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Fantasy Mystic High School

Atsoku landed on the ground with ease, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Well I'd rather not talk in public, and I haven't checked on my room in a while anyways." The two arrived in the room, the ice still covered the walls. He sat down on his couch, "So what's the issue with my letter?"

She didn't mind the cold of the room of ice that would of felt like an industrial size freezer but she didn't feel temputure really for the fact that she is the living dead. "well other then the teardrops that smudged a bit of the ink the hurtful words that came with it" then she thought for an moment "AND WHEN DID YOU THINK THAT IAK AND I WERE A COUPLE" she screamed before calming back down to her normal grumpiness and discomfort that she was accustomed to being on high alert. She then crossed her legs and leaned into his slightly frozen bed so she wouldn't have to stand the whole time this was followed by her retrieving yet another cup of tea.
Nevaeh smiled. "I can't help but stare at someone who interrupted..." She paused, " Anyway, what Air... What air do you speak of..? Do you mean aura? I wouldn't know what you were talking about and if you don't like it you can leave." She spoke with a little twist of anger in her voice as she slammed her book onto the window sill with a smile.

(( @Nenma Takashi ))
Atsoku was a bit startled by the outburst, but snapped back to the conversation. "I never said the two of you were, I just said that if you had to that you might as well." He took off his jacket and headphones, and let his horns out. "And yeah I'm sorry for what I said, I was just a little mad that you were gonna be gone for a while. I didn't know if you'd ever come back," he looked out to the window to avoid eye contact.
She then stood up and walked towards the window next to the demon as they stared out into the forest "even though I informed you that I would have to return until the forces had gathered enough strength" she said in an mocking voice. She then turned to him and tugged at his horn teasingly as she laughed to herself even if it was bugging him "well that was my only concern and it seems to check out so no follow up questions are needed" she now was at ease to actually understand his reasoning at least she hoped it would be the truth behind it but she was shure he would not lie.
Nenma laughed. "Doesn't know anything hah yeah that's funny listen this funny air around you I've seen it before on another girl I've met in the past may have seen her stupid looking hood talks to herself sometimes gets angry fast likes to punch things ringing any bells?
Nevaeh paused then looked down. "That may be... Her..." She said to herself hoping the boy in front of her hadn't heard. She looked up at the boy. "Anyway, I don't know about the girl you speak of, but the power you speak of may be..." Her words trailed off. She grabbed her book and crossed her arms. She didn't need to talk about... Her. It was too much pain and trouble, even if it wasn't the girl she was thinking about, it reminded Nevaeh about her.

@Nenma Takashi
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"Hey! If you're gonna touch the horns you gotta be gentle." He rubbed the spot where his horn connected with his head. He grabbed her hand with both of and looked down at them. "I just don't want to lose someone I care about... not again."
Nenma laughed again. "Wow you really think I'm deaf and stupid who's this her you know what I'm just going to say her name do you know a girl named Yumi and if you don't and this other Her happens to be someone else I'd like to know about them as well." Nenma stood in the way of the door so she could not leave.
Fade chuckled as Nenma jumped out the window, his hazel eyes flashing a violent yellow behind his sunglasses. He went over and closed the window, pulling the thick black drapes closed over it to block out the light. He went to the door and flipped the light switch that was next to it into the off position, plunging his dorm room into pitch darkness. It was nice.

He slipped off his shades and folded them shut, tucking them onto the collar of his dress which was a half turtleneck, but was cut away on the back, down to his waist, revealing his lacing a of battle scars from his past. Long sleeves covered the scars he wished to hide, and so did the skirt that reached his knees in the front but dropped down to his ankles in the back, ruffles circling the bottom, giving it a gypsy air to the ensemble.

He made sure the door was shut all the way before he went over to his stereo system and turned it on, flipping through his CDs and put one in. Pendulum. He rather liked that band. He balanced out the bass and treble until it sounded perfect, returning to the kitchen and ate a few more strips of venison before putting it back into the fridge, wondering what he would do since his classes wouldn't start till tomorrow.

(( @Miss Fallen Matrix Laziest thing I've done... What comes to mind is something that happened for several months until my sister actually learned that I can't actually reach my lightswitch while laying in bed even though it's right there. Instead of scooting down so I actually could reach it since she had refused to turn it off after coming into my room, turning it on, and walking out I just kind of started throwing stuffed animals at it until I got pissed and started whacking at the switch with my blanket until it turned off. xD ))
(( LOL!!! OMG yas! That is funny, but something I might do. xD @Memios Bonavich ))

Nevaeh sighed. "Of course I was talking about... Yumi. She always wished to fight, but as did I, so it worked out." She stared and put her arms down.

Good. He was thinking about Someone else other than that woman. She thought as she played with hair staring at the man concerned about such evil.

"You can leave me alone now." She smiled and crossed her arms again.

@Nenma Takashi
"You must not get what I mean I mean did she talk about fighting me and were is she if she did." Nenma pointed at her. "Cause she was talking about me and we have something to settle."
Cadence sighed with relief. "So you weren't talking about her! ... Good, that's very good. Anyway, my powers reflect her's? Weird. Anyway... I don't know where she is. The last time I saw her she attempted to fight me near the library." She smiled brightly,"I'm so glad I didn't need to use ... It!" She sighed again as she stretched and sat down. "Sorry I couldn't help you!" The red gleam in her eye faded as her voice had already gotten sweeter by the second.
"So who's this her yo- Never mind must be something heavy thanks or your help I'll run into her soon I always do she can't seem to stay away from me." Nenma left wandering who is this her she didn't want to talk about.
Nevaeh laughed a little. "No problem." She smiled as she waited for him to leave. "It may just be the fight she's after..." She said to herself giggling at her little joke. She changed into her leopard form and growled. She jumped onto the book case and fell asleep, leaving her book on the table.
(( I think we all would if we're tired enough. xD One time I just slept with the light on because I didn't want to get up and turn it off. :P @Miss Fallen Matrix ))

Growing bored of listening to music and just standing in the kitchen leaning against the counter he returned to the stereo system and turned it off, deciding to go explore a bit. He pocketed his dorm key into his purse and exited, locking the door behind him and headed down the hall, claws clicking softly on the laminate as he walked, or rather bounced with his awkward gait, down the stairs, eyes closed the entire time out of habit until he remembered to put his sunglasses on. Having annoyingly loud claws helped with listening to what his surroundings were, to the point where sometimes he didn't remember his eyes were closed, a rudimentary form of echolocation I suppose.
(( You are not alone! I have done that so many times... and I just love getting yelled at for leaving the lights on and wasting energy... xD @Memios Bonavich ))
Walking past Fade with a tray full of food and his falcon flying in the hallway right behind him, he turns to Fade and says: "Nice claws, take good care of those" Azel said before turning around and entering his dorm room

Walking past Fade with a tray full of food and his falcon flying in the hallway right behind him, he turns to Fade and says: "Nice claws, take good care of those" Azel said before turning around and entering his dorm room.
Quite confused at the comment he tilted his head. He didn't know how to react to it so he just shrugged to himself. The tray of food caught his attention before the male disappeared into his dorm with his falcon, sniffing furiously. He shook his head though and trotted outside, wincing at the bright afternoon light. Damn light.

He sneezed softly before going on his way, walking around the campus to figure out where each building was so he wouldn't get lost tomorrow.

(( I made my dad pop a blood vessel in his eye before from it. xD It was kinda nasty but pretty entertaining. :P @Miss Fallen Matrix ))
(( Ah! Eww but really hilarious! xD That does seems interesting in it's own way. It must have been painful though! Lol @Memios Bonavich ))
(( LOL Wow! Just wow! xD That's funny, but I haven't experienced that... Yet! I am kinda scared to see it though! @Memios Bonavich ))
"oh? so you care about me and the fat lady sings" she kept this as an internal victory she didn't even have to try to hard as she stroked the area she pulled at not in a sorrowful manor but in a pitying one. She looked out into the forested area even further then turned to wash her cup in the kindly provided sink as she hoped the ice hadn't frozen over "now that's a new thing usually I'm tossed aside it makes life a lot easier when you don't care for others you know why have the pain when you can avoid it completely" she said it as if it were the common thing to do well she did lack morals in that matter so she didn't usually care about how others felt it was just another thing to account for.

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