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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

Becauseroleplay said:
@Daniel reaving Could you stick to calling your character either River or Atrio, please? I don't mind which it is, but constantly switching between the two is likely to get confusing.
Crap im sorry i just have that same character in a diferent rp but his name is the other of the two names please forgive ms
@Ami the breadling That's great, it's ok if you want to make a new character, there's been a few people doing that. Just put the CS up when you're ready.

@Magical Squid Senpai Yay! Thanks for getting back to me :)

@Daniel reaving If it would be simpler just to call him Atrio, we can do that. That does seem to be the one you're using most often.
Becauseroleplay said:
@Ami the breadling That's great, it's ok if you want to make a new character, there's been a few people doing that. Just put the CS up when you're ready.
@Magical Squid Senpai Yay! Thanks for getting back to me :)

@Daniel reaving If it would be simpler just to call him Atrio, we can do that. That does seem to be the one you're using most often.
I'm going to change a tiny bit with my charecter!
@Tigergirl2013 Just a little note - I don't think class hasn't started, so they're probably not skipping class. No big deal, just making sure you knew.
Ok, I'm going to start reorganizing the Overview now, dorms and classes should be up soon.

We're rather short on teachers at the moment, we can probably manage but if anyone wants to play a teacher character as well, that would be great. You can teach any subject you like, as long as you think you can do it.
If you're comfortable with it, post (or PM me if you'd prefer) your timezone and the hours you can be on, so I can try and match you up with people who are on at the same time as you. No obligation :)
Right, after much wrestling with BBCode and randomizers, classes and dorms are finally up, in the Overview. If I've made any mistakes, feel free to tell me and I'll change it.

Classes will start in the afternoon, so let your characters get lunch now and we will start with the schedule after that.

(Note - your character will only be able to see their dorm on the sheet, not who they're rooming with. You'll have to go to your room to see that.)
@Ami the breadling Sorry for the delay - yes, you can post, it's about lunchtime in-game (see previous post) and I think most people are in the corridors, Avery and Mitsuko are outside, Miss Bonavich is in her classroom but your best bet is probably to read back through the rp if you want more specific info.
Wow, my alerts didn't remind me (once again) that I still need to pay attention. I am so stupid, a stupid wopid glupid person. Uggh!

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