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Fantasy Mystical Academy

"Zara." She rolled her eyes at him and walked away from him.


[QUOTE="Still Crazy]"Z......Zar?" He asked, smirking a meschevious smile as he tilted his head.
(I think I'm gonna go to sleep, im quite tired)

{Okay, goodnight. ^^}
She tensed under his hand for a moment, but forced herself to relax. Breathe, she reminded herself. Mist cracked her fingers slowly, pushing her hair out of her eyes and finally looking up at Riley with a half-smile. "So, why are you here? Just didn't fit in at human schools or something?"
(4 Am here... and im not tired.... lol....)

"Punishment... i killed the witch that brought me back to 'life'..." Riley said, holding Mist hand.

"And you Mist?" He asked, smiling weakly.
Mist bit her lip at that. He said it so casually, she was tempted to laugh. She maintained her composure and pulled up her long sleeve, showing him a dark purple and black bruise circling her entire wrist. "I have to be chained up when the moon's full," she said emotionlessly. "This is the only school that has a safe place for me to be when I shift," she explained. "Plus, I'm probably less likely to kill someone here. Humans are much more fragile."
Mist stiffened as he stroked her cheek, resisting the urge to bite him. She clenched her jaw, shrugging her shoulders jerkily. "If you got too close," she mumbled, "I don't think I'd be able to help it." She raised her eyebrows at him, poking his palm with her finger. "I thought ghosts were supposed to be all... see-through and untouchable and stuff," she said, tilting her head curiously. "You feel solid enough."
"Human form..." Riley smiled weakly.

"Heh... i wouldn't.mind be attacked by a werewolf...especially you..." He said, looking away, then back at her, his face even more red.
Mist laughed, leaning back in her chair. "That's a first," she chuckled. Growing up, her parents were terrified of her. When her friends found out, they were terrified. Riley didn't look afraid at all... just flustered. It was refreshing, but also kind of weird. "Ever seen a werewolf in action? Not pretty," she said, wincing.
Oliver stared up at the school, adjusting his book bag, his yellow eyes blinking slowly. He knew he was late, he had never really been to one of these "school" things before, but he could see movement through the windows.

He had been delayed for a just reason, though, he thought as he walked through the gates, because that boy had just looked so delicious standing there and taunting him with his existence. So Oliver simply had to eat his soul. He saw no way around it, really.

Oliver licked his lips, blinked again and ran through the doors, intent on at least making some new friends. If he was going to be forced into this school, he was at least going to have some fun while being so! As he entered the hallways an unnaturally large smile crept upon his face as he sensed the presence of another person.

Maybe this person would be his new friend! Maybe this person could pull pranks with him! Maybe this-

As he rounded the corner of the hall, he ran headfirst into something hard, bounced back on impact and landed on the floor with a small thud, his book-bag flying out of his arms and into a nearby wall.

Oliver looked up, rubbing his head.

"It figures that on my first day here, I literally run into another hell servant." He muttered under his breath as he pouted up at the offended Grim Reaper.

(Sorry I fell asleep with my phone in my hand)

I look up at the guy and shut my music off. Yeah but only half. I was "brought back to life when my parents gave all their energy to bring me back, wiping then out of existence in the process. I'm also a shifter. But what does it matter to you? When he hands her a note, says "cCall the ghost", she looks at the note then back to him. Okay. Thank you. She puts the piece of paper in her pocket and then continue to school. Wow there is actually someone like me. I wonder how this year is going to be.

She enters the building and grabs a schedule.
So math is first, eh? Well, that's not a problem with me. She continues on into the classroom to see many people already there. Not wanting to be the center of attention, Kai turns invisible and sits in a free desk and becomes visible again. The class was very loud and Kai did not enjoy it at all.

Later, when class ended, she left the class, walking to lunch. She sits down at a table and eats her lunch which consisted on a simple egg salad sandwich and an apple. She sat at a random table and ate, not caring about who sat there.

Back in the hallway after lunch, she just leaned against a wall listening to music on her headphones.

(I tried to get everything done)
Mary yawned and stretched her arms, only to hit a pile of books. A few biology books fell on top of her head, waking her up instantly.

"Owww.....where am I?" She stood up and looked around, realizing she had slept in the library.

Ohhh I remember now.....If I would have slept last night I wouldn't have went to school so early only to fall asleep between the shelves, hidden by the books I tried to read. Good thing nobody saw me...

She brushed her shirt a bit and noticed the librarian sleeping as well. Sneaking past the desk, she walked the hallways looking at her phone.

Lunch time already?!?! ...Lunch time is almost over, so I might as well wander the hallways.

When she went around a corner she saw the Grim Reaper and a blue headed young looking boy on the floor. Mary looked at them cautiously and she went towards them with her ears moving around from excitement.

Might as well talk with somebody, make friends even!

I took his bag from the floor and handed it to him with a smile on my face.


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Oliver cocked his head to the side, contemplating the she-elf. He looked from her smiling face to his bag, confused for a moment, but then the confusion cleared from his face and was replaced by a wide, dimpled grin, showing every one of his shark like teeth. He jumped to his feet, grabbed the offered bag with his left and and grasping her now empty hand with the other.

"Thanks! That's ever so nice of you! I'm Oliver Ocuamal, and I just got here! Who are you?" He was shaking her hand furiously as he spoke, still smiling at the thought of a new friend.

"I'm Mary Ackerman, nice to meet you, Oliver!"

After looking at his face for a moment, her gaze went to her hand, grasped by his. She remained silent, not being used to these kind of gestures, and not realizing the awkwardness she was creating.

At least he looks more enthusiastic than me...

Mary let go of Oliver's hand and looked at the Grim Reaper.

"And your name is...?"

Those two are surely interesting people...

@Cryobionic @Viper
Zara walked to the lunch room and picked an empty table, she sat down and watched everyone around her eat their lunch, her hunger started building up inside her. Her eyes went from blue to black and all the veins under her eyes began to turn black as well. She could smell everyone's blood, some had sweet blood, those were the ones she had to fight the urge to not sink her teeth into their necks. She put on sunglasses, to try and hide her eyes. She sat their alone, listening to her music and just ignoring the world around her.
Math and the other subjects was not the same as it was thousand years ago, but Yasmin got the hang of it...somehow.

As lunch time came closet, Yasmin made her way to the cafeteria.

She chose to sit at the other end of table that already had people. Taking out a cylinder container out her sack, she started to eat her lunch.
Grimshaw looked at the at the imp with a look of contempt and watched quietly as an elf girl helped him up. Grimshaw could sense a soul inside of him, which was strange considering that demons and other hell spawn didn't have souls. That meant one thing, this thing had fed and apparently very well. He hardly realized that the girl spoke to him but when he did he quickly rattled off his name, race and rank as he normally would during business, "Grimshaw Keeping, third skull Grim Reaper" the final two words he directed to Oliver, making sure that the imp knew that he could see the soul inside. "But most people just call me Grim." he finished

(The reapers are classed into 'skulls' the fifth skull reapers being the best of the best while the one skull reapers probably aren't even in the field yet and are just doing paperwork.)
Oliver snorted and rolled his eyes. Typical reaper behavior, boring, strict and just no sense of fun at all! He noticed Grims eyes scanning him and the slight narrow of his eyes as he realized what Oliver had had for dinner. Oliver simply smirked and licked his lips.

"Well, Grimshaw, I'm sorry for running into you like that. I hope it doesn't ruin any chances of us being friends!" Oliver stuck his hand out, waiting for Grim to shake it with a grin showing every one of his sharp teeth.

"I assure you, you running into me didn't impact our relationship at all" These words are what he said but he clearly meant more by them. It was becoming very clear that this school was filled with beasts that overestimated their standing in society. Still he took the boys hand and shook it, causing the stolen soul inside of Oliver to become excited yet agitated since it couldn't go where it was naturally drawn to. "Don't worry yourself, I fully accept your apology"
Oliver giggled unintentionally at the unfamiliar wobbly feeling, before he shook himself, he was 221 years old, for belial's sake! "That's good! I'm relieved." Oliver let go of the reapers hand and took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Well! Do any of you know where I can get a class schedule? I was kinda delayed in getting here."
With a smile edging on cockiness he motioned towards the right, "If you return to the entrance you should see the counselors office, that is where they will probably have schedules for those who didn't pick them up before school." Nodding pleasantly, "Goodbye Oliver, I am sure our paths will cross again."
Oliver nodded, then turned to leave in the direction Grim had pointed. "Thank you. I'm sure we will. Bye, Mary!" He poked her playfully in the arm and began waling away. Before he rounded the nearest corner, however, the temptation grew to great. He turned back and stuck his forked tongue out (all fifteen cm of it) and gave a cheery, of not a little sarcastic wave. He laughed at the disgusted look on the reapers face all the way to the counselors office.
Mist tilted her head slowly to the side, her eyes widening. What exactly had the witch done to him? Sure, she was used to brutality. Every bone in her body broke all at once every month, after all. But if Riley really believed that the witch was worse than a bloodthirsty werewolf, she'd accept her curse with a smile before meeting his killer.

"Well, either way it won't be a problem." She glanced down at the bruises on her wrists again, pointing with her chin. "They lock me up pretty good. I've never even killed anybody," she said with a note of pride. It might seem ridiculous, but among werewolves that was almost unheard of. @AtlasTheShapeless

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