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Fantasy Mystic High School

Finally arriving to the food court, her eyes scanned the area for her main food yet it was no where. She wanted meat and not the kind that was cooked. Deciding that she probably missed it, she began to walk around the court, taking note of every food and drink they had. After a while coming to a halt. "I hope this campus has a forest, I swear I am going to die with out meat". Cringing at the cooked meet, then sighing she got a glass of water and sat down at a table near by.
Leon kept his position under the table as he idly continued eating chips. Crunch. He swallowed the remains of the chips, as he reached into the bag, creating a crinkling noise as the plastic of the bag moved as his hand delved in to obtain another chip. He idly plucked a single chip with his index finger and thumb, and flicked it into his mouth. Crunch. He again swallowed the remain of the chip, as he reached in again, repeating the process.
Maru abruptly stopped, feeling like something was...off. Not dangerously, but oddly so. She reached for another Pocky, only to realize that the box was empty. She quickly made her way over to the nearest trash can, gently dumped the empty box in before pulling out a soft cream bread she had bought from the food court.

Maru turned, walking in another direction, trying to shake off that odd feeling. Her sensitive ears picked up a soft crunch sound, possibly due to the fact that she was distance from the sound source. She took a look behind her back, chewing slowly on the sweet bread. She wasn't sure what that odd feeling was, but it was worrying her, though she knew it meant no harm... or so she hoped.


Realizing that Opal wasn't the only one in the court, she turned to a crunching noise. Rising from the table, water in hand, she walked over to the noise. Stopping in front of a boy, under a table, the smell of salt, flour, a whole bunch of ingredients in the air. Tilting her head in curiosity, she smiled looking down at the boy "um sorry I don't mean to intrude, but, what are you eating???"
Tristan continued following the girl, ignoring the stares of other students towards him. He wondered if the girl had been to this school before, or if she simply had a map with her. That, and he was starting to wonder why she went to school here also.
Aqua standing on a bench in the park juggling three balls. Her ears twitched as she hummed happily. Suddenly she added another ball in the juggling and carefully juggled it.
Maru looked around, and walked over to a tree, managing to reach a branch in one jump. She pulled herself over on the branch, and climbed towards the trunk. She pulled up her spare box of Pocky, which she had planned to save for later, but decided to use it now. She opened to box, pulled out a small bag of the Pocky sticks, and gently tossed it to the ground.

She had guessed that maybe a stray dog or cat was following her, possibly because it was hungry, and she was eating sweet bread at the moment, which lead to the conclusion that the poor thing was lead on by the scent of the treat.

Maru watched the dropped pack of Pocky carefully, looking around to see if an animal would come by and pick it up. Hungry animals are sure to be curious, right?

Crunch. Leon crumpled up the bag of potato chips, as he tossed it behind him. He cocked his head back as he watched the crumbled bag roll from underneath the table. He then turned his attention to the person who addressed him. He peered upwards as he blankly stared at Opal. Leon rubbed both of his eyes for four seconds, before placing them on the floor, his palms touching the tiles. "Potato chips." He stated.
Tristan tried to keep his eyes on the girl, however he lost sight of her as she jumped in one of the branches of a tree. He looked around, and was about to leave however he saw a bag of Pocky drop to the ground. He tilted his head, and slowly picked it up. He opened the back and started eating, wondering if the girl dropped it by accident, or if she knew he was following her.
"What do they taste like, I trying to figure out what to get for lunch. I'm usually on a meat diet, so ya, this food is kinda different." Opal stated blankly as shetilted her head to get a better view.
Aqua eventually got bored and put the juggling balls away and walked back to the school as her tail swished. She sighed having the juggling ball in her hand, staring at it.
Leon continued his blank stare at Opal, as he kept a lull. "Tastes of sodium chloride." Leon paused as he blinked five times as he rubbed his right eye, "Also known as salt, crunchy texture." He said in a very terse manner.
Maru titled her head in confusion. The one who picked up her bait was not an animal at all, but a boy, most likely a student at Mystic. She slipped down the tree, carefully landing on her feet before walking towards the male who had begun to eat the Pocky.

She walked up to him, though not too close to invade his personal space. Who knows?--maybe he doesn't like to be around people. She knew she hated crowds, for sure.

"You're not a cat," she stated rather bluntly. "Or a dog." Maru observed the male, and found that he was taller than her. By...a certain amount, per say. She was barely 5 foot...

Shaking the thoughts of her tiny height, she looked up at him again, wondering why he was here...more specifically, near her.

Realizing that the boy was getting annoyed she took a few steps back, "thanks for telling me about your uh potato chips" and began to walk off and out of the food court "geez there must be something better here to eat." Opal began to search for something that wasn't cooked, yet she realized that she might have to wait till night so she could hunt.
He stared at the girl and continued eating the Pocky from the bag for a moment before speaking up. "I'm human. What are you? An elf, or just a smaller human?" He asked, wondering if elf's exist as well as witches. He noticed that the girl looked either almost five feet, or just at five feet, where he was five-foot and eight inches.
Leon gave a half-hearted nod as Opal walked away. He dragged his arms across the floor below and moved them in front of his head. He then entwined them together, holding both arms by the elbow. Leon yawned as he positioned his head on-top and shut his eyes.
Aqua walked by Tristan and Maru her ears twitching. She looked at the two while walking away her tail swished. She wonder if she was she was going to fit in or not. Aqua thought for a while forgetting she was going inside the school. Aqua turned right at the school's doors still thinking.
Maru blinked. "I'm a mage. A witch, if you know of them more familiarly that way." She didn't like the sound of 'smaller human,' though it was amusing, and didn't offend her. No one had ever said that to her--they would usually ask "Why are you so short?" or "Awww, you're a little teddy bear!" or "You're a useful armrest." She didn't think of it, but it happened quite frequently--she wouldn't be surprised if someone accidentally placed his/her arm on her head, mistaking her for an arm post, or something along those lines.

"But you're really tall." Maru looked up at the male, as she was looking at his shoes. "Can you teach me how to grow taller?"

Tristan remembered that Aella was a witch too, however when the girl asked if he could teach her how-to grow taller he was slightly shocked. "Sorry, but if I knew how to grow taller then I would have made myself at least ten foot tall, then I would be a giant...I think..." He answered, wondering how tall giants actually are. He put the thought away from his mind, and decided to ask Leon later. "I met another witch earlier, but you are more cute....anyway want a stick?" He asked, as he got a stick of Pocky from the bag and began gently poking the girls mouth with it.
Maru nodded, understanding that no one could teach her the true arts of growing taller--she was an unteachable student when it came to height-growing. Why must height hate her so?

She blinked when she heard the word 'cute.' She looked around, wondering if he was referring to another girl. She blinked again. Was he talking about her? She had never been called 'cute' before...just...small.

"Thank you," she murmured, thankful for the compliment. She wracked her brain with compliments, wondering what to tell the boy without sounding creepy. In the end, Maru just replied with a feeble, "You're kind." If she said 'handsome,' wouldn't it make her seem weird? She was plenty weird already.

She opened her mouth to bite down on the Pocky stick the boy poked at her with. "Do you want?" she mumbled past the stick, holding her bread out to him. She tilted it to the side, where it wasn't bitten. Maru would have poked it at him, but it had a soft layer of cream inside, which would have smeared on his face, so she restrained from that action.

(@UnwantedTruth sorry had to do many things...)

Nevaeh sat down on the bench with Sy. "Hey, your voice sounds kinda nice. It's better than the one you use for mind reading!" She said with a childish voice. Her eyes widened,"Crap..." She said to herself as she looked up at the sky.

"A-anyway... Why do you cover your eye with your bangs? Not that I don't like them, but... I'm just wondering."

Not again... She thought as she shuffled around awkwardly on the bench.
Aqua was sitting against a tree, hugging her legs. She listen to the birds chirp as she yawn, she was really bored.
Tristan bit off the bread and noticed it had cream inside. He chewed and swallowed the part, wondering if the girl enchanted the bread or not. "Thanks. What is your name anyway?" He asked, curious as why the girl thought he was nice. He bit off another part of the bread before sitting down, and noticed that some of the students who had stared at him when he followed the girl were whispering nearby.
Maru glanced at the whispering students before reverting her attention to the male. She withdrew her bread and took a bite, chewing slowly as he asked for her name.

"I'm Maruna," she replied, her reply a little muffled. "But you can refer to me as Maru. It's a lot simpler and shorter." She swallowed, licking her lips from the left over cream. Even though there was minimal cream, Maru can always manage to get something on her face. A napkin can come in handy lots of times.

"What's your name?" she asked, another silent questioning popping up in her head. She would have go save that for later.

He wondered if the other students were whispering about him, or if they just normally act like that, however Maru's question redirected his thoughts. "Tristan. My family calls me Tris, but I don't really mind what you call me. So what classes do you have?" He asked, wanting to continue the conversation as he was getting more curious about Maru.


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