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Fantasy Mystic High School

luckily if Sarah is in danger she has an emergency bat locator "Mistress what has happened he then examined the contents of her old teacup to his surprise it was an blend of sleep potion and poison that was sneaked into her supply of tea but he didn't announced that "I am sorry but this will be private matters between the Alucard family I will fetch the medical supplies but it will take me some time" he the fluttered to her side "she is honestly kind for a soulless creature she requires warmth or else she will freeze I expect you to keep her safe." The bat soon vanished with the cup leaving behind Sarah and Atsoku. (I'm off to bed sorry to prolong this)
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Atosku watched as the bat vanished, "great, I worked hard in this ice." He then proceeded to remove the cold in his dorm with his power. "If you die today, I'll be sure to kill you again in hell." He put a blanket over her and turned up the heat a bit. He then sat by her side, making sure she was kept safe.
Federoff said:
(Same, I just got out as well xD )
"Its alright, at least I got to meet another shapeshifter, so today was pretty good" Azel said chuckling to himself.
Nevaeh smiled. "You could say it was pretty good. For me, not too well, but I managed." She laughed a little,"And... Yeah, it was great to mee another shape-shifter! I was excited and pretty happy!" She smiled brightly as it quickly faded to her opening her book.

( So Sorry! Dx I have been busy with homework and studying for stupid finals. -_- lol )
As an unknown amount of time passed before bat returned with a large bag of medical equipment filled with an arrangement of potions and He transformed into an older gentleman, He went right to work making up an concoction for Sarah as she was in a false slumber. Bat had soon finished the icy blue potion and slid a couple drops in her mouth he already knew it wasn't fast acting for too much of that potion could make her condition worse. He soon transformed back into a bat and evaporated "she will be fine....I think" and with that he was completely gone and he cat appared sleeping above her head purrs vibrating the pillow she slept on.
Atsoku got up from the bed and headed to his computer, setting up a program. He reached over and woke up the cat. "Okay cat I'm going to assume you can understand me, now if anything happens to her while I'm out you just need to press the space bar. Err- the big one in the middle." He threw on a fresh band tee and his jacket. "That damned bat guy, why does he gotta be so vague?" He started walking out his door.
The cat had no idea what he was saying but decided to stare at him anyway "meow" she then curled back up into a ball and took a nap so that later she could do cat stuff. Rachel was stuck in her head unable to move or open her eyes but she was now awake and could hear is she going to be left to fend for herself without being able to move she hoped that no one would end up walking in while she is unable to defend herself. She attempted to speak but she felt mute as she couldn't expel a single word from her closed lips. @TheFrozenShadows
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(No problem, I got my finals coming up as well, so I feelz you xD )

"If you want to chat again sometime I would be happy to, but frame from bring blood near me" Azel said with a half-hearted chuckle. He began to walk out of the library, Zeke following him, heading back to his dorm.
Atsoku made sure to lock the door behind him, he didn't want anyone to find Rachel in her current state. As he walked towards the cafeteria he saw another student with a bird. 'Can anyone at this school be normal?' He asked himself as he passed the boy. He pulled out his phone and checked the webcam he'd set up to check up on Rachel, she was fine as far as he could tell. He quickened his pace toward the cafeteria, 'I should probably stop by her room and pick up some tea for when she wakes up.'

Rachel finally was able to move her eyes drooped for they were still paralyzed "you know it is useless to fight me in your current state" her mind spoke diligently towards her "I don't have to fight you just contain you and I'm shure I can do that." Her head started to experience sharp pain as she fell to the ground "I win" she spoke to herself as she blacked out once more not that she was stuck in her own head she didn't experience the blackout for she had no control over herself right now. Her other self would intend on destroying anything in her way to becoming a monarch even useless ice boys that block her other self's feelings must be destroyed completely. @TheFrozenShadows
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Atsoku hurried through the line to get some food and began his walk back towards Rachel's room. The door was unlocked for some reason so he went in a grabbed some of her tea supplies. He then walked back to his room and unlocked the door. He set his things down in the kitchen and walked over to his bed to check on her. "The hell!?" He yelled, finding her on the floor, still passed out. He lifted her back onto the bed, "dumb ass cat."
'Rachel' awoke from her hazy slumber "Atsoku she said with an harsh voice as she sounded exhausted and flustered as she realized she was slumbering in his bed "what did you do last night" her eyes almost showed an flame of anger. She was void of memory and the last thing she remembers was taking about the letter when he asked her to go somewhere hence being in his room she felt as if she were under the influence or had some kind of drug induced slumber. She clenched her fist but the other her smiled on the inside "not yet but I will destroy him if he gets anymore in the way."
Atsoku sighed and sat on his couch, "Well someone put a mixture of sleep potion and poison inside your tea, or at least that's what your bat butler thing said. So your bat butler doctor guy thing fixed you up and left, saying that this would be 'private matters between the Alucard family'" He pointed towards the food he'd brought in, "I just left not too long ago to get some food and you some tea." 'Hmm so I guess her last name's Alucard, huh I guess I'll have to look into that when she leaves.' He thought.

Rachel was happy he did not abuse the power he had over her as she felt amazing as she felt the amazing taste of food on her taste buds as she slowly chewed the dedicate food. "That is so like bad worrying about me like a mother would and don't worry about the Alucard thing I'm shure there is no need to look into that" she sounded awfully nervous as she spoke those words hoping he would take them to heart getting involved with the family was a danger in its own. She got out of bed and sat on the couch next to him "this was very nice of you to worry about me" she spoke softly into the ice demon's ear and then continued to eat to regain her strength. As she finished her food she felt as if she rose from the dead once more and this time she would make shure not to show any weaknesses on her part, that would not happen this time. "I think I should walk around the campus regain my lost strength so to say" she excused herself from his room as she walked back to the main grounds to an nice bench.
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He hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep in the courtyard and sat up quickly, unfortunately the force of him sitting up tossed his sunglasses off his face and landed in the grass down by his feet. The sun may have been hidden behind the clouds but it was still bright enough to hurt his eyes, causing him to yelp softly at the light that temporarily blinded his highly sensitive eyes. He drifted his foot across the ground in search of his sunglasses, finding them relatively quickly and kicked them up onto his lap, grabbing them and slipped them onto his face again even though his sight was in technicolor and warped all to hell. He stood up, grabbing his bag, and headed back to his dorm room, stumbling around a bit and running into a few bushes and benches along the way. He wasn't used to the school's outdoor setup yet and it frustrated him to high hell as he entered what he thought was his dorm room, setting his bag on the floor next to the door and took off his sunglasses and anyone who would see his eyes would easily be able to tell he was blind, even if temporarily, by the paleness of his pupils which were clouded nearly completely white.

He in fact wasn't in his dorm room, he just couldn't tell.
Aqua and Ryou was in the library. Her ears lean forward as she read her book, but her mind wander off. She wondered where Phoenix, she hadn't seen him lately. Aqua frowned as Ryou noticed and said,"Is the book not to your liking?"

She shook her head, she couldn't tell Ryou since he deeply hated Phoenix and would do anything to take her mind off of him. Aqua stayed silent as Ryou stared at her.
Rachel had found an newfound boredom with being at the school which made her eyes wander to the forest the students usually don't leave the grounds but she could find nothing better to do so this was an excellent choice of potential properties of entertainment. Better yet it was the only one she found to be interesting so she went to her room to shower the scent of poison off her when she saw an blind man standing in the middle of her room rummaging through her personal belongings without her permission. An rage fumed through her veins as she clenched her fist and let out a fake coughing noise followed by "is there a reason you feel the need to be in my room" in a very annoyed tone. @Memios Bonavich
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Fade jumped and whipped around, sniffing frantically to find the scent of the person who had spoken so he knew where they were. He could tell she was angry as his presence in her room and he finally realized that the scent surrounding him was not his own and he lowered his head with a soft whine, shifting his weight between his paw-like feet, nervously smoothing the skirt of the dress he wore.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't realize I was in the wrong room... I-I'll be going now. I'm sorry."

His words sounded just as anxious as he looked, kneeling down and fumbling around for his bag he'd set down, muttering softly to himself about how stupid he was for not simply following his scent trail he left earlier. He found his satchel by the feeling of the soft buckskin and picked it up, placing his hand on the wall to guide himself to the door where she stood, sniffing constantly to make sure he was heading the right way. He seemed to glance toward the female as his eyes moved with his mental image of the room, reaching up to rub his right eye as he stood by the door, trying to gauge where she now stood. He didn't know what to do or where he was. Wasn't the girl's dorms further along than the boy's? Or was he in the co-ed dorms? The wind must have blow his scent trail from outside to a different location and warped it. He was clearly confused and more than a bit scared.

(( @Aroura ))
Rachel seemed sort of weirded out by the fact that the boy was smelling her room with his glasses on she couldn't actually tell that the boy was actually blind and incapable of seeing her. "If you really want to bother someone there is an demon a couple doors down I'm shure he would just enjoy freezing you solid, what brings you to my humble home anyway" she spoke calmly as she lowered her anger levels with an nice warm cup of tea, the best any only way to keep her from choking this student. She sat on the couch patting the nearby chair waiting for him to sit down and speak of his troubles.
He couldn't see her pat the chair for him to sit down, slowly reaching up to pull his sunglasses off. His vision was still warped all to hell. The entire room looked like it was washed in a blinding light with any colors more vibrant than they actually were to him. With said warped vision the room looked virtually the same as his own, thus his mistake of entering it instead of his own.

"I would really not prefer being frozen solid...even though the cold wouldn't exactly affect me given my species. I honestly did not realize I was not in the correct room. I deeply apologize for my unintentional intrusion." he stated, this time looking directly at her once he located where she had moved to. He could smell the tea she'd made and it seemed like it would be quite delicious, but he had a preference for blood tea and eggnog (oh god how he loved eggnog).

"Might you, perchance, know how to get to the boy's dormitory from here?" he asked with a slight tilt of his head, claws clicking slightly on the floor as he shifted his weight again.
In a calmed voice she spoke softly "as I know of there is no 'boy's' dorm according to my information that was gathered by bat" she then once more motioned him over when she noticed the white film over his eyes and mouthed the word 'oh' she then set down her tea and closed the blinds for her vision incapable guest "that must be better if I had known earlier I would have done that sooner" she sat back down and this time just sad to go left instead of motioning him over and waited for the blind man to sit down for a nice chat. @Memios Bonavich
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Atsoku was lost in thought, and when he snapped back to reality Rachel had left. 'Well there goes my evening plans,' he yawned and walked over to his computer, eager to snoop around the internet for some dirt on this Alucard thing. There wasn't much aside from a few myths and video games based on the name. "Anything that old must not have made its was to the web, I despise the library but it's the besy shot I've got." He grabbed his things and left with his destination being the library.
Tenji was pretty much lost, he had just made it to the campus and had no idea were to go everyone he tried to talk to would completely ignore him and it was getting on his nerves. At this point he thought he would be lucky to find his dorm by nightfall. After walking around for another half hour he gave up and sat on a bench in what semmed to be the schools garden. He summoned his wolf Madaro for company. "What do you need master" Madaro looked up at Tenji confused as to why he was summoned. "You look annoyed what's annoying you." "Ugh it's nothing really im just bored tired and I can't find my dorm." Tenji sighed then looked up t the sun. "As I thought I'll be lucky to make it to my dorm by nightfall at this rate." Madaro jumped up onto Tenjis lap. "Well at least it's not that cold and it isn't like you haven't slept outside before, but mabey I can help you sniff out you're dorm." "I don't know how you would do that I havnt even set foot in it, but I guess we could try."
Aqua was in the library still, turning the page of her book. Her eyes were glued to the book as she looked happy in her little own book world. She hadn't realized how long she been here, but since she had nothing to do she didn't need to.
Atsoku wandered into the library, unaware of where to go. He looked at all the rows of shelves, with a sigh. "This is a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Why can't they just upload all these books online," he wandered over to a shelf and began searching for a book.
Ryou had apparently fallen asleep in a armchair next to Aqua. Aqua noticed and put the open book on his lap on the small table. Looking at the clock she had been here for a few hours. Deciding to take a break from her book, Aqua got up and stretched making a relieved sound. Walking around the library she notice someone too was in the library. She suddenly appeared by Atsouku's side smiling devilishly, her ear twitched as she said,"If all the books were online it might as well slow down the device. Besides it's good to get some exercise along with improving your eye sight."

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