Naruto - Back to Basics - OOC

correct malicious joss just subtracts from the pool of everyone going against the user who used said joss.

so @spandez 's post involving the pool subtraction wouldn't be limited towards you but everyone acting against him. However donating joss I'm allowing since it could be fluffed as POWER OF FRIENDSHIP or something giving confidence to the hero which means a bigger pool per joss spent. Also amusingly enough ghoul's attack towards him would be normal due to the joss points counteracting each other.
Though it will subtract from your pool when you're defending against Spandez's attack, since it's a contested action between you and Spandez.
@White Masquerade

Your ripple roll is invalid due to it always being done on the attackers side. Plus the aim is not to take the character out, but rather to stop her leaving and making her learn to team play with the team of weirdos.

Cuz abandoning your team like that is like a ninja sin at the current stage of experience you guys are in.

Also on a sidenote: I'd thought the first team was going to be the more straitlaced one given the fact that like everyone but the cat is more inclined to chivalrous virtues. Compared to the second team which is the opposite. So now it's like a more dysfunctional team 7.
@White Masquerade, do you realize what a clothesline is? It's where you stick your arm out while another person moves past, catching them on your outstretched limb. It's not a strike or anything, it's mostly just tripping your character up while she's trying to run away to a nonexistent zone.

Just thought I should let you know, since you have your character apparently having a conversation and bracing for something that happens instantaneously while she's trying to flee the battlefield. Though I guess that might mess up Kazimah's whole intentionally playing the victim thing I guess.
Ixacise said:
@White Masquerade
Your ripple roll is invalid due to it always being done on the attackers side. Plus the aim is not to take the character out, but rather to stop her leaving and making her learn to team play with the team of weirdos.

Cuz abandoning your team like that is like a ninja sin at the current stage of experience you guys are in.

Also on a sidenote: I'd thought the first team was going to be the more straitlaced one given the fact that like everyone but the cat is more inclined to chivalrous virtues. Compared to the second team which is the opposite. So now it's like a more dysfunctional team 7.
Sorry. It might be misnamed. It's the Ripple defense roll I did in case I wasn't in.


So it looks like this turn's initiatives are

Initiative Team B Sensei - 60

Kenta - 50

Murata/Kazimah - 49

Onna - 39

Isamu - 31

Ichigo - 27

By the way Masq you might want to use that extra 3 pair to make a minor action disable marvel so that Kazimah playing the victim nets her some sort of effect, both RP-wise and mechanics-wise. I'm not the GM, but at a guess I would say such an action would use Perform vs Awareness.
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Yes & no. Cuz Bon's character doesn't fit with them.

It's jut interesting seeing the teams at play, and I mention virtues because although the book says they're not necessarily personality traits but also values that are important to character's story or something like that; the virtues help infer some detail on the characters.

So like with the first team my initial assumption was that like the team was going to be more heroic. With your character being heroic-er with his flaw being the obvious attempts at flirting with girls. And the other two being like the straight men to your goofiness. Naut's cat being an anti-heroic foil to you two because the cat is explicitly said to be a dick and has the selfish virtues to go along. And mask's character being more straight laced given those 3 maxed out traits, but then irony kicks in when the character is a 180 and seems more in tune with selfish type virtues which is jarring. But given that virtues also represent relevancy to the character story perhaps mask's character's arc is about growing into a better person?

Anyway on to the second team. Overall I thought this would be the more like the "Wacky" team for lack of a better word. As the first thing two are explicitly said to be criminals with spandez's guy being the son of some crime family and blume's character being a petty thief.

Bon's dude is kinda the odd man out since he's not a criminal and just some guy that failed doing his guard duty. Now for virtues as whole they're mixed but they have an overall noticeable investment in selfishness. Continuing with Bon his guy is the odd man out. In both having just one high selfish virtue which is revenge which either implies a revenge plot or him being overly defensive on perceived slights. Personality wise he's quiet which is either intentional or he hasn't gotten around to showing them.

Spandez's guy is pretty straightforward somewhat. Since with this virtues and the backstory seem to imply he's going to be the party face. As he has the crime family son backstory which means he'd be grooming to a leadership position and being the lead in the squad would be an extension for that training. And his virtues match that mob boss type stereotype of loyalty to the fam and attacking anyone who breaks that bond or crosses the fam. Yet his personality is pretty chill compared to the stereotype but maybe he has that scary serious side. Maybe

Blume's character is the genki girl with more explosions. The character is probably a reference to some other anime I haven't watched. The Dazzling Jubilant Ignition internal being used is gonna be fun to use. I want to call her a pyrophillic girl naruto which while vastly superior to ninja jesus is probably inaccurate. Pretty curious to see how Onna is gonna develop along with Bon since they're a bit more open ended. While Spandez's guy kinda has the whole mafia angle to use for story.


Anyway enough with analysis.

I believe there is something to address?

@spandez @White Masquerade @MechaGhoul @Blumenkranz @Nautilus @Bonnenheimer

As I am detecting vast quantities of salt and tension in the air. As like I think mask's character is doing a damn good job of being insufferable which might be rubbing the players the wrong way. Particularly with naut 's cat being antagonistic and the aggressive response above which may or may not be further fueling the insufferability which fuels more annoyance in an endless cycle .
Onna reminds me more of Kyoko from Black Cat to be honest.

As for the latter I'm fine as long as everyone follows the rules- Also, it is kind of annoying how Kazimah's personality seems inconsistent, but the whole "Super insecure about herself so she makes up a clan to be from and talks really big and bullies people to compensate" angle is really cool, I think. You do a really good job at portraying an emotionally-damaged character without pulling any punches, Masque.
Eh I'd hold off on the state of clan's existence or lack thereof. Since I haven't gotten around to getting you all bought into the various custom made loresheets of which only the city exists. Shit I still need to expand the cat and dog people stuff.

Clans are a big thing and will be made but they're kinda complex to hash out compared to doings stuff like the village lore sheets. Since the clans are gonna be having beyond plot hooks such as: official externals which will gets boosts to them via secret techs, perhaps some legendary weapon or fu, and the general powers up like letting you extend your spell list in an internal that's supported by them, or unique effects like the eagle claw thing from the eagle clan people in Wulin that let's you use unarmed as sabers, or the pretty princess club that has a vampiric touch move. Which needless to say will take a little bit of planning and time to hash out.

but that's getting off topic.

What I want is for everyone to post and communicate. As there's clearly something happening which needs to be solved
Ixacise, Kazimah's CS doesn't have any loresheets. By the rules, that means she has no meaningful ties to pretty much anyone- and she can't exactly buy membership in the clan now, seeing as then Masque would need to explain why Kazimah wasn't a member of the clan in the first place, and that's gonna be really hard to do with IC reasoning. Plus it's a way better plot hook than 'lol forgot loresheets I'll add them retroactively'.

For example, was she disowned by her clan? Do they exist? Is she just some kid who has no clan of her own, and has deluded herself into thinking she comes from a family of legendary warriors? I don't know, but all of those sound really cool.
I would love to see a plotline where Kazimah has memories of her clan, but her clan does not. She would clearly be part of their bloodline, but they would probably assume she is the bastard child of some member. You could pull some really cool stuff with this, from mundane to absolute mind fuckery.

Or we could simply assume her bound to the clan is not really important to the storyline until she buys the loresheets. But that would be boring.
Quick Aside: Ixa, could we get a Ninja Circus Loresheet in the future? Cause having Status with like, Ninja Clowns would be fun. Though of course, the other lore-sheets should be fleshed out more before like, Ninja Carnival. Ah, gotta get more lore-sheets later for the Zany Hero of Justice. But I digress.

As it stands, the clan really holds no place of prominence or importance unlike the Cattulets and Muttague Clans. There are many interesting ways this could go, as was pointed out earlier.

1.) She is a member of the clan, but they don't recognize her.

Reasons Why?

  • She comes from a weaker branch of the larger clan over-all, and they view her and her core family as garbage who shouldn't even be able to count as Lamperes.
  • Her branch of the family did something (From treachery of all kinds, could be major, could be hilariously minor) that exiled them from the Clan at large. This could easily be a hook for a Redemption Arc, to clear the Sins of the Father.
  • She was born a bastard child of the clan. (Already mentioned.) As such she holds no true roots to the Clan.

2.) Kazimah is delusional and the Clan never existed.

Why make up this lie?

  • She is embarrassed of her true heritage of the mundane civilians and tries to over-compensate these failings.
  • Plain Arrogance. 'I am awesome, I come from a lineage of awesome people'. Uses it to brag to others in attempt to appear more powerful for some reason or another.

3.) The Clan does exist but is not prominent in any real meaningful way.

Why aren't they meaningful in any real way?

  • Lack of members
  • Most of the members of the Clan are mere civilians and not Ninjas, with no specialized trade or anything to separate them

These are just a few things that could explain the situation that we see.
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Or we could be witnessing the results of a temporal rift in which Kazimah inadvertently jumped from another timeline where she was part of the clan into this one, where her family didn't pertain to the clan. Or maybe Kazimah is a clone designed by a rival clan to destroy her clan from the inside, and got fake memories implanted on her. The possibilities are endless*.

*At GM discretion.

Checking in here but busy.

Veering way off topic here
Well, yeah. Let's avoid beating around the bush.

Onna doesn't hate Kazimah, she's just pissed because she called her a pipsqueak. Outside of this, I could very well see them becoming healthy rivals (you know, like Pokemon rivals). Hell, I actually like her OOC because I think she has potential with her clan's storyline or personal growth.

Anyway, don't take Ichigo's actions personally. She's supposed to be like that, a classic grumpy and smug cat. She has also smacked Isamu, maybe because she believes herself to be superior to the rest of the team. As deduced from her actitude towards her boyfriend's brother, she probably hates anyone who isn't herself or her boyfriend, because that's what grumpy cats do.

Also, consider this is a Naruto setting based on Legends of Wulin, where honor is very important. In fact, I think you have 5 Honor points, which means Honor is very important for your character. If you feel proud of your clan, and you want your clan to feel proud of you, you should go all in. Don't be afraid of challenging other players (or accepting) to a duel: since we are using a dice system, battles will be balanced, and since they are duels between kids, the consequences won't be very serious anyway. It doesn't matter if you lose, what matters is that you stood up and fought for what you think is right, and that is what Honor means.
It's less that Ichigo believes herself superior and more that, being raised by feral cats on the street where might makes right is very much the rule, she's trying to solve her problems- namely that she feels her teammates are liabilities because she thinks Isamu is a goofball with messed-up priorities and Kazimah is a coward who refuses to improve herself- with violence and sabotage, since that's how she's used to solving things. Also the paper fan is like a standard thing in Manzai.

Look, Masque, I get the feeling that you want your guy to be feared, respected, maybe even idolized; but the issue with that is you can't expect that when your character has been acting like a stereotypical cowardly bully, backing out of any fights aren't totally one-sided. I mean, you did it again just now, you got into a situation where you weren't winning, got scared, and then came up with an IC excuse to run away and then got mad and tried to play the victim by picking a lower dicepool on purpose when Interesting Times meant the teacher came in and clotheslined your character for trying to run away. Does any of that sound at all heroic or honorable?
MechaGhoul said:
I assure you the topic is still noticeable.
In regards for clans my intent was to get started after test drive and get them made or everyone for both flavor as damn near everyone in the setting is connected to a clan. And also the mechanical part cuz being part of a faction/clan nets you goodies and power ups as well as story hooks to help net deeds and entanglement which is how you level up your character.

However the real issue seems to me, to that the contradictory and off putting personality and resulting dislike towards said personality is being read as like meta hostility towards the user.

Am I on target here?

Anyway my opinion on the whole thing is that I'm fine with a douchey character. But like with the virtues you have it's contradictory and jarring. To use a canon example are you going to be Neji who starts off as a jerk and then via dramatic fight starts mellowing out? Anyway the virtues thing is important because of what they represent; which is like part personality and values that you want to be important to the characters.

And with that in mind taking some action in line with those virtues helps with development by giving incentives to going with your convictions and you had some opportunities to back your talk up which could either be for chiv or selfish but most likely selfish, and or make some progression towards being more in tune with those chivalrous virtues. Not asking for like a 180 but some small progression would be nice.

@White Masquerade

Anyway what do you have to say?
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