Naruto - Back to Basics - OOC

I know most of this is coming from left field through misinterpretation or something personal outside the RP, because I actually look this stuff up. I didn't respond to the comment about the clothesline because it's simply wrong. It has nothing to do with whether the user of it is moving or not; just that the arm is held straight and nothing more. It can be done moving or not. I know my post wasn't read properly because even whether the Sensei was moving or not, the response was open-ended enough to fit both scenarios. She could have ran into it, or been ran into by it after her way was blocked.

Second, about wanting the character to be feared, respected, or idolized is non-sense. It's a character of the warrior archetype with 5 Force. How else is that supposed to be showed? In all my RPs, the characters I control are usually the ones who die, get hurt, or beat first. Read through the work if you're skeptical. Now, this is a dice role-play. In no way, shape, or form, can I control the numbers I roll. Just like it said in a post during the story: my character has some dumb luck. Am I sorry I've constantly had good rolls? Yes, I am. Do I hate it? Yes, I do. I am not used to my character ever being on top. Am I going to ignore the lucky results? No. Ixacise has gotten me to like this game and want to strive my very best to learn it right by doing everything well.

Cause of that, it irks me when I lose a result simply because I didn't read the book right. Or didn't label something right. Or forgot to put a plus sign. Yeah. I'm kind of a newbie. They do that. I love this so much I want to lose because I didn't right or my dice sucked; not because of something trivial from the list that I mentioned before. So at the beginning when I had to re-roll because of a missing label, I was peeved. I don't apologize it.

Third, my character's personality is all over the place, because real people are all over the place. Plus, she's 12. The virtues here are Force, Righteousness, and Honor. Nowhere do I see quiet, unassuming, submissive, or agreeable. Those are just the usual traits added onto the Forceful, righteous, and honor-bound archetypes in most media. I'm sorry if the added surface traits don't match up to what's common, but I consciously make sure those three virtues are followed.

Is Kazimah a bully? Not really. Just loud, proud, confident and forceful. A coward? To someone that doesn't know her, yeah it would look that way. Inside, it's the complete opposite. Would meeting the cat at the pond to fight over her name be honorable? Forceful? Yes. Righteous? No. The silly little flashback was put in there to point out exactly that. When her boot was torn, did she want to hit back? HELL YEAH. Would that be forceful? Yes. Righteous? No. Honorable? No. Would it even be believable with those virtues? If you think about it, HELL NO.

Throwing the ball hard at Kenta. Forceful? Yes. Righteous? No. Honorable? No. Now, under normal circumstances, that would stay no, but this is a competition. So is the blow justified? Yes. Not giving your all in a type of battle is like the very definition of dis-honor. Which bring me to my last point.

The cat has been dis-honorable. Not in just the match, but the whole day. I don't know Ichigo's exact scores, but I give the acts a benefit of the doubt, because I know they're at least on the side of being malicious. So that doesn't even matter. The competition is where it all comes to a head. The cat's acts are not only dis-honorable, but un-righteous. Kazimah is not a push-over, tolerant, submissive, compliant, or a masochist. Why would she stay around something she absolutely abhors? She hates Ichigo, and with her being chivalrous while the other is extra-malicious, that's how it should be. Going after a teammate in a match? She scolded the cat for it the first time. Then a second time? She is livid. Though unless Ichigo hurts somebody innocent, Kazimah will never lay a finger on her no matter what she says. Or anyone for that matter.

Things just happened to come to a head right when the other team decided to do some wicked stuff. I was planning to have Kazimah go the second I read Ichigo's post. There's nothing owed to somebody being so malicious. The only one Kazimah felt sorry for is Takahashi and the other team. Being honorable, she was going to wait by the front gate for Taka to go home, and take him to lunch. She would've vented her frustrations, apologized, cried, and eventually gotten closer to Takahashi. I was preparing for some great character development for both of us.

Now with the lore, I'm new. So I don't even know. You're right; I have nothing. There's zero for me to say there.

I don't know about you guys, but all the talk about Kazimah really detracted from the RP. I was sick of it myself. I really wanted to get to know their story and more of the other team.

Finished. Sorry it was so long. I just figured it wouldn't be understood if I glazed over things. I really hated wasting everyone's time doing this, but hopefully things are clear. I like you all, and LOVE the game, but the tension is just a little much. Just ahead of time, I'll most likely be exiting the Role-play after this match, so heads up =/. Again! Sorry for the wait. I'll be rolling in a bit.
rebuttal time

- The way the action happened doesn't matter in the long run because GM Fiat was happening with the goal to drag your tantruming character back in to finish the exercise with the pretext of learning to be a team player. So at the end of the day that wave is being broken and you're getting moved back in and not allowed to rage quit.

-You're misinterpreting force. Force is not about being strong at all. Rather it is the collective mastery over yourself and your skills. Ferocity would be closer to the virtue of showing off your physical prowess and that's a selfish virtue. You prior character history is also irrelevant for the point at hand. Regarding the inexperience and the loss of rolls well obviously you're gonna make mistakes. This is like your first time playing a dice game that's on the more complex end of stuff.

-However that doesn't excuse letting you have your rolls that are the result of it being valid. Besides you already had some rolls that broke rules happen. Such as making a marvel roll that used a skill you didn't have or something and probably some other stuff that I can't remember off the top of my head. Only rolls that I clearly recall as being nixed is your command roll to get ghoul's dude to act as a meatshield or having your river cleared after it being declared that you can only load it once per round with the implication that stops during that current round despite it going "official" in the next round. And that ripple roll you posted after the npc acted against your character.

-Not a valid excuse at all. Your character's personality is so off base from the virtues you chose they might as well call it the Wreck of Old 97 cuz it's derailed. People may be contradictory but it isn't this blatant and jarring since they tend to hide those contradictions or rationalize them into making sense. Not even Tomino characters are like this off at emulating real people. Anyway your character doesn't do none of the above and instead seems to be quite cavalier about being so brazen in having this bi-polar personality of being super boisterous and arrogant but no backing that talk up especially since she's talking smack from literally page 1.

With the flashback it failed completely at it's job on many levels. First off it's awkwardly shoehorned as an attempt of garnering pathos and or showing that she's not a complete jerk. Most importantly it told but not showed which is like one of the cardinal rules for writing stories. We were told via the flashback that she was taught to control herself or something like but there was no logical outward expression of that just her refusing Ichigo's duel that was jarring and a complete cop out of a something that could interesting.

And she still continues acting like she's hot shit without anything that would justify it or show some modicum of awareness as to how out of whack she's acting. As for the virtues given the fact that you got this proud warrior race type vibe it would totally fit those virtues in that context of showing your prowess and greatness. Hell even if it didn't fit them you'd still get like some deed off one of the selfish virtues but without any of the mad joss you'd get for it hitting your maxed out ranks which would work because hey she's a brat that's making bad decisions. Hell your justification of how it was okay to strike Kenta like that is glaring contradictory as it A) If she was taught to have self-control why the hell is she being so rough in a silly game exercise & B) If she's so proud and willing to give it her all why the hell did she shirk out on the cat's dual or didn't relish showing what's she made of along with her balls of steel to the teacher? With that line of thought of what's honorable and what isn't how in the hell is abandoning your team and throwing a hissy fit befitting of an honorable warrior?

As for the conflict with the cat? The cat's a dick and it's made abundantly clear both in the back story where it's mentioned her clan are jerks and in her virtues which are on a whole on the selfish side leaving nothing to the imagination and as such it's internally consistent. If your character wanted to remain on the moral high ground she would have done the following: cool her damn jets and realize she's being a colossal jackass after issuing the apology and ease up on smack talk and cockiness. And if the cat continued being antagonistic she could have handled it with better decorum or getting the teacher on her case. Instead she continued being cocky talking smack which gave the cat more ammo to heckle her and act more aggressively which fed the cat some more, and her chastising was aggressive enough to keep the cat doing it. And good lord was it particularly egregious having her mouth off at the teacher getting a spar challenge with promise of conceding to her complaint but instead she backs and not only that she insults him.

Another issue with the character is the intensity and pacing or lack thereof involving the aforementioned cockiness. Literally right from the start you open with smack talk and cockiness and normally that would be fine since it's an establishing shot of the characters and there'd be no problem. The problem lies in that it just snowballed with this trait being continually "Loud" and relentless with the only arguable pause in it would be the apology and the compliment on the raptor summon. There should have been some showing of some sympathetic trait to soften her up. Or hell if you wanted her to be unsympathetic you at should have taken the challenges and or done something to support your character's ethos and worth as team mate to justify as why they tolerate her outside of being forced together as a team.

However nothing of the sort is done which instead leads the character being to being aggressively unlikeable and off putting to both player/reader and the characters themselves. So instead she comes off as the stereotypical bully as she continues because all she's doing is being annoying by talking smack and not doing anything validate it. Yes the cat is not nice and the team wasn't playing nice. However the thing is the cat's antagonism was reactive and spaced out so it was like lessened in the presence of the character's loudness with said obnoxiousness. And to quote Super Troopers the other team's shenanigans were cheeky and fun than like overtly mean spirited and mean. Now going back to doing something sympathetic to your character gets me to your plan for the character. The sentiment is nice but it's a case of too little too late with botched implementation. There's like no real build up to it, like yes she's getting upset but there's no showing of her facade crumbling and how it's clear she's out of her element or anything to help build pathos. So the end result would be like your run of the mill bad tsundere from an anime having a moment of forced vulnerability cuz the writers made her too bitchy and needed something to counteract the torrent of bitchiness that makes the audience groan in disbelief.

Which speaking of tv characters the thing with what the tv tropes calls the "jerkass" they have something to balance them out like being a funny asshole or getting comeuppance or something. Also there is the very important factor which is the insulating factor of not dealing with them. However in the context of a roleplay this separation gets really messy in a meta sense. Since yes there's supposed to be a separation of OOC from IC but you're dealing with the character in a direct way compared to the passive interaction of other mediums and psychologically having the character being irksome for longer periods of time will starting fraying player nerves. And here within is the fatal flaw found; lack of any balancing to go with the unlikeable personality and a less indirect exposure is bound to fray nerves.

The Tl;DR is dude you fucked up. The character's characterization is veritable clusterfuck that seems to be the result of either undeveloped ideas and concepts or rather a desire to play the archetypical proud strong warrior type but without commitment to inevitability of having to prove it via glorious shonen battling as would be the case for playing a martially oriented character in a shonen fighting series setting in a kung-fu themed game no less. So instead it results in a character whose ethos and pathos are shambles that ends up being unlikeable.

As for clan lore sheets I take some responsibility in that I should have been better about them. My plan was to purposefully avoid any reference to them until after taking care of the obligatory combat tutorial and then making shit on a player by player basis like I did wit naut's cat & dog clan stuff. Anyway some modicum of effort in getting at least a vague skeleton of the clan would have solved this.
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Okay, thank you. We've both said our piece. It looks like we have very different interpretations then. Sorry I didn't have her fight like I guess people wanted her to, but righteous people don't fight over a silly reason like an insult. If that virtue wasn't there. Things would have turned out different. So yes. She is spineless when it comes to that. Sorry.

I always want things to go smoothly so I didn't say anything, but since this had come up, the way we rolled for ripples is wrong. Its the damage vs the chi and toughness. The threshold is not added to the result. So Bonnen and Onna's character both should have had a condition and been out. I won't say anything more on that in case it may make me look even worse.

Now are we going to get the match back going?
Always important to check the book. And as such time to check the Ripple Page.

And if I am wrong on this, please feel free to correct.

Lets see, so it says victims can spend chi to defend themselves up to rank.

So for us, that's two chi the defender can spend, for Chi Aura roll.

Attacker rolls the amount of dice that the target has in ripples.

At the time both Bon and Blum's dudes had two ripples.

Result of the Chi Aura roll is subtracted from the Ripple Roll.

Ah Chi Threshold! Here's where the issue is. (Well may be)

Well from the book, at least as I am reading it, it is not part of defense but rather a comparison tool, for determining the severity of chi statuses. As you compare the Ripple Roll (and any applicable bonuses) vs the Chi Aura defense (and any applicable defenses)

Of course I could be wrong on this, and how it's determined. (As Wulin is one Hell of a Drug.)

If that it is the case, that the Chi Threshold is not part of the Defense but rather a Benchmark Tool, then yes the results would be different. I'll take my example with Blum.

I got my Ripple Roll of 19 + 10 Inspire (cause applicable modifier)

And Blum got 12 Chi Aura + 13 Chi Threshold + 5 Toughness = 30

That kept the trivial chi conditioning from happening.

But if the Chi Threshold is merely a tool of comparison and not a means of defense, it would be...

The 29 Ripple Roll vs the 12 Chi Aura plus 5 modifier

29 - 17 = 12 (slightly) Under the Chi Threshold, but still a success.

That would inflict a Trivial Chi condition.

Anyhow, as I said I just took a quick look at it. If I am wrong in this method, and quick judgement, please correct my mistakes.

As the subject was brought up, I'd just want to make sure the proper method for Ripple Rolls was done properly and that we have the proper method for doing it.

And as for Match and Turns

InitiativeTeam B Sensei - 60 (Went)

Kenta - 50 (Went)

Murata/Kazimah - 49 (Kaz went. Don't believe Murata went)

Onna - 39

Isamu - 31

Ichigo - 27

@Bonnenheimer your turn to move and defend

Quick Aside: Slightly modified the CS Virtues. Moved one over from 2 Force to be 2 Honor. Aaaand scratch that.
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Alright, I am going to give my opinion on this.

Kazimah is not a bad character. She is a very valid character archetype with a solid personality, but the problem is that her Virtues don't really reflect the way she is. Does that mean you have to change the way she acts? Well, it depends.

Virtues are, in some way, what's important to your character, both IC and OOC. It's more or less what will shape her story, the kind of legends your character will appear on when she becomes powerful and famous enough. According to the book itself, it isn't really related to personality and you are not forced to act always according to that. Just because you have a 1 in Ruthlessness doesn't mean you can't be an asshole from time to time, or just because you have 1 in Loyalty doesn't mean you are untrustworthy (actual example in the book), just that Loyalty is not an important value to your character and will probably abandon it if it means you will do something with it more according to your ideals.

However, the system is geared towards pushing the character to act according to her virtues. Whenever you earn a Deed by doing something impressive, it will tend towards one of the ten Virtues. Said Deeds give you Joss and Entanglement points, which are multiplied by the number set in your value. For example, if someone decides to give me a Deed for nuking the battlefield, it will probably be a Ferocity Deed, which means I will get 3 Entanglement points and 3 Malicious Joss. Now that I think about it, this value should probably be higher considering her personality and powers, up to 4 or 5, but it's still very important to her nonetheless.

I have noticed Kazimah has no Benevolence points, which more or less makes sense. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like Kazimah is geared towards becoming some sort of legendary bushido warrior that will do anything to make her clan more reputable, more or less like Neji. Your points distribution isn't that bad, but I think you should have put some more points into Loyalty (towards your clan) and Obsession (about your clan), even if it was in a lower quantities. In fact, I have noticed you have actually distributed 12 points and not 15, which is a quite normal error since it's easy to assume the first base point might not count towards the total. If you were allowed to edit it, I would lower Force and Righteousness by two and one point respectively and distribute a bit more towards Loyalty, Obsession and Ferocity. This will also allow you to acquire more Malicious Joss, which are actually quite useful as you will see during my turn.

Anyway, let's analyze your current Virtues and their relation to your character:

  • Honor: according to the book, Honor is your "proper behaviour" (which probably implies being polite and acting according to traditions), which could mean repaying favors, speaking the truth at all times or standing by your brothers in a time of need. Extraofficially, I assume it also means fair play and knowing when to accept defeat, but I am not sure. However, it also mentions "acting according to traditions", which I think your character could do very well.
    Remember when Ichigo challenged you to a duel? Well, as weird as it seems, it would enter into the definition of Honor. Ancient China's values (and also Naruto's values) are not what we have today. Accepting a duel was seen as something honorable to do until just one or two centuries ago in many countries, even if today we see it as something barbaric. In fact, the samurai's motto is "know how to kill, know how to die", more or less. You would have acted according to your virtues if you accepted the duel, but rejecting it is considered as something dishonorable and the book recommends giving players penalties to characters who reject duels because SHAMEFUR DISPRAY NEKO-CHAN SAN FAN.
    Don't be afraid to duel people here. We are all ninjas, and very used to fight amongst ourselves. You could say it's pretty much a national sport. According to the book, duels are never intended to end up in death (although they could if things go bad) unless explicitly stated. Since we are just kids playing between themselves, they would never have any serious effects other than a few scratches and maybe a destroyed self-esteem. In fact, I assume some of our characters could duel just for fun, without any hard feelings. You could consider it a game or part of your training, you decide.
    Also, trying to run away from a fight isn't a very honorable thing to do. As uncooperative as your allies were, running away is probably an Individualism or even Ruthlessness trait. Kazimah's duty is to play the straight man and smack them when they do wrong things.
  • Righteousness: this is more or less the Paladin trait. You have to stand up for what you think is good, even if it could bring you problems. But as all Paladins know, in fantasy/medieval settings, righteousness is imparted by smacking evil in the face with a giant sword. It's kinda sad, but pretty much all of this games' Chivalrious Virtues involve violence in some way or another, except Benevolence (which would be the pacifist/altruist trait). When Ichigo started behaving like that while playing, you could (and should) have scolded her for hit. Hard.
    Grabbing her by the back of her neck (you know, like cat mothers usually grab their babies; their bodies "lock" and they behave when doing that) and talking to her very angrily to her face would have done the trick. If that didn't work, challenging her to a duel would be the next best thing to do. If that fails, you could have scolded her in place with your bare hands. Same for Isamu for being a Playboy, grabbing him by the back of the neck included.
  • Force: according to the book, Force means power and skill, skill being the control you have over your own force and yourself. What this exactly means is unclear, as the book only specifies power examples: very high skill rolls, defeating major opponents or elaborating successful master plans (which is why Onna has 5 Force, because she wants to become a master thief or bank robber). Everything seems to point that Force means mastery over your combat qualities and skills (precision), or adjusted power; while Ferocity is more related to using excessive power or killing flies with cannons. Still, calming down would be a wise action.

While in some way Kazimah's personality could work in a warrior fighting for her clan's honor, her actions do not match her Virtues. Rejecting Ichigo's duel was not Honorable, as it went against traditional norms. Using Isamu as a meat shield was kind of dickish, probably an Individualist act. Acting like you and your clan are better than the others is probably Obsession. Running away from the match was probably Individualist or Ruthless.

Considering we are in a Kung Fu game, the concept of Ying Yang is very important, and you have to acknowledge both your good and bad parts. You are not necessarily evil for picking Selfish virtues, as you have already seen Isamu is still the Heromaster even though he has quite a few Selfish points. As the book says, even cruel heroes are still heroes, but technically having Selfish Virtues shouldn't imply being cruel at all (unless we are talking about Ruthlessness).

Alright, now the real question is, what to do to fix this? The easiest way would be to ask Ixacise to move around a few Virtue points (which you should still do since you still have 3 points to spend), but there is actually a very interesting and kung fu-ish in-system explanation you could use for character development: your character is unbalanced. Either her soul (to put it some way) is aligned towards positive Virtues or Kazimah holds those Virtues in very high regards, but fails to act accordingly. Immaturity or hypocrisy, the reason doesn't matter. What matters is that deep down, in her heart, she doesn't feel right doing what she does. She has to learn that acting according to her ideals will make her happier, as expressed by those mad Jo$$ gains.

Your character has potential, you just have to play your cards correctly. You could be a rebel warrior who is very fighty , or you could be a misguided heroine of justice. It's your job to make Kazimah into an interesting character, and you are right now in a position that could give a lot of depth to her personality.

Anyway, on the topic of loresheets, let's try to discuss that after the tutorial. I also had some trouble with them since I wasn't sure if we were using Wulin's loresheets or we were actually using homebrewed ones, so I finally opted to buy the custom ones. Ixacise already said this is just the tutorial and I doubt he would have any problems in discussing that later if you were confused during character creation.

This is also my first time using Wulin, and I must say the PDF is the worst fucking mess I have seen in a long time, so things can get very nasty if we are also using some custom rules. Anyway, I would still recommend reading the PDF's explanation on Virtues and Skills since those may be the only parts of the PDF that aren't confusing. Taking a look at the Book of Earth for the combat rules is also a good idea since it's not as obfuscated as the rest of the book, although the best way to learn the system is by using it (because it's actually very simple, just that the book reads like it was written by brain damaged monkeys). Don't even try to understand Secret Arts though, those are fucktarded in every way.

I'm sad to hear you want to leave. I think Kazimah is an interesting character and I would like to know more about her and potential interactions with other characters. Hell, a romance story between Heromaster and Tsuntsundere would have been very funny. I think you can actually write very well, but you are a bit confused or misaligned with your Virtues, and maybe a bit afraid of PvP, but this is very easy to fix. I am going to ask you to stay; most of these small differences can be solved by peaceful arguments OOC and I am sure Ixacise or any of us will be happy to solve any doubts you have.
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@White Masquerade

Of course there's a difference. What you need to realize here is that you are the common denominator here given people have already made comments about your character's inconsistent personality. And I'm willing to bet that anyone else who hasn't made a comment will make the same general point. And honestly I feel bad about letting this just snowball for 12 pages because I wanted to address it after focusing on the mechanical bits rather than addressing this early and having a learning moment about how to into characters.

The fact of the matter is that bad writing happened on the front of characterization. You are playing the honorable proud warrior race type guy and you have three virtues maxed out. Which means either your is like the epitome of those virtues or they're intrinsically valued in the story of your character. Now given the fact that you're is supposed to be those virtues it means the latter function of them acting as part of the character development in your character is not the focus you intend to do.

And these virtues you have maxed out are:

  • Force(ba): Measures your power and skill; not merely
    destructive power, but true mastery over yourself and
    your abilities. You may earn a Deed when you achieve a
    stunningly high skill roll, when you defeat a major opponent,
    or when your grand plan successfully comes to fruition.
  • Honor (Xin) is your proper behavior and all-as-it-should-be
    feeling. You may earn a Deed when you repay a great favor or
    kindness shown to you, when you observe a social or traditional
    norm at cost to yourself, when you stand by your sword
    brothers in their time of need, or when you insist on speaking
    the truth even when a lie would have been more beneficial.
  • Righteousness (Yi) seeks justice and uprightness and
    abhors crime and corruption. You may earn a Deed when you
    expose a magistrate who took bribes, when you convince a
    ruler to pass a law that is fairer to his subjects, or when you
    track down and punish a murderer who was never caught.

Truthfully judging her on her actions; her virtues would be more in line with the selfish ones of : individualism, ferocity, and perhaps ruthlessness. As it is about valuing yourself above others, letting go of restraint, and working only to further oneself. Which were not expressed properly either as written or in how the archetype you're playing as would express them. And the thing is even in a freeform environment without them the complaint of inconsistency would still be true as the only thing the virtues do is give empirical evidence by quantifying an abstract concept of morality/values.

And that is because the logic of the archetype of what you're playing is being contradicted with your actions. First your archetype would be extremely gung-ho about proving their martial prowess when it comes to a challenge. Secondly you're a kid talking smack who's on the second lowest position on the ninja totempole who insulted the teacher. So in a rhetorical sense you have this burden of proof with your character's ethos and in the story telling sense it needs more show and less telling. And by refusing to do anything your character comes across as the full of hot air because she's being so arrogant about her prowess with no proper justification which is jarring.Needless to say this could have been easily dealt with which makes this all just kinda absurd.
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Book of Earth, page 184 says it would be a trivial condition, which explicitly does not have a mechanical effect so there's no point in including it because trivial conditions do nothing but add needless complexity to an already overly-complex system, but I guess from this point on that bit of needless complexity can be included as well. Though, of course, you won't be around to see it since you'll be leaving.

And I notice your status says you have have 13 normal chi, which is over your cap.

As for rebuttals, I'm afraid the Site Rule 1 and Courtesy Guidelines 2 and 3 prevent me from offering mine.
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Actually you're wrong on the trivial being useless. Trivials while cosmetic are already a warning sign the character is danger of getting hurt as they can be inflamed further. Since the general idea with combat is that the longer you fight the more ripples you accrue which make it easier to make or inflame conditions.

So if fight for a long time without retreating you're gonna end up being saddled with all sorts of conditions until you're left useless because there's no possible way you can still fight when you got like broken bones, organ damage, and like heavy bleeding from an artery for example. Or you just get taken out by someone using the large amount of ripples to take you out or making an injury worse to take you out.

However like nautilus said, if you're leaving it's not going to matter much. Anyway it's shame for you to leave but no point in stopping you. Only thing I wish is that you learned something from this in both the dice game stuff and from this discourse on characterization .
Still need to get Heart Breaking Words so I can literally take out people by speaking.

End of the day Masq will choose whether or not they want to stay.

So Chi Threshold (aka Cap) part of actual defense against ripples or not?
It's not a defense it's just the target number you need to beat to inflict a condition which for physical attacks goes from trivial ->minor ->major ->taken out.

It's similar to the damage checks in Mutants and Masterminds where like you take damage and it'll manifest itself in penalties and sooner or later you'll get taken out. Except M&M is a bit more death spiraly since once you reach a point you have to start rolling to see if you can still stand and each hit you take makes it harder to fight until you're taken out
Mmkay, yeah just wanted to check.

And of course much easier to pass that target number when the ripples stack up, and hit better results, for you anyway.
Yeah but to clarfiy with M&M you get penalties to tanking damage per each sucessful hit and past a certain threshold you might have your roll beaten to allow for status effects and more penalties to taking further hits until you get taken out.

In wulin the ripples kinda act similar to the penalties but you got conditions which will cripple a character the more new ones he gets until the ripples take him out with a new condition or a worsened one. Whereas in M&M the worse you get from pure damage rolls and still stand is being staggered which may lead to being taken out if you get staggered again.
Yeah, it is best I go, if at least to keep the peace. Sorry for the disturbances ya'll. I do thank you for the excellent time! Things were def getting good.


Yeah, I get what you mean. A lot of it is very murky. I would even say a bit of the virtues (but that's just my opinion ( :P )). There really is a lot of confusing overlap.

Anyway, thank you for having me Ixa. :5/5:. I did learn a lot.
Oh, come on. We're going to have fun. Don't you want to stay a little more until you get a better picture of the roleplay? We're just in the tutorial.
Anyway I'm all lectured out and we should get to finishing the combat minigame thing.

Right so what's everyone health status?

Also due to the nature of blume's shaping wave everyone else should be making that 50 difficulty dodge or get a ripple.

Anyway hopefully kin decides to stay and this can be all water under the bridge and all that. And we can keep the two player character team intact which can be used for a rivalry dynamic and other shenanigans.
Which clearly as a tutorial needs a really the over the top-name for referring to it. I personally think we should go with, I dunno.

The Trials and Tribulations of the Young Ninjas Seeking Their Way in Life Under the Tutelage of the Senseis of the Village Hidden by the Mountain Dew: Tutorial Bonzai II: Electric Boogaloo.

Really, it is still just the tutorial. Kinks are bound to happen. Especially, considering, I think this is a first for, I dunno at least a few of us (myself included), in the Wulin System. (Wulin is one Hell of a drug. Though I will say I am very much content with being able to talk people to defeat. Courtier Secret Arts > All Others.)

It's a tutorial after all. Fun times will be had, such as the Wave that will nuke us all horribly has yet to gone off. And of course, the larger fun journey of an interesting cast of characters, doing their things in the path to become a True Ninja, as they see fit. Or, something along those lines. Doing many strange ninja things. The developments of fun dynamics! Love, lost and all sorts of strange things happening to our Heroes! (For the purpose of this you are counted as Heroes, as Heromaster Isamu deputized you.)

Course more could be said, but, onto the Combat...

Anyway. I've got one ripple, due to the most noble of causes angering the Cat Straight Man.

Want me to make the dodge roll for the Wave now? Or after the Wave officially finishes? Aaaand since we are rolling against it, and as she used Malicious Joss, our pools down by two, yes?
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I feel this is appropriate for this. Mmkay gonna roll then.

Question, does the Nuke's application of -10 footwork (well when it hits) apply now?

Ah and is this dodge gonna be just for the wave, or also deal with the attack after the wave?
The effect activates once the wave is complete

However if you were hit by Onna gotta dodge twice one of the massive explosion happening and the attack from her
So two separate rolls, then? One for the Area Wave, and one for her attack. Excellent.

Both of which have the fun of inflicting ripples. Delightful!

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