has been reached. The mask is a scientific marvel, and it will do all these things as well as hide your identities, which will be crucial to the plan.
Wiseman said:
She then tore the seal off her neck, with did not look very difficult, and moved on, pulling out one of the cloaks. She unfolded it and held it out for the others to sea. It was loose and mostly white, clearly meant to be worn over important gear and other clothing. It had a sort of Ying Yang theme to it, the black lining and black designs on the mask contrasting against the white of the rest of the cloak. On The back, where the white and black met, was the Kanji symbol 和, meaning Harmony. "These are a personal gift from Mikoto to you. These cloaks are water proof, shock resistant, fire resistant, and help to muffle your chakra signature, and will also help to hide your identity. They bare the symbol of Mikoto's operation, and he has expressed interest in seeing you wear them, at least for your more public missions. The choice on whether to wear them or not is up to you, and yes, we have all of your sizes...roughly. Come and take one of each."
Wiseman said:
As Ryuzoji placed the mask on he would find the interior to be quite extraordinary. While the outside looked to be made of some sort of smooth white ceramic, the inside might as well have been glass, completely translucent, allowing him to see perfectly, nay, just a little bit better than perfectly. It was also a hell of a lot more useful than a forehead protector, or at least it would be if the mask was made of hard stuff. Through the mask he could see Senryaka perfectly, as well as her disapproving stare.
(Ok I know this seems weird guys, but I chatted over with Wiseman and decided this character is much better suited for this RP story, so please ignore my previous character!)

Name: Kenji "Ken" Sh?kyo

Nickname/Alias: Ken / Blood Ruby Killer

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 5'7

Sexuality: Male

Village of origin: Village Hidden in Valleys (Tanigakure) in the Land of Rivers

Former Clan/Bloodline: Sh?kyo & K?d?

Former Position: J?nin

Chakra Nature: Earth & Lightning

Specialty: Crystal Jutsu Specialist



  • Ken is now an empty individual, he doesn't care for the world or any one person in it. He doesn't even care for himself, everything he valued is now gone. He does not allow anyone to get close to him, as he believes they will just die anyway. He no long believes in bonds and in general stays away from anyone he doesn't need to engage with. He doesn't value life anymore, so he is willing to kill anyone without a care, but at the same time he has no hatred so he won't kill anyone he doesn't have to.

    He has come to hate the world of Shinobi as it is because of the way ninja live and the systems set up by the five nations that he lost what he cared about. He despises the notion of being a shinobi, but it is all he has left, it is all he knows how to do. So he continues on, being a shinobi and even working with other shinobi, but inside he is tired of five nations itself with their hidden villages. He is hollow inside, all his previous traits of honor, kindness, loyalty and playfulness are hidden deep inside.

Theme Song:
  • Equipped Weapons/Items: 13 Explosive Tags, 7 Smoke Bombs, 3 Flash Bombs, 5 Soldier Pills, 1 Stink Bomb, Summoning Scroll for storage and Rations of Food for a Week.

  • Name of Kekkei Genkai: Crystal Release

    Type: Dual-Element

    Clan: Sh?kyo

    Description: A rare and specialised field of elemental ninjutsu that can create crystal as well as manipulate already-existing crystals and crystalline structures.

  • Transformation Technique, Body Replacement Technique, Body Flicker Technique & Hiding with Camouflage Technique

    Crystal Armour, Crystal Release: Crimson Fruit, Crystal Lance, Crystal Wheel, Crystal Needles, Growing Crystal Thorns, Hexagonal Shuriken, Giant Hexagonal Shuriken, Shuriken Wild Dance, Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon, Crystal Pentagonal Prison, Crystal Imprisonment Wave, Crystal Encampment Wall, The God's Crossing Technique, Sapphire Crystal Blade, Jade Crystal Clone Technique, Ruby Crystal Labyrinth Technique

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OK, still waiting on Hogo, so ninbinz, whenever your ready we will move on. After my next post, the new players may start to post. 
OK, all new characters are free to post their intro. They have already been introduced to Mikoto, and given their cloaks, seals and masks.

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