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Fantasy Mystic High School

Maru pulled out her schedule. She didn't memorize her schedule, nor really looked at it closely--she'd just skimmed over it while eating.

"I take two science classes, one math, English, Physical Education, Music, and Art." She looked over at Tristan. "What classes do you have? It would be nice if we shared a class." She sat beside him, her legs wanting to sit down after walking the entire morning. She wished she was athletic and aerobic-enduring like those other popular girls, though she didn't desire their popularity.

She was as terrible as anyone could get when it came to sports. Volleyball--she can't get the ball over the net. Basketball--she can't dribble properly. Football--the ball always ends up hitting someone. Soccer--the ball goes anywhere but in the goal. Baseball--she can't hit the ball. Track--she's a sprinter, not a runner--she can't last 5 minutes out on the field.

Maru inwardly sighed. Physical Education was going to be a big hassle.

Tristan got out and ate another stick of Pocky before speaking. "I got Advanced Literature, Algebra, mythology, and some language class....not really sure...anyway, is there like, a certain type of magic you can do, or are witches just good at magic in general?" He answered, slightly disappointed that he had no classes with Maru, however he never cared much about school rules when it came to him wanting to know something. He noticed that one of the students that had been whispering had yelled 'creep', but he wasn't sure if it was to him or not so he just ignored it.

Maru inwardly frowned, though her facial expression remained stoic and relaxed. "Maybe next term, we can have our schedules changed. I'll apply to one of your classes, then." She finished off her bread, folding the wrap that had held the bread neatly and tucking into a pocket of her bag--she can always throw it out later. Tristan had started a conversation with her, and didn't seem interested in leaving, which was a first. Most of the people who end up talking to her leave in a minute's time.

She listened to his question and thought of her reply before answering. "I'm not too sure, but my grandmother knew a variety of magic, but I found my skill lying in a certain type of magic, which would be elemental." She was feeling a bit lazy, so she couldn't bring herself to demonstrate, not that she minded not using her powers. She actually preferred not to use it--it got her in enough trouble with her so called 'friends.'

"The magic I have is already at my limit--I don't think my body could take any more if I chose to learn another kind." She gazed at her hand as if she saw it for the first time, but she was actually pondering what would happen to her body if she overexerted it. Would she disintegrate? Perhaps even pop? But either way, she wasn't keen on finding out.

Maru turned her head to stare intently at the whispering students. If that 'creep' was directed at Tristan, she was sure to not let them get away with it. She was tempted to use one of her powers to give them a good-morning-smack in the face, but she restrained from doing so--it would probably scare Tristan away, and even make him hate her. She didn't like the idea of losing such a wonderful person.

Sy touched his bangcovered eye with his middle and index finger. "It's...it's not important." He said uncomfortably. "Something wrong?" He asked, changing the topic.
He noticed that Maru seemed a bit upset at the students who were whispering, and was about to say something, however he heard one of them yell 'creep' again, this time looking straight at him. "Thanks." Tristan yelled back, before hugging Maru to try to keep her from using any magic on the other students. "Like I said before, I don't care what others call me." He said to Maru, wondering why someone always ends up calling him 'creep'.

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Maru blinked, not able to process what happened fast enough. Was Tristan...hugging her?

She sat there for a moment, shocked. Her parents hadn't hugged her, either. Her friends would occasionally sling an arm around her shoulder just to have something to support their weight, but otherwise, no hugs.

But one way or another, the hug effectively stopped her from doing something she would most likely regret. She still wanted to take a tree and use it to play baseball--those whispering students being the ball, of course, but she'd never manage to hit her target, anyway.

Instead, she just threw them a death glare that read If you say something like that again, I'll send Misery a personal request to visit your house.

I care," she mumbled, a little embarrassed that Tristan noticed how she felt. At least someone didn't hate her for it.

Since he saw the students starting to quickly walk away, he decided to continue the conversation some more, however Maru feel warm so he chose to keep hugging her. "You shouldn't, besides my mom forces me to wear charms in case anything or anybody that isn't human tries to hurt me, so it would probably just backfire if they actually tried anything on me." He said as he looked up at the sky, thinking about his mom.

"That's nice to hear," Maru sighed, feeling a bit of relief when she heard about the backfiring. "But I don't like people calling you those things." She leaned onto Tristan a bit, started to feel a little sleepy from the close, warm contact. Much like a pillow.

"How do you hug people?" she asked out of the blue. She guessed that Tristan could probably tell that she wasn't a good hugger--she was hesitant on moving for two reasons----

1.) She might make Tristan stop hugging her

2.) She didn't know how to hug

Hopefully, the art of hugging would be something that can be teachable to Maru.

He thought for a moment, trying to think how to exactly hug someone, when he remembered what his dad told him when his mom tried to keep him from hugging her. He looked back down and repeated what his dad told him and his mom. "Hugging is just where someone holds someone else in their arms. It's a way to show that they are open and unafraid of someone, as open arms mean a open heart." He answered Maru, wondering why Maru was asking. "My mom is a mythologist, and my dad was a psychologist. He said alot of stuff like that." He said before he sighed for a moment.

Maru listened closely to Tristan's explanation. "So..." She slipped her arms behind Tristan, and gently pressed against his back. "Like this?" It felt very foreign, to be honest, but she didn't dislike it. It gave her the feeling of discovery, as if she found out a secret to hundred-year-old mystery.

"You feel like a pillow," Maru murmured, tempted to fall asleep. But she wanted to continue talking to Tristan--he was the only person who actually stayed to talk to her, and of course, hugged her. Besides, he felt like a pillow. "So cozy..."

(@UnwantedTruth sorry again)

Nevaeh was confused at his words... Is it really nothing? She thought as she looked at him. "I-I'm fine! Don't worry about me, u-umm I'm okay, sooo..." She said awkwardly as she shuffled away from him on the bench. Hopefully, he doesn't ask again... She thought as she looked away from Sy.
He started to thinking deeply about his father, and for a moment he felt himself tear up a bit. He let go of Maru and wiped his face. "Sorry...yeah that's pretty much how you hug someone." He replied, before getting up. He got his phone out, and while he wrote Maru's name on his note, he checked the time. He realized that he had completely forgotten what he wanted to ask Maru in the first place. "Hey do you know where the library is? I was hoping they had some books that would tell me some more about witches and magic so I wouldn't have to constantly ask people..." He asked, hoping she had some sort of map, as he was not good with directions.

And I'm back :P ) Aella sits in the library studying for her magic and Latin tests coming up. She has four books open and two notebooks open that she takes turns writing in. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun and she is wearing her magic fast reading glasses.
So consistent... She thought. "I-I am not 'gittery'... You are just seeing things, because I don't what you're talking about." She said as she shuffled away again. Ha! My words were such a lie... Me not know something so obvious? But... I would never want to speak of it. She thought.
"Ok." He said. "I'm sorry." He looked down. A small gust of wind blew the bangs away from his eyes for a second, just enough so she could see his white blank eye. He quickly put his bangs back over his eye.
"Y-you're eye... Are you sure your okay? I mean... If you want we don't have to talk about it. It's fine if you don't, I just feel bad that you might be hurt and I can't any do anything about it." She said with a kind a voice and a light smile.
"It's...it's fine." He said. "I was born with it. I don't enjoy people looking at it. They...they don't understand it." He looked down again.
"Maybe if you told me what it was I'd understand it... You don't have to, but maybe it'd be good to go out of your comfort zone? It's just an idea and if you want to talk about something else, we can. I just don't want to make you feel like... You're alone." She said continuing to look at him. He is kind of cute... She thought.
Sy hesitated for a minute. "It's the center of my mind abilities. If I lose it, I lose my mind." He said, not looking at her.
Processing Information...

Blank Eye

Mind Eye


Loss of Mind

"Okay... I understand. I may not understood how you feel, but I understand your explanation. And if that's the case, I'll do everything in my power to keep from someone trying to take it or you losing it." She said with a smile. The charm on her neck glows bright blue. "I need to go train if you don't mind. If you ever need me or want to talk..." She points to her head," then call me, alright? I'll be wherever you need me to be as soon as possible! Okay?" She said as she held her necklace in her hand.
"See ya!" She said with a bright smile. She ran back to the park to train. She entered her state of mind.


Summon; Father's Minions


Death Kitsune Katuro Moa ne Rise of the fallen evil come to life and strike down the vessel that stand before you in thou state of mind.

Nevaeh summoned evil creatures and age was in a current purposeful trance. The creatures came at her one-by-one, then all at once. She jumped up 30 ft and threw down her sword, making a crack in the earth below the wretched creatures. They fall into heavenly light and training ended.

Closing enchantment; Death by light shall befall you and I will summon my state of mind soon. You may be called once again.

Death Kitsune Katuro Mao Ne

Enlightened finish

Nevaeh opened her eyes and started to breath heavily. She needed a nap and when she woke up her sword needed mending. Training became real again. It improves real world strength quicker, but if death befalls her in training when real world reflections are activated she too will die or be in drastic pain.
With a small pulse of smoke, Caphron appeared in the hall where his new room was located. As he walked down the hallway, he scanned the doors for room number 12.

So far, the new school seemed pretty nice. The Headmaster had kindly directed him to the right dorm, and the food at the food court looked delicious. Earlier that day, he had seen who appeared to be the Headmaster's daughter, talking to some other new students. He had decided to stay clear of the food court to avoid being noticed, so he hadn't had breakfast or lunch yet.

As he opened the door to his room, he realized how tired he was from teleporting all the way here, and collapsed on his bed.

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