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Fantasy Mythical Creature Academy

TheDarkOwl said:
She was surprised he was actually showing her where the office was, as she had thought he wouldn’t after she had become so angry at him. She quickly quickened her pace to catch up with him and started walking next to him. ‘Sooo..’ she said trying to break the awkward silence. She didn’t know what to say so she just decided to say whatever came up in her mind first, which resulted in kind of a strange question. ‘Do you like meat?’
"I can eat any normal foods, I feed off the fear of others." He said frankly not finding an sense in hiding it from her before glancing over at her while still walking. "You?" He asked her curiosly
She nodded after hearing his response. She hadn’t expect something like that, but it didn’t surprise her either. ‘Well I like rare meat, but I don’t turn my nose up for some raw meat either.’ She said as a response to his question. She grinned widely while saying that as most people were kind of afraid of her after hearing she ate raw meat.

@Daniel reaving
Lost in her thoughts as she was, Connor hadn't noticed the intruder. At least, not until she heard the soft squeak of shoes on perfectly polished floors. She sat up, her strange eyes wide and staring at the stranger. Immediately the urge to flee overwhelmed her but she barely managed to keep it back. Damn it, she had been haunting this school for years and had only ever interacted with the staff, she was bored and admittedly quite lonely. "Hello!" Zipping over towards the boy, an anxious smile on her lips as she hovered over him, Connor tried to think of what to say next. "Erm, h-hello!.. Again.." Was all she managed, not yet realizing how loud she was speaking. Embarrassed, she rubbed her arms, lightly scraping her nails against her skin as she did. "Uh, heh, are you new here?" To keep a conversation going, you had to ask questions - or so the book she had read told her. She had liked that book, so she would trust it. It also said eye contact was important, so she struggled to keep her stare unblinking, though the strain of doing so was making her eyes twitch and flutter uncomfortably.

TheDarkOwl said:
She nodded after hearing his response. She hadn’t expect something like that, but it didn’t surprise her either. ‘Well I like rare meat, but I don’t turn my nose up for some raw meat either.’ She said as a response to his question. She grinned widely while saying that as most people were kind of afraid of her after hearing she ate raw meat.
@Daniel reaving
"Let me guess.... Cerberus." He said to her guessing that was what she was because he didn't want to look into her mind unless he needed to as they walked. He hoped she wouldn't get angered at how he just guessed the reason for her likeing of raw meat
She was so stunned he had guessed what she was, she just stared at him with wide open eyes. ‘How.. how?’ she stuttered. She wasn’t one to stutter, but this time was an exception, as she couldn’t wrap her mind around, how he could have guessed what she was with only asking one question. ‘You aren’t in my mind are you!’ she asked him with a tone of warning in her voice, as she saw no other explanation for how he could have guessed.

@Daniel reaving
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TheDarkOwl said:
She was so stunned he had guessed what she was, she just stared at him with wide open eyes. ‘How.. how?’ she stuttered. She wasn’t one to stutter, but this time was an exception, as she couldn’t wrap her mind around, how he could have guessed what she was with only asking one question. ‘You aren’t in my mind are you!’ she asked him with a tone of warning in her voice, as she saw no other explanation for how he could have guessed.
@Daniel reaving
"No im not yet any ways..... I dated a Cerberus for a couple weeks once and she was very find of raw meat." He said to her before looking at her hopping his explination was to her liking so she wouldn't slap him
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She still eyed him suspicious for a few seconds, but then excepted his explanation with a nod. Soon after that she realized however, he had just told her he was probably going to delve into her mind anyway! This would have angered her if she hadn’t been able to control it. She knew it wouldn’t be good to get angry over something that hadn’t even happened yet. So she remained calm and just walked next to him in silence again.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
She still eyed him suspicious for a few seconds, but then excepted his explanation with a nod. Soon after that she realized however, he had just told her he was probably going to delve into her mind anyway! This would have angered her if she hadn’t been able to control it. She knew it wouldn’t be good to get angry over something that hadn’t even happened yet. So she remained calm and just walked next to him in silence again.
@Daniel reaving
"Did I anger you?" He asked her softly as he looked over to her a little worried he had angered her by saying something but what he didn't know. "If I did please tell me, I don't like angering girls." He said to her
‘no, I’m alright. As long as you stay out of my mind’ she said, while adding a little cheeky smile to let him know she was just trying to mess with him. ‘So you do like to anger boys though?’ she added with a grin.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
‘no, I’m alright. As long as you stay out of my mind’ she said, while adding a little cheeky smile to let him know she was just trying to mess with him. ‘So you do like to anger boys though?’ she added with a grin.
@Daniel reaving
"I find that not angering women gives me a sence that I'm not pure 100% darkness and evil even though I am." He said to her a small smile slipping into the sides of his mouth as he glanced at her happy she wasn't angered by him
Max Cowie

"I don't know if I should be blushing or be disgusted. If anything, I should be licking you...or a dog should be licking me. That's just weird."
He said, slightly taken back by her comment. Why was she flirting now? Should he do the same? He has had some practise with the girls from home. But, he done that for their blood, never for fun. "Now that I think about it," He began to say with a soft voice. "I've never really met a girl like you. You're mere existence is an oxymoron. Cute monster. Saying it is laughable. But it's true. They don't make girls like you. You're special." What he said could be taken in two ways. Like everything he said, he could just be saying this to hurt her feelings. With the right tone of voice, it could be taken harsh. It probably would be taken like that. Slowly, he got closer to her. With a slight smile, he gently said to her "One in a million." No one could be as annoying as her.


"Aww! You make me blush..." She teased and smirked. He's flirting back now? How interesting. Let's see where this goes. "Is this you trying to come out and say that you like me? Look, I know I'm hot and all that, but if you wanna get in my pants, take me on a date first" she smirked, hoping to put him off. "I know you've probably used that charm on other girls but I'm not buying it. Try harder" she said seductively and bit her lip. She could actually be pretty believable with that, as in, she was cute. She pushed her chest out a tiny bit and made herself seem more feminine.

@Ethan Hart
‘Well Mr. 100% darkness and evil, I am no sweety either, as you may have noticed’ she said now with a cheeky, but also crazed grin. ‘So, You don’t have to treat me any different then you normally would have. I am Senna by the way’ she said realizing they hadn’t introduced themselves yet.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
‘Well Mr. 100% darkness and evil, I am no sweety either, as you may have noticed’ she said now with a cheeky, but also crazed grin. ‘So, You don’t have to treat me any different then you normally would have. I am Senna by the way’ she said realizing they hadn’t introduced themselves yet.
@Daniel reaving
"I'm Atrio." He said softly to her before holding out a hand for her for a hand shake. "And I find that it doesn't matter weather a girls evil or not, you still should be a gentlemen to them." He said to her
‘That’s a nice name’ she said and after hearing what he said she shrugged and said ‘well, alright if you want to do that, I’m fine with it’.

After turning a few more corners she saw a room that looked like to be the main office. ‘Well, I wouldn’t have found it myself’ she thought and kept wondering about how people could ever find their way in a place like this.
TheDarkOwl said:
‘That’s a nice name’ she said and after hearing what he said she shrugged and said ‘well, alright if you want to do that, I’m fine with it’.
After turning a few more corners she saw a room that looked like to be the main office. ‘Well, I wouldn’t have found it myself’ she thought and kept wondering about how people could ever find their way in a place like this.
"Where getting close." He said softly to her as he walked next to her the slight smile still on his face as he thought about how she acutaly seemed cute to him
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‘well, I am glad, you wanted to show me the way, I would never have found it by myself.’ She said. They may have been off to a rough start, but she started to appreciate him more and more

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
‘well, I am glad, you wanted to show me the way, I would never have found it by myself.’ She said. They may have been off to a rough start, but she started to appreciate him more and more
@Daniel reaving
"I probably would have helped any ways, it's not like I had anything better to do at the moment." He said to her before smiling some more as he walked to the door then opened it for her

Max Cowie

Max wasn't going to back down that easily. "No, not saying I like you. Just stating that you are extremely beautiful, which you must have already known since you said it yourself." He gave her a fake smile and continued with his acting. "Go on a date?" Easy task. He could make it believable with his money too. "I couldn't ask you out on a date. Someone like you would simply say no. Think about it, why would someone so amazing such as yourself go out with me? For money?" Despite how much he wanted to throw up, he kept his sincere face on. But she wanted him to try harder. Fine. Time to play his vampire card. Who could resist a vampire? Look at twilight for an example. Max couldn't believe he just used twilight for evidence for a vampire. Urgh, that movie ruined their reputation. That aside, he went into action.

Max swiftly glided behind her and tilted his neck to the left. Slowly, his head until he was almost touching it with his mouth. He then let his fangs push down on it gently, making sure to not pierce the skin. Why was he doing this? He didn't have to prove anything to her. But he already went that far, why stop now?
"You smell, exquisite. Not only does your cooking taste amazing, you probably do to." He brought his head up to her ear. "Another reason why I can't go on that date with you. I won't be able to control myself." As he moved away, Max ran Maria's hair through her hand. Finally, he sat down. "I don't do that on other girls. As I said, you're special."

Maria wasn't expecting him to go as far to push his fangs on her neck and touch her hair. She held back a blush and smirked. "You really are a player aren't you? Or are you just trying to win our little game of flirt?" She smirked and got up from the desk. She looked at him and decided to go up a level. She would have to retaliate with some physical touching. She just hoped that she made him super uncomfortable....but he was kinda cut, she had to admit.

She walked over and traced his jaw with a finger tip, leaning down to his eye level. "We're alone in a room right now. No ones interfering. If I'm so amazing why don't you show me how I'm so special. " she purred, her face nearing his face. She suddenly licked his nose again and chuckled, straightening up.

@Ethan Hart
She saw him hold the door open for her and smiled. ‘thanks’ she said both for him holding the door open and helping her to find the main office.

Senna told her name to the person in the office, who immediately started asking a whole bunch of question. After a lot of time of being asked questions and still not having her schedule, she exclaimed irritated ‘Oh, come on! Just give me that schedule already.’ The woman behind the desk who did not expect such kind of a reaction, handed her her schedule kind of startled. ‘thank you’ Senna said with an irritated and clearly sarcastic voice and marched out of the office.

@Daniel reaving
TheDarkOwl said:
She saw him hold the door open for her and smiled. ‘thanks’ she said both for him holding the door open and helping her to find the main office.
Senna told her name to the person in the office, who immediately started asking a whole bunch of question. After a lot of time of being asked questions and still not having her schedule, she exclaimed irritated ‘Oh, come on! Just give me that schedule already.’ The woman behind the desk who did not expect such kind of a reaction, handed her her schedule kind of startled. ‘thank you’ Senna said with an irritated and clearly sarcastic voice and marched out of the office.

@Daniel reaving
Atrio had waited out side leanes up against the wall near the dope and stared at the floor as shadows played at his feet making random things from images of fire to bunnys to birds as he didn't notice her come out
Maximillion wasn't expecting Maria to walk over to him. So of course, he blushed slightly. She wasn't going to give up easy either. This was going to be fun. But, was he really going to go through with it? "How do you want me to show you?" She licked him once more. Max clenched his fist as he did so. But, it wasn't as bad as the first time. "Anything you want?"

"Mmm..no..just let me see you, not some held back monster. I wanna see it all." She purred, leaning on the edge of a desk, seeing his clenched fist. Mission Anger Max: accomplished.

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