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Fantasy Mystic High School

Ryou let go of Aqua as they continued walking. Aqua said as her tail swished,"What do you mean it's weird, Ryou has always been like that ever since we met. Though I wasn't the one to decide that he was my slave........he did that himself."

Ryou said huffing as he looked away,"It's not weird, I'm just very attached to little Aqua. Besides it rare to see a demon actually be nice for once, it's very refreshing."
Tenji smiled slightly he though this demon and angle duo were kinda comedic. He eventually saw the dorm buildings there were tons of them and they were huge it kind of overwhelmed Tenji it made him want to hide. "So which one is mine and do i have a dorm mate." A part of Tenji wanted a dorm mate and the shy part of him contradicted that and wanted to be alone with Madaro and Kouya.
Rachel sat and smelt the roses when an bottle hit her on the head she read over it in surprise the war at her home was over she could return without the dangers of her suitors this left her an mixture of happy and sad. She would have to pack up and leave to rule the leaderless country now that the mansion was empty once more she stood from her bench and walked out of the place she first visited when she came to this school it was quite ironic. Her hair flowed behind her as she rushed back to her room with sorrow in her eyes she I certainly miss.... ugggh stupid emotions she thought and continued with that feeling of sorrow.
Atsoku snatched the paper with the dorm number on it, and looked up and down the hall. "Well wolfy, you're just up here." Atsoku walked up to the door while pointing at it. "And uh I don't think you've got assigned room mates. I'm pretty sure you can bed where you want and can share if ya feel like it."

Atsoku reached over and whispered in Ryou's ear, "you know that means aqua and I will be having a very nice PRIVATE time back at my dorm, you can stay with wolfy." He patted Ryou on the back.
Aqua's ears twitch as she said,"What Private time?"

Ryou said blankly,"Why are you telling me this, it very obvious you just want to piss me off. Though it is very disgusting of you, since Aqua is just 14 years old."

Aqua was confused,"Wha are you talking about?"
'Only 14 eh?' Atsoku shrugged, "I guess I'll just leave her to you then. Although you didn't strike me as someone who's into younger girls." He leaned back on a nearby wall, slowly becoming bored of the current situation.
Wolfy ?... Tenji thought to himself, he had never had a nickname before. He kind of liked it. He walked up to his dorm and unlocked it, then he turned around and invited the people in if they wanted. He walked in and looked over the room taking it all in, it had also been a while since he had stayed in anything close to this nice and he liked it.

Madaro snickered as the people gave Tenjj a nickname. He thought it fit Tenji well he did spend more time with wolves then humans anyway. He walked into the room behind Tenji, he liked it. It was nice and big allowed pets even though technically Madaro and Kouya weren't pets most people treated them as they were.

Kouya walked into the room and sniffed around memorizing the scent so they wouldn't get lost again. The room was big he liked everything but the low ceiling, that ment he couldn't go spirit form in here and he didn't like that.
TheFrozenShadows said:
'Only 14 eh?' Atsoku shrugged, "I guess I'll just leave her to you then. Although you didn't strike me as someone who's into younger girls." He leaned back on a nearby wall, slowly becoming bored of the current situation.
Ryou said bowing to Aqua,"You're mistaken, Aqua is like a sister to me......besides I'm into older women then girls at my age. They're more graceful."

Aqua lower her ears midway and said to Ryou,"Ryou I'm bored........how long are we going to be here?"

He just patted her head,"We'll do something very soon, how about we go see how this Wolfy kid is doing."
Tenji sat in his dorm reading a graphic novel about a boy raised by wolves, he liked the book cause he could slightly relate to the boy,though not much. As he was doing this he threw a ball for Madaoro who chased after it and returned it in puppy form. the page flipping and ball throwing became a rythem every 15 seconds toss the ball every 20 seconds flip the page. Tenji liked patterns like this they helped him focus his scattered mind.

Kouya sat next to Tenji silently enjoying the quite. He looked at Tenji. "You reading that book again, do you ever read anything else most of the stuff in there is completely fiction. Wolves dont act like that and on top of that wild wolves would have killed the boy, you tamed Madaro well you still had a family, there is a big difference." Tenji seemed to be ignoring him, then he heard nocking at the door. "Tenji those friends of yours are back are you gonna let them in or should i deal with them."

Tenji smiled "No need for violence Kouya." He walked over to the door and opened it.

Atsoku started walking away from the Aqua and Ryou as Tenji opened the door. "See ya guys around, I've got some work to do," he waved goodbye without turning around as per usual. "Oh and my dorm number is 236 if anyone needs anything from me. See ya wolfy, aqua and Ryou... that old lady fetish is hella wierd."

@Marvelous Chester
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Rachel made her a to her room and saw a couple faces that might had been familiar students that she never talked too but was still there. She attempted to open her door but her attempts seemed to have failed for the door was caught in an door jam she shook the door back and fourth over and over again but no hope even though it was stalling her packing she would not destroy the school's door. The only thing she could do is lean against the door and wait for bat to open it from the other side wen he shows up.
After about three hours Fade finally climbed out of his bed and made his way over to the massive mirror by the closet. He hated mirrors in his room but he had to make an exception right now, checking his appearance. He looked like crap (to himself).

He slipped his dress off and tossed it in his hamper, slipping on a pair of jeans and a black hoodie which much easier hid the mess that covered his outer thighs. He returned to the mirror and stared at his reflection, brushing his hair so his bangs covered his face, hiding his eyes from harmful light but the bright yellow of his hazel mixture glinted through from between a few strands, giving him that natural predatory look that came with his species. He wiped the makeup off his face and redid his eyeliner so it mimicked his wolf's eye markings. He took off his collar and tossed it onto his bed, pulling on a pair of black combat boots, and headed for the door, stuffing a few bills in his pocket from his purse.

He needed something to eat, so he headed to the cafeteria, hoping they had some decent type of raw meat, even though it was pretty early in the afternoon still.
Tenji waved the strange man goodbye and let Aqua and Ryou in. Kouya looked unhappy and ready to kill so Tenji un-summoned him. He walked over to the fride to see it was prestocked like everything else. He ended up making coffe for his new friends, he walked over to the table and handed them there coffe. "Umm thanks again for leading me here, I hope we can you know all be friends."

Madaro smiled "yes friends friends are great, friends would be good for you Tenji you haven't had any friends but me and Kouya in a long time." Madaro semmed over exited at the thought of new friends for a wolf he acted more like a puppy.
The cafe didn't seem to have anything that could suit his tastes so he opted for talking to someone in the animal sciences division who got him a rabbit they weren't going to use for anything. He thanked them and left, carrying the albino, furry creature back to his dorm, occasionally poking at it's twitching little nose. It was depressing to think about it. It had lived in captivity, bred to be used to teach others about its wild relatives, and now it was destined to become his lunch. He really hated being a carnivore sometimes.

He pushed the thoughts down as he stepped into his dorm building, running his hand over the rabbit's head in thought as he ambled up the three flights of stairs to his floor, stopping outside his door and just kind of stood there for a minute, glancing down at the rabbit who looked quite confused, completely unaware of his fate that lay just on the other side of that door.

Fade noticed the edges of his vision were starting to blur slightly, giving everything around him an almost wavy appearance in his eyes. Anxiety was starting to set in too. He knew what came next wasn't going to be fun. He hoped he would get a roommate soon so they could help him when these damned things happened. He quickly opened the door and stepped into his room, setting the rabbit down on his bed as he went to the kitchen to get something but as soon as he stepped through the entrance to the kitchenette he collapsed, vision blurring significantly and little technicolor bubbles dancing at the edges of his vision. He just kind of laid there, mouth opening and closing slightly as it had done during a minor seizure earlier as if he were trying to talk but kept forgetting what to say.

He would have been fine if it hadn't been of the way he'd fallen, his nose having his pretty hard, probably broken, and blood was leaking out and coating the white tiles under his head.

The rabbit wasn't exactly smart but it did know that there was a new place to explore since the door had been left open so he hopped off the bed and out into the hall.
( I really feel as if this roleplay is starting to fie :-( )

Tenji smiled then saw a bunny darting down the hallway, Madaro must have seen it to cause he walked out and fought it.

Madaro grabbed the bunny in his mouth but was carefully not to hurt it. Then he smelled another wolf, mabey werewolf. He walked back into the room with Tenji. "Tenji I smell another wolf we should check it out."

Tenji rubbed Madaro's head "OK sounds fine let's go check it out can you snif him out."

Madaro smiled "yeah I can follow me." Madaro lead Tenji and Kouya to some other dorm "he is in there."

Tenji knocked on the door and there was no answer he knocked again still no answer, the silence was a bad silence.

Kouya could sense Tenjis worry, he walked threw the door and saw the passed out werewolf. He unlocked the door from the inside letting Tenji and Madaro in.

Tenji saw the passed out werewolf and ran to its side, he would be afraid around a human but he practically grew up with wolves, he hung out with no one but Madaro and Kouya well they were alive and even when they passed away he met them again as spirit wolves and he spent the rest of his life with them. He felt safer around wolves and such then anything else.

He lifted up the wolf and god was he heavy, he set the werewolf soon the bed and pulled out a flask. It was filled with liquid ambrosia one of the strongest and rarest healing items on earth, he pored some in the werewolves mouth and waited for the wolf to wake up.

He grew tired though she he in summoned Madaro and Kouya for a bit to preserve some energy, leaving him helpless in a room with a werewolf he didn't know.
(( I fear it is as well. :c Might we try to wake some of the posters back up? The notifs might have broke again.

It was a few minutes until Fade woke again from his seizure but the ambrosia he'd been given had helped with his nose, despite the blood still coating his face. Slowly he opened his eyes, exhausted and more than a bit disoriented.

It took him a good while to register that there was someone else in his room and when he did finally notice he seemed to freeze, not out of anger or territorial instinct, but out of fear. He didn't know how to react to a stranger in his living area but soon the smell of his own blood brought out at least one set thought. He needed to clean it up. He didn't really recognise where the blood was or where it had come from, thinking one of the many gashes on his thighs had reopened (but they had mostly healed from the ambrosia too, and he probably wasn't going to be happy when he saw).

He laid there for another minute before finally deciding to get up, smacking his lips in confusion at the new taste in his mouth. He didn't know what it was but it tasted really sweet. He decided he preferred meat over whatever this sugary stuff was in his mouth. He sat up and headed to the bathroom, mumbling, absentmindedly, "I'll be right back."

He looked in the mirror and immediately noticed the blood that coated the side of his face and got to work scrubbing it off. He must have had another complex partial seizure. If there was blood on his face there was probably blood on the floor. There was carpet in the main area so the fabric would have soaked up more of it so it was probably on tile, and the only places with tile were the bathroom and kitchen and he was already in the bathroom and saw none so it was the kitchen.

He grabbed a bottle of cleaner, once his face was clean, and a rag and headed for the kitchenette, spotting the dark red puddle and puffed his cheeks out in a rather adorable fashion out of frustration with his weak body and kneeled down and cleaned up the mess, rinsing the rag out in the kitchen sink before tossing it in the hamper.

Once he was sure everything was taken care of he returned to his bed and sat where he'd previously been laying. He glanced toward the stranger, biting his bottom lip, too nervous to say anything. He didn't know what to say, social skills having flown out the window long ago, which wasn't too good for a wolf. He could smell other wolves now that the blood was gone and blinked before leaning closer to the stranger so that he could sniff him for a second, realising that the wolf scent was coming from him, or was at least connected to him. That was enough to calm his fear down and out of canine reflex mixed with human, since he appeared unable to bring himself to speak, hugged the stranger.
Tenji looked completely shocked, he didn't even know this guy yet he was hugging him, he didn't mind though and lightly hugged him back being carefully not to touch any sore spots.

"The ambrosia is strong it will heal all you're wounds even old ones, sadly though its extremely hard to get and I'm almost out of it, so you can't go getting cut up again." Tenji looked the werewolf over quick scanning for any left over wounds, then he broke free from the hug.

"I bet you're wondering why I helped you, well my wolves smelled you and a saw you passed out plus youre a wolf I felt as if I had to help. I've spent most of my life around wolves compared to humans, I probably even smell and act like one more then I do a human sometimes." Tenji smiled calmy as to lighten up and left over tension in the room. Then he summoned his wolves Madaro and Kouya.

He pointed to the white wolf Madaro, "this is Madaro my best friend, as you may have noticed he is a spirit wolf now he died of starvation long ago, but even before then we were still friends." Then he pointed to the black wolf Kouya. "That's Kouya he hates all humans except for me actually he use to kill them when he first became a spirit wolf, that was also when I ran away to follow and be with him. Eventually I grew the ability to slightly control these two so they don't kill without my permission."

Madaro smiled and wagged his tail. "I'm Madaro nice to meet you, you're a werewolf right that's so cool." Madaro licked the wolves face.

Kouya grinned "I'm Kouya Tennis protector nice to meet you, you should stop moving and let the ambrosia do its work, plus you look hungry mabey after you heal up you can go hunting with us."

@Memios Bonavich

( I ought to just find a new academy roleplay you know any good ones. )
//Out of Character talk must be posted in OOC tab the creator will be irritated if you don't, please and thank you

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