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Fantasy Mystic High School

Rachel had finally relaxed herself and moved to the courtyard as her eyes surveyed the students. Her shoes had unfortunately trailed through mud and now she would have to take them was the brown out of her black. She grunted in frustration as she walked to the concrete to avoid anymore disaster.
Her current line of vision had pointed to the girl, she didn't feel a kind aura around her. It felt a little... Stressed. An unnerving feeling that she didn't like, but counsels help but notice. She eyed the girl slowly then looked back at herself. She could activate it again, but she did not wish to. Yet. She shrugged and continued to relax on the bench. She looked at no one, just up.
Atsoku lay there motionless, all he had was his music and he was okay with that. He opened his eyes to an upside-down world, he looked down toward the ground to see another student staring at him. He closed his eyes, he didn't care for the attention. Suddenly he jerked himself into an upright position, and turned around. He watched as Rachel walked along the sidewalk. He rose to his feet, wanting to shout at her but that would be no fun. He quickly formed a snowball with his left hand, tossed it up and down a couple times before launching it at her. He was a great shot, and he enjoyed a good snowball fight.
Rachel happened to notice the ice demon but didn't know weather to speak to him or not since she left him angry when she left to Romania. She was soon hit by a snow ball that was thrown by him and hit her square in the face as she was soon struck with the cold reality. Her spine shook with the freezing ice as she approached him "GET DOWN HERE!!!" she angrily shouted at the man her thought of fun must of been quite different from his. @TheFrozenShadows
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Atsoku burst out in laughter, "Direct hit!" He watched as Rachel began her rage fit, making him laugh even harder. "You have wings, come up here," he playfully stuck his tongue out at her.
she usually didn't fly but it looks like she no longer had a choice he sprouted her wings which conveniently looked like the pattern on her dress and she rushed at him going at speeds that could potentially knock him off the roof. Which unluckily it did she collided as she fell on top of him pressing the head between the roof as her chest. "I need to seriously work on my landings" she then noticed she was practically covering his face so he could only speak in muffles as she got off of him and dusted off her wings and dress "you would think the roof would be clean due to the rain cleaning it."
Atsoku stood up holding the back of his head, "Well there's gonna be a mark there now." He looked up at Rachel, while dusting off himself. "So do you always greet people by ramming into them, or is it only with me?" He dusted off a part of her dress she had missed.
"I could do without the sarcasm you know" she scoffed as she turned her head away from him. She then remembered their departure being cold and if he was choosing to forget it and not bringing it up. But she had to know the reason he was angry at her temporary leave. "You know......we still haven't discussed the letter" she looked back at him with sorrowful eyes almost as if she intended on making the demon guilty and that she was completely innocent, even though she was not by any means. "Usually I wouldn't care but this time it did hurt" she waited for his reason for sending her such a hurtful letter semi clenching her fist for any smart remarks. @TheFrozenShadows
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[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]"I'm good well look at you." Nenma bobbed his head to the beat. "Your good at this to where'd you learn anyway?"

((Sorry this is so late! My notifications got lost!))

"Picked up a few things here and there. Mainly taught myself by building a song that matched my natural body rhythm and worked from there." He chuckled softly and turned his set off and went to the kitchenette and checked the fridge. Fully stocked. Thank god Azel remembered. He pulled out a container and set it on the counter, opening the lid and pulled out a rather bloody looking piece of meat, clearly raw. He scarfed it down like it was nothing, humming softly in satisfaction. He got another piece and chomped at it too as he said, "There some soda in there too if you want one." He may not be very well mannered but he at least knew how to be a decent host, even if he was a bit rough around the edges.
Nenma heard the word soda and leaped to the fridge. "Mine mine mine mine mine MINE!" He grabbed a can and drank it all in one gulp. "Ahhh that's good stuff sorry haven't had a soda in so long I was going through withdraw." He said giving a loud burp. "Excuse me."
He merely laughed and scarfed down another piece of meat and let out his own belch, lightly tapping his fist to his upper chest, wondering how that came out so deep, almost like a soft roar. He burst into a fit of laughter and said, "Natural bodily functions need not to be excused, now if you stab someone then yeah that might need to be excused." He toyed with a strip of meat between his fingers, enjoying the texture of the muscle between his fingers before he ate that as well. He blinked when he spotted a heart near the corner and couldn't help his excitable instincts, growling as he shoved his face into the container, jaws elongating into a muzzle as he did so, snatching up the heart, blood dripping from his chin as he pulled up a bit, face looking quite wolffish but without the fur. It was exactly the same watching him eat as it was watching a wild animal eat, ravenous and joyous, uncaring of the blood that most would cringe at. He reached up and wiped the blood off his muzzle with a paper towel he'd gotten from the underside of the upper cabinets.

He eyed Nenma for a moment before grinning at him, face clean for the most part but it was rather disturbing having his face looking like a wolf with no fur. He forced his features to return to human and he chuckled, "1/4 shifts are so weird looking, don't you agree?"
(( xD I'm just gonna interrupt everyone's conversations with my Post.))

Nevaeh looked at the two people, seemingly arguing.

((Atsoku and Aroura))

A couple perhaps? They would be very cute. She smiled and laughed at the thought. It was true that they would be cute, but she shook off that current idea. She saw two boys conversing, but didn't bother to use her eye for their identities.

((Azel and Nenma))

She was a little weak from the recent one she used on Atsoku. She walked past the two and headed for the library, her usual hang out place. She may just take a nap.
Atsoku stopped, looking at her with a puzzled face. "I didn't think what I said was hurtful to be honest. Sorry I'm a bit clueless, but I do apologize if whatever I said was out of line." He grabbed her hand and jump with her off the roof. @Aroura
Nenma saw the girl walk by and as she did she had a powerful air to her Nenma opened another soda and took a drink. "Hmm sorry bro got to go do something hang out with ya later." With that he jumped out the window and ran off and as he did he yelled back. "I think it looked really cool!" and ran off after the girl at full speed breaking the sound barrier as he did.
(( Sorry @Memios Bonavich

Laziest thing... When it was cleaning day, I sat in my room played music and shoved all the dirty crap into my closet, I said I was done. Wbu? xD lol))

Nevaeh sat in the library reading her book. Her eye glowed blue as she sat on the window sill.

Process of activation...

Activation process...

Process activated...

Her world once again came to life. The library crumbled into pieces as she continued to read her book. Everything that happened to the character, happened to her. She was there to see it with him.

Story processing....

Story continuing....
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Nevaeh's awareness of another was fading, but she let her guard down in thoughts. As soon as Nenma walked in her eye stopped glowing blue. Her world of imagination and the story of her book crumbled before her eyes. Out of anger she shut her book with a slam. She looked towards Nenma then at her book and sighed. Her white hair nearly to the side facing the boy standing before her. She looked at him.

(( @Nenma Takashi ))
She yelped in surprise as he practically pulled her to the ground she would of pulled out her umbrella to catch the air and act as a parachute but her cat was nowhere to be found so her landing was a lot more ruff then expected. She landed with an oomph as she struck the ground digging into it with her tall shoes she almost lost her accumulated balance but she kept straight enough to pull her shoes out of the ground tearing holes into it. "Now where are we going" she said in her usual annoyed voice that she is so good at doing As she attempted to wipe the dirt off her pointed shoes then summoning an handkerchief to wipe the dirt off her hands, soon later throwing it into the air as it vanished.
Nenma looked back at her. "Come on if you stare like that you'll make me embarrassed hahaha." He got serious. "Look I don't like that air around you it's weird something doesn't feel right and I want to know what it is."

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